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import os
import math
import torch
import logging
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import torch.distributed as dist
# from torch._six import inf
from torch import inf
from PIL import Image
from typing import Union, Iterable
from collections import OrderedDict
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from typing import Dict
import torch_dct
from diffusers.utils import is_bs4_available, is_ftfy_available
import html
import re
import urllib.parse as ul
if is_bs4_available():
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
if is_ftfy_available():
import ftfy
import torch.fft as fft
_tensor_or_tensors = Union[torch.Tensor, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]
# Testing Utils #
def find_model(model_name):
Finds a pre-trained model
assert os.path.isfile(model_name), f'Could not find DiT checkpoint at {model_name}'
checkpoint = torch.load(model_name, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
if "ema" in checkpoint: # supports checkpoints from
print('Using ema ckpt!')
checkpoint = checkpoint["ema"]
checkpoint = checkpoint["model"]
print("Using model ckpt!")
return checkpoint
def save_video_grid(video, nrow=None):
b, t, h, w, c = video.shape
if nrow is None:
nrow = math.ceil(math.sqrt(b))
ncol = math.ceil(b / nrow)
padding = 1
video_grid = torch.zeros((t, (padding + h) * nrow + padding,
(padding + w) * ncol + padding, c), dtype=torch.uint8)
# print(video_grid.shape)
for i in range(b):
r = i // ncol
c = i % ncol
start_r = (padding + h) * r
start_c = (padding + w) * c
video_grid[:, start_r:start_r + h, start_c:start_c + w] = video[i]
return video_grid
def save_videos_grid_tav(videos: torch.Tensor, path: str, rescale=False, nrow=None, fps=8):
from einops import rearrange
import imageio
import torchvision
b, _, _, _, _ = videos.shape
if nrow is None:
nrow = math.ceil(math.sqrt(b))
videos = rearrange(videos, "b c t h w -> t b c h w")
outputs = []
for x in videos:
x = torchvision.utils.make_grid(x, nrow=nrow)
x = x.transpose(0, 1).transpose(1, 2).squeeze(-1)
if rescale:
x = (x + 1.0) / 2.0 # -1,1 -> 0,1
x = (x * 255).numpy().astype(np.uint8)
# os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
imageio.mimsave(path, outputs, fps=fps)
# MMCV Utils #
def collect_env():
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from mmcv.utils import collect_env as collect_base_env
from mmcv.utils import get_git_hash
"""Collect the information of the running environments."""
env_info = collect_base_env()
env_info['MMClassification'] = get_git_hash()[:7]
for name, val in env_info.items():
print(f'{name}: {val}')
# DCT Functions #
def dct_low_pass_filter(dct_coefficients, percentage=0.3): # 2d [b c f h w]
Applies a low pass filter to the given DCT coefficients.
:param dct_coefficients: 2D tensor of DCT coefficients
:param percentage: percentage of coefficients to keep (between 0 and 1)
:return: 2D tensor of DCT coefficients after applying the low pass filter
# Determine the cutoff indices for both dimensions
cutoff_x = int(dct_coefficients.shape[-2] * percentage)
cutoff_y = int(dct_coefficients.shape[-1] * percentage)
# Create a mask with the same shape as the DCT coefficients
mask = torch.zeros_like(dct_coefficients)
# Set the top-left corner of the mask to 1 (the low-frequency area)
mask[:, :, :, :cutoff_x, :cutoff_y] = 1
return mask
def normalize(tensor):
"""将Tensor归一化到[0, 1]范围内。"""
min_val = tensor.min()
max_val = tensor.max()
normalized = (tensor - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
return normalized
def denormalize(tensor, max_val_target, min_val_target):
"""将Tensor从[0, 1]范围反归一化到目标的[min_val_target, max_val_target]范围。"""
denormalized = tensor * (max_val_target - min_val_target) + min_val_target
return denormalized
def exchanged_mixed_dct_freq(noise, base_content, LPF_3d, normalized=False):
# noise dct
noise_freq = torch_dct.dct_3d(noise, 'ortho')
# frequency
HPF_3d = 1 - LPF_3d
noise_freq_high = noise_freq * HPF_3d
# base frame dct
base_content_freq = torch_dct.dct_3d(base_content, 'ortho')
# base content low frequency
base_content_freq_low = base_content_freq * LPF_3d
# mixed frequency
mixed_freq = base_content_freq_low + noise_freq_high
# idct
mixed_freq = torch_dct.idct_3d(mixed_freq, 'ortho')
return mixed_freq |