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"""Keypoint box coder.
The keypoint box coder follows the coding schema described below (this is
similar to the FasterRcnnBoxCoder, except that it encodes keypoints in addition
to box coordinates):
ty = (y - ya) / ha
tx = (x - xa) / wa
th = log(h / ha)
tw = log(w / wa)
tky0 = (ky0 - ya) / ha
tkx0 = (kx0 - xa) / wa
tky1 = (ky1 - ya) / ha
tkx1 = (kx1 - xa) / wa
where x, y, w, h denote the box's center coordinates, width and height
respectively. Similarly, xa, ya, wa, ha denote the anchor's center
coordinates, width and height. tx, ty, tw and th denote the anchor-encoded
center, width and height respectively. ky0, kx0, ky1, kx1, ... denote the
keypoints' coordinates, and tky0, tkx0, tky1, tkx1, ... denote the
anchor-encoded keypoint coordinates.
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
from object_detection.core import box_coder
from object_detection.core import box_list
from object_detection.core import standard_fields as fields
EPSILON = 1e-8
class KeypointBoxCoder(box_coder.BoxCoder):
"""Keypoint box coder."""
def __init__(self, num_keypoints, scale_factors=None):
"""Constructor for KeypointBoxCoder.
num_keypoints: Number of keypoints to encode/decode.
scale_factors: List of 4 positive scalars to scale ty, tx, th and tw.
In addition to scaling ty and tx, the first 2 scalars are used to scale
the y and x coordinates of the keypoints as well. If set to None, does
not perform scaling.
self._num_keypoints = num_keypoints
if scale_factors:
assert len(scale_factors) == 4
for scalar in scale_factors:
assert scalar > 0
self._scale_factors = scale_factors
self._keypoint_scale_factors = None
if scale_factors is not None:
self._keypoint_scale_factors = tf.expand_dims(
tf.cast(scale_factors[0], dtype=tf.float32),
tf.cast(scale_factors[1], dtype=tf.float32)
], [num_keypoints]), 1)
def code_size(self):
return 4 + self._num_keypoints * 2
def _encode(self, boxes, anchors):
"""Encode a box and keypoint collection with respect to anchor collection.
boxes: BoxList holding N boxes and keypoints to be encoded. Boxes are
tensors with the shape [N, 4], and keypoints are tensors with the shape
[N, num_keypoints, 2].
anchors: BoxList of anchors.
a tensor representing N anchor-encoded boxes of the format
[ty, tx, th, tw, tky0, tkx0, tky1, tkx1, ...] where tky0 and tkx0
represent the y and x coordinates of the first keypoint, tky1 and tkx1
represent the y and x coordinates of the second keypoint, and so on.
# Convert anchors to the center coordinate representation.
ycenter_a, xcenter_a, ha, wa = anchors.get_center_coordinates_and_sizes()
ycenter, xcenter, h, w = boxes.get_center_coordinates_and_sizes()
keypoints = boxes.get_field(fields.BoxListFields.keypoints)
keypoints = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(keypoints,
[-1, self._num_keypoints * 2]))
num_boxes = boxes.num_boxes()
# Avoid NaN in division and log below.
tx = (xcenter - xcenter_a) / wa
ty = (ycenter - ycenter_a) / ha
tw = tf.log(w / wa)
th = tf.log(h / ha)
tiled_anchor_centers = tf.tile(
tf.stack([ycenter_a, xcenter_a]), [self._num_keypoints, 1])
tiled_anchor_sizes = tf.tile(
tf.stack([ha, wa]), [self._num_keypoints, 1])
tkeypoints = (keypoints - tiled_anchor_centers) / tiled_anchor_sizes
# Scales location targets as used in paper for joint training.
if self._scale_factors:
ty *= self._scale_factors[0]
tx *= self._scale_factors[1]
th *= self._scale_factors[2]
tw *= self._scale_factors[3]
tkeypoints *= tf.tile(self._keypoint_scale_factors, [1, num_boxes])
tboxes = tf.stack([ty, tx, th, tw])
return tf.transpose(tf.concat([tboxes, tkeypoints], 0))
def _decode(self, rel_codes, anchors):
"""Decode relative codes to boxes and keypoints.
rel_codes: a tensor with shape [N, 4 + 2 * num_keypoints] representing N
anchor-encoded boxes and keypoints
anchors: BoxList of anchors.
boxes: BoxList holding N bounding boxes and keypoints.
ycenter_a, xcenter_a, ha, wa = anchors.get_center_coordinates_and_sizes()
num_codes = tf.shape(rel_codes)[0]
result = tf.unstack(tf.transpose(rel_codes))
ty, tx, th, tw = result[:4]
tkeypoints = result[4:]
if self._scale_factors:
ty /= self._scale_factors[0]
tx /= self._scale_factors[1]
th /= self._scale_factors[2]
tw /= self._scale_factors[3]
tkeypoints /= tf.tile(self._keypoint_scale_factors, [1, num_codes])
w = tf.exp(tw) * wa
h = tf.exp(th) * ha
ycenter = ty * ha + ycenter_a
xcenter = tx * wa + xcenter_a
ymin = ycenter - h / 2.
xmin = xcenter - w / 2.
ymax = ycenter + h / 2.
xmax = xcenter + w / 2.
decoded_boxes_keypoints = box_list.BoxList(
tf.transpose(tf.stack([ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax])))
tiled_anchor_centers = tf.tile(
tf.stack([ycenter_a, xcenter_a]), [self._num_keypoints, 1])
tiled_anchor_sizes = tf.tile(
tf.stack([ha, wa]), [self._num_keypoints, 1])
keypoints = tkeypoints * tiled_anchor_sizes + tiled_anchor_centers
keypoints = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(keypoints),
[-1, self._num_keypoints, 2])
decoded_boxes_keypoints.add_field(fields.BoxListFields.keypoints, keypoints)
return decoded_boxes_keypoints