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import os
import json
from typing import Dict
from openai import AsyncOpenAI
from import Run
from openai.types.beta import Thread
from openai.types.beta.threads import (
import chainlit as cl
from typing import Optional
from chainlit.context import context
import assistant_tools as at
import prompts as pr
import helper_functions as hf
import datetime
import csv
from utils import DictToObject, stream_message, ask_to_continue, process_thread_message
api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
client = AsyncOpenAI(api_key=api_key)
assistant_id = os.environ.get("ASSISTANT_ID")
async def start_chat():
thread = await client.beta.threads.create()
cl.user_session.set("thread", thread)
await cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content=pr.welcome_message).send()
async def run_conversation(message_from_ui: cl.Message):
count = 0
thread = cl.user_session.get("thread") # type: Thread
# Add the message to the thread
init_message = await client.beta.threads.messages.create(, role="user", content=message_from_ui.content
# Send empty message to display the loader
loader_msg = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content="")
await loader_msg.send()
# Create the run
run = await client.beta.threads.runs.create_and_poll(, assistant_id=assistant_id
message_references = {} # type: Dict[str, cl.Message]
# Periodically check for updates
#running = True
while True:
print('starting while True loop')
run = await client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(,
# Fetch the run steps
run_steps = await client.beta.threads.runs.steps.list(,, order="asc"
for step in
# Fetch step details
run_step = await client.beta.threads.runs.steps.retrieve(,,
step_details = run_step.step_details
# Update step content in the Chainlit UI
if step_details.type == "message_creation":
thread_message = await client.beta.threads.messages.retrieve(
await process_thread_message(message_references, thread_message)
print("line 116 about the call the tools call loop")
count += 1
if step_details.type == "tool_calls":
loading_message = "Retrieving information, please stand by."
loading_message_to_assistant = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content=loading_message)
await loading_message_to_assistant.send() # output_message_to_assistant.send()
for tool_call in step_details.tool_calls:
print('top of tool call loop line 119')
# IF tool call is a disctionary, convert to object
if isinstance(tool_call, dict):
print("here is a tool call at line 120")
tool_call = DictToObject(tool_call)
if tool_call.type == "function":
function = DictToObject(tool_call.function)
tool_call.function = function
if tool_call.type == "code_interpreter":
code_interpretor = DictToObject(tool_call.code_interpretor)
tool_call.code_interpretor = code_interpretor
print("here are step details at line 130")
print("here is tool call at line 132")
if (
tool_call.type == "function"
and len(tool_call.function.arguments) > 0
function_name =
function_args = json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments)
if not in message_references:
message_references[] = cl.Message(
#await message_references[].send()
function_mappings = {
#"get_pf_data_handbook": at.get_pf_data_handbook,
"get_pf_data_timeline": at.get_pf_data_timeline,
# Not sure why, but sometimes this is returned rather than name
function_name = function_name.replace("_schema", "")
print(f"FUNCTION NAME: {function_name}")
if function_name == "get_pf_data_timeline":
# Extract 'address' and 'country' values
address = function_args['address']
country = function_args['country']
units = function_args.get('units', 'C') #returns the specific value for 'units' else C if blank
print(f"Address: {address}, Country: {country}, Units: {units}")
parsed_output = at.get_pf_data_timeline(address, country, '1.5', units)
if parsed_output is not None:
print(f"RUN STATUS: {run.status} from first timeline scene")
# creating an initial output of what life is like today in that place
output = ""
loading_message_to_assistant = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content=pr.timeline_message)
await loading_message_to_assistant.send()
# filtering the results to just show results describing average / baseline temperatures
summary = hf.story_completion(pr.one_five_degree_prompt, units, parsed_output["10 hottest") |"Days above 35")])
next_output = await stream_message(summary, cl)
output += next_output
print(next_output) # hf.summarizer(output)
img_content, image_bytes = hf.get_image_response_SDXL(pr.image_prompt_SDXL + address + ' ' + country) #hf.summarizer(output)
#with open('feedback_logs/73ee4d67-4857-47ec-b835-5b1cfb570b20.png', 'rb') as file:
# img_content =
img = cl.Image(content=image_bytes, name="image1", display="inline", size="large") # img_content
print('\n Generating image, complete')
image_message_to_assistant = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content=' ', elements=[img])
await image_message_to_assistant.send()
#adding button to allow user to paginate the content
res = await ask_to_continue()
while res and res.get("value") == "question":
question = await cl.AskUserMessage(content='How can I help?', timeout=600).send()
