HugoLaurencon's picture
history blame
5.37 kB
import streamlit as st
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def visualization(path_data, lang, num_docs, num_docs_for_words):
with open(path_data) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
num_docs = min(num_docs, len(data))
st.title(f"{num_docs} {lang} documents from Oscar with their stats.")
sentences = [doc["text"].split(" ") for doc in data[:num_docs_for_words]]
words = [word for sentence in sentences for word in sentence]
words_data = [{"len_word": len(word), "word": word} for word in words]
words_data = pd.DataFrame(words_data)
data = data[:num_docs]
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
columns = list(data)
keys = []
st.header("Parameters of the filtering")
if "special_characters_ratio" in columns:
cutoff_special_characters_ratio = st.slider(
"Max cutoff special characters ratio", 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, step=0.01
keys.append(("special_characters_ratio", cutoff_special_characters_ratio, True))
if "stopwords_ratio" in columns:
cutoff_stopwords_ratio = st.slider(
"Min cutoff stopwords ratio", 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, step=0.01
keys.append(("stopwords_ratio", cutoff_stopwords_ratio, False))
if "badwords_ratio" in columns:
cutoff_badwords_ratio = st.slider(
"Max cutoff badwords ratio", 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, step=0.001
keys.append(("badwords_ratio", cutoff_badwords_ratio, True))
if "lang_id_score" in columns:
cutoff_lang_id_score = st.slider(
"Min cutoff lang id score", 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, step=0.01
keys.append(("lang_id_score", cutoff_lang_id_score, False))
if "perplexity_score" in columns:
max_pp = int(np.max(data["perplexity_score"])) + 1
cutoff_perplexity_score = st.slider(
"Perplexity cutoff perplexity score", 0, max_pp, max_pp
keys.append(("perplexity_score", cutoff_perplexity_score, True))
cond = [
(data[key] <= cutoff) if max_cutoff else (data[key] >= cutoff)
for key, cutoff, max_cutoff in keys
cond = np.all(cond, axis=0)
data_keep = data.loc[cond]
st.header("Data that we keep")
st.markdown("Click on a column to sort by it.")
st.markdown("Place the cursor on the text to display it.")
data_not_keep = data.loc[np.invert(cond)]
st.header("Data that is thrown away")
st.markdown("Click on a column to sort by it.")
st.markdown("Place the cursor on the text to display it.")
def plot_hist(dataframe, key, num_bins=50):
st.header(" ".join(key.split("_")))
hist_values = dataframe[key].values
max_range = np.max(hist_values)
hist_values = np.histogram(hist_values, bins=num_bins, range=(0, max_range))[0]
st.markdown(f"Each bin is of size: {max_range/num_bins}.")
for key, _, _ in keys:
plot_hist(data, key)
st.header("Zipf's Law")
def get_frequency_words(data):
freq_words = {}
for index, row in data.iterrows():
for word in row["text"].split(" "):
if word in freq_words:
freq_words[word] += 1
freq_words[word] = 1
freq_words = np.array(list(freq_words.values()))
freq_words = -np.sort(-freq_words)
return freq_words
freq_words_data = get_frequency_words(data)
freq_words_data_keep = get_frequency_words(data_keep)
freq_words_data_not_keep = get_frequency_words(data_not_keep)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title("Zipf's Law")
ax.set_xlabel("$i$-th most frequent word")
ax.set_ylabel("frequency in the documents")
ax.legend(["All data", "Data that we keep", "Data that is thrown away"])
st.markdown("If less than three curves are displayed, it means that there are overlaps.")
st.header("Parameter of the filtering for words")
max_len_word = int(np.max(words_data["len_word"])) + 1
cutoff_word = st.slider("Max cutoff length word", 0, max_len_word, max_len_word)
cond_words = words_data["len_word"] <= cutoff_word
words_keep = words_data.loc[cond_words]
st.header(f"Words that we keep (for {num_docs_for_words} documents)")
st.markdown("Click on a column to sort by it.")
st.markdown("Place the cursor on the text to display it.")
words_not_keep = words_data.loc[np.invert(cond_words)]
st.header(f"Words that are thrown away (for {num_docs_for_words} documents)")
st.markdown("Click on a column to sort by it.")
st.markdown("Place the cursor on the text to display it.")
plot_hist(words_data, "len_word")
st.header("Download data")
with open(path_data) as json_file:
btn = st.download_button(
label="Download data as json",
path_data = "./en_examples_with_stats.json"
lang = "English"
num_docs = 5000
num_docs_for_words = 500
visualization(path_data, lang, num_docs, num_docs_for_words)