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Buster, the QA documentation chatbot!

Buster is a question-answering chatbot that can be tuned to specific documentations. You can try it here, where it will answer questions about 🤗 Transformers.

Question: How do I load a Huggingface model?

Question: My code is crashing with "CUDA out of memory". What can I do to solve this?

How does Buster work?

First, we parsed the documentation into snippets. For each snippet, we obtain an embedding by using the OpenAI API.

Then, when a user asks a question, we compute its embedding, and find the snippets from the doc with the highest cosine similarity to the question.

Finally, we craft the prompt:

  • The most relevant snippets from the doc.
  • The engineering prompt.
  • The user's question.

We send the prompt to the OpenAI API, and display the answer to the user!

Currently used models

  • For embeddings: "text-embedding-ada-002"
  • For completion: "text-davinci-003"


For more information, you can watch the livestream where explain how buster works in detail!