File size: 5,183 Bytes
992a8de e9f817c 3109a5e 89ae59b 992a8de 3c372b8 992a8de 3109a5e 992a8de c755352 53e0136 992a8de 3109a5e 992a8de 3109a5e 992a8de e9f817c 89ae59b e9f817c 89ae59b e9f817c 89ae59b e9f817c 992a8de 786115c 992a8de 786115c 992a8de 786115c 992a8de 786115c 992a8de |
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import { collections } from "$lib/server/database";
import { type Actions, fail, redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import { authCondition } from "$lib/server/auth";
import { base } from "$app/paths";
import { PUBLIC_ORIGIN, PUBLIC_SHARE_PREFIX } from "$env/static/public";
import { WEBHOOK_URL_REPORT_ASSISTANT } from "$env/static/private";
import { z } from "zod";
import type { Assistant } from "$lib/types/Assistant";
async function assistantOnlyIfAuthor(locals: App.Locals, assistantId?: string) {
const assistant = await collections.assistants.findOne({ _id: new ObjectId(assistantId) });
if (!assistant) {
throw Error("Assistant not found");
if (assistant.createdById.toString() !== (locals.user?._id ?? locals.sessionId).toString()) {
throw Error("You are not the author of this assistant");
return assistant;
export const actions: Actions = {
delete: async ({ params, locals }) => {
let assistant;
try {
assistant = await assistantOnlyIfAuthor(locals, params.assistantId);
} catch (e) {
return fail(400, { error: true, message: (e as Error).message });
await collections.assistants.deleteOne({ _id: assistant._id });
// and remove it from all users settings
await collections.settings.updateMany(
assistants: { $in: [assistant._id] },
$pull: { assistants: assistant._id },
// and delete all avatars
const fileCursor = collections.bucket.find({ filename: assistant._id.toString() });
// Step 2: Delete the existing file if it exists
let fileId = await;
while (fileId) {
await collections.bucket.delete(fileId._id);
fileId = await;
throw redirect(302, `${base}/settings`);
report: async ({ request, params, locals, url }) => {
// is there already a report from this user for this model ?
const report = await collections.reports.findOne({
createdBy: locals.user?._id ?? locals.sessionId,
assistantId: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
if (report) {
return fail(400, { error: true, message: "Already reported" });
const formData = await request.formData();
const result = z.string().min(1).max(128).safeParse(formData?.get("reportReason"));
if (!result.success) {
return fail(400, { error: true, message: "Invalid report reason" });
const { acknowledged } = await collections.reports.insertOne({
_id: new ObjectId(),
assistantId: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
createdBy: locals.user?._id ?? locals.sessionId,
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
if (!acknowledged) {
return fail(500, { error: true, message: "Failed to report assistant" });
const prefixUrl = PUBLIC_SHARE_PREFIX || `${PUBLIC_ORIGIN || url.origin}${base}`;
const assistantUrl = `${prefixUrl}/assistant/${params.assistantId}`;
const assistant = await collections.assistants.findOne<Pick<Assistant, "name">>(
{ _id: new ObjectId(params.assistantId) },
{ projection: { name: 1 } }
const username = locals.user?.username;
const res = await fetch(WEBHOOK_URL_REPORT_ASSISTANT, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
text: `Assistant <${assistantUrl}|${assistant?.name}> reported by ${
username ? `<${username}|${username}>` : "non-logged in user"
}.\n\n> ${}`,
if (!res.ok) {
console.error(`Webhook assistant report failed. ${res.statusText} ${res.text}`);
return { from: "report", ok: true, message: "Assistant reported" };
subscribe: async ({ params, locals }) => {
const assistant = await collections.assistants.findOne({
_id: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
if (!assistant) {
return fail(404, { error: true, message: "Assistant not found" });
// don't push if it's already there
const settings = await collections.settings.findOne(authCondition(locals));
if (settings?.assistants?.includes(assistant._id)) {
return fail(400, { error: true, message: "Already subscribed" });
const result = await collections.settings.updateOne(authCondition(locals), {
$addToSet: { assistants: assistant._id },
// reduce count only if push succeeded
if (result.modifiedCount > 0) {
await collections.assistants.updateOne({ _id: assistant._id }, { $inc: { userCount: 1 } });
return { from: "subscribe", ok: true, message: "Assistant added" };
unsubscribe: async ({ params, locals }) => {
const assistant = await collections.assistants.findOne({
_id: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
if (!assistant) {
return fail(404, { error: true, message: "Assistant not found" });
const result = await collections.settings.updateOne(authCondition(locals), {
$pull: { assistants: assistant._id },
// reduce count only if pull succeeded
if (result.modifiedCount > 0) {
await collections.assistants.updateOne({ _id: assistant._id }, { $inc: { userCount: -1 } });
throw redirect(302, `${base}/settings`);