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A role and directive to display mathtext in Sphinx
The ``mathmpl`` Sphinx extension creates a mathtext image in Matplotlib and
shows it in html output. Thus, it is a true and faithful representation of what
you will see if you pass a given LaTeX string to Matplotlib (see
.. warning::
In most cases, you will likely want to use one of `Sphinx's builtin Math
instead of this one. The builtin Sphinx math directive uses MathJax to
render mathematical expressions, and addresses accessibility concerns that
``mathmpl`` doesn't address.
Mathtext may be included in two ways:
1. Inline, using the role::
This text uses inline math: :mathmpl:`\alpha > \beta`.
which produces:
This text uses inline math: :mathmpl:`\alpha > \beta`.
2. Standalone, using the directive::
Here is some standalone math:
.. mathmpl::
\alpha > \beta
which produces:
Here is some standalone math:
.. mathmpl::
\alpha > \beta
The ``mathmpl`` role and directive both support the following options:
fontset : str, default: 'cm'
The font set to use when displaying math. See :rc:`mathtext.fontset`.
fontsize : float
The font size, in points. Defaults to the value from the extension
configuration option defined below.
Configuration options
The mathtext extension has the following configuration options:
mathmpl_fontsize : float, default: 10.0
Default font size, in points.
mathmpl_srcset : list of str, default: []
Additional image sizes to generate when embedding in HTML, to support
`responsive resolution images
The list should contain additional x-descriptors (``'1.5x'``, ``'2x'``,
etc.) to generate (1x is the default and always included.)
import hashlib
from pathlib import Path
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
import sphinx
from sphinx.errors import ConfigError, ExtensionError
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import _api, mathtext
from matplotlib.rcsetup import validate_float_or_None
# Define LaTeX math node:
class latex_math(nodes.General, nodes.Element):
def fontset_choice(arg):
return directives.choice(arg, mathtext.MathTextParser._font_type_mapping)
def math_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner,
options={}, content=[]):
i = rawtext.find('`')
latex = rawtext[i+1:-1]
node = latex_math(rawtext)
node['latex'] = latex
node['fontset'] = options.get('fontset', 'cm')
node['fontsize'] = options.get('fontsize',
return [node], []
math_role.options = {'fontset': fontset_choice,
'fontsize': validate_float_or_None}
class MathDirective(Directive):
The ``.. mathmpl::`` directive, as documented in the module's docstring.
has_content = True
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec = {'fontset': fontset_choice,
'fontsize': validate_float_or_None}
def run(self):
latex = ''.join(self.content)
node = latex_math(self.block_text)
node['latex'] = latex
node['fontset'] = self.options.get('fontset', 'cm')
node['fontsize'] = self.options.get('fontsize',
return [node]
# This uses mathtext to render the expression
def latex2png(latex, filename, fontset='cm', fontsize=10, dpi=100):
with mpl.rc_context({'mathtext.fontset': fontset, 'font.size': fontsize}):
depth = mathtext.math_to_image(
f"${latex}$", filename, dpi=dpi, format="png")
except Exception:
_api.warn_external(f"Could not render math expression {latex}")
depth = 0
return depth
# LaTeX to HTML translation stuff:
def latex2html(node, source):
inline = isinstance(node.parent, nodes.TextElement)
latex = node['latex']
fontset = node['fontset']
fontsize = node['fontsize']
name = 'math-{}'.format(
destdir = Path(, '_images', 'mathmpl')
destdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
dest = destdir / f'{name}.png'
depth = latex2png(latex, dest, fontset, fontsize=fontsize)
srcset = []
for size in
filename = f'{name}-{size.replace(".", "_")}.png'
latex2png(latex, destdir / filename, fontset, fontsize=fontsize,
dpi=100 * float(size[:-1]))
f'{}/mathmpl/{filename} {size}')
if srcset:
srcset = (f'srcset="{}/mathmpl/{name}.png, ' +
', '.join(srcset) + '" ')
if inline:
cls = ''
cls = 'class="center" '
if inline and depth != 0:
style = 'style="position: relative; bottom: -%dpx"' % (depth + 1)
style = ''
return (f'<img src="{}/mathmpl/{name}.png"'
f' {srcset}{cls}{style}/>')
def _config_inited(app, config):
# Check for srcset hidpi images
for i, size in enumerate(app.config.mathmpl_srcset):
if size[-1] == 'x': # "2x" = "2.0"
except ValueError:
raise ConfigError(
f'Invalid value for mathmpl_srcset parameter: {size!r}. '
'Must be a list of strings with the multiplicative '
'factor followed by an "x". e.g. ["2.0x", "1.5x"]')
raise ConfigError(
f'Invalid value for mathmpl_srcset parameter: {size!r}. '
'Must be a list of strings with the multiplicative '
'factor followed by an "x". e.g. ["2.0x", "1.5x"]')
def setup(app): = app
app.add_config_value('mathmpl_fontsize', 10.0, True)
app.add_config_value('mathmpl_srcset', [], True)
app.connect('config-inited', _config_inited) # Sphinx 1.8+
except ExtensionError:
app.connect('env-updated', lambda app, env: _config_inited(app, None))
# Add visit/depart methods to HTML-Translator:
def visit_latex_math_html(self, node):
source = self.document.attributes['source']
self.body.append(latex2html(node, source))
def depart_latex_math_html(self, node):
# Add visit/depart methods to LaTeX-Translator:
def visit_latex_math_latex(self, node):
inline = isinstance(node.parent, nodes.TextElement)
if inline:
self.body.append('$%s$' % node['latex'])
def depart_latex_math_latex(self, node):
html=(visit_latex_math_html, depart_latex_math_html),
latex=(visit_latex_math_latex, depart_latex_math_latex))
app.add_role('mathmpl', math_role)
app.add_directive('mathmpl', MathDirective)
if sphinx.version_info < (1, 8):
app.add_role('math', math_role)
app.add_directive('math', MathDirective)
metadata = {'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True}
return metadata