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# Copyright 2022 The T5X Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Train state for passing around objects during training."""
from typing import Any, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple
from flax import traverse_util
import flax.core
from flax.core import scope as flax_scope
from flax.linen import partitioning as flax_partitioning
import flax.serialization
import flax.struct
import jax.numpy as jnp
from t5x import optimizers
import typing_extensions
EMPTY_DICT = flax.core.freeze({})
FrozenDict = flax_scope.FrozenDict
FrozenVariableDict = flax_scope.FrozenVariableDict
MutableVariableDict = flax_scope.MutableVariableDict
VariableDict = flax_scope.VariableDict
class TrainState(typing_extensions.Protocol):
"""TrainState interface."""
def step(self) -> jnp.ndarray:
"""The current training step as an integer scalar."""
def params(self) -> FrozenVariableDict:
"""The parameters of the model as a PyTree matching the Flax module."""
def param_states(self) -> FrozenVariableDict:
"""The optimizer states of the parameters as a PyTree."""
def flax_mutables(self) -> FrozenVariableDict:
"""Flax mutable collection."""
def state_dict(self) -> MutableVariableDict:
"""Returns a mutable representation of the state for checkpointing."""
def restore_state(self, state_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) -> 'TrainState':
"""Restores the object state from a state dict."""
def replace_params(self, params: VariableDict) -> 'TrainState':
def replace_step(self, step: jnp.ndarray) -> 'TrainState':
def apply_gradient(self,
flax_mutables=EMPTY_DICT) -> 'TrainState':
"""Applies gradient, increments step, and returns an updated TrainState."""
def as_logical_axes(self) -> 'TrainState':
"""Replaces `param` and `param-states` with their logical axis names."""
def _validate_params_axes(params_axes, params):
axis_names = flax_partitioning.get_axis_names(params_axes)
missing_params_axes = (
set(traverse_util.flatten_dict(params, sep='/')) -
set(traverse_util.flatten_dict(axis_names, sep='/')))
if missing_params_axes:
raise ValueError(
f'Missing axis names for parameters: {missing_params_axes}')
def _split_variables_and_axes(
variables_and_axes: FrozenVariableDict
) -> Tuple[FrozenVariableDict, FrozenVariableDict]:
"""Splits `variables_and_axes` into two separate dicts with the same keys."""
# For each `key`, `key_axes` (if any) are its axes in `variables_and_axes`.
variables = {}
axes = {}
for k, v in variables_and_axes.items():
if k.endswith('_axes'):
axes[k[:-5]] = v # k without "_axes".
_validate_params_axes(v, variables_and_axes[k[:-5]]) # k without "_axes".
variables[k] = v
return flax.core.freeze(variables), flax.core.freeze(axes)
class FlaxOptimTrainState(flax.struct.PyTreeNode):
"""Simple train state for holding parameters, step, optimizer state."""
_optimizer: optimizers.OptimizerType
# Contains axis metadata (e.g., names) matching parameter tree.
params_axes: Optional[FrozenVariableDict] = None
# Flax mutable fields.
flax_mutables: FrozenDict = EMPTY_DICT
# Contains axis metadata (e.g., names) matching flax_mutables tree.
flax_mutables_axes: Optional[FrozenVariableDict] = EMPTY_DICT
def create(cls, optimizer_def: optimizers.OptimizerDefType,
model_variables: FrozenVariableDict) -> 'FlaxOptimTrainState':
other_variables, params = model_variables.pop('params')
if 'params_axes' in other_variables:
other_variables, params_axes = other_variables.pop('params_axes')
_validate_params_axes(params_axes, params)
params_axes = None
# Split other_variables into mutables and their corresponding axes.
flax_mutables, flax_mutables_axes = _split_variables_and_axes(
# If the optimizer supports `set_param_axes`, then assume that the model
# code is emitting these axes and use it.
if hasattr(optimizer_def, 'set_param_axes'):
if params_axes is None:
raise ValueError('The optimizer supports params_axes for model-based '
'partitioning, but the model is not emitting them.')
