File size: 2,144 Bytes
df32536 65684de df32536 698b772 df32536 698b772 df32536 65684de df32536 65684de df32536 |
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import pandas as pd
MODEL_SIZE = ['<4B', '4B-10B', '10B-20B', '20B-40B', '>40B', 'Unknown']
MODEL_TYPE = ['API', 'Open Source']
search_default_val = 'Model name search (fuzzy, case insensitive)'
data_filepath = 'leaderboard_data.csv'
def build_df():
raw_df = pd.read_csv(data_filepath)
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['_name'] = raw_df['name']
names_html = []
for _, row in raw_df.iterrows():
name = row['name']
if row['clickable']:
hfp = row['hf_path']
names_html.append(f'<a href="{hfp}" target="_blank">{name}</a>')
df['Name'] = names_html
df['Eval Date'] = raw_df['eval_date']
df['Params (B)'] = [round(params / 1e9, 1) for params in raw_df['num_params']]
df['_parameters'] = raw_df['num_params']
type_map = {
'Rank': 'number',
'Name': 'html',
'Eval Date': 'html',
'Params (B)': 'number',
for coln in raw_df.columns:
if coln.startswith('SCORE '):
newc = coln[6:]
if newc == 'overall':
newc = '⭐ Overall'
df[newc] = raw_df[coln].round(2)
type_map[newc] = 'number'
df.sort_values('⭐ Overall', ascending=False, inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df.insert(0, 'Rank', list(range(1, len(df)+1)))
return df, type_map
def model_size_flag(sz, FIELDS):
if pd.isna(sz) and 'Unknown' in FIELDS:
return True
if pd.isna(sz):
return False
if '<4B' in FIELDS and sz < 4e9:
return True
if '4B-10B' in FIELDS and sz >= 4e9 and sz < 1e10:
return True
if '10B-20B' in FIELDS and sz >= 1e10 and sz < 2e10:
return True
if '20B-40B' in FIELDS and sz >= 2e10 and sz < 4e10:
return True
if '>40B' in FIELDS and sz >= 4e10:
return True
return False
def model_type_flag(line, FIELDS):
if 'Open Source' in FIELDS and not pd.isna(line['_parameters']):
return True
if 'API' in FIELDS and pd.isna(line['_parameters']):
return True
return False