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from loguru import logger
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class ASpanLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config # config under the global namespace
self.loss_config = config['aspan']['loss']
self.match_type = self.config['aspan']['match_coarse']['match_type']
self.sparse_spvs = self.config['aspan']['match_coarse']['sparse_spvs']
# coarse-level
self.correct_thr = self.loss_config['fine_correct_thr']
self.c_pos_w = self.loss_config['pos_weight']
self.c_neg_w = self.loss_config['neg_weight']
# fine-level
self.fine_type = self.loss_config['fine_type']
def compute_flow_loss(self,coarse_corr_gt,flow_list,h0,w0,h1,w1):
#flow_list: [L,B,H,W,4]
return total_loss
def flow_loss_worker(self,flow,batch_indicies,self_indicies,cross_indicies,w):
for layer_index in range(layer_num):
l2_flow_dis=((gt_flow-spv_flow)**2) #[#coarse,2]
total_loss=(spv_conf+torch.exp(-spv_conf)*l2_flow_dis) #[#coarse,2]
return total_loss
def compute_coarse_loss(self, conf, conf_gt, weight=None):
""" Point-wise CE / Focal Loss with 0 / 1 confidence as gt.
conf (torch.Tensor): (N, HW0, HW1) / (N, HW0+1, HW1+1)
conf_gt (torch.Tensor): (N, HW0, HW1)
weight (torch.Tensor): (N, HW0, HW1)
pos_mask, neg_mask = conf_gt == 1, conf_gt == 0
c_pos_w, c_neg_w = self.c_pos_w, self.c_neg_w
# corner case: no gt coarse-level match at all
if not pos_mask.any(): # assign a wrong gt
pos_mask[0, 0, 0] = True
if weight is not None:
weight[0, 0, 0] = 0.
c_pos_w = 0.
if not neg_mask.any():
neg_mask[0, 0, 0] = True
if weight is not None:
weight[0, 0, 0] = 0.
c_neg_w = 0.
if self.loss_config['coarse_type'] == 'cross_entropy':
assert not self.sparse_spvs, 'Sparse Supervision for cross-entropy not implemented!'
conf = torch.clamp(conf, 1e-6, 1-1e-6)
loss_pos = - torch.log(conf[pos_mask])
loss_neg = - torch.log(1 - conf[neg_mask])
if weight is not None:
loss_pos = loss_pos * weight[pos_mask]
loss_neg = loss_neg * weight[neg_mask]
return c_pos_w * loss_pos.mean() + c_neg_w * loss_neg.mean()
elif self.loss_config['coarse_type'] == 'focal':
conf = torch.clamp(conf, 1e-6, 1-1e-6)
alpha = self.loss_config['focal_alpha']
gamma = self.loss_config['focal_gamma']
if self.sparse_spvs:
pos_conf = conf[:, :-1, :-1][pos_mask] \
if self.match_type == 'sinkhorn' \
else conf[pos_mask]
loss_pos = - alpha * torch.pow(1 - pos_conf, gamma) * pos_conf.log()
# calculate losses for negative samples
if self.match_type == 'sinkhorn':
neg0, neg1 = conf_gt.sum(-1) == 0, conf_gt.sum(1) == 0
neg_conf =[conf[:, :-1, -1][neg0], conf[:, -1, :-1][neg1]], 0)
loss_neg = - alpha * torch.pow(1 - neg_conf, gamma) * neg_conf.log()
# These is no dustbin for dual_softmax, so we left unmatchable patches without supervision.
# we could also add 'pseudo negtive-samples'
# handle loss weights
if weight is not None:
# Different from dense-spvs, the loss w.r.t. padded regions aren't directly zeroed out,
# but only through manually setting corresponding regions in sim_matrix to '-inf'.
loss_pos = loss_pos * weight[pos_mask]
if self.match_type == 'sinkhorn':
neg_w0 = (weight.sum(-1) != 0)[neg0]
neg_w1 = (weight.sum(1) != 0)[neg1]
neg_mask =[neg_w0, neg_w1], 0)
loss_neg = loss_neg[neg_mask]
loss = c_pos_w * loss_pos.mean() + c_neg_w * loss_neg.mean() \
if self.match_type == 'sinkhorn' \
else c_pos_w * loss_pos.mean()
return loss
# positive and negative elements occupy similar propotions. => more balanced loss weights needed
else: # dense supervision (in the case of match_type=='sinkhorn', the dustbin is not supervised.)
