File size: 173,990 Bytes
"36MUZ9VAE8MI4ZXG5C562HJOH58ED2","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","3EO896NRAZF0JNDZV5LESLAUID1TJ5","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:06:15 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:09:44 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:09:44 PST 2023","","","","209","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","91","31","Flickr 9","Rhinoceros - on a float in the street","Folks who live upstairs","","","","The parade is starting and people line the streets. The folks who live upstairs in the buildings get a good view. The really cool floats are coming next. It's raining harder but no one seems to mind. The people came prepared with umbrellas for this special occasion.The more the parade goes on, the better the displays seem to be. The zoo animals are very well done and everybody is standing in the rain to see them. The man's dog is a bit confused by these animals. Everyone is having a good time watching the parade and chatting with their neighbors.","8","false","","The float needs to get built by somebody.","Watch a parade from the high vantage point.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","true","true","false","false","","","Nobody wants to take the effort or time to build it.","There aren't enough people to work on it.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3P0I4CQYV0R3PWAWGLDSZH2NSNJWOW","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","308Q0PEVBBXL4XKFFHVXPKUIBSTI94","A249LDVPG27XCE","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 23:14:21 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 23:25:07 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 23:25:07 PST 2023","","","","646","100% (782/782)","100% (23/23)","0% (0/0)","93","1","Flickr 9","Some people are sitting in chairs","Friends","","","","The townsfolk are gathered for a parade. There are many families with children. This is a special day. Everyone is here for the celebration. It has been raining, so many people brought their umbrellas and rain caps. The parade is downtown, so people who live in apartments there can just open their windows and watch from home.The floats are comprised of different animals. Everyone is having a great time.This is a special day and everyone has been looking forward to viewing all the different animal floats people made for the parade.Families are gathered together, along with friends. It turns out the parade happens on a rainy day, so everyone brought their rain gear. The rain doesn't dampen the mood though, and everyone has a great time.There are people dressed up like flamingos, a rhinoceros float and a zebra float, along with many other festive floats.","9","false","""Families with children""","Families with children and friends are comfortable in the chairs allowing them to stay until the end of the parade.","The friends want to visit the families with children during and after the parade.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","true","false","true","","There is no comfortable place for families with children to sit and so they will leave early.","The chairs are only in front of the bars and other businesses inappropriate for children to be near.","false","false","false","false","true","false","true",""
"3RBI0I35XGNISCCACOBOWBPS84O3Y8","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","3483FV8BEH3UBT4FS77TIUWZWV462M","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 09:35:02 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 10:31:54 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 10:31:54 PST 2023","","","","3412","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","92","23","Flickr 9","Umbrellas","Jack","","","","This was the perfect place for a meeting. Jack had made contact with his asset the night before and was ready for the next step on the plan. The large crowd paired with the rain made for the perfect cover. The go signal for the drop was when the rhino float went by the middle of the street.Scanning the crowd, Jack finally saw his asset. He was low to the ground, wearing a red raincoat. `Could you be anymore conspicuous?` Jack said to himself. Just then the rhino float went by and Jack's asset darted across the street. Jack felt the envelope leave his hand and a wet nose graze his thumb. By the time Jack looked back up his asset was across the street again, watching the zebra float go by.","9","false","","Jack's asset can be easily spotted in the crowd.","Meet his asset and pass the envelope to them.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","false","true","false","false","true","","Jack's asset is buried in the crowd and can't be identified.","Jack's asset is very short and tiny.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3E6L1VR4XY6BP4IXQ0HYETUWCK06FK","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","3X0H8UUIT48LA70JD4Z3768GIRWSWC","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 09:35:19 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 10:35:12 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 10:35:12 PST 2023","","","","3593","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","91","32","Flickr 9","Rhinoceros - on a float in the street","Man's dog","","","","The parade is starting and people line the streets. The folks who live upstairs in the buildings get a good view. The really cool floats are coming next. It's raining harder but no one seems to mind. The people came prepared with umbrellas for this special occasion.The more the parade goes on, the better the displays seem to be. The zoo animals are very well done and everybody is standing in the rain to see them. The man's dog is a bit confused by these animals. Everyone is having a good time watching the parade and chatting with their neighbors.","8","false","","The rhinoceros are just displays and not real animals.","Stay quietly by its owner without any threat from the animals.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","true","true","false","","","The rhinoceros are real animals and attack the man's dog.","the rhinoceros are real animals.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"311HQEI8RU00YLN2AMGXNZAAJ0DZ7Z","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","34Z02EIMIVXTHHCD9XB8AGVYJ4W0T6","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:09:14 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:27:53 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:27:53 PST 2023","","","","1119","100% (2130/2130)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","88","19","Flickr 8","Few green trees","Jack","","","","One gloomy cool day, Jack, his dad and grandfather all decided to go on a hike on the mountain nearby their town. They started on a trail that leads up to the mountain. The trail was covered with leaves that had fallen from the surrounding trees. They were so dry and brittle the sound of them crunching under their shoes sounded like breaking bones. They had their backpacks ready with any necessities they thought would be somewhat needed up the mountain and their time there. They packed it with some first aid kits, drinks, snacks, and other things. At one point they had to go through what's now an old tunnel in the middle of the woods. That part was always Jacks favorites because they would always stop and mark their names on the walls of the old tunnel.As they continued to walk through the trail, they came upon a very old part of a bridge. Jack was the first one to arrive in front of it, his father and grandfather walked slowly behind him. They stopped and admired the old structure, walls filled with stones, the details amazed them. There was a tunnel going under the bridge which they would have to go under to continue their path and get to their destination. Once they were done admiring the old structure they continued their way that led to their final destination and went ahead and started their hike for that afternoon. The trail on the way to the mountain was always an important and admiring part of the hike, Jack could even say it was his favorite part!","13","false","","A tough stick from one of the few green trees, could be used to write his name in the tunnel.","To write his name in an old tunnel on the trail.","false","false","false","false","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","false","false","false","true","false","false","A Blizzard suddenly comes up freezing the trees.","The twigs couldn't be removed from the trees because of freezing.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3DWGDA5POHO5EF3QK9AL1J61S381V5","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","3Z4AIRP3C9X05N6FAQG5DOZE1SQX1P","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:25:32 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:32:05 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:32:05 PST 2023","","","","393","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","91","29","Flickr 9","People - on the side of the road","Folks who live upstairs","","","","The parade is starting and people line the streets. The folks who live upstairs in the buildings get a good view. The really cool floats are coming next. It's raining harder but no one seems to mind. The people came prepared with umbrellas for this special occasion.The more the parade goes on, the better the displays seem to be. The zoo animals are very well done and everybody is standing in the rain to see them. The man's dog is a bit confused by these animals. Everyone is having a good time watching the parade and chatting with their neighbors.","8","false","","People on the side of the road stay on the sidewalk and leave ample space for the parade.","Folks who live upstairs watch the parade with a good view.","false","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","true","","","The folks who live upstairs don't have a window facing the street.","The windows of the folks who live upstairs face the other side of the building.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3S4TINXCC27B1TCLLUHWC3P2IM2BOW","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","37ZHEEHM6Z620BE3FHQQ7I1NXJP37S","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:08:11 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:10:57 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:10:57 PST 2023","","","","166","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","74","11","Flickr 5","Wind cave national park sign","Family","","","","A family on vacation sees a sign for Wing Cave National Park and decides to check it out. After parking their vehicle, they begin walking through the park, and see a sign which gives a full name of the national park. The first thing they see is a beautiful field with dozens of green trees in the distance.As the family continues to walk through the national park, they begin to realize there is not many animals. On top of that all of the grass and shrubs have died off. While they are walking, they recognize a distressed deer looking for grass. The family watches the deer for a few minutes, to see if they finally find grass to munch on. As far as they were able to see, the deer never found grass. The family realized how dire the situation was at that national park for the animals in it, and decided to call the park ranger before continuing their vacation.","8","false","","They need to be in the area and be able to see the sign.","Check out the sights in a National Park.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","","","The sign is not there or has been damaged.","The sign needed to be taken in for repairs after a vandal damaged it.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3X2YVV51PWOIT43VAJFHNLPFZCA1WF","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:38 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:38 PST 2023","","","3MTMREQS4Y2HABEPW4DCM6EAWKPAWW","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:31:42 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:36:58 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:36:58 PST 2023","","","","316","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","77","71","Flickr 6","Grassy hill","Dad","","","","We visited a new National Park every year. It was tradition, my favorite tradition. Mom loved Yellowstone. Dad loved the Everglades. I hated it all. But since the divorce, I've been craving these trips more than anything I can remember. Together as a family, that's what these trips did for us. This year Mom and Dad agreed to come together, to be civil around each other. We went to Wind Cave National Park, who had ever heard of that? The first day on the drive in we went through the entrance and immediately saw a buffalo, all on its own.We got to our camping site and unloaded. Things were going well so far, no fighting. This could maybe be ok? First activity of the day was a day hike to Wind Cave. It's cool outside. The sun begins to go down. We see a deer on its own, grazing. This is not the same.","15","false","","They need to be present to be a part of a national park","Go on a vacation with the family.","false","false","false","false","true","false","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","false","A fire that burns a large portion of the park.","The grasslands and scenery would all be burned and not very scenic.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"39WICJI5AVCIX2MF8AD7AIYUEYS3ZZ","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3YT88D1N0BIQVQLNYBFZBN6934H3KS","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 05:16:13 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 05:26:36 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 05:26:36 PST 2023","","","","623","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","85","5","Flickr 7","Lamps","Security man","","","","While reading their kids books at the children's table at the local library, Jane and Timmy are being very good.  Their mother told them to sit and read while she goes to the adult section to get some books for her.  They sat quietly and read for a few minutes.  Then they got up and snuck around all of the book shelves.  They were curious as to where the mother had disappeared to. Instead of sitting and reading, Jane and Timmy decide to go on an excursion to see if they could find their mother, while exploring the rest of the library.Jane and Timmy search for a bit and found themselves having a little bit too much fun. They decide to play tag right inside the library. They run back and forth and in and out of the aisles.  Suddenly they are stopped in their tracks by a security man.  He asked them who they were, where was their mother, and why they were running around the library and being so noisy.  Jane and Timmy were scared.  They were just having fun.  The security guard them took them to the circulation desk so they could sit while he found their mother.","13","false","","The lamps need to be turned on and well lit.","Security man wants to make sure the library is quiet and secure.","true","false","true","false","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","true","false","false","true","true","true","false","true","The lamps are broken or not powered up.","The library runs out of electricity.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3QXFBUZ4ZM025F4TX2LJCK8OGLHUG8","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3483FV8BEH3UBT4FS77TIUWZWVP263","A249LDVPG27XCE","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 22:58:21 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 23:14:21 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 23:14:21 PST 2023","","","","960","100% (782/782)","100% (23/23)","0% (0/0)","56","13","Flickr 2","Passengers","Joseph","","","","Janice and Joseph are in the golden years of their lives.  They're on vacation in the mountains.  They rented a secluded cabin so that they could enjoy each others company without any distractions.  Today, they decided to trek into town and check out the historic steam engine.  It's well known around these parts.  The conductor has oodles of stories to share with anyone that cares enough to ask.Janice and Joseph take a walk up to the actual train depot and board a bigger train to go on a tour.  The tour takes a couple hours and weaves through the magical mountain forest.  As they're riding, they can't help but be smitten by the beautiful scenery passing them by.  Some young children are dangling their entire bodies out the window of the train, though.  This is giving Joseph anxiety and he badly wants to say something to them.  However, he abstains in the interest of not causing a scene in front of the love of his life.","11","false","","Joseph wants the young children to not get hurt hanging their bodies out of the train.","Joseph wants to have a good memory of this train ride.","false","true","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","true","true","false","true","One of the young children gets hurt or worse.","One of the small children falls out of the train.