# Use this to send the output of completion request into the next OpenAI API call.
question_response = hf.summary_completion(address, country, output, question['output'])
next_output = await stream_message(question_response, cl)
output += next_output
# Call the function again instead of duplicating the code block
res = await ask_to_continue()
warming_scenario = ['2.0', '3.0']
#inpainting_keywords = ''
for i in range(len(warming_scenario)):
print(f"RUN STATUS: {run.status} from timeline scene # {i}")
# going to force units to be C b/c otherwise it's breaking the logic for how the 2/3 image gets displayed
parsed_output = at.get_pf_data_timeline(address, country, warming_scenario[i], 'C') #units
# filterine results to talk about change from baseline
summary = hf.story_completion(pr.timeline_prompts[i], units, parsed_output['Change') |'Likelihood')])
next_output = await stream_message(summary, cl)
output += next_output
data_changes = parsed_output[parsed_output['name'].str.contains('Change') | parsed_output['name'].str.contains('Likelihood')].copy()
inpainting_keywords = hf.generate_inpainting_keywords(data_changes)
img_content, image_bytes = hf.get_image_response_SDXL(prompt=pr.image_prompt_SDXL + address + ' ' + country, image_path = img_content, filtered_keywords=inpainting_keywords) #str(hf.summarizer(output))
#with open('feedback_logs/73ee4d67-4857-47ec-b835-5b1cfb570b20.png', 'rb') as file:
# img_content =
img = cl.Image(content=image_bytes, name="image1", display="inline", size="large") #img_content
print('\n generating image, complete')
image_message_to_assistant = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content=' ', elements=[img])
await image_message_to_assistant.send()
#adding button to allow user to paginate the content
res = await ask_to_continue()
while res and res.get("value") == "question":
question = await cl.AskUserMessage(content='How can I help?', timeout=600).send()
# Use this to send the output of completion request into the next OpenAI API call.
question_response = hf.summary_completion(address, country, output, question['output'])
next_output = await stream_message(question_response, cl)
output += next_output
# Call the function again instead of duplicating the code block
res = await ask_to_continue()
# run.status = "completed"
final_message_content = hf.summary_completion(address, country, output, "Please give the user a personalized set of recommendations for how to adapt to climate change for their location and the questions they have asked (if any).")
next_output = await stream_message(final_message_content, cl)
output += next_output
# Step 1: Ask users if they'd like to offer feedback
res_want_feedback = await cl.AskActionMessage(content="Would you like to offer feedback?",
cl.Action(name="yes", value="yes", label="β
cl.Action(name="no", value="no", label="π« No")],
# Only proceed if they want to give feedback
if res_want_feedback.get("value") == "yes":
# Step 2: Ask "How was your experience?"
res_feedback = await cl.AskActionMessage(content="How was your experience?",
cl.Action(name="good", value="good", label="π Good. I'm ready to take action"),
cl.Action(name="IDK", value="IDK", label="π Not sure"),
cl.Action(name="no_good", value="no_good", label="π Not good"),],
if res_feedback.get("value") == "good":
thank_you_message = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content="Thanks for your feedback!")
await thank_you_message.send()
# Step 3: If "no good" or "not sure," ask why
elif res_feedback.get("value") in ["no_good", "IDK"]:
res_reason = await cl.AskUserMessage(content="Could you please tell us why?").send()
# Step 4: Capture user open-ended comments and write to a CSV file // UPDATE: Literal.AI data layer handles this
#filename = f"feedback_logs/feedback_{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.csv"
#with open(filename, "a", newline='') as csvfile:
# feedback_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
# # Write column headers if the file is new/empty
# if csvfile.tell() == 0:
# feedback_writer.writerow(["Thread ID", "Feedback Value", "Reason Output"])
# # Assuming thread_id is available from earlier in your session
# thread = cl.user_session.get("thread")
# feedback_writer.writerow([, res_feedback.get('value'), res_reason['output'] if res_reason['output'] is not None else ''])
thank_you_message = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content="Thanks for your feedback!")
await thank_you_message.send()
next_steps = cl.Message(author="Climate Change Assistant", content=pr.next_steps)
await next_steps.send()
print('here is the bottom of the if feedback block')
#run.status = "completed"
print('here is the bottom of the if pf.function is not none block')
#run.status = "completed"
run = await client.beta.threads.runs.submit_tool_outputs_and_poll(,,
"output": str(parsed_output),
print('here is the bottom of the IF tool call is function block')
#run.status = "completed"
#await cl.sleep(1) # Refresh every second
if run.status == "completed":
print(f"RUN STATUS: {run.status} from the bottom of the code")
#running = False
#run = await client.beta.threads.runs.cancel(
# )
if run.status in ["cancelled", "failed", "completed", "expired"]:
if run.status == "failed":
print('here is the failed run: ', run)