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import requests
import json
from typing import List, Set
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import lru_cache
from datetime import datetime as dt
import os, os.path
from codetiming import Timer
import streamlit as st
# local code
from digestor import Digestor
from source import Source
from scrape_sources import NPRLite, CNNText, stub
import random
# EDIT: before doing NER check time of last scrape and just read in from JSON store instead of rescraping
# can force rescrape
# This may take a config to get sources as input
def initialize(limit, rando, use_cache=True):
clusters: dict[str:List[namedtuple]] = dict()
# This is a container for the source classes.
# Make sure you handle this. Whats the deal.
sources:List[Source]= [] # Write them and import? Read a config?
# FOR NOW ONLY add this explicitly here.
# MUST read in final version though.
# initialize list to hold cluster data namedtuples
cluster_data: List[namedtuple('article', ['link','hed','entities', 'source'])]
article_dict : dict[str:namedtuple]
# For all sources retrieve_cluster_data
# returns List[namedtuples] with empty entity lists
cluster_data = []
article_meta = namedtuple('article_meta',['source', 'count'])
cluster_meta : List[article_meta] = []
print("Calling data source retrieve cluster data....")
for data_source in sources:
if limit is not None:
c_data, c_meta = data_source.retrieve_cluster_data(limit//len(sources))
c_data, c_meta = data_source.retrieve_cluster_data()
cluster_meta.append(article_meta(data_source.source_name, c_meta))
print("Finished...moving on to clustering...")
cluster_data = cluster_data[0] + cluster_data[1]
# iterate the list of namedtuples,
for tup in cluster_data:
# pass each hed to the api query method, return the dict
# through the ner_results function to the 'entities' list.
# Populate stub entities list
perform_ner(tup, cache=use_cache)
generate_clusters(clusters, tup)
st.write(f"""Total number of clusters: {len(clusters)}""")
# Article stubs tracks all stubs
# If cluster is unsummarized, its hed's value is the namedtuple stub.
# Else reference digestor instance so summary can be found.
article_dict = {stub.hed: stub for stub in cluster_data}
return article_dict, clusters
# Am I going to use this for those two lines?
def perform_ner(tup:namedtuple('article',['link','hed','entities', 'source']), cache=True):
with Timer(name="ner_query_time", logger=None):
result = ner_results(ner_query(
"use_cache": cache,
for i in result:
def ner_query(payload):
print("making a query....")
data = json.dumps(payload)
response = requests.request("POST", NER_API_URL, headers=headers, data=data)
return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8"))
def generate_clusters(
the_dict: dict,
tup : namedtuple('article_stub',[ 'link','hed','entities', 'source'])
) -> dict:
for entity in tup.entities:
# Add cluster if entity not already in dict
if entity not in the_dict:
the_dict[entity] = []
# Add this article's link to the cluster dict
def ner_results(ner_object, groups=True, NER_THRESHOLD=0.5) -> List[str]:
# empty lists to collect our entities
people, places, orgs, misc = [], [], [], []
# 'ent' and 'designation' handle the difference between dictionary keys
# for aggregation strategy grouped vs ungrouped
ent = 'entity' if not groups else 'entity_group'
designation = 'I-' if not groups else ''
# Define actions -- this is a switch-case dictionary.
# keys are the identifiers used inthe return dict from
# the ner_query.
# values are list.append() for each of the lists
# created at the top of the function. They hold sorted entities.
# actions is used to pass entities into the lists.
# Why I called it actions I have no idea rename it.
actions = {designation+'PER':people.append,
} # Is this an antipattern?
# For each dictionary in the ner result list, if the entity str doesn't contain a '#'
# and the confidence is > 90%, add the entity to the list for its type.
# actions[d[ent]](d['word']) accesses the key of actions that is returned
# from d[ent] and then passes the entity name, returned by d['word'] to
# the 'list.append' waiting to be called in the dict actions.
# Note the (). We access actions to call its append...
readable = [ actions[d[ent]](d['word']) for d in ner_object if '#' not in d['word'] and d['score'] > NER_THRESHOLD ]
# create list of all entities to return
ner_list = [i for i in set(people) if len(i) > 2] + [i for i in set(places) if len(i) > 2] + [i for i in set(orgs) if len(i) > 2] + [i for i in set(misc) if len(i) > 2]
return ner_list
# These could be passed through the command line
# or read from a config file.
# One of these is needed here for NER and one in Digestor for summarization.
headers = {"Authorization": f"""Bearer {st.secrets['ato']}"""}
LIMIT = None # Controls time and number of clusters.
if not USE_CACHE:
if LIMIT is not None:
print(f"LIMIT: {LIMIT}")
# digest store
digests = dict() # key is cluster, value is digestor object
out_dicts = []
# list to accept user choices
# retrieve cluster data and create dict to track each article (articleStubs)
# and create topic clusters by performing ner.
article_dict, clusters = initialize(LIMIT, USE_CACHE)
# We now have clusters and cluster data. Redundancy.
# We call a display function and get the user input.
# For this its still streamlit.
selections = []
choices = list(clusters.keys())
# Form used to take 3 menu inputs
with st.form(key='columns_in_form'):
cols = st.columns(3)
for i, col in enumerate(cols):
selections.append(col.selectbox(f'Make a Selection', choices, key=i))
submitted = st.form_submit_button('Submit')
if submitted:
selections = [i for i in selections if i is not None]
with st.spinner(text="Digesting...please wait, this will take a few moments...Maybe check some messages or start reading the latest papers on summarization with transformers...."):
found = False
# Check if we already have this digest.
for i in digests:
if set(list(answers.values())) == set(list(i)):
digestor = digests[i]
found = True
# If we need a new digest
if not found:
chosen = []
# Why not just use answers.values()?
for i in selections: # i is supposed to be a list of stubs, mostly one
if i != 'None':
for j in clusters[i]:
if j not in chosen:
chosen.append(j) # j is supposed to be a stub.
# Article dict contains stubs for unprocessed articles and lists of summarized chunks for processed ones.
# Here we put together a list of article stubs and/or summary chunks and let the digestor sort out what it does with them,
chosen = [i if isinstance(article_dict[i.hed], stub) else article_dict[i.hed] for i in chosen]
# Digestor uses 'chosen', passed through 'stubs' to create digest.
# 'user_choicese' is passed for reference.
# Passing list(answers.values()) includes 'None' choices.
digestor = Digestor(timer=Timer(), cache = USE_CACHE, stubs=chosen, user_choices=list(selections))
# happens internally but may be used differently so it isn't automatic upon digestor creation.
# Easily turn caching off for testing.
digestor.digest() # creates summaries and stores them associated with the digest
# Get displayable digest and digest data
digestor.build_digest()# only returns for data collection
digest = digestor.text
if len(digest) == 0:
st.write("You didn't select a topic!")
st.write("Your digest is ready:\n")