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3H6W48L9F69LAWMXVLQ7OH7D2SFWPD","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3OHYZ19UGFP9525N5IM25C1OTIQAOK","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:50:07 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:52:55 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:52:55 PST 2023","","","","168","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","70","50","Flickr 4","Sand","People traveling by walking","","","","There is a place in the world where the most people go to in their holidays they visit the biggest desert where people gets into helicopter and sees the enormous land from above and the warm air they you feel and there are other people who just like to travel by travel by walking with your family and friends.There is a ancient history with that log old cowboys of the western side used to camp there and have fum stories with their family and friends but one day a disaster happened which caused the log get red and rotten and from all over there world tourist goes to that wonderful place.","1","false","","There needs to be lots of sand to be able to see and walk on.","See a beautiful desert landscape.","true","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","The sand blows away due to a sandstorm.","A massive storm comes in and blows all of the sand to a different area.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3R4QIDVOJRWNW5BG17GQ8Z19HH9EEV","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3KOPY89HMBMVK6F5GQFNA86WOEOJ3E","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:58:24 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:01:08 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:01:08 PST 2023","","","","164","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","66","34","Flickr 4","Bushes","White settlers","","","","The American Indian Sioux tribe ran off all white settlers in a certain region of Arizona for decades, and returned to the traditional native way of life free from interference of the white man. The Sioux headed down into the Red Valley earlier this year to look for more wild American buffalo, and began to venture further out into their territory. As they travelled further on horseback they saw something in the distance. A giant picnic table, sitting under a pavilion to the East. The tribe snuck closer to investigate, and what they saw shocked them. Dozens of white people marching like zombies toward the massive relic.The Sioux were shocked and confused. They continued to come closer, and followed the white travelers from a distance. All the travelers seemed to stop at a certain location miles before the monument. They would stop for a few minutes, looking down, then continue. The Sioux waited until it had cleared out and came up to where this happened, looked down and saw a rusty red rock in a tuft of grass. The Sioux were puzzled, scared, and concerned. They decided to go home and worry about themselves.","12","false","","There need to be bushes to be able to mark a path.","See a relic while being turned into zombies.","false","false","false","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","The bushes are eaten up by grazing animals.","A huge herd of buffalo comes through and eats all of the leaves.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"33K3E8REWYFFT4S6J9KI4EQUMKM8XZ","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3FDJT1UU77ST958RCU3SQK4THZG5KQ","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:09:45 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:12:27 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:12:27 PST 2023","","","","162","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","68","68","Flickr 4","Some grasses, a big size stone, sand in the ground","My four friends","","","","we decided to plan for a trip to a mountain region, so we decided to go to the mountain region by car. There is a pathway along in the mountain, so it is easy to go to the mountain by the pathway. We and my four friends are ready for the is very exciting to go for the trip and explore new placeson the way of exploring the mountain we just saw a big size stone from the mountain, it is somewhat different from the other we planned to take a single piece of the stone for some memories in the mountain. Everyone was just amazed when looking at the was just an awesome experience to go for mountain trip","4","false","","Interesting sights need to be present","Go on a hike together in the park.","false","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","true","false","","","","","","","Inclement weather needs to be taking place.","It would make the stones too slippery and the sand too muddy to walk on.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3APP19WN73YH34ES1KNGWEU8DZ06GJ","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","33FOTY3KEP5C2PVKJUKIZBE40A1C11","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:41:37 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:45:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:45:19 PST 2023","","","","222","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","66","36","Flickr 4","Blue sky","White settlers","","","","The American Indian Sioux tribe ran off all white settlers in a certain region of Arizona for decades, and returned to the traditional native way of life free from interference of the white man. The Sioux headed down into the Red Valley earlier this year to look for more wild American buffalo, and began to venture further out into their territory. As they travelled further on horseback they saw something in the distance. A giant picnic table, sitting under a pavilion to the East. The tribe snuck closer to investigate, and what they saw shocked them. Dozens of white people marching like zombies toward the massive relic.The Sioux were shocked and confused. They continued to come closer, and followed the white travelers from a distance. All the travelers seemed to stop at a certain location miles before the monument. They would stop for a few minutes, looking down, then continue. The Sioux waited until it had cleared out and came up to where this happened, looked down and saw a rusty red rock in a tuft of grass. The Sioux were puzzled, scared, and concerned. They decided to go home and worry about themselves.","12","false","","It needs to be a nice day for them to want to check out the rock.","Check out a large red rock that is making them act like zombies.","false","false","false","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","true","true","true","true","false","The weather is too nasty to be able to walk around in.","It could be raining or snowing to make the trails not passable.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"337F8MIIM1X6DDZT4U5YEONEAR540T","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3NPI0JQDARPW5YGXQIQYPHW6RDZTPZ","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 05:29:50 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 05:38:50 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 05:38:50 PST 2023","","","","540","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","77","69","Flickr 6","Meadow","Dad","","","","We visited a new National Park every year. It was tradition, my favorite tradition. Mom loved Yellowstone. Dad loved the Everglades. I hated it all. But since the divorce, I've been craving these trips more than anything I can remember. Together as a family, that's what these trips did for us. This year Mom and Dad agreed to come together, to be civil around each other. We went to Wind Cave National Park, who had ever heard of that? The first day on the drive in we went through the entrance and immediately saw a buffalo, all on its own.We got to our camping site and unloaded. Things were going well so far, no fighting. This could maybe be ok? First activity of the day was a day hike to Wind Cave. It's cool outside. The sun begins to go down. We see a deer on its own, grazing. This is not the same.","15","false","","The meadow is green and well maintained.","Enjoy the trip with his son and ex wife.","false","false","false","false","true","false","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The meadow is dry and it's not good for the deer to graze on.","It's fall time and the grass turns brown.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"33KGGVH24W1XI48LKOB3P43M8EG1X8","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3634BBTX0REU57BSI3VPZGGTEP4IFA","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:48:32 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:51:30 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:51:30 PST 2023","","","","178","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","95","46","Flickr 9","Umbrellas up - middle of the rain","People from all over","","","","Each year, people from all over come to watch this large parade. The streets are lined and the windows of the buildings overlooking the streets are opened so everyone can see. On this rainy day, the parade begins with a herd of flamingos. Next, a large rhinoceros is placed on a cart and wheeled through for everyone to see and enjoy.As the rain continues, people are eager to see what's next. After the rhinoceros comes a beautiful looking zebra. It also sits on top of the cart and is wheeled through the street. Everyone with their umbrellas up smile and laugh as they enjoy seeing the zebra.","7","false","","It needs to be raining and people need to have umbrellas","Attend and enjoy a parade full of animal floats.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","false","false","true","","","","It is sunny and nice outside.","People wouldn't need umbrellas if it was nice outside.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3909MD9T211F2JBCWI0WQHM9TIOEFD","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3RU7GD8VPRDVQY3I1IL8FC0KPUTSPH","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 09:34:45 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 10:28:33 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 10:28:33 PST 2023","","","","3228","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","73","74","Flickr 5","Wind cave - sign says `welcome wind cave national park`","You","","","","You come across image 1 and then you read the sign. After noticing the sign is for a national park. You go a little further and notice a hill. Once you reach the top of the hill you look down and see image 2 as your point of view.Once you start to walk down the grassland. You go further and hear and animal crying out. You go a little further and it takes you to image 3. You see a dear that looks hungry and lost its way.","7","false","","The sign 'Welcome wind cave national park' is easily visible.","Enjoy a trip to Wind Cave National Park.","true","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","","","","The sign 'welcome wind cave national park' is damaged and not visible.","The sign 'welcome wind cave national park' was damaged by a visitor.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3L2OEKSTWBU4T9IGO56KNSX3OQG8Y5","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3R2PKQ87NZS0BH394QZ2U602BQGIMH","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:52:56 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:56:54 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:56:54 PST 2023","","","","238","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","86","62","Flickr 8","Ground is covered in fallen brown leaves","Man hiking by himself","","","","A group of three friends were taking a Sunday hike in a local park. They liked to hike this particular path whenever possible, because it was heavily forested and they felt like they were really out in the natural wilderness there, even though it was a well-maintained and patrolled path in a fairly popular park. As they turned a corner, their familiar favorite path appeared to have been replaced by something far older, and man-made. An ancient stone arch had been erected over the path, and to either side stretched a thick wall made of dirt and sod. Laney stepped off the path and saw that the wall seemed to stretch to infinity on either side. There was no way around the wall thought the trees. Thinking that perhaps they had just taken a wrong turning earlier, the friends proceeded under the arch. Once on the other side, they realized that they were nowhere they had seen before. The wild woods had been replaced by a lane flanked with trees planted in unnaturally straight lines. The fence in the distance told them they were no longer in their favorite park. When they turned to go back through the arch, it was gone.Far away, in another state on the opposite side of the country, a man was hiking by himself. He was visiting the area for a work trip and took the opportunity of an afternoon off to hike a few of the local trails. The trail he chose was for beginners and it wound gently around a forested hill. About halfway up the hill he encountered a stone arch set in a brick wall that blocked the path. He felt the hairs rise on his arms and the back of his neck. Something seemed wrong. The style of the stones and bricks used seemed far too old for this area. Then again, he reasoned, he really didn't know much about this state and he'd never hiked this area before. He shrugged off his shivers, deciding that he was being silly, and stepped through the arch. Once through, it was like he stepped into another world. Instead of being on the side of a hill, he was on a very flat lane that had trees planted in straight lines on the other side. When he looked behind him, the arch was gone. The tree-lined lane stretched off into the distance. He thought he could see a group of three people standing far down the lane. He started walking toward them, hoping they could help him find the way back.","25","false","","Many trees need to be overhead and all around.","He wants to go on a nice hike in the woods.","false","false","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","false","It is still spring or summer.","If it is still spring or summer the leaves wouldn't have fallen off the trees yet.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"32TZXEA1ON46K2KB0D9YST6OFJB41W","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","34V1S5K3GVL5BDPEDGM8SH4D20G69E","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:24:55 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:36:42 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:36:42 PST 2023","","","","707","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","67","56","Flickr 4","Walking path","News reporter","","","","`Send in the jets` the world watches as the president makes another attempt to control the situation at hand. A camera mounted to the jet sends a live feed to the news, and everyone gathers around their tv's hoping they will finally see an end to the terror. `All clear` one of the piolets says, screens showing the empty desert below, the jets turn towards a mountain in the distance. `Down on the ground at Lewis and Clark trail you can clearly see...` a news reporter drones on as the cameras pan a brown and grey landscape. For a brief moment cameras pause on a lady dressed in blue, who seemed to be...runningIntrigued the reporter motions to the cameraman to follow her as she starts running towards the lady `Excuse me!` she yells, the lady stops and turns. `Hello, I'm Suzanne with channel 18, please ma'am could you tell us why you're running?` the camera's come into focus on against the blue of the woman's shirt. `Oh, I'm sorry, I was just throwing my cursed rock! It's caused so much bad stuff to happen!` and she ran on. Suzanne walked to where the lady threw the rock and picked it up. It was almost ugly, a burnt red with a deep almost purple against a seemingly normal rock. `Cut the cameras` She said and shook her head, embarrassed to have been reporting about a cursed rock. She slipped the rock in her pocket without a thought as if that's where it belonged, and headed back to the van.","11","false","","People need to be walking on the path","Report on a story that is taking place in the desert","false","false","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","true","true","false","false","false","false","The weather is too cold for people to be out walking.","A cold front comes through which drops the temperatures.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"33NOQL7T9QJ4YZSLKR831Z65UKK8ZW","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3WMOAN2SREHBF589FYDLMAFWOIPVNU","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:38:41 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 16:24:54 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 16:24:54 PST 2023","","","","2773","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","83","41","Flickr 7","Windows","I","","","","When I was younger I loved the children's library. It was so fun and had lots of things to read. The chairs where so colorful and posters were everywhere. When I got older I started to go to the library for older people. The chairs and shelves were larger. There were also more books.In the middle of the library were a set of curved desks. This is where the librarians and assistants sat. I would go here to checkout and renew my books. I remember that everyone was so nice.","9","false","","People need to be seen inside of the library through the windows.","Visit the library and check out some books.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","","The windows are too dirty to be able to be seen through.","The people that work there don't clean the windows for a long time.","false","true","false","false","false","true","false","No windows are mentioned in the story."
