Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 9,157 Bytes
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::s ، ::t , ::comment ARABIC COMMA ::s ؛ ::t ; ::comment ARABIC SEMICOLON ::s ؟ ::t ? ::comment ARABIC QUESTION MARK ::s ء ::t ' ::comment ARABIC LETTER HAMZA ::s آ ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE ::s أ ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE ::s ؤ ::t w ::comment ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE ::s إ ::t i ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW ::s ئ ::t ye ::comment ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE ::s ا ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF ::s ب ::t b ::comment ARABIC LETTER BEH ::s ة ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA ::s ت ::t t ::comment ARABIC LETTER TEH ::s ث ::t th ::comment ARABIC LETTER THEH ::s ج ::t j ::comment ARABIC LETTER JEEM ::s ح ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HAH ::s خ ::t kh ::comment ARABIC LETTER KHAH ::s د ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAL ::s ذ ::t th ::comment ARABIC LETTER THAL ::s ر ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH ::s ز ::t z ::comment ARABIC LETTER ZAIN ::s س ::t s ::comment ARABIC LETTER SEEN ::s ش ::t sh ::comment ARABIC LETTER SHEEN ::s ص ::t s ::comment ARABIC LETTER SAD ::s ض ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAD ::s ط ::t t ::comment ARABIC LETTER TAH ::s ظ ::t z ::comment ARABIC LETTER ZAH ::s ع ::t ' ::comment ARABIC LETTER AIN ::s غ ::t gh ::comment ARABIC LETTER GHAIN ::s ـ ::t - ::comment ARABIC TATWEEL ::s ف ::t f ::comment ARABIC LETTER FEH ::s ق ::t q ::comment ARABIC LETTER QAF ::s ك ::t k ::comment ARABIC LETTER KAF ::s ل ::t l ::comment ARABIC LETTER LAM ::s م ::t m ::comment ARABIC LETTER MEEM ::s ن ::t n ::comment ARABIC LETTER NOON ::s ه ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HEH ::s و ::t w ::comment ARABIC LETTER WAW ::s ى ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA ::s ي ::t y ::comment ARABIC LETTER YEH ::s َ ::t a ::comment ARABIC FATHA ::s ُ ::t u ::comment ARABIC DAMMA ::s ِ ::t i ::comment ARABIC KASRA ::s ْ ::t ::comment ARABIC SUKUN ::s ٔ ::t ' ::comment ARABIC HAMZA ABOVE ::s ٕ ::t ' ::comment ARABIC HAMZA BELOW ::s ٠ ::t 0 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO ::s ١ ::t 1 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE ::s ٢ ::t 2 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO ::s ٣ ::t 3 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE ::s ٤ ::t 4 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR ::s ٥ ::t 5 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE ::s ٦ ::t 6 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX ::s ٧ ::t 7 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN ::s ٨ ::t 8 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT ::s ٩ ::t 9 ::comment ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE ::s ٪ ::t % ::comment ARABIC PERCENT SIGN ::s ٫ ::t , ::comment ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR ::s ٬ ::t , ::comment ARABIC THOUSANDS SEPARATOR ::s ٮ ::t b ::comment ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS BEH ::s ٯ ::t q ::comment ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS QAF ::s ٰ ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALEF ::s ٱ ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF WASLA ::s ٲ ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA ABOVE ::s ٳ ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA BELOW ::s ٷ ::t u ::comment ARABIC LETTER U WITH HAMZA ABOVE ::s ٹ ::t tt ::comment ARABIC LETTER TTEH ::s ٺ ::t tt ::comment ARABIC LETTER TTEHEH ::s ٻ ::t b ::comment ARABIC LETTER BEEH ::s ټ ::t t ::comment ARABIC LETTER TEH WITH RING ::s ٽ ::t t ::comment ARABIC LETTER TEH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE DOWNWARDS ::s پ ::t p ::comment ARABIC LETTER PEH ::s ٿ ::t t ::comment ARABIC LETTER TEHEH ::s ڀ ::t b ::comment ARABIC LETTER BEHEH ::s ځ ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH HAMZA ABOVE ::s ڂ ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH TWO DOTS VERTICAL ABOVE ::s ڃ ::t ny ::comment ARABIC LETTER NYEH ::s ڄ ::t dy ::comment ARABIC LETTER DYEH ::s څ ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s چ ::t tch ::comment ARABIC LETTER TCHEH ::s ڇ ::t tch ::comment ARABIC LETTER TCHEHEH ::s ڈ ::t dd ::comment ARABIC LETTER DDAL ::s ډ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH RING ::s ڊ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH DOT BELOW ::s ڋ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH DOT BELOW AND SMALL TAH ::s ڌ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAHAL ::s ڍ ::t dd ::comment ARABIC LETTER DDAHAL ::s ڎ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DUL ::s ڏ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE DOWNWARDS ::s ڐ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVE ::s ڑ ::t rr ::comment ARABIC LETTER RREH ::s ڒ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH SMALL V ::s ړ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH RING ::s ڔ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH DOT BELOW ::s ڕ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH SMALL V BELOW ::s ږ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE ::s ڗ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE ::s ژ ::t j ::comment ARABIC LETTER JEH ::s ڙ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVE ::s ښ ::t s ::comment ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE ::s ڛ ::t s ::comment ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH THREE DOTS BELOW ::s ڜ ::t s ::comment ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH THREE DOTS BELOW AND THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ڝ ::t s ::comment ARABIC LETTER SAD WITH TWO DOTS BELOW ::s ڞ ::t s ::comment ARABIC LETTER SAD WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ڟ ::t t ::comment ARABIC LETTER TAH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ڠ ::t n ::comment ARABIC LETTER AIN WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ڡ ::t f ::comment ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS FEH ::s ڢ ::t f ::comment ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH DOT MOVED BELOW ::s ڣ ::t f ::comment ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH DOT BELOW ::s ڤ ::t v ::comment ARABIC LETTER VEH ::s ڥ ::t f ::comment ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW ::s ڦ ::t p ::comment ARABIC LETTER PEHEH ::s ڧ ::t q ::comment ARABIC LETTER QAF WITH DOT ABOVE ::s ڨ ::t q ::comment ARABIC LETTER QAF WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ک ::t k ::comment ARABIC LETTER KEHEH ::s ڪ ::t k ::comment ARABIC LETTER SWASH KAF ::s ګ ::t k ::comment ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH RING ::s ڬ ::t k ::comment ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH DOT ABOVE ::s ڭ ::t ng ::comment ARABIC LETTER NG ::s ڮ ::t k ::comment ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH THREE DOTS BELOW ::s گ ::t g ::comment ARABIC LETTER GAF ::s ڰ ::t g ::comment ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH RING ::s ڱ ::t ng ::comment ARABIC LETTER NGOEH ::s ڲ ::t g ::comment ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH TWO DOTS BELOW ::s ڳ ::t g ::comment ARABIC LETTER GUEH ::s ڴ ::t g ::comment ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ڵ ::t l ::comment ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH SMALL V ::s ڶ ::t l ::comment ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH DOT ABOVE ::s ڷ ::t l ::comment ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ڸ ::t l ::comment ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH THREE DOTS BELOW ::s ڹ ::t n ::comment ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH DOT BELOW ::s ں ::t n ::comment ARABIC LETTER NOON GHUNNA ::s ڻ ::t rn ::comment ARABIC LETTER RNOON ::s ڼ ::t n ::comment ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH RING ::s ڽ ::t n ::comment ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE ::s ھ ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HEH DOACHASHMEE ::s ڿ ::t tch ::comment ARABIC LETTER TCHEH WITH DOT ABOVE ::s ۀ ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HEH WITH YEH ABOVE ::s ہ ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HEH GOAL ::s ۂ ::t h ::comment ARABIC LETTER HEH GOAL WITH HAMZA ABOVE ::s ۃ ::t a ::comment ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA GOAL ::s ۄ ::t w ::comment ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH RING ::s ۅ ::t oe ::comment ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ OE ::s ۆ ::t oe ::comment ARABIC LETTER OE ::s ۇ ::t u ::comment ARABIC LETTER U ::s ۈ ::t yu ::comment ARABIC LETTER YU ::s ۉ ::t yu ::comment ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ YU ::s ۊ ::t w ::comment ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE ::s ۋ ::t v ::comment ARABIC LETTER VE ::s ی ::t y ::comment ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH ::s ۍ ::t y ::comment ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH TAIL ::s ێ ::t y ::comment ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH SMALL V ::s ۏ ::t w ::comment ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH DOT ABOVE ::s ې ::t e ::comment ARABIC LETTER E ::s ۑ ::t y ::comment ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW ::s ے ::t y ::comment ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE ::s ۓ ::t y ::comment ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE WITH HAMZA ABOVE ::s ۔ ::t . ::comment ARABIC FULL STOP ::s ە ::t ae ::comment ARABIC LETTER AE ::s ۮ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH INVERTED V ::s ۯ ::t r ::comment ARABIC LETTER REH WITH INVERTED V ::s ۰ ::t 0 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO ::s ۱ ::t 1 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE ::s ۲ ::t 2 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO ::s ۳ ::t 3 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE ::s ۴ ::t 4 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR ::s ۵ ::t 5 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE ::s ۶ ::t 6 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX ::s ۷ ::t 7 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN ::s ۸ ::t 8 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT ::s ۹ ::t 9 ::comment EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE ::s ۺ ::t sh ::comment ARABIC LETTER SHEEN WITH DOT BELOW ::s ۻ ::t d ::comment ARABIC LETTER DAD WITH DOT BELOW ::s ۼ ::t gh ::comment ARABIC LETTER GHAIN WITH DOT BELOW ::s ۽ ::t & ::comment ARABIC SIGN SINDHI AMPERSAND ::s ﷲ ::t allah ::comment ARABIC LIGATURE ALLAH ISOLATED FORM ::s ::t ::comment ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER ::s ::t ::comment ZERO WIDTH JOINER |