climategan /
NimaBoscarino's picture
copy the climategan repo in here

A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.3.0




PyTorch >= 1.1.0 otherwise optimizer.step() and scheduler.step() are in the wrong order (docs)

pytorch==1.6 to use pytorch-xla or automatic mixed precision (amp branch).

Configuration files use the YAML syntax. If you don't know what & and << mean, you'll have a hard time reading the files. Have a look at:


$ pip install comet_ml scipy opencv-python torch torchvision omegaconf==1.4.1 hydra-core==0.11.3 scikit-image imageio addict tqdm torch_optimizer

Coding conventions

  • Tasks
    • x is an input image, in [-1, 1]
    • s is a segmentation target with long classes
    • d is a depth map target in R, may be actually log(depth) or 1/depth
    • m is a binary mask with 1s where water is/should be
  • Domains
    • r is the real domain for the masker. Input images are real pictures of urban/suburban/rural areas
    • s is the simulated domain for the masker. Input images are taken from our Unity world
    • rf is the real flooded domain for the painter. Training images are pairs (x, m) of flooded scenes for which the water should be reconstructed, in the validation data input images are not flooded and we provide a manually labeled mask m
    • kitti is a special s domain to pre-train the masker on Virtual Kitti 2
      • it alters the trainer.loaders dict to select relevant data sources from trainer.all_loaders in trainer.switch_data(). The rest of the code is identical.
  • Flow
    • This describes the call stack for the trainers standard training procedure
    • train()
      • run_epoch()
        • update_G()
          • zero_grad(G)
          • get_G_loss()
            • get_masker_loss()
              • masker_m_loss() -> masking loss
              • masker_s_loss() -> segmentation loss
              • masker_d_loss() -> depth estimation loss
            • get_painter_loss() -> painter's loss
          • g_loss.backward()
          • g_opt_step()
        • update_D()
          • zero_grad(D)
          • get_D_loss()
            • painter's disc losses
            • masker_m_loss() -> masking AdvEnt disc loss
            • masker_s_loss() -> segmentation AdvEnt disc loss
          • d_loss.backward()
          • d_opt_step()
        • update_learning_rates() -> update learning rates according to schedules defined in opts.gen.opt and opts.dis.opt
      • run_validation()
        • compute val losses
        • eval_images() -> compute metrics
        • log_comet_images() -> compute and upload inferences
      • save()


Set train.resume to True in opts.yaml and specify where to load the weights:

Use a config's load_path namespace. It should have sub-keys m, p and pm:

  p: none # Painter weights
  m: none # Masker weights
  pm: none # Painter + Masker weights (single ckpt for both)
  1. any path which leads to a dir will be loaded as path / checkpoints / latest_ckpt.pth
  2. if you want to specify a specific checkpoint (not the latest), it MUST be a .pth file
  3. resuming a P OR an M model, you may only specify 1 of load_path.p OR load_path.m. You may also leave BOTH at none, in which case output_path / checkpoints / latest_ckpt.pth will be used
  4. resuming a P+M model, you may specify (p AND m) OR pm OR leave all at none, in which case output_path / checkpoints / latest_ckpt.pth will be used to load from a single checkpoint


  • Encoder:

    trainer.G.encoder Deeplabv2 or v3-based encoder

  • Decoders:

    • trainer.G.decoders["s"] -> Segmentation -> DLV3+ architecture (ASPP + Decoder)
    • trainer.G.decoders["d"] -> Depth -> ResBlocks + (Upsample + Conv)
    • trainer.G.decoders["m"] -> Mask -> ResBlocks + (Upsample + Conv) -> Binary mask: 1 = water should be there
      • trainer.G.mask() predicts a mask and optionally applies sigmoid from an x input or a z input
  • Painter: trainer.G.painter -> GauGAN SPADE-based

    • input = masked image
  • trainer.G.paint(m, x) higher level function which takes care of masking

  • If opts.gen.p.paste_original_content the painter should only create water and not reconstruct outside the mask: the output of paint() is painted * m + x * (1 - m)

High level methods of interest:

  • trainer.infer_all() creates a dictionary of events with keys flood wildfire and smog. Can take in a single image or a batch, of numpy arrays or torch tensors, on CPU/GPU/TPU. This method calls, amongst others:
    • trainer.G.encode() to compute the shared latent vector z
    • trainer.G.mask(z=z) to infer the mask
    • trainer.compute_fire(x, segmentation) to create a wildfire image from x and inferred segmentation
    • trainer.compute_smog(x, depth) to create a smog image from x and inferred depth
    • trainer.compute_flood(x, mask) to create a flood image from x and inferred mask using the painter (trainer.G.paint(m, x))
  • Trainer.resume_from_path() static method to resume a trainer from a path




multi_domain_batch = {"rf: batch0, "r": batch1, "s": batch2}



batch = Dict({
    "data": {
        "d": depthmap,,
        "s": segmentation_map,
        "m": binary_mask
        "x": real_flooded_image,
        same_keys: path_to_file
    "domain": list(rf | r | s),
    "mode": list(train | val)