"3L21G7IH49GMI9YVPKX58IAVAKA1YE","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","3C8HJ7UOPAEM67SJ4UNOU13S73HZMU","A1C8FN01981A69","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:41:44 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:43:26 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:43:26 PST 2023","","","","102","100% (3488/3488)","100% (80/80)","0% (0/0)","74","10","Flickr 5","Albino deer","Park ranger","","","","A family on vacation sees a sign for Wing Cave National Park and decides to check it out. After parking their vehicle, they begin walking through the park, and see a sign which gives a full name of the national park. The first thing they see is a beautiful field with dozens of green trees in the distance.As the family continues to walk through the national park, they begin to realize there is not many animals. On top of that all of the grass and shrubs have died off. While they are walking, they recognize a distressed deer looking for grass. The family watches the deer for a few minutes, to see if they finally find grass to munch on. As far as they were able to see, the deer never found grass. The family realized how dire the situation was at that national park for the animals in it, and decided to call the park ranger before continuing their vacation.","8","false","","The albino deer wants to find grass to eat.","The park ranger wants to help the deer","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","true","false","","","The albino deer wants to find its heard.","The park ranger could help the deer","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"33NOQL7T9QJ4YZSLKR831Z65UKJZ8M","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","37Q970SNZHSS96KGGGAIEGIMMDNS1B","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:45:45 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:25:04 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:25:04 PST 2023","","","","2359","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","68","65","Flickr 4","A pathway, some clouds, some peoples, grasses","We","","","","we decided to plan for a trip to a mountain region, so we decided to go to the mountain region by car. There is a pathway along in the mountain, so it is easy to go to the mountain by the pathway. We and my four friends are ready for the is very exciting to go for the trip and explore new placeson the way of exploring the mountain we just saw a big size stone from the mountain, it is somewhat different from the other we planned to take a single piece of the stone for some memories in the mountain. Everyone was just amazed when looking at the was just an awesome experience to go for mountain trip","4","false","","The weather is nice with some clouds in the sky. We walk on a well constructed pathway with grasses on the side.","We explore new places on a trip to the mountain.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","true","","","","","","","The weather is bad with dark clouds in the sky.","Some clouds in the sky turn dark.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3NKW03WTLOR6A8NCVY5WOMXN7O1WQ4","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:39 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:39 PST 2023","","","37UQDCYH60FMCKGMZRWWQDT6O41V72","A249LDVPG27XCE","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 23:25:08 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 23:32:56 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 23:32:56 PST 2023","","","","468","100% (782/782)","100% (23/23)","0% (0/0)","85","6","Flickr 7","Lamps","Their mother","","","","While reading their kids books at the children's table at the local library, Jane and Timmy are being very good.  Their mother told them to sit and read while she goes to the adult section to get some books for her.  They sat quietly and read for a few minutes.  Then they got up and snuck around all of the book shelves.  They were curious as to where the mother had disappeared to. Instead of sitting and reading, Jane and Timmy decide to go on an excursion to see if they could find their mother, while exploring the rest of the library.Jane and Timmy search for a bit and found themselves having a little bit too much fun. They decide to play tag right inside the library. They run back and forth and in and out of the aisles.  Suddenly they are stopped in their tracks by a security man.  He asked them who they were, where was their mother, and why they were running around the library and being so noisy.  Jane and Timmy were scared.  They were just having fun.  The security guard them took them to the circulation desk so they could sit while he found their mother.","13","false","","Without the lamps the library aisles would be too dark to see books.","Their mother wants to check out some library books for herself.","false","true","true","true","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","true","true","true","false","true","true","The library loses power, goes dark, and everyone has to leave immediately.","A power pole was damaged and knocked out power for several blocks.","false","false","false","false","true","false","true",""
"3PUOXASB59N4C4BVPJEH1V1GEQ1Z9B","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","33FBRBDW6RJUDPF5IFTXEL1CEIJC81","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 15:04:12 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 15:31:09 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 15:31:09 PST 2023","","","","1617","100% (2130/2130)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","95","48","Flickr 9","A dog is on a leash and wearing a red raincoat","People from all over","","","","Each year, people from all over come to watch this large parade. The streets are lined and the windows of the buildings overlooking the streets are opened so everyone can see. On this rainy day, the parade begins with a herd of flamingos. Next, a large rhinoceros is placed on a cart and wheeled through for everyone to see and enjoy.As the rain continues, people are eager to see what's next. After the rhinoceros comes a beautiful looking zebra. It also sits on top of the cart and is wheeled through the street. Everyone with their umbrellas up smile and laugh as they enjoy seeing the zebra.","7","false","","they hold their dog on a leash to keep the dog from running around interrupting the parade.","To see a parade close up.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","true","true","true","","","","The person holding the leash lets the dog loose.","The dog runs around disturbing the parade.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3TTPFEFXCV4V3093LQ5YHE69SZD6HI","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3G2UL9A02GY1XU1LYJOOELD77AR762","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:17:04 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:20:31 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:20:31 PST 2023","","","","207","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","66","35","Flickr 4","Blue sky","American indian sioux tribe","","","","The American Indian Sioux tribe ran off all white settlers in a certain region of Arizona for decades, and returned to the traditional native way of life free from interference of the white man. The Sioux headed down into the Red Valley earlier this year to look for more wild American buffalo, and began to venture further out into their territory. As they travelled further on horseback they saw something in the distance. A giant picnic table, sitting under a pavilion to the East. The tribe snuck closer to investigate, and what they saw shocked them. Dozens of white people marching like zombies toward the massive relic.The Sioux were shocked and confused. They continued to come closer, and followed the white travelers from a distance. All the travelers seemed to stop at a certain location miles before the monument. They would stop for a few minutes, looking down, then continue. The Sioux waited until it had cleared out and came up to where this happened, looked down and saw a rusty red rock in a tuft of grass. The Sioux were puzzled, scared, and concerned. They decided to go home and worry about themselves.","12","false","","The weather needs to be clear to be able to view the settlers.","Keep an eye on the white settlers who were in their land.","false","false","false","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","It is too rainy or foggy to be able to see well.","A weather system moves in which drops lots of rain.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"31KSVEGZ36C6M92C8DUWTC7S3A3WR5","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3OLF68YTNCLFZPSU6F3CIISA1I8FAE","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 16:24:40 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 16:33:44 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 16:33:44 PST 2023","","","","544","100% (2130/2130)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","86","63","Flickr 8","Shrubs","Group of three friends","","","","A group of three friends were taking a Sunday hike in a local park. They liked to hike this particular path whenever possible, because it was heavily forested and they felt like they were really out in the natural wilderness there, even though it was a well-maintained and patrolled path in a fairly popular park. As they turned a corner, their familiar favorite path appeared to have been replaced by something far older, and man-made. An ancient stone arch had been erected over the path, and to either side stretched a thick wall made of dirt and sod. Laney stepped off the path and saw that the wall seemed to stretch to infinity on either side. There was no way around the wall thought the trees. Thinking that perhaps they had just taken a wrong turning earlier, the friends proceeded under the arch. Once on the other side, they realized that they were nowhere they had seen before. The wild woods had been replaced by a lane flanked with trees planted in unnaturally straight lines. The fence in the distance told them they were no longer in their favorite park. When they turned to go back through the arch, it was gone.Far away, in another state on the opposite side of the country, a man was hiking by himself. He was visiting the area for a work trip and took the opportunity of an afternoon off to hike a few of the local trails. The trail he chose was for beginners and it wound gently around a forested hill. About halfway up the hill he encountered a stone arch set in a brick wall that blocked the path. He felt the hairs rise on his arms and the back of his neck. Something seemed wrong. The style of the stones and bricks used seemed far too old for this area. Then again, he reasoned, he really didn't know much about this state and he'd never hiked this area before. He shrugged off his shivers, deciding that he was being silly, and stepped through the arch. Once through, it was like he stepped into another world. Instead of being on the side of a hill, he was on a very flat lane that had trees planted in straight lines on the other side. When he looked behind him, the arch was gone. The tree-lined lane stretched off into the distance. He thought he could see a group of three people standing far down the lane. He started walking toward them, hoping they could help him find the way back.","25","false","","The Shrubs near the Stone arch, thinned.","To have fun on a walk.","false","true","false","false","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","false","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","The Shrubs near the stone arch concealed the arch area.","The shrubs twined together blocking the way.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3UDTAB6HH8J7AJ55LP1PVWYUWJJ90U","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3MB8LZR5BID7BUBC4HJZ790Q3PFKLS","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:49:11 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:54:06 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:54:06 PST 2023","","","","295","100% (2130/2130)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","83","43","Flickr 7","Bookshelf","I","","","","When I was younger I loved the children's library. It was so fun and had lots of things to read. The chairs where so colorful and posters were everywhere. When I got older I started to go to the library for older people. The chairs and shelves were larger. There were also more books.In the middle of the library were a set of curved desks. This is where the librarians and assistants sat. I would go here to checkout and renew my books. I remember that everyone was so nice.","9","false","","The bookshelf must be stocked with suitable reading material.","To get books to read out of the library.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","true","false","false","false","","The bookshelves haven't been filled with materials that had been checked in.","The librarian who is responsible for shelving items quit.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3XT3KXP241IVZVKNR8NJHQ7OSCS6IB","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3GD6L00D3VHPBB7BWJEW27JGUO5M1T","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:40:06 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:43:23 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:43:23 PST 2023","","","","197","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","67","55","Flickr 4","Walking path","Suzanne","","","","`Send in the jets` the world watches as the president makes another attempt to control the situation at hand. A camera mounted to the jet sends a live feed to the news, and everyone gathers around their tv's hoping they will finally see an end to the terror. `All clear` one of the piolets says, screens showing the empty desert below, the jets turn towards a mountain in the distance. `Down on the ground at Lewis and Clark trail you can clearly see...` a news reporter drones on as the cameras pan a brown and grey landscape. For a brief moment cameras pause on a lady dressed in blue, who seemed to be...runningIntrigued the reporter motions to the cameraman to follow her as she starts running towards the lady `Excuse me!` she yells, the lady stops and turns. `Hello, I'm Suzanne with channel 18, please ma'am could you tell us why you're running?` the camera's come into focus on against the blue of the woman's shirt. `Oh, I'm sorry, I was just throwing my cursed rock! It's caused so much bad stuff to happen!` and she ran on. Suzanne walked to where the lady threw the rock and picked it up. It was almost ugly, a burnt red with a deep almost purple against a seemingly normal rock. `Cut the cameras` She said and shook her head, embarrassed to have been reporting about a cursed rock. She slipped the rock in her pocket without a thought as if that's where it belonged, and headed back to the van.","11","false","","There needs to be people on the path and one with a cursed rock.","Report on a story about a cursed rock.","false","false","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","true","true","true","true","false","false","Nobody is out on the trail hiking.","It is too cold or raining outside to be walking around.