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% =============================================================================
% l4proj.cls
% Template for final year projects in the School of Computing Science at the
% University of Glasgow. Adapted from the level 3 project template originally
% provided by Colin Perkins <>.
% =============================================================================
2009/01/09 Colin Perkins <>.%
2009/09/16 Modified by Tim Storer <> to support non pdf modes.%
2011/02/15 Modified by Gregg Hamilton <> for use in final year projects.%
2012/10/18 Modified by Patrick Prosser, use geometry to control margins, simplified.%
2018/09/14 Modified by John Williamson, improve typographic appearance%
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% the body font used is FBB (Bembo)
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%% ---
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\vskip 0.5em
{\large \sffamily Honours Individual Project Dissertation}\\
% title and author
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{\Huge \scshape \@title \par}%
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% set up chapter headings
% only show numbers if they aren't Chapter 0 (i.e. front matter)
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{\thechapter \ \rule[-0.25em]{0.5pt}{1.5em}\ }}
% Educational consent form
\chapter*{Education Use Consent}
I hereby grant my permission for this project to be stored, distributed and shown to other
University of Glasgow students and staff for educational purposes.
\textbf{Please note that you are under no obligation to sign
this declaration, but doing so would help future students.}
& & & \\
& & & \\
Signature: & \consentname & Date: & \consentdate \\
& & & \\
& & & \\
\chapter*{Education Use Consent}
Consent for educational reuse withheld. Do not distribute.
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