Build error
Build error
File size: 6,453 Bytes
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Authors: Yossi Adi (adiyoss) and Alexandre Défossez (adefossez)
import json
import logging
import math
from pathlib import Path
import os
import re
import librosa
import numpy as np
import torch
import as data
from .preprocess import preprocess_one_dir
from .audio import Audioset
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def sort(infos): return sorted(
infos, key=lambda info: int(info[1]), reverse=True)
class Trainset:
def __init__(self, json_dir, sample_rate=16000, segment=4.0, stride=1.0, pad=True):
mix_json = os.path.join(json_dir, 'mix.json')
s_jsons = list()
s_infos = list()
sets_re = re.compile(r's[0-9]+.json')
for s in os.listdir(json_dir):
s_jsons.append(os.path.join(json_dir, s))
with open(mix_json, 'r') as f:
mix_infos = json.load(f)
for s_json in s_jsons:
with open(s_json, 'r') as f:
length = int(sample_rate * segment)
stride = int(sample_rate * stride)
kw = {'length': length, 'stride': stride, 'pad': pad}
self.mix_set = Audioset(sort(mix_infos), **kw)
self.sets = list()
for s_info in s_infos:
self.sets.append(Audioset(sort(s_info), **kw))
# verify all sets has the same size
for s in self.sets:
assert len(s) == len(self.mix_set)
def __getitem__(self, index):
mix_sig = self.mix_set[index]
tgt_sig = [self.sets[i][index] for i in range(len(self.sets))]
return self.mix_set[index], torch.LongTensor([mix_sig.shape[0]]), torch.stack(tgt_sig)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.mix_set)
class Validset:
load entire wav.
def __init__(self, json_dir):
mix_json = os.path.join(json_dir, 'mix.json')
s_jsons = list()
s_infos = list()
sets_re = re.compile(r's[0-9]+.json')
for s in os.listdir(json_dir):
s_jsons.append(os.path.join(json_dir, s))
with open(mix_json, 'r') as f:
mix_infos = json.load(f)
for s_json in s_jsons:
with open(s_json, 'r') as f:
self.mix_set = Audioset(sort(mix_infos))
self.sets = list()
for s_info in s_infos:
for s in self.sets:
assert len(s) == len(self.mix_set)
def __getitem__(self, index):
mix_sig = self.mix_set[index]
tgt_sig = [self.sets[i][index] for i in range(len(self.sets))]
return self.mix_set[index], torch.LongTensor([mix_sig.shape[0]]), torch.stack(tgt_sig)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.mix_set)
# The following piece of code was adapted from
# released under the MIT License.
# Author: Kaituo XU
# Created on 2018/12
class EvalDataset(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, mix_dir, mix_json, batch_size, sample_rate=8000):
mix_dir: directory including mixture wav files
mix_json: json file including mixture wav files
super(EvalDataset, self).__init__()
assert mix_dir != None or mix_json != None
if mix_dir is not None:
# Generate mix.json given mix_dir
preprocess_one_dir(mix_dir, mix_dir, 'mix',
mix_json = os.path.join(mix_dir, 'mix.json')
with open(mix_json, 'r') as f:
mix_infos = json.load(f)
# sort it by #samples (impl bucket)
def sort(infos): return sorted(
infos, key=lambda info: int(info[1]), reverse=True)
sorted_mix_infos = sort(mix_infos)
# generate minibach infomations
minibatch = []
start = 0
while True:
end = min(len(sorted_mix_infos), start + batch_size)
if end == len(sorted_mix_infos):
start = end
self.minibatch = minibatch
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.minibatch[index]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.minibatch)
class EvalDataLoader(data.DataLoader):
NOTE: just use batchsize=1 here, so drop_last=True makes no sense here.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(EvalDataLoader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.collate_fn = _collate_fn_eval
def _collate_fn_eval(batch):
batch: list, len(batch) = 1. See AudioDataset.__getitem__()
mixtures_pad: B x T, torch.Tensor
ilens : B, torch.Tentor
filenames: a list contain B strings
# batch should be located in list
assert len(batch) == 1
mixtures, filenames = load_mixtures(batch[0])
# get batch of lengths of input sequences
ilens = np.array([mix.shape[0] for mix in mixtures])
# perform padding and convert to tensor
pad_value = 0
mixtures_pad = pad_list([torch.from_numpy(mix).float()
for mix in mixtures], pad_value)
ilens = torch.from_numpy(ilens)
return mixtures_pad, ilens, filenames
def load_mixtures(batch):
mixtures: a list containing B items, each item is T np.ndarray
filenames: a list containing B strings
T varies from item to item.
mixtures, filenames = [], []
mix_infos, sample_rate = batch
# for each utterance
for mix_info in mix_infos:
mix_path = mix_info[0]
# read wav file
mix, _ = librosa.load(mix_path, sr=sample_rate)
return mixtures, filenames
def pad_list(xs, pad_value):
n_batch = len(xs)
max_len = max(x.size(0) for x in xs)
pad = xs[0].new(n_batch, max_len, * xs[0].size()[1:]).fill_(pad_value)
for i in range(n_batch):
pad[i, :xs[i].size(0)] = xs[i]
return pad