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import sys
import argparse
import os.path as osp
import json
import torch
import clip
from lib import *
from models.load_generator import load_generator
def main():
"""ContraCLIP -- Training script.
===[ GAN Generator (G) ]========================================================================================
--gan : set pre-trained GAN generator (see GENFORCE_MODELS in lib/
--stylegan-space : set StyleGAN's latent space (Z, W, W+) to look for interpretable paths
TODO: add style space S
--stylegan-layer : choose up to which StyleGAN's layer to use for learning latent paths
E.g., if --stylegan-layer=11, then interpretable paths will be learnt in a
(12 * 512)-dimensional latent space.
--truncation : set W-space truncation parameter. If set, W-space codes will be truncated
===[ Corpus Support Sets (CSS) ]================================================================================
--corpus : choose corpus of prompts (see The number of elements of
the tuple PROMPT_CORPUS[args.corpus] will define the number of the latent support
sets; i.e., the number of warping functions -- number of the interpretable latent
paths to be optimised
TODO: read corpus from input file
--css-beta : set beta parameter for fixing CLIP space RBFs' gamma parameters
(0.25 <= css_beta < 1.0)
--styleclip : use StyleCLIP approach for calculating image-text similarity
===[ Latent Support Sets (LSS) ]================================================================================
--num-latent-support-dipoles : set number of support dipoles per support set
--lss-beta : set beta parameter for initializing latent space RBFs' gamma parameters
(0.0 < lss_beta < 1.0)
--lr : set learning rate for learning the latent support sets LSS (with Adam optimizer)
--linear : use the vector connecting the poles of the dipole for calculating image-text
--min-shift-magnitude : set minimum latent shift magnitude
--max-shift-magnitude : set maximum latent shift magnitude
===[ CLIP ]=====================================================================================================
===[ Training ]=================================================================================================
--max-iter : set maximum number of training iterations
--batch-size : set training batch size
--loss : set loss function ('cossim', 'contrastive')
--temperature : set contrastive loss temperature
--log-freq : set number iterations per log
--ckp-freq : set number iterations per checkpoint model saving
===[ CUDA ]=====================================================================================================
--cuda : use CUDA during training (default)
--no-cuda : do NOT use CUDA during training
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ContraCLIP training script")
# === Experiment ID ============================================================================================== #
parser.add_argument('--exp-id', type=str, default='', help="set optional experiment ID")
# === Pre-trained GAN Generator (G) ============================================================================== #
parser.add_argument('--gan', type=str, choices=GENFORCE_MODELS.keys(), help='GAN generator model')
parser.add_argument('--stylegan-space', type=str, default='Z', choices=('Z', 'W', 'W+'),
help="StyleGAN's latent space")
parser.add_argument('--stylegan-layer', type=int, default=11, choices=range(18),
help="choose up to which StyleGAN's layer to use for learning latent paths")
parser.add_argument('--truncation', type=float, help="latent code sampling truncation parameter")
# === Corpus Support Sets (CSS) ================================================================================== #
parser.add_argument('--corpus', type=str, required=True, choices=SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA.keys(),
help="choose corpus of semantic dipoles")
parser.add_argument('--css-beta', type=float, default=0.5,
help="set beta parameter for initializing CLIP space RBFs' gamma parameters "
"(0.25 <= css_beta < 1.0)")
parser.add_argument('--styleclip', action='store_true',
help="use StyleCLIP approach for calculating image-text similarity")
parser.add_argument('--linear', action='store_true',
help="use the vector connecting the poles of the dipole for calculating image-text similarity")
# === Latent Support Sets (LSS) ================================================================================== #
parser.add_argument('--num-latent-support-dipoles', type=int, help="number of latent support dipoles / support set")
parser.add_argument('--lss-beta', type=float, default=0.1,
help="set beta parameter for initializing latent space RBFs' gamma parameters "
"(0.25 < css_beta < 1.0)")
parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=1e-4, help="latent support sets LSS learning rate")
parser.add_argument('--min-shift-magnitude', type=float, default=0.25, help="minimum latent shift magnitude")
parser.add_argument('--max-shift-magnitude', type=float, default=0.45, help="maximum latent shift magnitude")
# === Training =================================================================================================== #
parser.add_argument('--max-iter', type=int, default=10000, help="maximum number of training iterations")
parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, required=True, help="training batch size -- this should be less than "
"or equal to the size of the given corpus")
parser.add_argument('--loss', type=str, default='cossim', choices=('cossim', 'contrastive'),
help="loss function")
parser.add_argument('--temperature', type=float, default=1.0, help="contrastive temperature")
parser.add_argument('--log-freq', default=10, type=int, help='number of iterations per log')
parser.add_argument('--ckp-freq', default=1000, type=int, help='number of iterations per checkpoint model saving')
# === CUDA ======================================================================================================= #
parser.add_argument('--cuda', dest='cuda', action='store_true', help="use CUDA during training")
parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', dest='cuda', action='store_false', help="do NOT use CUDA during training")
# ================================================================================================================ #
# Parse given arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check given batch size
if args.batch_size > len(SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA[args.corpus]):
print("*** WARNING ***: Given batch size ({}) is greater than the size of the given corpus ({})\n"
" Set batch size to {}".format(
args.batch_size, len(SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA[args.corpus]),
args.batch_size = len(SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA[args.corpus])
# Check StyleGAN's layer
if 'stylegan' in args.gan:
if (args.stylegan_layer < 0) or (args.stylegan_layer > STYLEGAN_LAYERS[args.gan]-1):
raise ValueError("Invalid stylegan_layer for given GAN ({}). Choose between 0 and {}".format(
args.gan, STYLEGAN_LAYERS[args.gan]-1))
# Create output dir and save current arguments
exp_dir = create_exp_dir(args)
use_cuda = False
multi_gpu = False
if torch.cuda.is_available():
if args.cuda:
use_cuda = True
if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
multi_gpu = True
print("*** WARNING ***: It looks like you have a CUDA device, but aren't using CUDA.\n"
" Run with --cuda for optimal training speed.")
