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import os
import requests
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import streamlit as st
import time
import json
from io import BytesIO
# Streamlit app title
st.title("MOMO & PCHOME 商品搜索和價格分析")
# 從使用者獲取搜索關鍵字和頁數
search_keyword = st.text_input("請輸入要搜索的關鍵字: ", "筆電")
page_number = st.number_input("請輸入要搜索的頁數: ", min_value=1, max_value=100, value=1, step=1)
# 如果用戶輸入了搜索關鍵字
if st.button("抓取並分析"):
# MOMO 数据抓取
momo_url = ""
momo_headers = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
momo_payload = {
"host": "momoshop",
"flag": "searchEngine",
"data": {
"searchValue": search_keyword,
"curPage": str(page_number),
"priceS": "0",
"priceE": "9999999",
"searchType": "1"
momo_response =, headers=momo_headers, json=momo_payload)
if momo_response.status_code == 200:
momo_data = momo_response.json().get('rtnSearchData', {}).get('goodsInfoList', [])
momo_products = []
for product in momo_data:
name = product.get('goodsName', '')
price = product.get('goodsPrice', '')
price_str = str(price).split('(')[0].replace(',', '').replace('$', '')
product_price = float(price_str)
except ValueError:
product_price = 0
momo_products.append({'title': name, 'price': product_price, 'platform': 'MOMO'})
momo_df = pd.DataFrame(momo_products)
st.write("MOMO 商品數據:", momo_df)
st.error(f"MOMO 請求失敗,狀態碼: {momo_response.status_code}")
# PCHOME 数据抓取
pchome_url = f'{search_keyword}&page={page_number}&sort=sale/dc'
pchome_response = requests.get(pchome_url)
if pchome_response.status_code == 200:
pchome_data = json.loads(pchome_response.content).get('prods', [])
pchome_products = [{'title': item['name'], 'price': item['price'], 'platform': 'PCHOME'} for item in pchome_data]
pchome_df = pd.DataFrame(pchome_products)
st.write("PCHOME 商品數據:", pchome_df)
st.error(f"PCHOME 請求失敗,狀態碼: {pchome_response.status_code}")
# 合併兩平台數據
if not momo_df.empty and not pchome_df.empty:
combined_df = pd.concat([momo_df, pchome_df], ignore_index=True)
elif not momo_df.empty:
combined_df = momo_df
elif not pchome_df.empty:
combined_df = pchome_df
combined_df = pd.DataFrame()
if not combined_df.empty:
st.write("合併後的商品數據:", combined_df)
# 生成 CSV 下載連結
csv = combined_df.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8')
# 數據分析和視覺化
if not momo_df.empty:
momo_avg_price = momo_df['price'].mean()
st.write(f"MOMO 平均價格: {momo_avg_price:.2f}")
st.write(f"MOMO 最高價格: {momo_df['price'].max():.2f}")
st.write(f"MOMO 最低價格: {momo_df['price'].min():.2f}")
if not pchome_df.empty:
pchome_avg_price = pchome_df['price'].mean()
st.write(f"PCHOME 平均價格: {pchome_avg_price:.2f}")
st.write(f"PCHOME 最高價格: {pchome_df['price'].max():.2f}")
st.write(f"PCHOME 最低價格: {pchome_df['price'].min():.2f}")
# 字型設定
font_url = ""
font_response = requests.get(font_url)
with open("TaipeiSansTCBeta-Regular.ttf", "wb") as font_file:
mpl.rc('font', family='Taipei Sans TC Beta')
# MOMO 繪製價格折線圖
if not momo_df.empty:
fig_momo, ax_momo = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8))
momo_df['price'][:70].plot(ax=ax_momo, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='skyblue', linewidth=2, markersize=8)
plt.title(f'MOMO 電商網站上 "{search_keyword}" 的銷售價格', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold', color='navy')
plt.axhline(y=momo_avg_price, color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label=f'參考價格: {momo_avg_price:.2f}')
plt.legend(fontsize=12, loc='upper left')
plt.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
# PCHOME 繪製價格折線圖
if not pchome_df.empty:
fig_pchome, ax_pchome = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8))
pchome_df['price'][:70].plot(ax=ax_pchome, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='skyblue', linewidth=2, markersize=8)
plt.title(f'PCHOME 電商網站上 "{search_keyword}" 的銷售價格', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold', color='navy')
plt.axhline(y=pchome_avg_price, color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label=f'參考價格: {pchome_avg_price:.2f}')
plt.legend(fontsize=12, loc='upper left')
plt.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)