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3KA7IJSNW8PTMTOM0UUB13USSRYBPD","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3XLBSAQ9Z7W3L4LW0OLZBJ62CEN7ZS","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:39:05 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:41:37 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:41:37 PST 2023","","","","152","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","88","17","Flickr 8","Gloomy skies","Jack","","","","One gloomy cool day, Jack, his dad and grandfather all decided to go on a hike on the mountain nearby their town. They started on a trail that leads up to the mountain. The trail was covered with leaves that had fallen from the surrounding trees. They were so dry and brittle the sound of them crunching under their shoes sounded like breaking bones. They had their backpacks ready with any necessities they thought would be somewhat needed up the mountain and their time there. They packed it with some first aid kits, drinks, snacks, and other things. At one point they had to go through what's now an old tunnel in the middle of the woods. That part was always Jacks favorites because they would always stop and mark their names on the walls of the old tunnel.As they continued to walk through the trail, they came upon a very old part of a bridge. Jack was the first one to arrive in front of it, his father and grandfather walked slowly behind him. They stopped and admired the old structure, walls filled with stones, the details amazed them. There was a tunnel going under the bridge which they would have to go under to continue their path and get to their destination. Once they were done admiring the old structure they continued their way that led to their final destination and went ahead and started their hike for that afternoon. The trail on the way to the mountain was always an important and admiring part of the hike, Jack could even say it was his favorite part!","13","false","","It can't be raining or any other inclement weather.","Go on a walk with his family.","true","false","false","false","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","It is raining very hard outside","The sky could be dropping lots of rain making it impossible to hike in.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"391FPZIE4E6G5BZ4H831XKKPVLUUH7","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3TDXMTX3CEEYMEIHHASL5A3GLRY6IU","A1C8FN01981A69","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 08:24:02 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 09:14:22 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 09:14:22 PST 2023","","","","3020","100% (3488/3488)","100% (80/80)","0% (0/0)","96","40","Flickr 10","Home stands in far frame with spectators","Home town heroes","","","","The great rivalry comes to a head tonight. The game doesn't start for 3 hours and people are already in the stands. The tension is so thick it feels like you can cut it. This is going to be a beauty.So it has all come down to this. Home town heroes or the underdogs that never got their true shot. One will give everything they've got and more. And one will leave with the championship sealed tight.","7","false","","Home stands in farm frame with spectators want to root on the team.","Home town heroes want to perform well and win for the fans.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","false","false","false","","","","Spectators want to boo the opposing team","THe home team could be performing dismally","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"35JDMRECC6TLGJ77726E82MLUXOEGC","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3JWH6J9I9VXW6RA3AHMLLYLPLR3BN0","A3B84NGQT7Z9WE","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 08:38:23 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 08:48:47 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 08:48:47 PST 2023","","","","624","100% (1401/1401)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","98","57","Flickr 10","A few scattered spectators","Surgeon","","","","The three friends loved the soccer fields. Even when there wasn't a game, they would sit on the bleachers and reminisce about games gone by. Raquel couldn't play ever since his knee injury and he missed running up and down the field and being part of the team. He could imagine the games in his mind, projecting them onto the empty field.He had dreamed of making it out of the small municipal field and into the big leagues. To play in the World Cup was a dream he could taste. That was before another player plowed into him. Some say they planned it to take him out for the season. They ended up taking him out of the game for good. The surgeon wasn't able to fully repair the knee. He'd never be the same.","10","false","","After Raquel's injury, a few of his friends helped him with his rehabilitation exercises.","To restore Raquel's knee back to its original condition.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","false","false","false","false","true","true","Raquel reinjures his knee during recovery which worsens the condition.","The friends are not able to be at Raquel's side 24x7, and thus he sustains further injury when they are not around.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"31GN6YMHLRCINO2PN2U1JMCOPCMWST","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","35BLDD71I9H5WUMSIMOFHXM5YWUZVC","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:51:31 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:54:12 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:54:12 PST 2023","","","","161","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","76","80","Flickr 6","Sign, park","National parks service","","","","The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land.The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land. Next we see a deer walking across the park. This and many wonderous animals can be seen here at Wind National Park.","9","false","","A sign needs to be at the entrance to tell people where to go.","Provide a safe and interesting place for people to visit.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","","The sign could be missing or damaged","A vandal defaces the sign and makes it unreadable.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"33N1S8XHHO5MNZ80L6ZOMPJXGEE1Z5","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3LS2AMNW5IA1SIC4UEJOVCGTX2RQOQ","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 20:32:09 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 20:39:11 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 20:39:11 PST 2023","","","","422","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","85","8","Flickr 7","Computer","Their mother","","","","While reading their kids books at the children's table at the local library, Jane and Timmy are being very good.  Their mother told them to sit and read while she goes to the adult section to get some books for her.  They sat quietly and read for a few minutes.  Then they got up and snuck around all of the book shelves.  They were curious as to where the mother had disappeared to. Instead of sitting and reading, Jane and Timmy decide to go on an excursion to see if they could find their mother, while exploring the rest of the library.Jane and Timmy search for a bit and found themselves having a little bit too much fun. They decide to play tag right inside the library. They run back and forth and in and out of the aisles.  Suddenly they are stopped in their tracks by a security man.  He asked them who they were, where was their mother, and why they were running around the library and being so noisy.  Jane and Timmy were scared.  They were just having fun.  The security guard them took them to the circulation desk so they could sit while he found their mother.","13","false","","The computer allows their mother to search for locations of her favourite books.","Have her kids sitting and reading books while she looks for books for herself.","false","false","false","false","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The computer is down and isn't available for their mother to check for the locations of the books.","The internet of the library is down.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3WUVMVA7ODNIHNL0HPSHXQC0K8JZAQ","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3CFVK00FWO50CFQN2DPYXQV82UW6LA","A1C8FN01981A69","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:16:17 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:38:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:38:19 PST 2023","","","","1322","100% (3488/3488)","100% (80/80)","0% (0/0)","70","51","Flickr 4","Road","People visiting desert","","","","There is a place in the world where the most people go to in their holidays they visit the biggest desert where people gets into helicopter and sees the enormous land from above and the warm air they you feel and there are other people who just like to travel by travel by walking with your family and friends.There is a ancient history with that log old cowboys of the western side used to camp there and have fum stories with their family and friends but one day a disaster happened which caused the log get red and rotten and from all over there world tourist goes to that wonderful place.","1","false","","People need to travel down the road","People visiting desert want to discover historical artifacts.","true","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","The road is closed for repairs.","A weather event could have impacted the road.","false","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3OND0WXMHYZZGF2IR8OWT2YM9X1EHB","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3IRIK4HM3D479BWHP0WZU75L8ND6CT","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Thu Nov 16 21:48:06 PST 2023","Thu Nov 16 21:54:36 PST 2023","Thu Nov 30 21:54:36 PST 2023","","","","390","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","67","54","Flickr 4","Dirt","News reporter","","","","`Send in the jets` the world watches as the president makes another attempt to control the situation at hand. A camera mounted to the jet sends a live feed to the news, and everyone gathers around their tv's hoping they will finally see an end to the terror. `All clear` one of the piolets says, screens showing the empty desert below, the jets turn towards a mountain in the distance. `Down on the ground at Lewis and Clark trail you can clearly see...` a news reporter drones on as the cameras pan a brown and grey landscape. For a brief moment cameras pause on a lady dressed in blue, who seemed to be...runningIntrigued the reporter motions to the cameraman to follow her as she starts running towards the lady `Excuse me!` she yells, the lady stops and turns. `Hello, I'm Suzanne with channel 18, please ma'am could you tell us why you're running?` the camera's come into focus on against the blue of the woman's shirt. `Oh, I'm sorry, I was just throwing my cursed rock! It's caused so much bad stuff to happen!` and she ran on. Suzanne walked to where the lady threw the rock and picked it up. It was almost ugly, a burnt red with a deep almost purple against a seemingly normal rock. `Cut the cameras` She said and shook her head, embarrassed to have been reporting about a cursed rock. She slipped the rock in her pocket without a thought as if that's where it belonged, and headed back to the van.","11","false","","There is no Dirt burying the rock.","News reporter interviews a lady who is running and throwing a rock.","false","true","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","true","true","true","true","The rock is hidden and can't be seen.","There is a pile of Dirt burying the rock.","false","false","false","false","true","false","true",""
"3W1K7D6QSD1N0XQSN3SDS1W62Q4ZBL","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3DEL4X4EL95XVTHIMFNERBAO8DYXYM","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:04:30 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:08:10 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:08:10 PST 2023","","","","220","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","88","20","Flickr 8","Few green trees","Jack's dad","","","","One gloomy cool day, Jack, his dad and grandfather all decided to go on a hike on the mountain nearby their town. They started on a trail that leads up to the mountain. The trail was covered with leaves that had fallen from the surrounding trees. They were so dry and brittle the sound of them crunching under their shoes sounded like breaking bones. They had their backpacks ready with any necessities they thought would be somewhat needed up the mountain and their time there. They packed it with some first aid kits, drinks, snacks, and other things. At one point they had to go through what's now an old tunnel in the middle of the woods. That part was always Jacks favorites because they would always stop and mark their names on the walls of the old tunnel.As they continued to walk through the trail, they came upon a very old part of a bridge. Jack was the first one to arrive in front of it, his father and grandfather walked slowly behind him. They stopped and admired the old structure, walls filled with stones, the details amazed them. There was a tunnel going under the bridge which they would have to go under to continue their path and get to their destination. Once they were done admiring the old structure they continued their way that led to their final destination and went ahead and started their hike for that afternoon. The trail on the way to the mountain was always an important and admiring part of the hike, Jack could even say it was his favorite part!","13","false","","Trees need to be surrounding the path.","Go on a walk with his family.","false","false","false","false","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","A severe storm occurs.","The trees would be knocked down by the high winds.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3X7837UUAFIRU64T9Q8JTRMO5RH6JN","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3HPZF4IVNPD9SV6NVJRRDYPE7V9YCK","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:30:24 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:34:10 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:34:10 PST 2023","","","","226","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","68","67","Flickr 4","Some grasses, a big size stone, sand in the ground","We","","","","we decided to plan for a trip to a mountain region, so we decided to go to the mountain region by car. There is a pathway along in the mountain, so it is easy to go to the mountain by the pathway. We and my four friends are ready for the is very exciting to go for the trip and explore new placeson the way of exploring the mountain we just saw a big size stone from the mountain, it is somewhat different from the other we planned to take a single piece of the stone for some memories in the mountain. Everyone was just amazed when looking at the was just an awesome experience to go for mountain trip","4","false","","Large mountains of rock and grasslands","To explore a mountainous area by hiking around.","false","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","true","false","","","","","","","A cold front coming through that drops lots of rain.","It would make the rocks too slippery to walk around on.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"33Q5P9PUSR66A2IY13O83L2OKB4ZCS","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","3AQF3RZ55B2ECNGRG2M02DQO5YBF6F","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:28:09 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:38:41 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:38:41 PST 2023","","","","632","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","79","26","Flickr 6","Trees","Alien","","","","There is this national park in USA where there are wild animals living there but under their supervision and where nature is present all time and this place is owned by an alien who used to know the president MR Kennedy, he was a good friend of his, the alien told him once that aliens really liked wild nature so as his friend Mr Kennedy gifted him a piece of land.One day this alien was going over this land when his aircraft crushed for some unknown reason he saw a wild animal and he described that animal that had the same characteristics as a deer but at the same time it wasn't a deer. He was able to talk to that animal for some reason. So ever since that day he told the story Mr Kennedy gifted him the land and he supervises this land from far far away and this alien tries to find an rare animal just like that.","3","false","","Trees need to be planted for the animals.","Take care of the animals in it's park.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","","","","","","","","A drought occurs.","The trees all die off and the animals can't eat the leaves.