json files

name domain description author
train_r_full.json, val_r_full.json r MiDaS+ Segmentation pseudo-labels .pt (HRNet + Cityscapes) Mélisande
train_s_full.json, val_s_full.json s Simulated data from Unity11k urban + Unity suburban dataset ***
train_s_nofences.json, val_s_nofences.json s Simulated data from Unity11k urban + Unity suburban dataset without fences Alexia
train_r_full_pl.json, val_r_full_pl.json r MegaDepth + Segmentation pseudo-labels .pt (HRNet + Cityscapes) Alexia
train_r_full_midas.json, val_r_full_midas.json r MiDaS+ Segmentation (HRNet + Cityscapes) Mélisande
train_r_full_old.json, val_r_full_old.json r MegaDepth+ Segmentation (HRNet + Cityscapes) ***
train_r_nopeople.json, val_r_nopeople.json r Same training data as above with people removed Sasha
train_rf_with_sim.json rf Doubled train_rf's size with sim data (randomly chosen) Victor
train_rf.json rf UPDATE (12/12/20): added 50 ims & masks from ADE20K Outdoors Victor
train_allres.json, val_allres.json rf includes both lowres and highres from ORCA_water_seg Tianyu
train_highres_only.json, val_highres_only.json rf includes only highres from ORCA_water_seg Tianyu
# data file ; one for each r|s
- x: /path/to/image
  m: /path/to/mask
  s: /path/to/segmentation map
- x: /path/to/another image
  d: /path/to/depth map
  m: /path/to/mask
  s: /path/to/segmentation map
- x: ...


        "x": "/Users/victor/Documents/ccai/github/climategan/example_data/gsv_000005.jpg",
        "s": "/Users/victor/Documents/ccai/github/climategan/example_data/gsv_000005.npy",
        "d": "/Users/victor/Documents/ccai/github/climategan/example_data/gsv_000005_depth.jpg"
        "x": "/Users/victor/Documents/ccai/github/climategan/example_data/gsv_000006.jpg",
        "s": "/Users/victor/Documents/ccai/github/climategan/example_data/gsv_000006.npy",
        "d": "/Users/victor/Documents/ccai/github/climategan/example_data/gsv_000006_depth.jpg"

The json files used are located at /network/tmp1/ccai/data/climategan/. In the basenames, _s denotes simulated domain data and _r real domain data. The base folder contains json files with paths to images ("x"key) and masks (taken as ground truth for the area that should be flooded, "m" key). The seg folder contains json files and keys "x", "m" and "s" (segmentation) for each image.


loaders = Dict({
    train: { r: loader, s: loader},
    val: { r: loader, s: loader}


trainer.losses is a dictionary mapping to loss functions to optimize for the 3 main parts of the architecture: generator G, discriminators D:

trainer.losses = {
    "G":{ # generator
        "gan": { # gan loss from the discriminators
            "a": GANLoss, # adaptation decoder
            "t": GANLoss # translation decoder
        "cycle": { # cycle-consistency loss
            "a": l1 | l2,,
            "t": l1 | l2,
        "auto": { # auto-encoding loss a.k.a. reconstruction loss
            "a": l1 | l2,
            "t": l1 | l2
        "tasks": {  # specific losses for each auxillary task
            "d": func, # depth estimation
            "h": func, # height estimation
            "s": cross_entropy_2d, # segmentation
            "w": func, # water generation
        "classifier": l1 | l2 | CE # loss from fooling the classifier
    "D": GANLoss, # discriminator losses from the generator and true data
    "C": l1 | l2 | CE # classifier should predict the right 1-h vector [rf, rn, sf, sn]

Logging on comet will look for api keys in the following order: argument to the Experiment(api_key=...) call, COMET_API_KEY environment variable, .comet.config file in the current working directory, .comet.config in the current user's home directory.

If your not managing several comet accounts at the same time, I recommend putting .comet.config in your home as such:



Run tests by executing python You can add --no_delete not to delete the comet experiment at exit and inspect uploads.

Write tests as scenarios by adding to the list test_scenarios in the file. A scenario is a dict of overrides over the base opts in shared/trainer/defaults.yaml. You can create special flags for the scenario by adding keys which start with __. For instance, __doc is a mandatory key in any scenario describing it succinctly.


Tricks and Tips for Training a GAN GAN Hacks Keep Calm and train a GAN. Pitfalls and Tips on training Generative Adversarial Networks


Inference: computing floods

from pathlib import Path
from import imsave
from tqdm import tqdm

from climategan.trainer import Trainer
from climategan.utils import find_images
from climategan.tutils import tensor_ims_to_np_uint8s
from climategan.transforms import PrepareInference

model_path = "some/path/to/output/folder" # not .ckpt
input_folder = "path/to/a/folder/with/images"
output_path = "path/where/images/will/be/written"

# resume trainer
trainer = Trainer.resume_from_path(model_path, new_exp=None, inference=True)

# find paths for all images in the input folder. There is a recursive option. 
im_paths = sorted(find_images(input_folder), key=lambda x:

# Load images into tensors 
#   * smaller side resized to 640 - keeping aspect ratio
#   * then longer side is cropped in the center
#   * result is a 1x3x640x640 float tensor in [-1; 1]
xs = PrepareInference()(im_paths)

# send to device
xs = [ for x in xs]

# compute flood
#   * compute mask
#   * binarize mask if bin_value > 0
#   * paint x using this mask
ys = [trainer.compute_flood(x, bin_value=0.5) for x in tqdm(xs)]

# convert 1x3x640x640 float tensors in [-1; 1] into 640x640x3 numpy arrays in [0, 255]
np_ys = [tensor_ims_to_np_uint8s(y) for y in tqdm(ys)]

# write images
for i, n in tqdm(zip(im_paths, np_ys), total=len(im_paths)):
    imsave(Path(output_path) /, n)

Release process

In the release/ folder

  • create a model/ folder
  • create folders model/masker/ and model/painter/
  • add the climategan code in release/: git clone
  • move the code to release/: cp climategan/* . && rm -rf climategan
  • update model/masker/opts/events with events: from shared/trainer/opts.yaml
  • update model/masker/opts/val.val_painter to "model/painter/checkpoints/latest_ckpt.pth"
  • update model/masker/opts/load_paths.m to "model/masker/checkpoints/latest_ckpt.pth"