# `get_axis_names` removes "_axes" suffix in the leaf name and replaces
# `AxisMetadata` with `PartitionSpec`.
axis_names = flax_partitioning.get_axis_names(params_axes)
optimizer = optimizer_def.create(params)
return FlaxOptimTrainState(
def step(self) -> jnp.ndarray:
return self._optimizer.state.step
def params(self) -> FrozenVariableDict:
def param_states(self) -> FrozenVariableDict:
return self._optimizer.state.param_states
def state_dict(self) -> MutableVariableDict:
state_dict = self._optimizer.state_dict()
if self.flax_mutables:
state_dict['flax_mutables'] = flax.core.unfreeze(self.flax_mutables)
return state_dict
def apply_gradient(self,
flax_mutables=EMPTY_DICT) -> 'FlaxOptimTrainState':
new_optimizer = self._optimizer.apply_gradient(
grads, learning_rate=learning_rate)
return self.replace(_optimizer=new_optimizer, flax_mutables=flax_mutables)
def replace_params(self, params: VariableDict) -> 'FlaxOptimTrainState':
return self.replace(_optimizer=self._optimizer.replace(target=params))
def replace_step(self, step: jnp.ndarray) -> 'FlaxOptimTrainState':
state_dict = self.state_dict()
state_dict['state']['step'] = step
return self.restore_state(state_dict)
def restore_state(self, state_dict: VariableDict) -> 'FlaxOptimTrainState':
new_optimizer = self._optimizer.restore_state(state_dict)
return self.replace(
if 'flax_mutables' in state_dict else EMPTY_DICT)
def as_logical_axes(self) -> 'FlaxOptimTrainState':
if not hasattr(self._optimizer.optimizer_def, 'derive_logical_axes'):
raise ValueError(
f"Optimizer '{self._optimizer.optimizer_def.__class__.__name__}' "
'requires a `derive_logical_axes` method to be used with named axis '
return FlaxOptimTrainState(
class InferenceState(flax.struct.PyTreeNode):
"""State compatible with FlaxOptimTrainState without optimizer state."""
step: jnp.ndarray
params: flax_scope.FrozenVariableDict
params_axes: Optional[flax_scope.FrozenVariableDict] = None
flax_mutables: flax_scope.FrozenDict = EMPTY_DICT
flax_mutables_axes: Optional[flax_scope.FrozenVariableDict] = None
def create(cls, model_variables: FrozenVariableDict) -> 'InferenceState':
other_variables, params = model_variables.pop('params')
if 'params_axes' in other_variables:
other_variables, params_axes = other_variables.pop('params_axes')
_validate_params_axes(params_axes, params)
params_axes = None
# Split other_variables into mutables and their corresponding axes.
flax_mutables, flax_mutables_axes = _split_variables_and_axes(
return InferenceState(
def param_states(self) -> FrozenVariableDict:
"""The optimizer states of the parameters as a PyTree."""
raise NotImplementedError('InferenceState has no optimizer states.')
def apply_gradient(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'InferenceState':
raise NotImplementedError(
'InferenceState does not support `apply_gradient`.')
def state_dict(self) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]:
state_dict = {
'target': flax.core.unfreeze(self.params),
'state': {
'step': self.step
if self.flax_mutables:
state_dict['flax_mutables'] = flax.core.unfreeze(self.flax_mutables)
return state_dict
def replace_step(self, step: jnp.ndarray) -> 'InferenceState':
return self.replace(step=step)
def replace_params(self, params: FrozenVariableDict) -> 'InferenceState':
return self.replace(params=params)
def restore_state(self, state_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) -> 'InferenceState':
return self.replace(
if 'flax_mutables' in state_dict else EMPTY_DICT)
def as_logical_axes(self) -> 'InferenceState':
# Set step to None so that when the logical axes are processed by the
# flax.partitioning.logical_to_mesh_axes function, it will be skipped
# because jax.tree_map will short circut and never call the function on the
# step.
return InferenceState(