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from nodes import MAX_RESOLUTION
from impact.utils import *
import impact.core as core
from impact.core import SEG
from impact.segs_nodes import SEGSPaste
from comfy_extras import nodes_differential_diffusion
except Exception:
print(f"\n#############################################\n[Impact Pack] ComfyUI is an outdated version.\n#############################################\n")
raise Exception("[Impact Pack] ComfyUI is an outdated version.")
class SEGSDetailerForAnimateDiff:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {"required": {
"image_frames": ("IMAGE", ),
"segs": ("SEGS", ),
"guide_size": ("FLOAT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
"guide_size_for": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True, "label_on": "bbox", "label_off": "crop_region"}),
"max_size": ("FLOAT", {"default": 768, "min": 64, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
"seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}),
"steps": ("INT", {"default": 20, "min": 1, "max": 10000}),
"cfg": ("FLOAT", {"default": 8.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0}),
"sampler_name": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS,),
"scheduler": (core.SCHEDULERS,),
"denoise": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.5, "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
"basic_pipe": ("BASIC_PIPE",),
"refiner_ratio": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.2, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0}),
"optional": {
"refiner_basic_pipe_opt": ("BASIC_PIPE",),
"noise_mask_feather": ("INT", {"default": 20, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1}),
"scheduler_func_opt": ("SCHEDULER_FUNC",),
RETURN_NAMES = ("segs", "cnet_images")
OUTPUT_IS_LIST = (False, True)
FUNCTION = "doit"
CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/Detailer"
def do_detail(image_frames, segs, guide_size, guide_size_for, max_size, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler,
denoise, basic_pipe, refiner_ratio=None, refiner_basic_pipe_opt=None, noise_mask_feather=0, scheduler_func_opt=None):
model, clip, vae, positive, negative = basic_pipe
if refiner_basic_pipe_opt is None:
refiner_model, refiner_clip, refiner_positive, refiner_negative = None, None, None, None
refiner_model, refiner_clip, _, refiner_positive, refiner_negative = refiner_basic_pipe_opt
segs = core.segs_scale_match(segs, image_frames.shape)
new_segs = []
cnet_image_list = []
if noise_mask_feather > 0 and 'denoise_mask_function' not in model.model_options:
model = nodes_differential_diffusion.DifferentialDiffusion().apply(model)[0]
for seg in segs[1]:
cropped_image_frames = None
for image in image_frames:
image = image.unsqueeze(0)
cropped_image = seg.cropped_image if seg.cropped_image is not None else crop_tensor4(image, seg.crop_region)
cropped_image = to_tensor(cropped_image)
if cropped_image_frames is None:
cropped_image_frames = cropped_image
cropped_image_frames = torch.concat((cropped_image_frames, cropped_image), dim=0)
cropped_image_frames = cropped_image_frames.cpu().numpy()
# It is assumed that AnimateDiff does not support conditioning masks based on test results, but it will be added for future consideration.
cropped_positive = [
[condition, {
k: core.crop_condition_mask(v, cropped_image_frames, seg.crop_region) if k == "mask" else v
for k, v in details.items()
for condition, details in positive
cropped_negative = [
[condition, {
k: core.crop_condition_mask(v, cropped_image_frames, seg.crop_region) if k == "mask" else v
for k, v in details.items()
for condition, details in negative
enhanced_image_tensor, cnet_images = core.enhance_detail_for_animatediff(cropped_image_frames, model, clip, vae, guide_size, guide_size_for, max_size,
seg.bbox, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler,
cropped_positive, cropped_negative, denoise, seg.cropped_mask,
refiner_ratio=refiner_ratio, refiner_model=refiner_model,
refiner_clip=refiner_clip, refiner_positive=refiner_positive,
refiner_negative=refiner_negative, control_net_wrapper=seg.control_net_wrapper,
noise_mask_feather=noise_mask_feather, scheduler_func=scheduler_func_opt)
if cnet_images is not None:
if enhanced_image_tensor is None:
new_cropped_image = cropped_image_frames
new_cropped_image = enhanced_image_tensor.cpu().numpy()
new_seg = SEG(new_cropped_image, seg.cropped_mask, seg.confidence, seg.crop_region, seg.bbox, seg.label, None)
return (segs[0], new_segs), cnet_image_list
def doit(self, image_frames, segs, guide_size, guide_size_for, max_size, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler,
denoise, basic_pipe, refiner_ratio=None, refiner_basic_pipe_opt=None, inpaint_model=False, noise_mask_feather=0, scheduler_func_opt=None):
segs, cnet_images = SEGSDetailerForAnimateDiff.do_detail(image_frames, segs, guide_size, guide_size_for, max_size, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name,
scheduler, denoise, basic_pipe, refiner_ratio, refiner_basic_pipe_opt,
noise_mask_feather=noise_mask_feather, scheduler_func_opt=scheduler_func_opt)
if len(cnet_images) == 0:
cnet_images = [empty_pil_tensor()]
return (segs, cnet_images)
class DetailerForEachPipeForAnimateDiff:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {"required": {
"image_frames": ("IMAGE", ),
"segs": ("SEGS", ),
"guide_size": ("FLOAT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": nodes.MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
"guide_size_for": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True, "label_on": "bbox", "label_off": "crop_region"}),
"max_size": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1024, "min": 64, "max": nodes.MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
"seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}),
"steps": ("INT", {"default": 20, "min": 1, "max": 10000}),
"cfg": ("FLOAT", {"default": 8.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0}),
"sampler_name": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS,),
"scheduler": (core.SCHEDULERS,),
"denoise": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.5, "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
"feather": ("INT", {"default": 5, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1}),
"basic_pipe": ("BASIC_PIPE", ),
"refiner_ratio": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.2, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0}),
"optional": {
"detailer_hook": ("DETAILER_HOOK",),
"refiner_basic_pipe_opt": ("BASIC_PIPE",),
"noise_mask_feather": ("INT", {"default": 20, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1}),
"scheduler_func_opt": ("SCHEDULER_FUNC",),
RETURN_NAMES = ("image", "segs", "basic_pipe", "cnet_images")
OUTPUT_IS_LIST = (False, False, False, True)
FUNCTION = "doit"
CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/Detailer"
def doit(image_frames, segs, guide_size, guide_size_for, max_size, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler,
denoise, feather, basic_pipe, refiner_ratio=None, detailer_hook=None, refiner_basic_pipe_opt=None,
noise_mask_feather=0, scheduler_func_opt=None):
enhanced_segs = []
cnet_image_list = []
for sub_seg in segs[1]:
single_seg = segs[0], [sub_seg]
enhanced_seg, cnet_images = SEGSDetailerForAnimateDiff().do_detail(image_frames, single_seg, guide_size, guide_size_for, max_size, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler,
denoise, basic_pipe, refiner_ratio, refiner_basic_pipe_opt, noise_mask_feather, scheduler_func_opt=scheduler_func_opt)
image_frames = SEGSPaste.doit(image_frames, enhanced_seg, feather, alpha=255)[0]
if cnet_images is not None:
if detailer_hook is not None:
image_frames = detailer_hook.post_paste(image_frames)
enhanced_segs += enhanced_seg[1]
new_segs = segs[0], enhanced_segs
return image_frames, new_segs, basic_pipe, cnet_image_list