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3XBYQ44Z6ROJ2OF4C2ZRTR8ARV0WTI","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:40 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:40 PST 2023","","","379J5II41R04PUJ28V8W9ENLJTHLE9","A3B84NGQT7Z9WE","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 08:58:02 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 09:01:03 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 09:01:03 PST 2023","","","","181","100% (1401/1401)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","95","45","Flickr 9","Umbrellas up - middle of the rain","Everyone","","","","Each year, people from all over come to watch this large parade. The streets are lined and the windows of the buildings overlooking the streets are opened so everyone can see. On this rainy day, the parade begins with a herd of flamingos. Next, a large rhinoceros is placed on a cart and wheeled through for everyone to see and enjoy.As the rain continues, people are eager to see what's next. After the rhinoceros comes a beautiful looking zebra. It also sits on top of the cart and is wheeled through the street. Everyone with their umbrellas up smile and laugh as they enjoy seeing the zebra.","7","false","","The weather has to remain somewhat constant.","To have a good time watching the parade.","true","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","true","","","","Thunder and lighting can be seen and heard approaching the parade area.","People are afraid that they may be struck by lightning.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3BCRDCM0OFEM5QABRB8VU6M1KGH6KM","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3PS7W85Z82MBDB0Q9TU13RWRM8PT9A","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:59:34 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:03:22 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:03:22 PST 2023","","","","228","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","56","14","Flickr 2","Passengers","Janice","","","","Janice and Joseph are in the golden years of their lives.  They're on vacation in the mountains.  They rented a secluded cabin so that they could enjoy each others company without any distractions.  Today, they decided to trek into town and check out the historic steam engine.  It's well known around these parts.  The conductor has oodles of stories to share with anyone that cares enough to ask.Janice and Joseph take a walk up to the actual train depot and board a bigger train to go on a tour.  The tour takes a couple hours and weaves through the magical mountain forest.  As they're riding, they can't help but be smitten by the beautiful scenery passing them by.  Some young children are dangling their entire bodies out the window of the train, though.  This is giving Joseph anxiety and he badly wants to say something to them.  However, he abstains in the interest of not causing a scene in front of the love of his life.","11","false","","They need to be passengers on a form of transportation to be able to get to the mountains.","Go on a vacation with her husband.","false","false","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The flight or train gets cancelled.","A weather event occurs making it impossible to to travel.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3D1TUISJWKKG16AONQLMXWL4VY9UI0","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3SBEHTYCWQN05YSNNTNDO1N9K1PIY4","A3B84NGQT7Z9WE","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 07:29:28 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 07:36:03 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 07:36:03 PST 2023","","","","395","100% (1401/1401)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","76","77","Flickr 6","Trees, grass, animal","Virtual guests","","","","The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land.The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land. Next we see a deer walking across the park. This and many wonderous animals can be seen here at Wind National Park.","9","false","","The virtual cameras are positioned to capture the trees, grass and animals.","To virtually enjoy the natural beauty of Wind National Park.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","true","false","true","true","true","true","","Power problem at the park make the cameras temporarily inoperable.","Due to a recent lightning storm, some of the virtual cameras are knocked offline.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3UQVX1UPFU1WAZK60GMAL9QGQD920V","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3V0Z7YWSI1KFQJJGTFF1UMCYDNW2V8","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:03:23 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:06:15 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:06:15 PST 2023","","","","172","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","93","4","Flickr 9","People are standing on the roadside watching","Children","","","","The townsfolk are gathered for a parade. There are many families with children. This is a special day. Everyone is here for the celebration. It has been raining, so many people brought their umbrellas and rain caps. The parade is downtown, so people who live in apartments there can just open their windows and watch from home.The floats are comprised of different animals. Everyone is having a great time.This is a special day and everyone has been looking forward to viewing all the different animal floats people made for the parade.Families are gathered together, along with friends. It turns out the parade happens on a rainy day, so everyone brought their rain gear. The rain doesn't dampen the mood though, and everyone has a great time.There are people dressed up like flamingos, a rhinoceros float and a zebra float, along with many other festive floats.","9","false","","A parade needs to be occurring and people need to find a spot to watch it from.","Enjoy the parade with their parents.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","true","true","false","true","","No floats get built for the parade.","Nobody wants to take the time to build the floats.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3DFYDSXB2YKCWHUU586M9X048DYUJC","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3X0H8UUIT48LA70JD4Z3768GIQWSWA","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:54:10 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:09:10 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:09:10 PST 2023","","","","900","100% (2130/2130)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","88","18","Flickr 8","Gloomy skies","Jack's dad","","","","One gloomy cool day, Jack, his dad and grandfather all decided to go on a hike on the mountain nearby their town. They started on a trail that leads up to the mountain. The trail was covered with leaves that had fallen from the surrounding trees. They were so dry and brittle the sound of them crunching under their shoes sounded like breaking bones. They had their backpacks ready with any necessities they thought would be somewhat needed up the mountain and their time there. They packed it with some first aid kits, drinks, snacks, and other things. At one point they had to go through what's now an old tunnel in the middle of the woods. That part was always Jacks favorites because they would always stop and mark their names on the walls of the old tunnel.As they continued to walk through the trail, they came upon a very old part of a bridge. Jack was the first one to arrive in front of it, his father and grandfather walked slowly behind him. They stopped and admired the old structure, walls filled with stones, the details amazed them. There was a tunnel going under the bridge which they would have to go under to continue their path and get to their destination. Once they were done admiring the old structure they continued their way that led to their final destination and went ahead and started their hike for that afternoon. The trail on the way to the mountain was always an important and admiring part of the hike, Jack could even say it was his favorite part!","13","false","","The gloomy skies need to remain dry, and rain free.","Jack's dad wanted to counter the gloominess of the day by walking and enjoying the outdoors.","false","false","true","false","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","false","false","false","false","true","false","The gloomy skies began pouring rain down, making everyone run home.","The skies filled with rain clouds and lightning.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3RKHNXPHGYG7710CNT6YAC0HN2YUKB","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","34BBWHLWHDVWGTXN8S5P342T9TEIWU","A27AK750Y9M9KH","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 21:41:30 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 21:49:32 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 21:49:32 PST 2023","","","","482","100% (852/852)","100% (33/33)","0% (0/0)","96","39","Flickr 10","Home stands in far frame with spectators","Underdogs","","","","The great rivalry comes to a head tonight. The game doesn't start for 3 hours and people are already in the stands. The tension is so thick it feels like you can cut it. This is going to be a beauty.So it has all come down to this. Home town heroes or the underdogs that never got their true shot. One will give everything they've got and more. And one will leave with the championship sealed tight.","7","false","","Many people from the Underdog's home town come to the game to root for them.","The underdogs want to win.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","","","","The tickets are sold out by the time the people supporting the Underdogs arrive.","The stands are full of home team supporters.","false","false","true","false","false","true","false","Spectators are still filling the stands, but just for one team."
"3GV1I4SEOB9XPWSTCBKW96ZG9GM6LP","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","37XITHEISZT0VUU1HOZX52WH49KRC3","A1GQ2Q1USIMC63","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 03:56:43 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 03:59:22 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 03:59:22 PST 2023","","","","159","100% (3748/3748)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","74","9","Flickr 5","Albino deer","Family","","","","A family on vacation sees a sign for Wing Cave National Park and decides to check it out. After parking their vehicle, they begin walking through the park, and see a sign which gives a full name of the national park. The first thing they see is a beautiful field with dozens of green trees in the distance.As the family continues to walk through the national park, they begin to realize there is not many animals. On top of that all of the grass and shrubs have died off. While they are walking, they recognize a distressed deer looking for grass. The family watches the deer for a few minutes, to see if they finally find grass to munch on. As far as they were able to see, the deer never found grass. The family realized how dire the situation was at that national park for the animals in it, and decided to call the park ranger before continuing their vacation.","8","false","","Get the ranger to help the deer find food","Help the wildlife in the park","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","true","","","People are not allowed to interfere with wildlife at all, including providing food","The park has strict rules for untouched nature","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3SMIWMMK63PY21UTC7P1YNUCA97WU9","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","39GXDJN2OWYQCYL59WO24DP1ZPJ8VG","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Thu Nov 16 21:59:18 PST 2023","Thu Nov 16 22:03:16 PST 2023","Thu Nov 30 22:03:16 PST 2023","","","","238","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","68","66","Flickr 4","A pathway, some clouds, some peoples, grasses","My four friends","","","","we decided to plan for a trip to a mountain region, so we decided to go to the mountain region by car. There is a pathway along in the mountain, so it is easy to go to the mountain by the pathway. We and my four friends are ready for the is very exciting to go for the trip and explore new placeson the way of exploring the mountain we just saw a big size stone from the mountain, it is somewhat different from the other we planned to take a single piece of the stone for some memories in the mountain. Everyone was just amazed when looking at the was just an awesome experience to go for mountain trip","4","false","","There are just a few clouds in the sky.","My four friends enjoy the trip to the mountain region.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","true","","","","","","","The weather turns bad and it starts to rain .","The clouds turn dark and heavy.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3TCFMTM8HG8WHO5OWZQAZE9QV5F21Y","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3BEFOD78W9D63A4UJ1XY05QJ68FM46","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:43:23 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:47:08 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:47:08 PST 2023","","","","225","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","85","7","Flickr 7","Computer","Security man","","","","While reading their kids books at the children's table at the local library, Jane and Timmy are being very good.  Their mother told them to sit and read while she goes to the adult section to get some books for her.  They sat quietly and read for a few minutes.  Then they got up and snuck around all of the book shelves.  They were curious as to where the mother had disappeared to. Instead of sitting and reading, Jane and Timmy decide to go on an excursion to see if they could find their mother, while exploring the rest of the library.Jane and Timmy search for a bit and found themselves having a little bit too much fun. They decide to play tag right inside the library. They run back and forth and in and out of the aisles.  Suddenly they are stopped in their tracks by a security man.  He asked them who they were, where was their mother, and why they were running around the library and being so noisy.  Jane and Timmy were scared.  They were just having fun.  The security guard them took them to the circulation desk so they could sit while he found their mother.","13","false","","The security man needs to be monitoring them using cameras and watching people on the computer.","Stop the children from making too much noise in the library.","false","false","false","false","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The computer stops working or is broken.","The power goes out in the entire library.","true","false","false","false","false","true","false","There is no computer seen in the story."
"3QO7EE372Q7EM5P1079018K2XNKBQ4","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3YWRV122CVJQZJW546EX8RNILGE8UR","A1C8FN01981A69","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:31:17 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:41:43 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:41:43 PST 2023","","","","626","100% (3488/3488)","100% (80/80)","0% (0/0)","96","37","Flickr 10","Grand stands","Underdogs","","","","The great rivalry comes to a head tonight. The game doesn't start for 3 hours and people are already in the stands. The tension is so thick it feels like you can cut it. This is going to be a beauty.So it has all come down to this. Home town heroes or the underdogs that never got their true shot. One will give everything they've got and more. And one will leave with the championship sealed tight.","7","false","","The Underdogs will need to perform well for those in the grand stands.","Underdogs wants to win the game.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","","","","The Underdogs will crush their opponent.","A fight could happen in the grand stands.","false","false","true","false","false","true","false","The players can ignore the fans."
