File size: 6,641 Bytes
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import torch
import cv2
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from loguru import logger
from kornia.geometry.epipolar import numeric
from kornia.geometry.conversions import convert_points_to_homogeneous
# --- METRICS ---
def relative_pose_error(T_0to1, R, t, ignore_gt_t_thr=0.0):
# angle error between 2 vectors
t_gt = T_0to1[:3, 3]
n = np.linalg.norm(t) * np.linalg.norm(t_gt)
t_err = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.clip(, t_gt) / n, -1.0, 1.0)))
t_err = np.minimum(t_err, 180 - t_err) # handle E ambiguity
if np.linalg.norm(t_gt) < ignore_gt_t_thr: # pure rotation is challenging
t_err = 0
# angle error between 2 rotation matrices
R_gt = T_0to1[:3, :3]
cos = (np.trace(, R_gt)) - 1) / 2
cos = np.clip(cos, -1.0, 1.0) # handle numercial errors
R_err = np.rad2deg(np.abs(np.arccos(cos)))
return t_err, R_err
def symmetric_epipolar_distance(pts0, pts1, E, K0, K1):
"""Squared symmetric epipolar distance.
This can be seen as a biased estimation of the reprojection error.
pts0 (torch.Tensor): [N, 2]
E (torch.Tensor): [3, 3]
pts0 = (pts0 - K0[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K0[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None]
pts1 = (pts1 - K1[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K1[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None]
pts0 = convert_points_to_homogeneous(pts0)
pts1 = convert_points_to_homogeneous(pts1)
Ep0 = pts0 @ E.T # [N, 3]
p1Ep0 = torch.sum(pts1 * Ep0, -1) # [N,]
Etp1 = pts1 @ E # [N, 3]
d = p1Ep0**2 * (
1.0 / (Ep0[:, 0] ** 2 + Ep0[:, 1] ** 2)
+ 1.0 / (Etp1[:, 0] ** 2 + Etp1[:, 1] ** 2)
) # N
return d
def compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors(data):
data (dict):{"epi_errs": [M]}
Tx = numeric.cross_product_matrix(data["T_0to1"][:, :3, 3])
E_mat = Tx @ data["T_0to1"][:, :3, :3]
m_bids = data["m_bids"]
pts0 = data["mkpts0_f"]
pts1 = data["mkpts1_f"]
epi_errs = []
for bs in range(Tx.size(0)):
mask = m_bids == bs
pts0[mask], pts1[mask], E_mat[bs], data["K0"][bs], data["K1"][bs]
epi_errs =, dim=0)
data.update({"epi_errs": epi_errs})
def estimate_pose(kpts0, kpts1, K0, K1, thresh, conf=0.99999):
if len(kpts0) < 5:
return None
# normalize keypoints
kpts0 = (kpts0 - K0[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K0[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None]
kpts1 = (kpts1 - K1[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K1[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None]
# normalize ransac threshold
ransac_thr = thresh / np.mean([K0[0, 0], K1[1, 1], K0[0, 0], K1[1, 1]])
# compute pose with cv2
E, mask = cv2.findEssentialMat(
kpts0, kpts1, np.eye(3), threshold=ransac_thr, prob=conf, method=cv2.RANSAC
if E is None:
print("\nE is None while trying to recover pose.\n")
return None
# recover pose from E
best_num_inliers = 0
ret = None
for _E in np.split(E, len(E) / 3):
n, R, t, _ = cv2.recoverPose(_E, kpts0, kpts1, np.eye(3), 1e9, mask=mask)
if n > best_num_inliers:
ret = (R, t[:, 0], mask.ravel() > 0)
best_num_inliers = n
return ret
def compute_pose_errors(data, config=None, ransac_thr=0.5, ransac_conf=0.99999):
data (dict):{
"R_errs" List[float]: [N]
"t_errs" List[float]: [N]
"inliers" List[np.ndarray]: [N]
pixel_thr = (
config.TRAINER.RANSAC_PIXEL_THR if config is not None else ransac_thr
) # 0.5
conf = config.TRAINER.RANSAC_CONF if config is not None else ransac_conf # 0.99999
data.update({"R_errs": [], "t_errs": [], "inliers": []})
m_bids = data["m_bids"].cpu().numpy()
pts0 = data["mkpts0_f"].cpu().numpy()
pts1 = data["mkpts1_f"].cpu().numpy()
K0 = data["K0"].cpu().numpy()
K1 = data["K1"].cpu().numpy()
T_0to1 = data["T_0to1"].cpu().numpy()
for bs in range(K0.shape[0]):
mask = m_bids == bs
ret = estimate_pose(
pts0[mask], pts1[mask], K0[bs], K1[bs], pixel_thr, conf=conf
if ret is None:
R, t, inliers = ret
t_err, R_err = relative_pose_error(T_0to1[bs], R, t, ignore_gt_t_thr=0.0)
def error_auc(errors, thresholds):
errors (list): [N,]
thresholds (list)
errors = [0] + sorted(list(errors))
recall = list(np.linspace(0, 1, len(errors)))
aucs = []
thresholds = [5, 10, 20]
for thr in thresholds:
last_index = np.searchsorted(errors, thr)
y = recall[:last_index] + [recall[last_index - 1]]
x = errors[:last_index] + [thr]
aucs.append(np.trapz(y, x) / thr)
return {f"auc@{t}": auc for t, auc in zip(thresholds, aucs)}
def epidist_prec(errors, thresholds, ret_dict=False):
precs = []
for thr in thresholds:
prec_ = []
for errs in errors:
correct_mask = errs < thr
prec_.append(np.mean(correct_mask) if len(correct_mask) > 0 else 0)
precs.append(np.mean(prec_) if len(prec_) > 0 else 0)
if ret_dict:
return {f"prec@{t:.0e}": prec for t, prec in zip(thresholds, precs)}
return precs
def aggregate_metrics(metrics, epi_err_thr=5e-4):
"""Aggregate metrics for the whole dataset:
(This method should be called once per dataset)
1. AUC of the pose error (angular) at the threshold [5, 10, 20]
2. Mean matching precision at the threshold 5e-4(ScanNet), 1e-4(MegaDepth)
# filter duplicates
unq_ids = OrderedDict((iden, id) for id, iden in enumerate(metrics["identifiers"]))
unq_ids = list(unq_ids.values())"Aggregating metrics over {len(unq_ids)} unique items...")
# pose auc
angular_thresholds = [5, 10, 20]
pose_errors = np.max(np.stack([metrics["R_errs"], metrics["t_errs"]]), axis=0)[
aucs = error_auc(pose_errors, angular_thresholds) # (auc@5, auc@10, auc@20)
# matching precision
dist_thresholds = [epi_err_thr]
precs = epidist_prec(
np.array(metrics["epi_errs"], dtype=object)[unq_ids], dist_thresholds, True
) # (prec@err_thr)
return {**aucs, **precs}