Runtime error
Runtime error
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from flask import Flask, render_template_string
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import panel as pn
from panel.interact import interact
pn.extension('plotly') # Interactive tables
import hvplot.pandas # Interactive dataframes
import holoviews as hv
from import Event
import os
os.environ['BOKEH_ALLOW_WS_ORIGIN'] = 'localhost:5006'
from bokeh.embed import server_document
import subprocess
df = pd.read_csv("data\StudentsPerformance.csv")
numeric_features = ['math score', 'reading score', 'writing score']
categoric_features = ['gender', 'race/ethnicity', 'parental level of education', 'lunch', 'test preparation course']
df['pass'] = df.apply(lambda row: 1 if row['math score'] >= 60 and row['reading score'] >= 60 and row['writing score'] >= 60 else 0, axis=1)
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
import dashboard
from dashboard.plots import table_plotly
from dashboard.plots import pie_quali
from dashboard.plots import histogram_quali
from dashboard.plots import boxplot_quali_quanti
from dashboard.plots import scatter_quanti_quanti
from dashboard.plots import plotting_target_feature
from dashboard.plots import corr_heatmap
from dashboard.plots import qqplot
from dashboard.plots import hist_residual
from dashboard.plots import qqplot_residual
from dashboard.plots import residual_fitted
from dashboard.plots import residual_leverage
from dashboard.plots import bivar_quanti_plot
from dashboard.plots import cross_heatmap
from dashboard.plots import ols_resid_plot
from dashboard.plots import confusion_matrix_heatmap
from dashboard.plots import plot_roc
from dashboard.tables import describe_quali_quanti
from dashboard.tables import filtered_dataframe
from dashboard.tables import evaluate_regression_model
from dashboard.tables import cross_tab
from dashboard.tables import chi2_tab
from dashboard.tables import report_to_df
from dashboard.model import model_history
from dashboard.model import model_cl_history
pn.config.sizing_mode = "stretch_width"
reg_list = [
cl_list= [
##### Create widgets
### Exploration widgets (Page 1)
# Dataset
checked_columns = ['lunch', 'race/ethnicity','test_preparation_course','math score','reading score','writing score','target_name']
checkboxes = {col: pn.widgets.Checkbox(name=col, value=True) if col in checked_columns else pn.widgets.Checkbox(name=col, value=False) for col in df.columns}
# Histogram
count = pn.widgets.Select(name='feature',options=[col for col in df.columns], value='parental level of education')
# Scatter plot
abscisse_scatter = pn.widgets.Select(name='x', options=numeric_features, value='reading score')
ordonnee_scatter = pn.widgets.Select(name='y', options=numeric_features, value='writing score')
dashboard_fit_line_checkbox = pn.widgets.Checkbox(name='fit line')
# Box plot
quanti = pn.widgets.Select(name='numeric feature', options=numeric_features)
quali = pn.widgets.Select(name='categorical feature', options=categoric_features, value='parental level of education')
# Target Plot
quali_target = pn.widgets.Select(name='categorical feature', options=categoric_features, value='parental level of education')
### Modeling Widget (Page 2)
# Regression
target_widget = pn.widgets.Select(name='target', options=numeric_features, value='writing score')
model_name_widget = pn.widgets.Select(name='model', options=reg_list, value=LinearRegression)
# Classification
model_name_cl_widget = pn.widgets.Select(name='classification model', options=cl_list, value=LogisticRegression)
color_confusion = pn.widgets.Select(name='Matrix color', options=px.colors.named_colorscales(), value='bupu')
### Analysis Widget (Page 3)
# Quanti/Quanti
color1 = pn.widgets.Select(name='color', options=px.colors.named_colorscales(), value='magma')
quanti1_corr = pn.widgets.Select(name='x',options=numeric_features, value = 'reading score')
quanti2_corr = pn.widgets.Select(name='y',options=numeric_features, value = 'writing score')
# Quali/Quali
color2 = pn.widgets.Select(name='color', options=px.colors.named_colorscales(), value='redor')
quali1_cross = pn.widgets.Select(name='quali 1',options=categoric_features, value = 'parental level of education')
quali2_cross = pn.widgets.Select(name='quali 2',options=categoric_features, value = 'lunch')
# Q-Q Plot
quanti_qq = pn.widgets.Select(name='numeric feature', options=numeric_features)
quali_qq = pn.widgets.Select(name='categorical feature', options=categoric_features, value='parental level of education')
modality_qq = pn.widgets.Select(name='modality', options=df[quali_qq.params.args[0].value].unique().tolist())
