Runtime error
Runtime error
# Contributing to Swarms | |
Hi there! Thank you for even being interested in contributing to Swarms. | |
As an open source project in a rapidly developing field, we are extremely open | |
to contributions, whether they be in the form of new features, improved infra, better documentation, or bug fixes. | |
## 🗺️ Guidelines | |
### 👩💻 Contributing Code | |
To contribute to this project, please follow a ["fork and pull request"]( workflow. | |
Please do not try to push directly to this repo unless you are maintainer. | |
Please follow the checked-in pull request template when opening pull requests. Note related issues and tag relevant | |
maintainers. | |
Pull requests cannot land without passing the formatting, linting and testing checks first. See | |
[Common Tasks](#-common-tasks) for how to run these checks locally. | |
It's essential that we maintain great documentation and testing. If you: | |
- Fix a bug | |
- Add a relevant unit or integration test when possible. These live in `tests/unit_tests` and `tests/integration_tests`. | |
- Make an improvement | |
- Update any affected example notebooks and documentation. These lives in `docs`. | |
- Update unit and integration tests when relevant. | |
- Add a feature | |
- Add a demo notebook in `docs/modules`. | |
- Add unit and integration tests. | |
We're a small, building-oriented team. If there's something you'd like to add or change, opening a pull request is the | |
best way to get our attention. | |
### 🚩GitHub Issues | |
Our [issues]( page is kept up to date | |
with bugs, improvements, and feature requests. | |
There is a taxonomy of labels to help with sorting and discovery of issues of interest. Please use these to help | |
organize issues. | |
If you start working on an issue, please assign it to yourself. | |
If you are adding an issue, please try to keep it focused on a single, modular bug/improvement/feature. | |
If two issues are related, or blocking, please link them rather than combining them. | |
We will try to keep these issues as up to date as possible, though | |
with the rapid rate of develop in this field some may get out of date. | |
If you notice this happening, please let us know. | |
### 🙋Getting Help | |
Our goal is to have the simplest developer setup possible. Should you experience any difficulty getting setup, please | |
contact a maintainer! Not only do we want to help get you unblocked, but we also want to make sure that the process is | |
smooth for future contributors. | |
In a similar vein, we do enforce certain linting, formatting, and documentation standards in the codebase. | |
If you are finding these difficult (or even just annoying) to work with, feel free to contact a maintainer for help - | |
we do not want these to get in the way of getting good code into the codebase. | |
## 🚀 Quick Start | |
> **Note:** You can run this repository locally (which is described below) or in a [development container]( (which is described in the [.devcontainer folder]( | |
This project uses [Poetry]( as a dependency manager. Check out Poetry's [documentation on how to install it]( on your system before proceeding. | |
❗Note: If you use `Conda` or `Pyenv` as your environment / package manager, avoid dependency conflicts by doing the following first: | |
1. *Before installing Poetry*, create and activate a new Conda env (e.g. `conda create -n Swarms python=3.9`) | |
2. Install Poetry (see above) | |
3. Tell Poetry to use the virtualenv python environment (`poetry config virtualenvs.prefer-active-python true`) | |
4. Continue with the following steps. | |
To install requirements: | |
```bash | |
poetry install -E all | |
``` | |
This will install all requirements for running the package, examples, linting, formatting, tests, and coverage. Note the `-E all` flag will install all optional dependencies necessary for integration testing. | |
❗Note: If you're running Poetry 1.4.1 and receive a `WheelFileValidationError` for `debugpy` during installation, you can try either downgrading to Poetry 1.4.0 or disabling "modern installation" (`poetry config installer.modern-installation false`) and re-install requirements. See [this `debugpy` issue]( for more details. | |
Now, you should be able to run the common tasks in the following section. To double check, run `make test`, all tests should pass. If they don't you may need to pip install additional dependencies, such as `numexpr` and `openapi_schema_pydantic`. | |
## ✅ Common Tasks | |
Type `make` for a list of common tasks. | |
### Code Formatting | |
Formatting for this project is done via a combination of [Black]( and [isort]( | |