loss_pos = - alpha * torch.pow(1 - conf[pos_mask], gamma) * (conf[pos_mask]).log()
loss_neg = - alpha * torch.pow(conf[neg_mask], gamma) * (1 - conf[neg_mask]).log()
if weight is not None:
loss_pos = loss_pos * weight[pos_mask]
loss_neg = loss_neg * weight[neg_mask]
return c_pos_w * loss_pos.mean() + c_neg_w * loss_neg.mean()
# each negative element occupy a smaller propotion than positive elements. => higher negative loss weight needed
raise ValueError('Unknown coarse loss: {type}'.format(type=self.loss_config['coarse_type']))
def compute_fine_loss(self, expec_f, expec_f_gt):
if self.fine_type == 'l2_with_std':
return self._compute_fine_loss_l2_std(expec_f, expec_f_gt)
elif self.fine_type == 'l2':
return self._compute_fine_loss_l2(expec_f, expec_f_gt)
raise NotImplementedError()
def _compute_fine_loss_l2(self, expec_f, expec_f_gt):
expec_f (torch.Tensor): [M, 2] <x, y>
expec_f_gt (torch.Tensor): [M, 2] <x, y>
correct_mask = torch.linalg.norm(expec_f_gt, ord=float('inf'), dim=1) < self.correct_thr
if correct_mask.sum() == 0:
if # this seldomly happen when training, since we pad prediction with gt
logger.warning("assign a false supervision to avoid ddp deadlock")
correct_mask[0] = True
return None
flow_l2 = ((expec_f_gt[correct_mask] - expec_f[correct_mask]) ** 2).sum(-1)
return flow_l2.mean()
def _compute_fine_loss_l2_std(self, expec_f, expec_f_gt):
expec_f (torch.Tensor): [M, 3] <x, y, std>
expec_f_gt (torch.Tensor): [M, 2] <x, y>
# correct_mask tells you which pair to compute fine-loss
correct_mask = torch.linalg.norm(expec_f_gt, ord=float('inf'), dim=1) < self.correct_thr
# use std as weight that measures uncertainty
std = expec_f[:, 2]
inverse_std = 1. / torch.clamp(std, min=1e-10)
weight = (inverse_std / torch.mean(inverse_std)).detach() # avoid minizing loss through increase std
# corner case: no correct coarse match found
if not correct_mask.any():
if # this seldomly happen during training, since we pad prediction with gt
# sometimes there is not coarse-level gt at all.
logger.warning("assign a false supervision to avoid ddp deadlock")
correct_mask[0] = True
weight[0] = 0.
return None
# l2 loss with std
flow_l2 = ((expec_f_gt[correct_mask] - expec_f[correct_mask, :2]) ** 2).sum(-1)
loss = (flow_l2 * weight[correct_mask]).mean()
return loss
def compute_c_weight(self, data):
""" compute element-wise weights for computing coarse-level loss. """
if 'mask0' in data:
c_weight = (data['mask0'].flatten(-2)[..., None] * data['mask1'].flatten(-2)[:, None]).float()
c_weight = None
return c_weight
def forward(self, data):
data (dict): update{
'loss': [1] the reduced loss across a batch,
'loss_scalars' (dict): loss scalars for tensorboard_record
loss_scalars = {}
# 0. compute element-wise loss weight
c_weight = self.compute_c_weight(data)
# 1. coarse-level loss
loss_c = self.compute_coarse_loss(
data['conf_matrix_with_bin'] if self.sparse_spvs and self.match_type == 'sinkhorn' \
else data['conf_matrix'],
loss = loss_c * self.loss_config['coarse_weight']
loss_scalars.update({"loss_c": loss_c.clone().detach().cpu()})
# 2. fine-level loss
loss_f = self.compute_fine_loss(data['expec_f'], data['expec_f_gt'])
if loss_f is not None:
loss += loss_f * self.loss_config['fine_weight']
loss_scalars.update({"loss_f": loss_f.clone().detach().cpu()})
assert is False
loss_scalars.update({'loss_f': torch.tensor(1.)}) # 1 is the upper bound
# 3. flow loss
loss_flow = self.compute_flow_loss(coarse_corr,data['predict_flow'],\
for index,loss_off in enumerate(loss_flow):
loss_scalars.update({'loss_flow_'+str(index): loss_off.clone().detach().cpu()}) # 1 is the upper bound
for layer_index in range(layer_num):
loss_scalars.update({'conf_'+str(layer_index): conf[layer_index].mean().clone().detach().cpu()}) # 1 is the upper bound
#print((loss_c * self.loss_config['coarse_weight']).data,
loss_scalars.update({'loss': loss.clone().detach().cpu()})
data.update({"loss": loss, "loss_scalars": loss_scalars})