Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,390 Bytes
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# Pyserini: Reproducible IR research with sparse and dense representations
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import math
import os
import subprocess
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from string import Template
import yaml
from scripts.repro_matrix.defs_miracl import models, languages, trec_eval_metric_definitions
from scripts.repro_matrix.utils import run_eval_and_return_metric, ok_str, okish_str, fail_str
def print_results(metric, split):
print(f'Metric = {metric}, Split = {split}')
print(' ' * 35, end='')
for lang in languages:
print(f'{lang[0]:3} ', end='')
for model in models:
print(f'{model:33}', end='')
for lang in languages:
key = f'{model}.{lang[0]}'
print(f'{table[key][split][metric]:7.3f}', end='')
def extract_topic_fn_from_cmd(cmd):
cmd = cmd.split()
topic_idx = cmd.index('--topics')
return cmd[topic_idx + 1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate regression matrix for MIRACL.')
parser.add_argument('--skip-eval', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip running trec_eval.')
args = parser.parse_args()
start = time.time()
table = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)))
with open('pyserini/resources/miracl.yaml') as f:
yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
for condition in yaml_data['conditions']:
name = condition['name']
eval_key = condition['eval_key']
cmd_template = condition['command']
cmd_lst = cmd_template.split()
print(f'condition {name}:')
lang = name.split('.')[-1]
is_hybrid_run = 'hybrid' in name
for splits in condition['splits']:
split = splits['split']
if is_hybrid_run:
hits = int(cmd_lst[cmd_lst.index('--k') + 1])
hits = int(cmd_lst[cmd_lst.index('--hits') + 1])
print(f' - split: {split}')
runfile = f'runs/run.miracl.{name}.{split}.top{hits}.txt'
if is_hybrid_run:
bm25_output = f'runs/run.miracl.bm25.{lang}.{split}.top{hits}.txt'
mdpr_output = f'runs/run.miracl.mdpr-tied-pft-msmarco.{lang}.{split}.top{hits}.txt'
if not os.path.exists(bm25_output):
print(f'Missing BM25 file: {bm25_output}')
if not os.path.exists(mdpr_output):
print(f'Missing mDPR file: {mdpr_output}')
cmd = Template(cmd_template).substitute(split=split, output=runfile, bm25_output=bm25_output, mdpr_output=mdpr_output)
cmd = Template(cmd_template).substitute(split=split, output=runfile)
# In the yaml file, the topics are written as something like '--topics miracl-v1.0-ar-${split}'
# This works for the dev split because the topics are directly included in Anserini/Pyserini.
# For this training split, we have to map the symbol into a file in tools/topics-and-qrels/
# Here, we assume that the developer has cloned the miracl repo and placed the topics there.
if split == 'train':
cmd = cmd.replace(f'--topics miracl-v1.0-{lang}-{split}',
f'--topics tools/topics-and-qrels/topics.miracl-v1.0-{lang}-{split}.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(runfile):
print(f' Running: {cmd}')
rtn =, capture_output=True)
stderr = rtn.stderr.decode()
if '--topics' in cmd:
topic_fn = extract_topic_fn_from_cmd(cmd)
if f'ValueError: Topic {topic_fn} Not Found' in stderr:
print(f'Skipping {topic_fn}: file not found.')
for expected in splits['scores']:
for metric in expected:
if not args.skip_eval:
# We have the translate the training qrels into a file located in tools/topics-and-qrels/
# because they are not included with Anserini/Pyserini by default.
# Here, we assume that the developer has cloned the miracl repo and placed the qrels there.
if split == 'train':
qrels = f'tools/topics-and-qrels/qrels.{eval_key}-train.tsv'
qrels = f'{eval_key}-{split}'
score = float(run_eval_and_return_metric(metric, qrels,
trec_eval_metric_definitions[metric], runfile))
if math.isclose(score, float(expected[metric])):
result_str = ok_str
# Flaky tests
elif (name == 'mdpr-tied-pft-msmarco.hi' and split == 'train'
and math.isclose(score, float(expected[metric]), abs_tol=2e-4)) or \
(name == ''
and split == 'dev' and metric == 'nDCG@10'
and math.isclose(score, float(expected[metric]), abs_tol=2e-4)) or \
(name == 'bm25-mdpr-tied-pft-msmarco-hybrid.te'
and split == 'train' and metric == 'nDCG@10'
and math.isclose(score, float(expected[metric]), abs_tol=2e-4)) or \
(name == 'bm25-mdpr-tied-pft-msmarco-hybrid.zh'
and split == 'dev' and metric == 'nDCG@10'
and math.isclose(score, float(expected[metric]), abs_tol=2e-4)):
result_str = okish_str
result_str = fail_str + f' expected {expected[metric]:.4f}'
print(f' {metric:7}: {score:.4f} {result_str}')
table[name][split][metric] = score
table[name][split][metric] = expected[metric]
for metric in ['nDCG@10', 'R@100']:
for split in ['dev', 'train']:
print_results(metric, split)
end = time.time()
print(f'Total elapsed time: {end - start:.0f}s')