To run formatting for this project: | |
```bash | |
make format | |
``` | |
### Linting | |
Linting for this project is done via a combination of [Black](, [isort](, [flake8](, and [mypy]( | |
To run linting for this project: | |
```bash | |
make lint | |
``` | |
We recognize linting can be annoying - if you do not want to do it, please contact a project maintainer, and they can help you with it. We do not want this to be a blocker for good code getting contributed. | |
### Coverage | |
Code coverage (i.e. the amount of code that is covered by unit tests) helps identify areas of the code that are potentially more or less brittle. | |
To get a report of current coverage, run the following: | |
```bash | |
make coverage | |
``` | |
### Working with Optional Dependencies | |
Swarms relies heavily on optional dependencies to keep the Swarms package lightweight. | |
If you're adding a new dependency to Swarms, assume that it will be an optional dependency, and | |
that most users won't have it installed. | |
Users that do not have the dependency installed should be able to **import** your code without | |
any side effects (no warnings, no errors, no exceptions). | |
To introduce the dependency to the pyproject.toml file correctly, please do the following: | |
1. Add the dependency to the main group as an optional dependency | |
```bash | |
poetry add --optional [package_name] | |
``` | |
2. Open pyproject.toml and add the dependency to the `extended_testing` extra | |
3. Relock the poetry file to update the extra. | |
```bash | |
poetry lock --no-update | |
``` | |
4. Add a unit test that the very least attempts to import the new code. Ideally the unit | |
test makes use of lightweight fixtures to test the logic of the code. | |
5. Please use the `@pytest.mark.requires(package_name)` decorator for any tests that require the dependency. | |
### Testing | |
See section about optional dependencies. | |
#### Unit Tests | |
Unit tests cover modular logic that does not require calls to outside APIs. | |
To run unit tests: | |
```bash | |
make test | |
``` | |
To run unit tests in Docker: | |
```bash | |
make docker_tests | |
``` | |
If you add new logic, please add a unit test. | |
#### Integration Tests | |
Integration tests cover logic that requires making calls to outside APIs (often integration with other services). | |
**warning** Almost no tests should be integration tests. | |
Tests that require making network connections make it difficult for other | |
developers to test the code. | |
Instead favor relying on `responses` library and/or mock.patch to mock | |
requests using small fixtures. | |
To run integration tests: | |
```bash | |
make integration_tests | |
``` | |
If you add support for a new external API, please add a new integration test. | |
### Adding a Jupyter Notebook | |
If you are adding a Jupyter notebook example, you'll want to install the optional `dev` dependencies. | |
To install dev dependencies: | |
```bash | |
poetry install --with dev | |
``` | |
Launch a notebook: | |
```bash | |
poetry run jupyter notebook | |
``` | |
When you run `poetry install`, the `Swarms` package is installed as editable in the virtualenv, so your new logic can be imported into the notebook. | |
## Documentation | |
### Contribute Documentation | |
Docs are largely autogenerated by [sphinx]( from the code. | |
For that reason, we ask that you add good documentation to all classes and methods. | |
Similar to linting, we recognize documentation can be annoying. If you do not want to do it, please contact a project maintainer, and they can help you with it. We do not want this to be a blocker for good code getting contributed. | |
### Build Documentation Locally | |
Before building the documentation, it is always a good idea to clean the build directory: | |
```bash | |
make docs_clean | |
``` | |
Next, you can run the linkchecker to make sure all links are valid: | |
```bash | |
make docs_linkcheck | |
``` | |
Finally, you can build the documentation as outlined below: | |
```bash | |
make docs_build | |
``` | |
## 🏭 Release Process | |
As of now, Swarms has an ad hoc release process: releases are cut with high frequency by | |
a developer and published to [PyPI]( | |
Swarms follows the [semver]( versioning standard. However, as pre-1.0 software, | |
even patch releases may contain [non-backwards-compatible changes]( | |
### 🌟 Recognition | |
If your contribution has made its way into a release, we will want to give you credit on Twitter (only if you want though)! | |
If you have a Twitter account you would like us to mention, please let us know in the PR or in another manner. | |