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import streamlit as st
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import torch
from transformers import pipeline
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
import concurrent.futures
import time
import sys
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from PyDictionary import PyDictionary
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
import litellm
import re
import sentencepiece
import random
from global_vars import t, translations
from app import Plugin
from embeddings_ft import finetune as finetune_embeddings
from bart_ft import finetune as finetune_bart
from webrankings_helper import *
from plugins.scansite import ScansitePlugin
#from data import reference_data_valid, reference_data_rejected
#reference_data = reference_data_valid + reference_data_rejected
# Ajout des traductions spécifiques à ce plugin
"webrankings_title": "Comparative os sorter",
"clear_memory": "Clear Memory",
"enter_topic": "Enter the topic you're interested in (e.g. longevity):",
"use_keyword_expansion": "Use keyword expansion",
"test_content": "Also test link content in addition to titles",
"select_llm_models": "Select LLM models to use",
"select_zero_shot_models": "Select zero-shot models to use",
"select_embedding_models": "Select embedding models to use",
"analyze_button": "Analyze",
"loading_models": "Loading models and analyzing links...",
"expanded_keywords": "Expanded keywords:",
"analysis_completed": "Analysis completed in {:.2f} seconds",
"evaluation_results": "Evaluation results with optimal thresholds:",
"summary_table": "Summary table of scores",
"optimal_thresholds": "Optimal thresholds:",
"spearman_comparison": "Comparison of Spearman correlations",
"methods": "Methods",
"spearman_correlation": "Spearman correlation coefficient",
"results_for": "Results for {}",
"device_info": "Device used for inference: {}",
"finetune_bart_title": "BART Fine-tuning Interface",
"finetune_embeddings_title": "Embeddings Fine-tuning Interface",
"webrankings_title": "Analyseur de classeurs",
"clear_memory": "Vider la mémoire",
"enter_topic": "Entrez le sujet qui vous intéresse (ex: longévité):",
"use_keyword_expansion": "Utiliser l'expansion des mots-clés",
"test_content": "Tester aussi le contenu des liens en plus des titres",
"select_llm_models": "Sélectionnez les modèles LLM à utiliser",
"select_zero_shot_models": "Sélectionnez les modèles zero-shot à utiliser",
"select_embedding_models": "Sélectionnez les modèles d'embedding à utiliser",
"analyze_button": "Analyser",
"loading_models": "Chargement des modèles et analyse des liens...",
"expanded_keywords": "Mots-clés étendus :",
"analysis_completed": "Analyse terminée en {:.2f} secondes",
"evaluation_results": "Résultats d'évaluation avec les seuils optimaux :",
"summary_table": "Tableau récapitulatif des scores",
"optimal_thresholds": "Seuils optimaux :",
"spearman_comparison": "Comparaison des corrélations de Spearman",
"methods": "Méthodes",
"spearman_correlation": "Coefficient de corrélation de Spearman",
"results_for": "Résultats pour {}",
"device_info": "Dispositif utilisé pour l'inférence : {}",
"finetune_bart_title": "Interface de Fine-tuning BART",
"finetune_embeddings_title": "Interface de Fine-tuning des Embeddings",
# Liste des modèles LLM
llm_models = [] #["ollama/llama3", "ollama/llama3.1", "ollama/qwen2", "ollama/phi3:medium-128k", "ollama/openhermes"]
# Liste des modèles zero-shot
zero_shot_models = [
("facebook/bart-large-mnli", "facebook/bart-large-mnli"),
("bart-large-ft", "./bart-large-ft")
#("cross-encoder/nli-deberta-v3-base", "cross-encoder/nli-deberta-v3-base")
# Liste des modèles d'embedding
embedding_models = [
("paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2", "paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2"),
("all-MiniLM-L6-v2", "all-MiniLM-L6-v2"),
("nomic-embed-text-v1", "nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1"),
("embeddings-ft", "./embeddings-ft")
class WebrankingsPlugin(Plugin):
def __init__(self, name, plugin_manager):
super().__init__(name, plugin_manager)
self.scansite_plugin = ScansitePlugin('scansite', plugin_manager)
def get_tabs(self):
return [
{"name": t("webrankings_title"), "plugin": "webrankings"}
def run(self, config):
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs([t("webrankings_title"), t("finetune_bart_title"), t("finetune_embeddings_title")])
reference_data_valid, reference_data_rejected = self.scansite_plugin.get_reference_data()
reference_data = reference_data_valid + [(url, title, 0) for url, title in reference_data_rejected]
with tab1:
if st.button(t("clear_memory")):
topic = st.text_input(t("enter_topic"), value="longevity, health, healthspan, lifespan")
use_synonyms = st.checkbox(t("use_keyword_expansion"), value=False)
check_content = st.checkbox(t("test_content"), value=False)
selected_llm_models = st.multiselect(t("select_llm_models"), llm_models, default=llm_models)
selected_zero_shot_models = st.multiselect(t("select_zero_shot_models"), [m[0] for m in zero_shot_models], default=[m[0] for m in zero_shot_models])
selected_embedding_models = st.multiselect(t("select_embedding_models"), [m[0] for m in embedding_models], default=[m[0] for m in embedding_models])
if st.button(t("analyze_button")):
with st.spinner(t("loading_models")):
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
