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import re, time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from threading import Timer
import gradio as gr
from transformers import (
GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer,
AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer,
# reference:
# and
def euc_100():
# 1,2,3. asks about the user's emotions and store data
print('How was your day?')
print('On the scale 1 to 10, how would you judge your emotion through the following categories:') # ~ Baymax :)
emotion_types = ['overall'] #, 'happiness', 'surprise', 'sadness', 'depression', 'anger', 'fear', 'anxiety']
emotion_degree = []
input_time = []
for e in emotion_types:
while True:
x = input(f'{e}: ')
if x.isnumeric() and (0 < int(x) < 11):
print('invalid input, my friend :) plz input again')
# 4. if good mood
if emotion_degree[0] >= 6:
print('You seem to be in a good mood today. Is there anything you could notice that makes you happy?')
while True:
# timer = Timer(10, ValueError)
# timer.start()
x = input('Your answer: ')
if x == '': # need to change this part to waiting 10 seconds
print('Whether your good mood is over?')
print('Any other details that you would like to recall?')
y = input('Your answer (Yes or No): ')
if y == 'No':
print('I am glad that you are willing to share the experience with me. Thanks for letting me know.')
# 5. bad mood
questions = [
'What specific thing is bothering you the most right now?',
'Oh, I see. So when it is happening, what feelings or emotions have you got?',
'And what do you think about those feelings or emotions at that time?',
'Could you think of any evidence for your above-mentioned thought?',
for q in questions:
y = 'No' # bad mood
while True:
x = input('Your answer (example of answer here): ')
if x == '': # need to change this part to waiting 10 seconds
print('Whether your bad mood is over?')
y = input('Your answer (Yes or No): ')
if y == 'Yes':
if y == 'Yes':
print('Nice to hear that.')
# reading interface here
print('Here are some reference articles about bad emotions. You can take a look :)')
def load_neural_emotion_detector():
model_name = "joeddav/distilbert-base-uncased-go-emotions-student"
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
pipe = pipeline('text-classification', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,
return_all_scores=True, truncation=True)
return pipe
def sort_predictions(predictions):
return sorted(predictions, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)
def plot_emotion_distribution(predictions):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()[i for i, _ in enumerate(prediction)],
height=[p['score'] for p in prediction],
tick_label=[p['label'] for p in prediction])
ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
def rulebase(text):
keywords = {
'life_safety': ["death", "suicide", "murder", "to perish together", "jump off the building"],
'immediacy': ["now", "immediately", "tomorrow", "today"],
'manifestation': ["never stop", "every moment", "strong", "very"]
# if found dangerous kw/topics
if"{'|'.join(keywords['life_safety'])}", text)!=None and \
sum(["{'|'.join(keywords[k])}", text)!=None for k in ['immediacy','manifestation']]) >= 1:
print('We noticed that you may need immediate professional assistance, would you like to make a phone call? '
'The Hong Kong Lifeline number is (852) 2382 0000')
x = input('Choose 1. "Dial to the number" or 2. "No dangerous emotion la": ')
if x == '1':
print('Let you connect to the office')
print('Sorry for our misdetection. We just want to make sure that you could get immediate help when needed. '
'Would you mind if we send this conversation to the cloud to finetune the model.')
y = input('Yes or No: ')
if y == 'Yes':
pass # do smt here
def euc_200(text, testing=True):
# 2. using rule to judge user's emotion
# 3. using ML
if not testing:
pipe = load_neural_emotion_detector()
prediction = pipe(text)[0]
prediction = sort_predictions(prediction)
# get the most probable emotion. TODO: modify this part, may take sum of prob. over all negative emotion
threshold = 0.3
emotion = {'label': 'sadness', 'score': 0.4} if testing else prediction[0]
# then judge
if emotion['label'] in ['surprise', 'sadness', 'anger', 'fear'] and emotion['score'] > threshold:
print(f'It has come to our attention that you may suffer from {emotion["label"]}')
print('If you want to know more about yourself, '
'some professional scales are provided to quantify your current status. '
'After a period of time (maybe a week/two months/a month) trying to follow the solutions we suggested, '
'you can fill out these scales again to see if you have improved.')
x = input('Fill in the form now (Okay or Later): ')
if x == 'Okay':
print('Display the form')
print('Here are some reference articles about bad emotions. You can take a look :)')
# 4. If both of the above are not satisfied. What do u mean by 'satisfied' here?
questions = [
'What specific thing is bothering you the most right now?',
'Oh, I see. So when it is happening, what feelings or emotions have you got?',
'And what do you think about those feelings or emotions at that time?',
'Could you think of any evidence for your above-mentioned thought? #',
for q in questions:
y = 'No' # bad mood
while True:
x = input('Your answer (example of answer here): ')
if x == '': # need to change this part to waiting 10 seconds
print('Whether your bad mood is over?')
y = input('Your answer (Yes or No): ')
if y == 'Yes':
if y == 'Yes':
print('Nice to hear that.')
# reading interface here
print('Here are some reference articles about bad emotions. You can take a look :)')
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("tareknaous/dialogpt-empathetic-dialogues")
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("tareknaous/dialogpt-empathetic-dialogues")
def chat(message, history):
history = history or []
eos = tokenizer.eos_token
input_str = eos.join([x for turn in history for x in turn] + [message])
bot_input_ids = tokenizer.encode(input_str, return_tensors='pt')
bot_output_ids = model.generate(bot_input_ids,
do_sample=True, top_p=0.9, temperature=0.8,
response = tokenizer.decode(bot_output_ids[:, bot_input_ids.shape[-1]:][0],
history.append((message, response))
return history, history
if __name__ == '__main__':
# euc_100()
# euc_200('I am happy about my academic record.')
title = "PsyPlus Empathetic Chatbot"
description = "Gradio demo for product of PsyPlus. Based on rule-based CBT and conversational AI model DialoGPT"
iface = gr.Interface(
["text", "state"],
["chatbot", "state"],
iface.launch(debug=True, server_name="", server_port=2022, share=True) |