# Build GAN generator model and load with pre-trained weights
print("#. Build GAN generator model G and load with pre-trained weights...")
print(" \\__GAN generator : {} (res: {})".format(args.gan, GENFORCE_MODELS[args.gan][1]))
print(" \\__Pre-trained weights: {}".format(GENFORCE_MODELS[args.gan][0]))
G = load_generator(model_name=args.gan,
latent_is_w=('stylegan' in args.gan) and ('W' in args.stylegan_space),
# Upload GAN generator model to GPU
if use_cuda:
G = G.cuda()
# Build pretrained CLIP model
print("#. Build pretrained CLIP model...")
clip_model, _ = clip.load("ViT-B/32", device='cuda' if use_cuda else 'cpu', jit=False)
# Get CLIP (non-normalized) text features for the prompts of the given corpus
prompt_f = PromptFeatures(prompt_corpus=SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA[args.corpus], clip_model=clip_model)
prompt_features = prompt_f.get_prompt_features()
# Build Corpus Support Sets model CSS
print("#. Build Corpus Support Sets CSS...")
print(" \\__Number of corpus support sets : {}".format(prompt_f.num_prompts))
print(" \\__Number of corpus support dipoles : {}".format(1))
print(" \\__Prompt features dim : {}".format(prompt_f.prompt_features_dim))
print(" \\__Text RBF beta param : {}".format(args.css_beta))
CSS = SupportSets(prompt_features=prompt_features, css_beta=args.css_beta)
# Count number of trainable parameters
CSS_trainable_parameters = sum(p.numel() for p in CSS.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
print(" \\__Trainable parameters: {:,}".format(CSS_trainable_parameters))
# Set support vector dimensionality and initial gamma param
support_vectors_dim = G.dim_z
if ('stylegan' in args.gan) and (args.stylegan_space == 'W+'):
support_vectors_dim *= (args.stylegan_layer + 1)
# Get Jung radii
with open(osp.join('models', 'jung_radii.json'), 'r') as f:
jung_radii_dict = json.load(f)
if 'stylegan' in args.gan:
if 'W+' in args.stylegan_space:
lm = jung_radii_dict[args.gan]['W']['{}'.format(args.stylegan_layer)]
elif 'W' in args.stylegan_space:
lm = jung_radii_dict[args.gan]['W']['0']
lm = jung_radii_dict[args.gan]['Z']
jung_radius = lm[0] * args.truncation + lm[1]
jung_radius = jung_radii_dict[args.gan]['Z'][1]
# Build Latent Support Sets model LSS
print("#. Build Latent Support Sets LSS...")
print(" \\__Number of latent support sets : {}".format(prompt_f.num_prompts))
print(" \\__Number of latent support dipoles : {}".format(args.num_latent_support_dipoles))
print(" \\__Support Vectors dim : {}".format(support_vectors_dim))
print(" \\__Latent RBF beta param (lss-beta) : {}".format(args.lss_beta))
print(" \\__Jung radius : {}".format(jung_radius))
LSS = SupportSets(num_support_sets=prompt_f.num_prompts,
# Count number of trainable parameters
LSS_trainable_parameters = sum(p.numel() for p in LSS.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
print(" \\__Trainable parameters: {:,}".format(LSS_trainable_parameters))
# Set up trainer
print("#. Experiment: {}".format(exp_dir))
t = Trainer(params=args, exp_dir=exp_dir, use_cuda=use_cuda, multi_gpu=multi_gpu)
# Train
t.train(generator=G, latent_support_sets=LSS, corpus_support_sets=CSS, clip_model=clip_model)
if __name__ == '__main__':