# Préparation des modèles
zero_shot_classifiers = {name: pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model=model, device=device)
for name, model in zero_shot_models if name in selected_zero_shot_models}
embedding_models_dict = {}
for name, model in embedding_models:
import os
if name == "embeddings-ft":
if os.path.exists('./embeddings-ft'):
embedding_models_dict[name] = SentenceTransformer('./embeddings-ft', trust_remote_code=True).to(device)
embedding_models_dict[name] = SentenceTransformer(model, trust_remote_code=True).to(device)
bert_models = [AutoModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased').to(device)]
tfidf_objects = [TfidfVectorizer()]
#release_vram(zero_shot_classifiers, embedding_models_dict, bert_models, tfidf_objects)
# Expansion des mots-clés (utilisant le premier modèle LLM sélectionné)
if use_synonyms and selected_llm_models:
expanded_query = []
for word in topic.split():
expanded_query.extend(expand_keywords_llm(word, llm_model=selected_llm_models[0]))
expanded_query = " ".join(expanded_query)
st.write("Mots-clés étendus :", expanded_query)
expanded_query = topic
start_time = time.time()
# Analyse pour chaque lien
results = []
for title, link,note in reference_data:
result = analyze_link(
title, link, topic, zero_shot_classifiers, embedding_models_dict,
expanded_query, selected_llm_models, check_content
if result is not None:
end_time = time.time()
# Libération de la mémoire VRAM et des autres ressources
release_vram(zero_shot_classifiers, embedding_models_dict, bert_models, tfidf_objects)
# Création du DataFrame avec tous les résultats
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
print(f"Analyse terminée en {end_time - start_time:.2f} secondes")
st.success(t("analysis_completed").format(end_time - start_time))
# Évaluation et affichage des résultats
evaluation_results = {}
optimal_thresholds = {}
for column in df.columns:
if column != "Titre":
method_scores = df.set_index("Titre")[column].to_dict()
optimal_threshold = find_optimal_threshold(
[item[0] for item in reference_data_valid],
[item[0] for item in reference_data_rejected],
optimal_thresholds[column] = optimal_threshold
evaluation_results[column] = evaluate_ranking(
[item[0] for item in reference_data_valid],
[item[0] for item in reference_data_rejected],
optimal_threshold, False
# Affichage des résultats
eval_df = pd.DataFrame(evaluation_results).T
# Graphique de comparaison des corrélations de Spearman
spearman_scores = [results['spearman_correlation'] for results in evaluation_results.values()]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)), spearman_scores)
plt.xticks(rotation=90, ha='right')
# Affichage des résultats pour chaque méthode
for column in df.columns:
if column != "Titre":
st.subheader(f"Résultats pour {column}")
df_method = df[["Titre", column]].sort_values(column, ascending=False)
threshold = find_optimal_threshold(
[item[0] for item in reference_data_valid],
[item[0] for item in reference_data_rejected],
df_method = df_method[df_method[column] > threshold]
with tab2:
num_epochs = st.number_input("Nombre d'époques", min_value=1, max_value=10, value=2)
lr = st.number_input("Learning Rate", min_value=1e-6, max_value=1e-1, value=2e-5, format="%.6f", step=1e-5)
weight_decay = st.number_input("Poids de Décroissance (Weight Decay)", min_value=0.0, max_value=0.1, value=0.01, step=0.005)
batch_size = st.number_input("Taille du Batch", min_value=1, max_value=16, value=1)
start = st.slider("Score initial des données valides", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.9, step=0.01)
model_name = st.text_input("Nom du modèle", value='facebook/bart-large-mnli')
num_warmup_steps = st.number_input("Nombre d'étapes de Warmup", min_value=0, max_value=100, value=0)
# Bouton pour lancer le fine-tuning
if st.button("Lancer le fine-tuning"):
with st.spinner("Fine-tuning en cours..."):
finetune_bart(num_epochs=num_epochs, lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay,
batch_size=batch_size, model_name=model_name, output_model='./bart-large-ft',
st.success("Fine-tuning terminé et modèle sauvegardé.")
with tab3:
num_epochs_emb = st.number_input("Nombre d'époques (Embeddings)", min_value=1, max_value=100, value=10)
lr_emb = st.number_input("Learning Rate (Embeddings)", min_value=1e-6, max_value=1e-1, value=2e-5, format="%.6f", step=5e-6)
weight_decay_emb = st.number_input("Poids de Décroissance (Weight Decay) (Embeddings)", min_value=0.0, max_value=0.1, value=0.01, step=0.005)
batch_size_emb = st.number_input("Taille du Batch (Embeddings)", min_value=1, max_value=32, value=16)
start_emb = st.slider("Score initial des données valides (Embeddings)", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.9, step=0.01)
model_name_emb = st.selectbox("Modèle d'embeddings de base", ["nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1", "all-MiniLM-L6-v2", "paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2"])
margin_erb = st.slider("Marge (Embeddings)", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.5, step=0.01)
# Bouton pour lancer le fine-tuning des embeddings
if st.button("Lancer le fine-tuning des embeddings"):
with st.spinner("Fine-tuning des embeddings en cours..."):
finetune_embeddings(model_name=model_name_emb, output_model_name="./embeddings-ft",
st.success("Fine-tuning des embeddings terminé et modèle sauvegardé.")
# Affichage de l'information sur le dispositif utilisé
device = "GPU (CUDA)" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "CPU""device_info").format(device))