def update_modality_options(event):
selected_quali = quali_qq.value
selected_modality = modality_qq.value
modality_qq.options = df[selected_quali].unique().tolist()
if selected_modality not in modality_qq.options:
modality_qq.value = modality_qq.options[0]
modality_qq.value = selected_modality, 'value')
##### Define reactive elements
### Reactive elements for Exploration (Page 1)
dataset = pn.bind(filtered_dataframe, df=df, **checkboxes)
histogram = pn.bind(histogram_quali,quali=count,df=df)
scatter_plot = pn.bind(scatter_quanti_quanti, x=abscisse_scatter, y=ordonnee_scatter, df=df, checkbox=dashboard_fit_line_checkbox)
box_plot = pn.bind(boxplot_quali_quanti, quanti=quanti, quali=quali, df=df)
describe_table = pn.bind(describe_quali_quanti, quali=quali, quanti=quanti, df=df)
target_plot = pn.bind(plotting_target_feature, quali=quali_target,df=df)
### Reactive elements for Modeling (Page 2)
# Regression
def update_reg_history(target, model):
return model_history(df=df, target=target, model=model)
reg_history = pn.bind(update_reg_history, target=target_widget, model=model_name_widget)
evaluate_reg_table = pn.bind(evaluate_regression_model,history=reg_history)
residual_fitted_plot = pn.bind(residual_fitted, history=reg_history)
qqplot_residual_plot = pn.bind(qqplot_residual, history=reg_history)
scale_location_plot = pn.bind(residual_fitted, history=reg_history, root=True)
residual_leverage_plot = pn.bind(residual_leverage, history=reg_history)
# Classification
def update_cl_history(model_cl):
return model_cl_history(df=df, model_cl=model_cl)
cl_classification = pn.bind(update_cl_history, model_cl=model_name_cl_widget)
evaluate_cl_table = pn.bind(report_to_df,classification=cl_classification)
confusion_plot = pn.bind(confusion_matrix_heatmap, classification=cl_classification,color=color_confusion)
roc = pn.bind(plot_roc, classification=cl_classification)
### Reactive elements for Analysis (Page 3)
corr_plot = pn.bind(corr_heatmap, df=df, quanti1=quanti1_corr,quanti2=quanti2_corr, color=color1)
joint_plot = pn.bind(bivar_quanti_plot, df=df, quanti1=quanti1_corr, quanti2=quanti2_corr)
cross_table = pn.bind(cross_tab, df=df, quali1=quali1_cross, quali2=quali2_cross)
chi2_table = pn.bind(chi2_tab, df=df, quali1=quali1_cross, quali2=quali2_cross)
cross_heatmap_plot = pn.bind(cross_heatmap, df=df, quali1=quali1_cross, quali2=quali2_cross, color=color2)
box_plot2 = pn.bind(boxplot_quali_quanti, quanti=quanti_qq, quali=quali_qq, df=df)
qq_plot = pn.bind(qqplot, quali=quali_qq, quanti=quanti_qq, modality=modality_qq, df=df)
ols_plot = pn.bind(ols_resid_plot, df=df, quanti=quanti_qq, quali=quali_qq)
##### Define Sidebar
### Exploration Sidebar (Page 1)
# Cards
data_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(*checkboxes.values()), title='Data')
histogram_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(count), title='Histogram')
scatter_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(dashboard_fit_line_checkbox, abscisse_scatter, ordonnee_scatter), title='Scatter Plot')
box_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(quanti, quali), title='Box Plot')
target_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(quali_target), title='Target Plot')
# Sidebar
exploration_sidebar = pn.Column('# Parameters\n This section changes parameters for exploration plots',
### Modeling Sidebar (Page 2)
# Cards
regression_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(model_name_widget,target_widget), title='Regression',sizing_mode = "stretch_width")
classification_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(model_name_cl_widget, color_confusion), title='Classification',sizing_mode = "stretch_width")
# Sidebar
modeling_sidebar = pn.Column('# Parameters\n This section changes parameters for modeling plots',
### Analysis Sidebar (Page 3)
# Cards
quanti_quanti_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(color1,quanti1_corr,quanti2_corr), title='Quantitative vs Quantitative')
quali_quali_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(color2,quali1_cross, quali2_cross), title='Qualitative vs Qualitative')
quali_quanti_card = pn.Card(pn.Column(quanti_qq,pn.Column(quali_qq, modality_qq)), title='Qualitative vs Quantitative')
# Sidebar
analysis_sidebar = pn.Column('# Parameters\n This section changes parameters for further analysis plots',
##### Define Main
### Main Exploration (Page 1)
# Cards
description = "This dataset contains information about the performance of students in various subjects. The data includes their scores in math, reading, and writing, as well as their gender, race/ethnicity, parental education, and whether they qualify for free/reduced lunch."
