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import pandas as pd
import ast
import os
import gradio as gr
class airpods(object):
def __init__(self,master,input_model,input_charging_case_serial,input_box_serial_number,input_leftbud_model,input_rightbud_model,input_leftbud_serial,input_rightbud_serial,input_firmware):
self.master = master
self.input_model = input_model
self.input_charging_case_serial = input_charging_case_serial
self.input_box_serial_number = input_box_serial_number
self.input_leftbud_model = input_leftbud_model
self.input_rightbud_model = input_rightbud_model
self.input_leftbud_serial = input_leftbud_serial
self.input_rightbud_serial = input_rightbud_serial
self.input_firmware = input_firmware
def Iterative_Serial_Check(self):
Function checks if the airbuds serial numbers are iterative
string = self.input_leftbud_serial[-1] + self.input_rightbud_serial[-1] + self.input_charging_case_serial[-1]
string = string.lower()
return not any(m > n for m,n in zip(string,string[1:]))
def check_latest_firmware(self):
Function to check if the airbuds are on the latest firmware
return (self.master[self.input_model]['firmware'] == self.input_firmware)
def check_matching_serial(self):
Function to check if the airbuds are having the
same serial number as that of the case
return (self.input_charging_case_serial == self.input_box_serial_number )
def check_model_number(self):
Function to check if the airbuds are having the
same serial number as that of the case
return (self.input_leftbud_model in self.master[self.input_model]['Model_number'] and self.input_rightbud_model in self.master[self.input_model]['Model_number'] )
def final_check(self):
if (self.Iterative_Serial_Check() and self.check_latest_firmware() and self.check_matching_serial() and self.check_model_number() ):
return 'Congratulations, Your Earpods/ Headphones are Genuine'
elif (self.check_latest_firmware() and self.check_matching_serial() and self.check_model_number() ):
return 'Looks like Earpods/ Headphones are mostly Genuine, but Case has been swapped'
return 'Extremly sorry, Your Earpods/ Headphones are Probably Knock off'
def app_check(input_model,input_charging_case_serial,input_box_serial_number,input_leftbud_model,input_rightbud_model,input_leftbud_serial,input_rightbud_serial,input_firmware):
input_dict = ast.literal_eval(os.environ.get('master'))
if (all(i >= 10 for i in [len(input_charging_case_serial) , len(input_charging_case_serial) , len(input_leftbud_serial) , len(input_rightbud_serial)]) and any(i < 15 for i in [len(input_charging_case_serial) , len(input_charging_case_serial) , len(input_leftbud_serial) , len(input_rightbud_serial)])) :
airpod = airpods(input_dict,input_model,input_charging_case_serial,input_box_serial_number,input_leftbud_model,input_rightbud_model,input_leftbud_serial,input_rightbud_serial,input_firmware)
return airpod.final_check()
return 'the serial numbers are not correct, please check and re enter'
gr.inputs.Dropdown(['AirPods_Pro2', 'AirPods_3', 'AirPods_Pro', 'AirPods_2', 'AirPods_1']),
placeholder="Please enter the CharginCase serial number", label="CharginCase serial number", lines=1,),
placeholder="Please enter the Box serial number", label="Box serial number", lines=1),
placeholder="Please enter the left bud model number A2083", label="Left bud model number", lines=1),
placeholder="Please enter the right bud number A2083", label="Right bud number", lines=1),
placeholder="Please enter the left bud serial number", label="Left bud serial number", lines=1),
placeholder="Please enter the right bud number", label="Right bud number", lines=1),
placeholder="Please enter the Firmware", label="Firmware", lines=1)
outputs= [gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Output Box")],
examples=[]).launch(debug= True)