"34O39PNDK8SEY641DMY06YU7T9MBR5","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3YT88D1N0BIQVQLNYBFZBN6933PK3F","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:18:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:21:40 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:21:40 PST 2023","","","","201","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","73","73","Flickr 5","Wind cave - sign says `welcome wind cave national park`","Dear","","","","You come across image 1 and then you read the sign. After noticing the sign is for a national park. You go a little further and notice a hill. Once you reach the top of the hill you look down and see image 2 as your point of view.Once you start to walk down the grassland. You go further and hear and animal crying out. You go a little further and it takes you to image 3. You see a dear that looks hungry and lost its way.","7","false","","They need to be in the park to be safe from hunters.","Be able to feed itself with grass.","true","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","","","","The sign gets removed or damaged","A person takes the sign down for repair.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3W3RSPVVGUBIR7IU8TIZPCDWC23ULE","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:41 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:41 PST 2023","","","3X65QVEQI37PSWZOC421JQNIYG6LCG","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:01:09 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:04:29 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:04:29 PST 2023","","","","200","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","98","59","Flickr 10","Soccer players on the field","Surgeon","","","","The three friends loved the soccer fields. Even when there wasn't a game, they would sit on the bleachers and reminisce about games gone by. Raquel couldn't play ever since his knee injury and he missed running up and down the field and being part of the team. He could imagine the games in his mind, projecting them onto the empty field.He had dreamed of making it out of the small municipal field and into the big leagues. To play in the World Cup was a dream he could taste. That was before another player plowed into him. Some say they planned it to take him out for the season. They ended up taking him out of the game for good. The surgeon wasn't able to fully repair the knee. He'd never be the same.","10","true","The three friends","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","true","false","false","false","false","","",""
"3FW4EL5A3N8369NKF3QO4XJVNBT22F","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","39LOEL67OVP60PJMPMIWLIXI84P38B","A3B84NGQT7Z9WE","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 07:01:04 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 07:17:39 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 07:17:39 PST 2023","","","","995","100% (1401/1401)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","95","47","Flickr 9","A dog is on a leash and wearing a red raincoat","Everyone","","","","Each year, people from all over come to watch this large parade. The streets are lined and the windows of the buildings overlooking the streets are opened so everyone can see. On this rainy day, the parade begins with a herd of flamingos. Next, a large rhinoceros is placed on a cart and wheeled through for everyone to see and enjoy.As the rain continues, people are eager to see what's next. After the rhinoceros comes a beautiful looking zebra. It also sits on top of the cart and is wheeled through the street. Everyone with their umbrellas up smile and laugh as they enjoy seeing the zebra.","7","false","","The dog remains well-behaved and stays on his leash.","Everyone wants to enjoy themselves while watching the parade.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","false","false","true","","","","The dog runs away from his owner and starts chasing the flamingo in the parade.","The owner loses control of the dog's leash.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3ODOP6T3AU4D9N27JH9CXCGT7PP42D","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3X0H8UUIT48LA70JD4Z3768GISRSW9","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Thu Nov 16 21:35:27 PST 2023","Thu Nov 16 21:40:46 PST 2023","Thu Nov 30 21:40:46 PST 2023","","","","319","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","76","79","Flickr 6","Sign, park","Virtual guests","","","","The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land.The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land. Next we see a deer walking across the park. This and many wonderous animals can be seen here at Wind National Park.","9","false","","Virtual guests can go online to Wind Cave National Park's website.","Virtual guests experience the scenery and view the wonderous animals at Wind Cave National Park.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","true","false","true","false","true","true","","The virtual guests have no access to the internet.","The internet of virtual guests is down.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3Z56AA6EK6KHVEAECNLB9JE59LC6MR","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","38YMOXR4MXJGN92M6RW061CO02J6WO","A27AK750Y9M9KH","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 21:30:27 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 21:41:30 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 21:41:30 PST 2023","","","","663","100% (852/852)","100% (33/33)","0% (0/0)","56","16","Flickr 2","Bus","Janice","","","","Janice and Joseph are in the golden years of their lives.  They're on vacation in the mountains.  They rented a secluded cabin so that they could enjoy each others company without any distractions.  Today, they decided to trek into town and check out the historic steam engine.  It's well known around these parts.  The conductor has oodles of stories to share with anyone that cares enough to ask.Janice and Joseph take a walk up to the actual train depot and board a bigger train to go on a tour.  The tour takes a couple hours and weaves through the magical mountain forest.  As they're riding, they can't help but be smitten by the beautiful scenery passing them by.  Some young children are dangling their entire bodies out the window of the train, though.  This is giving Joseph anxiety and he badly wants to say something to them.  However, he abstains in the interest of not causing a scene in front of the love of his life.","11","false","","The young children stop dangling their bodies out of the window of the train.","Janice wants to enjoy Joseph's company during the train ride.","false","false","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The children dangling their bodies out of the window.","No one tells the children to stay inside the train.","false","false","false","true","false","true","false","The event is simply a return to what is happening in the original story."
"34KYK9TV2TSQZL4ESBY5W8Z3FB5BST","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3I02618YA3QB5BVMQNG8UDI8AQFPUT","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:20:31 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:23:15 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:23:15 PST 2023","","","","164","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","79","28","Flickr 6","Sign","Alien","","","","There is this national park in USA where there are wild animals living there but under their supervision and where nature is present all time and this place is owned by an alien who used to know the president MR Kennedy, he was a good friend of his, the alien told him once that aliens really liked wild nature so as his friend Mr Kennedy gifted him a piece of land.One day this alien was going over this land when his aircraft crushed for some unknown reason he saw a wild animal and he described that animal that had the same characteristics as a deer but at the same time it wasn't a deer. He was able to talk to that animal for some reason. So ever since that day he told the story Mr Kennedy gifted him the land and he supervises this land from far far away and this alien tries to find an rare animal just like that.","3","false","","The sign needs to be there to mark the boundary of the park.","Keep the animals safe in the park that they own.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","","","","","","","","The sign gets damaged.","Another alien could come in and damage the sign because they are jealous of the animals.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"39AYGO6AFH4NDWVEOO0BMY35EBM6NR","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3GM6G9ZBKQHQKVJKY2Y68D2BM7WMT2","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:54:12 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:58:23 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:58:23 PST 2023","","","","251","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","83","42","Flickr 7","Windows","Assistants","","","","When I was younger I loved the children's library. It was so fun and had lots of things to read. The chairs where so colorful and posters were everywhere. When I got older I started to go to the library for older people. The chairs and shelves were larger. There were also more books.In the middle of the library were a set of curved desks. This is where the librarians and assistants sat. I would go here to checkout and renew my books. I remember that everyone was so nice.","9","false","","The assistants need to be able to see the people that need help through the windows.","Help patrons of the library.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","","The windows are too dirty and can't be seen through.","They don't wash the windows for a long time and they are too grimy to see through.","false","true","false","false","false","true","false","No windows are mentioned in the entire story."
"382GHPVPHUB2U5YQNHNHGMLLD3P43O","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3S96KQ6I9PONG1D7L9Z3PNFHDT5DTC","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:13:56 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:17:03 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:17:03 PST 2023","","","","187","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","79","27","Flickr 6","Sign","Wild animal","","","","There is this national park in USA where there are wild animals living there but under their supervision and where nature is present all time and this place is owned by an alien who used to know the president MR Kennedy, he was a good friend of his, the alien told him once that aliens really liked wild nature so as his friend Mr Kennedy gifted him a piece of land.One day this alien was going over this land when his aircraft crushed for some unknown reason he saw a wild animal and he described that animal that had the same characteristics as a deer but at the same time it wasn't a deer. He was able to talk to that animal for some reason. So ever since that day he told the story Mr Kennedy gifted him the land and he supervises this land from far far away and this alien tries to find an rare animal just like that.","3","false","","The sign gives the boundary of the park where they can remain safe.","Live in safety in the park.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","","","","","","","","The sign gets removed because it needs repairs.","Somebody could damage the sign making it unreadable.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3SNR5F7R94DZCAD2XQ6HTEZ19AGEI4","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3UNH76FOCVPM1HIE88L5GUUQ19EMYR","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:56:54 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:59:34 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:59:34 PST 2023","","","","160","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","70","49","Flickr 4","Sand","People visiting desert","","","","There is a place in the world where the most people go to in their holidays they visit the biggest desert where people gets into helicopter and sees the enormous land from above and the warm air they you feel and there are other people who just like to travel by travel by walking with your family and friends.There is a ancient history with that log old cowboys of the western side used to camp there and have fum stories with their family and friends but one day a disaster happened which caused the log get red and rotten and from all over there world tourist goes to that wonderful place.","1","false","","Sand needs to be present to be able to view and walk on.","They want to see some interesting sights in the desert.","true","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","The sand turns to mud and can't be walked on.","A huge rainstorm hits and makes the sand turn into mud.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3TZDZ3Y0JUQ7H8QNH85P91H41BP91X","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3I33IC7ZWIMVYVGIIKO5YZYLSDUA2E","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:47:08 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:50:06 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:50:06 PST 2023","","","","178","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","79","25","Flickr 6","Trees","Wild animal","","","","There is this national park in USA where there are wild animals living there but under their supervision and where nature is present all time and this place is owned by an alien who used to know the president MR Kennedy, he was a good friend of his, the alien told him once that aliens really liked wild nature so as his friend Mr Kennedy gifted him a piece of land.One day this alien was going over this land when his aircraft crushed for some unknown reason he saw a wild animal and he described that animal that had the same characteristics as a deer but at the same time it wasn't a deer. He was able to talk to that animal for some reason. So ever since that day he told the story Mr Kennedy gifted him the land and he supervises this land from far far away and this alien tries to find an rare animal just like that.","3","false","","There needs to be enough water to provide for the trees.","Eat leaves from the trees that are living there.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","","","","","","","","A drought occurs and no rain falls.","The trees would die and not be able to produce leaves.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"3SBNLSTU6WPGFUOC1ZJJNRK65BGZDS","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3BWI6RSP7JT5A9U0417MQ95KO8FE7U","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:15:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:18:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:18:19 PST 2023","","","","180","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","83","44","Flickr 7","Bookshelf","Assistants","","","","When I was younger I loved the children's library. It was so fun and had lots of things to read. The chairs where so colorful and posters were everywhere. When I got older I started to go to the library for older people. The chairs and shelves were larger. There were also more books.In the middle of the library were a set of curved desks. This is where the librarians and assistants sat. I would go here to checkout and renew my books. I remember that everyone was so nice.","9","false","","Puts books back on the shelf that have been checked back in.","Helps people who need help in the library.","false","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","true","true","false","true","false","","The books are missing or don't get returned.","People lose the books that they have checked out.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3ZLW647WANFSRRJ3J34TN7ONTPT23Q","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3T3IWE1XG97H5AHCQV5NPMMGW8TTQW","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:10:57 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:13:56 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:13:56 PST 2023","","","","179","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","76","78","Flickr 6","Trees, grass, animal","National parks service","","","","The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land.The national Parks serive would like to invite all vitual guests to Wind National Park. It is renown for it's beauty. Her we see a beautiful Buffalo. It is grazing in the land. Next we see a deer walking across the park. This and many wonderous animals can be seen here at Wind National Park.","9","false","","Keep the trees and grass alive so the animals can eat them.","Provide a healthy park for animals to thrive in.","false","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","","A drought occurs","The drought would kill off the vegetation which would make the animals starve.