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import type { WebContainer, WebContainerProcess } from '@webcontainer/api';
import type { ITerminal } from '~/types/terminal';
import { withResolvers } from './promises';
import { atom } from 'nanostores';
export async function newShellProcess(webcontainer: WebContainer, terminal: ITerminal) {
const args: string[] = [];
// we spawn a JSH process with a fallback cols and rows in case the process is not attached yet to a visible terminal
const process = await webcontainer.spawn('/bin/jsh', ['--osc', ...args], {
terminal: {
cols: terminal.cols ?? 80,
rows: terminal.rows ?? 15,
const input = process.input.getWriter();
const output = process.output;
const jshReady = withResolvers<void>();
let isInteractive = false;
new WritableStream({
write(data) {
if (!isInteractive) {
const [, osc] = data.match(/\x1b\]654;([^\x07]+)\x07/) || [];
if (osc === 'interactive') {
// wait until we see the interactive OSC
isInteractive = true;
terminal.onData((data) => {
// console.log('terminal onData', { data, isInteractive });
if (isInteractive) {
await jshReady.promise;
return process;
export type ExecutionResult = { output: string; exitCode: number } | undefined;
export class BoltShell {
#initialized: (() => void) | undefined;
#readyPromise: Promise<void>;
#webcontainer: WebContainer | undefined;
#terminal: ITerminal | undefined;
#process: WebContainerProcess | undefined;
executionState = atom<
{ sessionId: string; active: boolean; executionPrms?: Promise<any>; abort?: () => void } | undefined
#outputStream: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<string> | undefined;
#shellInputStream: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<string> | undefined;
constructor() {
this.#readyPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.#initialized = resolve;
ready() {
return this.#readyPromise;
async init(webcontainer: WebContainer, terminal: ITerminal) {
this.#webcontainer = webcontainer;
this.#terminal = terminal;
const { process, output } = await this.newBoltShellProcess(webcontainer, terminal);
this.#process = process;
this.#outputStream = output.getReader();
await this.waitTillOscCode('interactive');
get terminal() {
return this.#terminal;
get process() {
return this.#process;
async executeCommand(sessionId: string, command: string, abort?: () => void): Promise<ExecutionResult> {
if (!this.process || !this.terminal) {
return undefined;
const state = this.executionState.get();
if (state?.active && state.abort) {
* interrupt the current execution
* this.#shellInputStream?.write('\x03');
await this.waitTillOscCode('prompt');
if (state && state.executionPrms) {
await state.executionPrms;
//start a new execution
this.terminal.input(command.trim() + '\n');
//wait for the execution to finish
const executionPromise = this.getCurrentExecutionResult();
this.executionState.set({ sessionId, active: true, executionPrms: executionPromise, abort });
const resp = await executionPromise;
this.executionState.set({ sessionId, active: false });
if (resp) {
try {
resp.output = cleanTerminalOutput(resp.output);
} catch (error) {
console.log('failed to format terminal output', error);
return resp;
async newBoltShellProcess(webcontainer: WebContainer, terminal: ITerminal) {
const args: string[] = [];
// we spawn a JSH process with a fallback cols and rows in case the process is not attached yet to a visible terminal
const process = await webcontainer.spawn('/bin/jsh', ['--osc', ...args], {
terminal: {
cols: terminal.cols ?? 80,
rows: terminal.rows ?? 15,
const input = process.input.getWriter();
this.#shellInputStream = input;
const [internalOutput, terminalOutput] = process.output.tee();
const jshReady = withResolvers<void>();
let isInteractive = false;
new WritableStream({
write(data) {
if (!isInteractive) {
const [, osc] = data.match(/\x1b\]654;([^\x07]+)\x07/) || [];
if (osc === 'interactive') {
// wait until we see the interactive OSC
isInteractive = true;
terminal.onData((data) => {
// console.log('terminal onData', { data, isInteractive });
if (isInteractive) {
await jshReady.promise;
return { process, output: internalOutput };
async getCurrentExecutionResult(): Promise<ExecutionResult> {
const { output, exitCode } = await this.waitTillOscCode('exit');
return { output, exitCode };
async waitTillOscCode(waitCode: string) {
let fullOutput = '';
let exitCode: number = 0;
if (!this.#outputStream) {
return { output: fullOutput, exitCode };
const tappedStream = this.#outputStream;
while (true) {
const { value, done } = await;
if (done) {
const text = value || '';
fullOutput += text;
// Check if command completion signal with exit code
const [, osc, , , code] = text.match(/\x1b\]654;([^\x07=]+)=?((-?\d+):(\d+))?\x07/) || [];
if (osc === 'exit') {
exitCode = parseInt(code, 10);
if (osc === waitCode) {
return { output: fullOutput, exitCode };
* Cleans and formats terminal output while preserving structure and paths
* Handles ANSI, OSC, and various terminal control sequences
export function cleanTerminalOutput(input: string): string {
// Step 1: Remove OSC sequences (including those with parameters)
const removeOsc = input
.replace(/\x1b\](\d+;[^\x07\x1b]*|\d+[^\x07\x1b]*)\x07/g, '')
.replace(/\](\d+;[^\n]*|\d+[^\n]*)/g, '');
// Step 2: Remove ANSI escape sequences and color codes more thoroughly
const removeAnsi = removeOsc
// Remove all escape sequences with parameters
.replace(/\u001b\[[\?]?[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]/g, '')
.replace(/\x1b\[[\?]?[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]/g, '')
// Remove color codes
.replace(/\u001b\[[0-9;]*m/g, '')
.replace(/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/g, '')
// Clean up any remaining escape characters
.replace(/\u001b/g, '')
.replace(/\x1b/g, '');
// Step 3: Clean up carriage returns and newlines
const cleanNewlines = removeAnsi
.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
.replace(/\r/g, '\n')
.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n');
// Step 4: Add newlines at key breakpoints while preserving paths
const formatOutput = cleanNewlines
// Preserve prompt line
.replace(/^([~\/][^\n❯]+)❯/m, '$1\n❯')
// Add newline before command output indicators
.replace(/(?<!^|\n)>/g, '\n>')
// Add newline before error keywords without breaking paths
.replace(/(?<!^|\n|\w)(error|failed|warning|Error|Failed|Warning):/g, '\n$1:')
// Add newline before 'at' in stack traces without breaking paths
.replace(/(?<!^|\n|\/)(at\s+(?!async|sync))/g, '\nat ')
// Ensure 'at async' stays on same line
.replace(/\bat\s+async/g, 'at async')
// Add newline before npm error indicators
.replace(/(?<!^|\n)(npm ERR!)/g, '\n$1');
// Step 5: Clean up whitespace while preserving intentional spacing
const cleanSpaces = formatOutput
.map((line) => line.trim())
.filter((line) => line.length > 0)
// Step 6: Final cleanup
return cleanSpaces
.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n') // Replace multiple newlines with double newlines
.replace(/:\s+/g, ': ') // Normalize spacing after colons
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ') // Remove multiple spaces
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') // Trim start and end
.replace(/\u0000/g, ''); // Remove null characters
export function newBoltShellProcess() {
return new BoltShell();