description_card = pn.Card(description, title='Description')
dataset_card = pn.Card(pn.Row(pn.Column('# Data ', description),
boxplot_card = pn.Row(pn.Card(describe_table, title='Describe Table'),
pn.Card(box_plot, title='Box Plot'))
scatter_hist_card = pn.Row(pn.Card(histogram, title='Histogram'),
pn.Card(scatter_plot, title='Scatter Plot'))
target_card = pn.Card(target_plot, title='Target Plot')
# Content
exploration_main_content = pn.Column(
### Main Modeling (Page 2)
# Cards
evaluate_table_card = pn.Card(evaluate_reg_table, title="Evaluation")
residual_fitted_card = pn.Card(residual_fitted_plot ,title="Residual Plot")
qqplot_residual_card = pn.Card(qqplot_residual_plot,title="Normal Q-Q")
scale_location_card = pn.Card(scale_location_plot, title="Scale Location")
residual_leverage_card = pn.Card(residual_leverage_plot, title="Residuals vs Leverage")
# Regroup cards
regression_card = pn.Card(pn.Row(evaluate_table_card),
title = 'Regression')
## Classification
evaluate_cl_card = pn.Card(evaluate_cl_table, title="Evaluation Table")
confusion_card = pn.Card(confusion_plot, title="Confusion Matrix")
roc_card = pn.Card(roc, title='ROC')
classification_card = pn.Card(pn.Row(evaluate_cl_card),
# Content
modeling_main_content = pn.Column(pn.Row(regression_card),
### Main Analysis(Page 3)
# Cards
corr_card = pn.Card(corr_plot, title='Person Correlation Matrix')
joint_card = pn.Card(joint_plot, title='Bivariate Plot')
cross_card = pn.Card(cross_table, title='Contingency Table')
chi2_card = pn.Card(chi2_table, title='Chi2 Test')
cross_heatmap_card = pn.Card(cross_heatmap_plot, title='Contingency Heatmap')
boxplot_card = pn.Card(box_plot2, title='Box Plot')
qq_card = pn.Card(qq_plot, title='Q-Q Plot')
ols_card = pn.Card(ols_plot, title='OLS Residuals')
quanti_quanti_card = pn.Card(pn.Row(corr_card,joint_card),
title=f'Statistic Dependency {quanti1_corr.params.args[0].value} vs {quanti2_corr.params.args[0].value} (quantitative/quantitative)')
quali_quali_card = pn.Card(pn.Row(pn.Column(cross_card,chi2_card),
title=f'Statistic Dependency {quali1_cross.params.args[0].value} vs {quali2_cross.params.args[0].value} (qualitative/qualitative)')
quali_quanti_card = pn.Card(pn.Row(boxplot_card),
title=f'Statistic Dependency {quali_qq.params.args[0].value} vs {quanti_qq.params.args[0].value} (qualitative/quantitative)')
# Content
analysis_main_content = pn.Column(pn.Row(quanti_quanti_card),
##### Create Callback to change sidebar content
main_tabs = pn.Tabs(('Exploration', exploration_main_content),
('Modeling', modeling_main_content),
('Further Analysis', analysis_main_content))
def on_tab_change(event):
if == 0:
exploration_sidebar.visible = True
modeling_sidebar.visible = False
analysis_sidebar.visible = False
elif == 1:
exploration_sidebar.visible = False
modeling_sidebar.visible = True
analysis_sidebar.visible = False
exploration_sidebar.visible = False
modeling_sidebar.visible = False
analysis_sidebar.visible = True, 'active')
##### Layout
template = pn.template.VanillaTemplate(
# title
title = "Student Performance in Exams",
# sidebar
sidebar = pn.Column(exploration_sidebar, modeling_sidebar, analysis_sidebar, sizing_mode='stretch_width'),
# main
main = main_tabs
##### Show Dashboard