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"336OE47KI44YFGJTHXZ6U9WVOGGWVY","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","32KTQ2V7RGZ70GA60WTPHD1ZS0T9MP","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:37:14 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:40:05 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:40:05 PST 2023","","","","171","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","98","58","Flickr 10","A few scattered spectators","Raquel","","","","The three friends loved the soccer fields. Even when there wasn't a game, they would sit on the bleachers and reminisce about games gone by. Raquel couldn't play ever since his knee injury and he missed running up and down the field and being part of the team. He could imagine the games in his mind, projecting them onto the empty field.He had dreamed of making it out of the small municipal field and into the big leagues. To play in the World Cup was a dream he could taste. That was before another player plowed into him. Some say they planned it to take him out for the season. They ended up taking him out of the game for good. The surgeon wasn't able to fully repair the knee. He'd never be the same.","10","false","","A soccer game to be going on.","Relive his glory days of playing soccer","true","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","There is a lot of rain that forces the cancellation of the game.","The people would stay home and not attend the game.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3E24UO25Q1A5VHVQP30O1N3A4LR6O6","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3MMN5BL1W2OLLELQJNSFQ0YDS8LM3N","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:33:06 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:40:32 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:40:32 PST 2023","","","","446","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","74","12","Flickr 5","Wind cave national park sign","Park ranger","","","","A family on vacation sees a sign for Wing Cave National Park and decides to check it out. After parking their vehicle, they begin walking through the park, and see a sign which gives a full name of the national park. The first thing they see is a beautiful field with dozens of green trees in the distance.As the family continues to walk through the national park, they begin to realize there is not many animals. On top of that all of the grass and shrubs have died off. While they are walking, they recognize a distressed deer looking for grass. The family watches the deer for a few minutes, to see if they finally find grass to munch on. As far as they were able to see, the deer never found grass. The family realized how dire the situation was at that national park for the animals in it, and decided to call the park ranger before continuing their vacation.","8","true","the deer","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","false","false","true","false","false","","",""
"3S1WOPCJFIDV7LX8F8RH5FE1MP5EJG","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3KRVW3HTZQ5P5V6592TGY86PKPDSMG","A3B84NGQT7Z9WE","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 07:17:45 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 07:29:13 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 07:29:13 PST 2023","","","","688","100% (1401/1401)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","66","33","Flickr 4","Bushes","American indian sioux tribe","","","","The American Indian Sioux tribe ran off all white settlers in a certain region of Arizona for decades, and returned to the traditional native way of life free from interference of the white man. The Sioux headed down into the Red Valley earlier this year to look for more wild American buffalo, and began to venture further out into their territory. As they travelled further on horseback they saw something in the distance. A giant picnic table, sitting under a pavilion to the East. The tribe snuck closer to investigate, and what they saw shocked them. Dozens of white people marching like zombies toward the massive relic.The Sioux were shocked and confused. They continued to come closer, and followed the white travelers from a distance. All the travelers seemed to stop at a certain location miles before the monument. They would stop for a few minutes, looking down, then continue. The Sioux waited until it had cleared out and came up to where this happened, looked down and saw a rusty red rock in a tuft of grass. The Sioux were puzzled, scared, and concerned. They decided to go home and worry about themselves.","12","false","","They decided to come back the next day to further investigate the rock in the bush.","The Sioux tribe wanted to find out what the white men were up to.","false","false","true","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The Sioux decided to retrieve the rock and take it home with them.","The white men acted in a hostile manner and would not allow the Sioux to take the rock from the bushes.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true",""
"366FYU4PTI9QI53QXTRT6UEE1E5EKF","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","35DR22AR5G4WFQKUXUUO1HEBZEZ3XM","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Thu Nov 16 21:41:20 PST 2023","Thu Nov 16 21:45:42 PST 2023","Thu Nov 30 21:45:42 PST 2023","","","","262","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","73","76","Flickr 5","Deer","You","","","","You come across image 1 and then you read the sign. After noticing the sign is for a national park. You go a little further and notice a hill. Once you reach the top of the hill you look down and see image 2 as your point of view.Once you start to walk down the grassland. You go further and hear and animal crying out. You go a little further and it takes you to image 3. You see a dear that looks hungry and lost its way.","7","false","","Deer comes out and grazes on the grassland.","You explore different parts of Wind Cave National Park and meet animals.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","true","","","","Deer hides itself and doesn't come out.","Deer is too shy and scared to come out.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3CMIQF80GPA8GT864GSSQSYAJM96QE","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3Q5C1WP23PLR34M54KXAL58U8U0519","A249LDVPG27XCE","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 23:32:57 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 23:40:24 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 23:40:24 PST 2023","","","","447","100% (782/782)","100% (23/23)","0% (0/0)","98","60","Flickr 10","Soccer players on the field","Raquel","","","","The three friends loved the soccer fields. Even when there wasn't a game, they would sit on the bleachers and reminisce about games gone by. Raquel couldn't play ever since his knee injury and he missed running up and down the field and being part of the team. He could imagine the games in his mind, projecting them onto the empty field.He had dreamed of making it out of the small municipal field and into the big leagues. To play in the World Cup was a dream he could taste. That was before another player plowed into him. Some say they planned it to take him out for the season. They ended up taking him out of the game for good. The surgeon wasn't able to fully repair the knee. He'd never be the same.","10","false","","Raquel keeps imagining the soccer players on the field, as they looked right before his injury.","Raquel wants to make sense of his soccer injury.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","Raquel still can't remember where the soccer players were on the field.","His soccer injury also involved a serious head injury affecting Raquel's memory.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3XU80RHWH10NC1HUNVS0QRDRR3L449","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","37C0GNLMHINHE32VPWRAEDN3TM76D9","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 17:06:13 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 17:14:20 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 17:14:20 PST 2023","","","","487","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","86","64","Flickr 8","Shrubs","Man hiking by himself","","","","A group of three friends were taking a Sunday hike in a local park. They liked to hike this particular path whenever possible, because it was heavily forested and they felt like they were really out in the natural wilderness there, even though it was a well-maintained and patrolled path in a fairly popular park. As they turned a corner, their familiar favorite path appeared to have been replaced by something far older, and man-made. An ancient stone arch had been erected over the path, and to either side stretched a thick wall made of dirt and sod. Laney stepped off the path and saw that the wall seemed to stretch to infinity on either side. There was no way around the wall thought the trees. Thinking that perhaps they had just taken a wrong turning earlier, the friends proceeded under the arch. Once on the other side, they realized that they were nowhere they had seen before. The wild woods had been replaced by a lane flanked with trees planted in unnaturally straight lines. The fence in the distance told them they were no longer in their favorite park. When they turned to go back through the arch, it was gone.Far away, in another state on the opposite side of the country, a man was hiking by himself. He was visiting the area for a work trip and took the opportunity of an afternoon off to hike a few of the local trails. The trail he chose was for beginners and it wound gently around a forested hill. About halfway up the hill he encountered a stone arch set in a brick wall that blocked the path. He felt the hairs rise on his arms and the back of his neck. Something seemed wrong. The style of the stones and bricks used seemed far too old for this area. Then again, he reasoned, he really didn't know much about this state and he'd never hiked this area before. He shrugged off his shivers, deciding that he was being silly, and stepped through the arch. Once through, it was like he stepped into another world. Instead of being on the side of a hill, he was on a very flat lane that had trees planted in straight lines on the other side. When he looked behind him, the arch was gone. The tree-lined lane stretched off into the distance. He thought he could see a group of three people standing far down the lane. He started walking toward them, hoping they could help him find the way back.","25","false","","The shrubs are regularly cut so as not to block the view of the hikers.","Enjoy the hiking by himself and find a way out.","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","true","false","true","true","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The hiking path is not well taken care of so the shrubs appear tall and messy.","The hiking path has been abandoned and not taken care of by the district management.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3FDWKV9VCPM2XP0F85JEPPSLC7TUMG","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3FDJT1UU77ST958RCU3SQK4TH0PK5G","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 16:36:14 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 16:41:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 16:41:19 PST 2023","","","","305","100% (2130/2130)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","77","70","Flickr 6","Meadow","Mom","","","","We visited a new National Park every year. It was tradition, my favorite tradition. Mom loved Yellowstone. Dad loved the Everglades. I hated it all. But since the divorce, I've been craving these trips more than anything I can remember. Together as a family, that's what these trips did for us. This year Mom and Dad agreed to come together, to be civil around each other. We went to Wind Cave National Park, who had ever heard of that? The first day on the drive in we went through the entrance and immediately saw a buffalo, all on its own.We got to our camping site and unloaded. Things were going well so far, no fighting. This could maybe be ok? First activity of the day was a day hike to Wind Cave. It's cool outside. The sun begins to go down. We see a deer on its own, grazing. This is not the same.","15","false","","Wind has to blow through the meadow to echo in the caves.","To have a pleasant trip and hear wind in the caves.","false","true","false","false","false","false","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","The meadow is in a doldrum.","A dome of atmospheric pressure covers the meadow and area around the park.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3FJ2RVH251QE6T8J0C53EKR9TH392E","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","31QNSG6A5UDO18K9RYLMYZ9YD5H87P","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:12:28 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:15:18 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:15:18 PST 2023","","","","170","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","96","38","Flickr 10","Grand stands","Home town heroes","","","","The great rivalry comes to a head tonight. The game doesn't start for 3 hours and people are already in the stands. The tension is so thick it feels like you can cut it. This is going to be a beauty.So it has all come down to this. Home town heroes or the underdogs that never got their true shot. One will give everything they've got and more. And one will leave with the championship sealed tight.","7","false","","They need to be built so people can watch the game.","Win a game of soccer against another team in front of a large crowd.","false","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","","","","The grandstands are too expensive to build.","The team runs out of money and can't afford to build them.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"30F94FBDNT4RELHTHB3V6DVPHUJBTI","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3PEIJLRY6WDT6OMI7E5Q6EP8X6VXWM","A3B84NGQT7Z9WE","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 08:52:08 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 08:57:56 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 08:57:56 PST 2023","","","","348","100% (1401/1401)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","91","30","Flickr 9","People - on the side of the road","Man's dog","","","","The parade is starting and people line the streets. The folks who live upstairs in the buildings get a good view. The really cool floats are coming next. It's raining harder but no one seems to mind. The people came prepared with umbrellas for this special occasion.The more the parade goes on, the better the displays seem to be. The zoo animals are very well done and everybody is standing in the rain to see them. The man's dog is a bit confused by these animals. Everyone is having a good time watching the parade and chatting with their neighbors.","8","false","The weather","The last animal in the parade goes by.","To have the parade finish so he can get out of the rain.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","true","","","The dog runs away from his owner.","The dog's leash breaks and run through the crowd.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3DTJ4WT8BFZL702CXUU3T92R5NHZEL","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","33OOO72IVK5DB97TLD4S5HXZSTTTCS","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:23:16 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:28:09 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:28:09 PST 2023","","","","293","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","93","2","Flickr 9","Some people are sitting in chairs","Children","","","","The townsfolk are gathered for a parade. There are many families with children. This is a special day. Everyone is here for the celebration. It has been raining, so many people brought their umbrellas and rain caps. The parade is downtown, so people who live in apartments there can just open their windows and watch from home.The floats are comprised of different animals. Everyone is having a great time.This is a special day and everyone has been looking forward to viewing all the different animal floats people made for the parade.Families are gathered together, along with friends. It turns out the parade happens on a rainy day, so everyone brought their rain gear. The rain doesn't dampen the mood though, and everyone has a great time.There are people dressed up like flamingos, a rhinoceros float and a zebra float, along with many other festive floats.","9","false","","They need to set up the chairs on the road to be able to view the parade.","Enjoy the parade with their parents.","true","","","","","","","","","","","true","","","","","","false","true","true","true","true","true","true","","The floats don't get built and the parade is cancelled.","The people don't want to bother showing up for nothing going on.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3NC6WP7WJJ4BU5JY7742GBF9VPIWW8","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:42 PST 2023","","","3LBXNTKX0UFIUS9AE3VYSUHXZ4D9X9","A1C8FN01981A69","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:43:27 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:55:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:55:19 PST 2023","","","","712","100% (3488/3488)","100% (80/80)","0% (0/0)","67","53","Flickr 4","Dirt","Suzanne","","","","`Send in the jets` the world watches as the president makes another attempt to control the situation at hand. A camera mounted to the jet sends a live feed to the news, and everyone gathers around their tv's hoping they will finally see an end to the terror. `All clear` one of the piolets says, screens showing the empty desert below, the jets turn towards a mountain in the distance. `Down on the ground at Lewis and Clark trail you can clearly see...` a news reporter drones on as the cameras pan a brown and grey landscape. For a brief moment cameras pause on a lady dressed in blue, who seemed to be...runningIntrigued the reporter motions to the cameraman to follow her as she starts running towards the lady `Excuse me!` she yells, the lady stops and turns. `Hello, I'm Suzanne with channel 18, please ma'am could you tell us why you're running?` the camera's come into focus on against the blue of the woman's shirt. `Oh, I'm sorry, I was just throwing my cursed rock! It's caused so much bad stuff to happen!` and she ran on. Suzanne walked to where the lady threw the rock and picked it up. It was almost ugly, a burnt red with a deep almost purple against a seemingly normal rock. `Cut the cameras` She said and shook her head, embarrassed to have been reporting about a cursed rock. She slipped the rock in her pocket without a thought as if that's where it belonged, and headed back to the van.","11","false","","To find an interesting news story","Suzanne wants to get a good story","true","false","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","To leave the area quickly","The dirt could not be cursed","false","false","false","false","true","false","true",""
"3PIOQ99R7068F7LFK6YE24HLHX3UNG","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3ITXP059PZ3Z4N0K65GOIGE8GUQSJI","A1C8FN01981A69","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:38:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:50:27 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:50:27 PST 2023","","","","728","100% (3488/3488)","100% (80/80)","0% (0/0)","92","22","Flickr 9","Building","Jack's asset","","","","This was the perfect place for a meeting. Jack had made contact with his asset the night before and was ready for the next step on the plan. The large crowd paired with the rain made for the perfect cover. The go signal for the drop was when the rhino float went by the middle of the street.Scanning the crowd, Jack finally saw his asset. He was low to the ground, wearing a red raincoat. `Could you be anymore conspicuous?` Jack said to himself. Just then the rhino float went by and Jack's asset darted across the street. Jack felt the envelope leave his hand and a wet nose graze his thumb. By the time Jack looked back up his asset was across the street again, watching the zebra float go by.","9","false","","Jack's asset needs to hide in the building","Jack's asset wants to get the information to Jack","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","","Jack's asset is in the hospital","The building could be closed for the parade route","false","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3BPP3MA3TE412BL8IT3ULURTQEAELI","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","32UTUBMZ7JG9EWJCC88CVFF27T8VB2","A1C8FN01981A69","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:55:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:09:27 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:09:27 PST 2023","","","","848","100% (3488/3488)","100% (80/80)","0% (0/0)","93","3","Flickr 9","People are standing on the roadside watching","Friends","","","","The townsfolk are gathered for a parade. There are many families with children. This is a special day. Everyone is here for the celebration. It has been raining, so many people brought their umbrellas and rain caps. The parade is downtown, so people who live in apartments there can just open their windows and watch from home.The floats are comprised of different animals. Everyone is having a great time.This is a special day and everyone has been looking forward to viewing all the different animal floats people made for the parade.Families are gathered together, along with friends. It turns out the parade happens on a rainy day, so everyone brought their rain gear. The rain doesn't dampen the mood though, and everyone has a great time.There are people dressed up like flamingos, a rhinoceros float and a zebra float, along with many other festive floats.","9","true","Townsfolk","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","","",""
"3TUOHPJXYJHQJ5OOHC0OIUTG4ROWX1","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3OS46CRSLIJ38K2HGHR4KZTATS16VW","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:40:43 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:48:21 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:48:21 PST 2023","","","","458","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","92","24","Flickr 9","Umbrellas","Jack's asset","","","","This was the perfect place for a meeting. Jack had made contact with his asset the night before and was ready for the next step on the plan. The large crowd paired with the rain made for the perfect cover. The go signal for the drop was when the rhino float went by the middle of the street.Scanning the crowd, Jack finally saw his asset. He was low to the ground, wearing a red raincoat. `Could you be anymore conspicuous?` Jack said to himself. Just then the rhino float went by and Jack's asset darted across the street. Jack felt the envelope leave his hand and a wet nose graze his thumb. By the time Jack looked back up his asset was across the street again, watching the zebra float go by.","9","false","","The umbrella is held firmly by Jack's asset.","Meet Jack and be seen by him.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","true","false","false","false","true","true","true","","A strong wind blows off the umbrella of Jack's asset which makes him very conspicusous.","The weather becomes windy and a strong wind blows.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3VP28W7DUP4DDE28S5E9BRNRHOWZF3","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3HPZF4IVNPD9SV6NVJRRDYPE7X6CYZ","A1198W1SPF1R4","Submitted","Thu Nov 16 21:55:05 PST 2023","Thu Nov 16 21:58:36 PST 2023","Thu Nov 30 21:58:36 PST 2023","","","","211","100% (2167/2167)","100% (135/135)","0% (0/0)","73","75","Flickr 5","Deer","Dear","","","","You come across image 1 and then you read the sign. After noticing the sign is for a national park. You go a little further and notice a hill. Once you reach the top of the hill you look down and see image 2 as your point of view.Once you start to walk down the grassland. You go further and hear and animal crying out. You go a little further and it takes you to image 3. You see a dear that looks hungry and lost its way.","7","false","","Deer roams around to find grass to eat.","Deer wants to eat grass to satisfy its hunger.","false","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","true","","","","Deer doesn't come out to roam around.","Deer is too timid and shy.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3Z8UJEJOC1X3RB424CJ8XUW1ZV393P","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3WAKVUDHUZ0MZ5RMU1MRURRNAXT7UQ","A249LDVPG27XCE","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 23:40:25 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 23:47:15 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 23:47:15 PST 2023","","","","410","100% (782/782)","100% (23/23)","0% (0/0)","92","21","Flickr 9","Building","Jack","","","","This was the perfect place for a meeting. Jack had made contact with his asset the night before and was ready for the next step on the plan. The large crowd paired with the rain made for the perfect cover. The go signal for the drop was when the rhino float went by the middle of the street.Scanning the crowd, Jack finally saw his asset. He was low to the ground, wearing a red raincoat. `Could you be anymore conspicuous?` Jack said to himself. Just then the rhino float went by and Jack's asset darted across the street. Jack felt the envelope leave his hand and a wet nose graze his thumb. By the time Jack looked back up his asset was across the street again, watching the zebra float go by.","9","false","","Jack's encounter was set to happen across from a certain building.","Jack wants to make the exchange smooth and discrete.","true","","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","true","true","true","true","true","","The asset in a red raincoat had to be in front of the right building.","The town ordered several building be demolished before the parade.","false","false","false","false","true","false","true",""
"3ODOP6T3AU4D9N27JH9CXCGT7PP24B","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3LWJHTCVCF67M5ZBVB0Y8I7F5ZMQFM","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:21:41 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 15:24:55 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 15:24:55 PST 2023","","","","194","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","86","61","Flickr 8","Ground is covered in fallen brown leaves","Group of three friends","","","","A group of three friends were taking a Sunday hike in a local park. They liked to hike this particular path whenever possible, because it was heavily forested and they felt like they were really out in the natural wilderness there, even though it was a well-maintained and patrolled path in a fairly popular park. As they turned a corner, their familiar favorite path appeared to have been replaced by something far older, and man-made. An ancient stone arch had been erected over the path, and to either side stretched a thick wall made of dirt and sod. Laney stepped off the path and saw that the wall seemed to stretch to infinity on either side. There was no way around the wall thought the trees. Thinking that perhaps they had just taken a wrong turning earlier, the friends proceeded under the arch. Once on the other side, they realized that they were nowhere they had seen before. The wild woods had been replaced by a lane flanked with trees planted in unnaturally straight lines. The fence in the distance told them they were no longer in their favorite park. When they turned to go back through the arch, it was gone.Far away, in another state on the opposite side of the country, a man was hiking by himself. He was visiting the area for a work trip and took the opportunity of an afternoon off to hike a few of the local trails. The trail he chose was for beginners and it wound gently around a forested hill. About halfway up the hill he encountered a stone arch set in a brick wall that blocked the path. He felt the hairs rise on his arms and the back of his neck. Something seemed wrong. The style of the stones and bricks used seemed far too old for this area. Then again, he reasoned, he really didn't know much about this state and he'd never hiked this area before. He shrugged off his shivers, deciding that he was being silly, and stepped through the arch. Once through, it was like he stepped into another world. Instead of being on the side of a hill, he was on a very flat lane that had trees planted in straight lines on the other side. When he looked behind him, the arch was gone. The tree-lined lane stretched off into the distance. He thought he could see a group of three people standing far down the lane. He started walking toward them, hoping they could help him find the way back.","25","false","","It needs to be fall.","Go for a hike in the woods.","false","false","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","false","It is spring or summer.","The leaves wouldn't be off the trees yet.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3G57RS03HJPV5667XMSM24M77LK25G","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3DL65MZB8GZBMQPWVIFX6VXYPJ5CEK","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 14:45:19 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 14:48:31 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 14:48:31 PST 2023","","","","192","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","77","72","Flickr 6","Grassy hill","Mom","","","","We visited a new National Park every year. It was tradition, my favorite tradition. Mom loved Yellowstone. Dad loved the Everglades. I hated it all. But since the divorce, I've been craving these trips more than anything I can remember. Together as a family, that's what these trips did for us. This year Mom and Dad agreed to come together, to be civil around each other. We went to Wind Cave National Park, who had ever heard of that? The first day on the drive in we went through the entrance and immediately saw a buffalo, all on its own.We got to our camping site and unloaded. Things were going well so far, no fighting. This could maybe be ok? First activity of the day was a day hike to Wind Cave. It's cool outside. The sun begins to go down. We see a deer on its own, grazing. This is not the same.","15","false","","The hills need to be full of grass which would mean animals are there grazing on them.","Go on a civil vacation with her family.","false","true","false","false","true","false","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","true","false","A fire burns all of the grasslands.","A drought happens followed by a careless camper's fire.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""
"3UZUVSO3P9FL8T3TI549L76IQJ0EMK","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3ZV9H2YQQGRHQQF4NPY2ZY04QC53W5","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Submitted","Wed Nov 15 11:49:02 PST 2023","Wed Nov 15 11:54:41 PST 2023","Wed Nov 29 11:54:41 PST 2023","","","","339","100% (2130/2130)","100% (20/20)","0% (0/0)","56","15","Flickr 2","Bus","Joseph","","","","Janice and Joseph are in the golden years of their lives.  They're on vacation in the mountains.  They rented a secluded cabin so that they could enjoy each others company without any distractions.  Today, they decided to trek into town and check out the historic steam engine.  It's well known around these parts.  The conductor has oodles of stories to share with anyone that cares enough to ask.Janice and Joseph take a walk up to the actual train depot and board a bigger train to go on a tour.  The tour takes a couple hours and weaves through the magical mountain forest.  As they're riding, they can't help but be smitten by the beautiful scenery passing them by.  Some young children are dangling their entire bodies out the window of the train, though.  This is giving Joseph anxiety and he badly wants to say something to them.  However, he abstains in the interest of not causing a scene in front of the love of his life.","11","false","","The engine that some call a bus is actually a sort of train.","To check out the steam engine and look at it's various features.","false","false","","","","","","","","","","false","","","","","","false","true","true","true","false","false","false","false","The ""bus"" that some think are a bus, is REALLY a bus, not on tracks at all.","The Steam engine story Joseph heard was really a trick someone played on him.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true",""
"3O0M2G5VC8MO97N64QOR7ZO7DVZ94A","38JF4YFDOM8MELZ3H6MMOC0A1QZ96M","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Nov 14 14:25:43 PST 2023","1","BatchId:5156379;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 21 14:25:43 PST 2023","","","3AQF3RZ55B2ECNGRG2M02DQO5YCF6G","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Submitted","Tue Nov 14 15:36:42 PST 2023","Tue Nov 14 16:22:21 PST 2023","Tue Nov 28 16:22:21 PST 2023","","","","2739","100% (6386/6386)","100% (226/226)","0% (0/0)","70","52","Flickr 4","Road","People traveling by walking","","","","There is a place in the world where the most people go to in their holidays they visit the biggest desert where people gets into helicopter and sees the enormous land from above and the warm air they you feel and there are other people who just like to travel by travel by walking with your family and friends.There is a ancient history with that log old cowboys of the western side used to camp there and have fum stories with their family and friends but one day a disaster happened which caused the log get red and rotten and from all over there world tourist goes to that wonderful place.","1","false","","These need to be made in order for people to be able to hike on.","Go for a walk in the desert.","true","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","A storm washes away the road","A huge storm drops a lot of rain which damages the road making it impossible to walk on.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true",""