File size: 23,486 Bytes
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import os
import pathlib
import time
from textwrap import dedent
import regex as re
import unicodedata
import utilities
from src.base import Tokenizer, get_stats, merge
whitespace = ' \t\n\r\v\f'
ascii_lowercase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
ascii_letters = ascii_lowercase + ascii_uppercase
digits = '0123456789'
hexdigits = digits + 'abcdef' + 'ABCDEF'
octdigits = '01234567'
punctuation = r"""!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
ascii_printable = whitespace + ascii_letters + hexdigits + punctuation
# the main GPT text split patterns, see
GPT2_SPLIT_PATTERN = r"""'(?:[sdmt]|ll|ve|re)| ?\p{L}+| ?\p{N}+| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+"""
GPT4_SPLIT_PATTERN = r"""'(?i:[sdmt]|ll|ve|re)|[^\r\n\p{L}\p{N}]?+\p{L}+|\p{N}{1,3}| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]++[\r\n]*|\s*[\r\n]|\s+(?!\S)|\s+"""
Basic Devanagari: \u0900 to \u097F
Vedic Extensions: \u1CD0 to \u1CFF
Extended Devanagari: \uA8E0 to \uA8FF
# ignore case in compile below
SIMPLE_HINDI_PATTERN = r"""[\t\n\r\f\v]?|[^\r\n\p{Devanagari}\p{N}]?+\p{Devanagari}+|\\p{N}{1,}| ?[^\s\p{Devanagari}+\p{N}]++[\r\n]*|\s*[\r\n]*|\s+(?!\S)|\s+"""
EXTENDED_HINDI_PATTERN = r"""[\t\n\r\f\v]?|[^\r\n\p{Devanagari}\uA8E0-\uA8FF\u1CD0-\u1CFF\p{N}]?+[\p{Devanagari}\uA8E0-\uA8FF\u1CD0-\u1CFF]+|\p{N}{1,}| ?[^\s\p{Devanagari}+\p{N}\uA8E0-\uA8FF\u1CD0-\u1CFF]++[\r\n]*|\s*[\r\n]*|\s+(?!\S)|\s+"""
def replace_control_characters(s: str) -> str:
chars = []
for ch in s:
if unicodedata.category(ch)[0] != "C":
chars.append(ch) # this character is ok
chars.append(f"\\u{ord(ch):04x}") # escape
return "".join(chars)
def render_token(t: bytes) -> str:
# pretty print a token, escaping control characters
s = t.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
s = replace_control_characters(s)
return s
class HindiTokenizer:
def __init__(self, pattern=None, encoding="utf-8"):
self.pattern = SIMPLE_HINDI_PATTERN if pattern is None else pattern
self.compiled_pattern = re.compile(self.pattern, re.IGNORECASE, re.UNICODE)
self.inverse_special_tokens = {}
self.merges = None
self.vocab = None
self.encoding = encoding
self.hindi_varnmala_and_key_units = dedent("""
अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अः ऋ ॠ
ा ि ी ु ू ृॄ ॅॆ े ैॉ ॊ ो ौ
क ख ग घ ङ क़ ख़ ग़ घ़ ङ़
च छ ज झ ञ ज़ झ़ ञ़
ट ठ ड ढ ण ड़ ढ़ ण़
त थ द ध न त़ थ़ द़ ध़ ऩ
प फ ब भ म प़ फ़ ब़ म़
य र ल ळ व य़ ऱ ल़ ऴ व़
श ष ॺ स ह श़ ष़ स़ ह़
० १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९
self.special_tokens = {}
def _build_vocab(self):
'''add other important ASCII units except English letters'''
"Building initial Hindi vocabulary with basic Hindi letters and key tokens")
self.vocab = {}
ascii_letters_encoded = ascii_letters.encode(
encoding="utf-8") # was using this to ignore ASCII English letters, revisit/todo, hindi usage with English or day to day usage and chats may include english letter and what to fill with those blank idxes?
for idx in range(256):
self.vocab[idx] = bytes([idx])
max_idx = max(self.vocab.keys()) + 1
basic_hindi_alphabet = self.hindi_varnmala_and_key_units.strip().split()
for idx in range(len(basic_hindi_alphabet)):
encoded_char = basic_hindi_alphabet[idx].encode(encoding=self.encoding)
new_idx = idx + max_idx
self.vocab[new_idx] = encoded_char
for (pos0, pos1), idx in self.merges.items():
self.vocab[idx] = self.vocab[pos0] + self.vocab[pos1]
# NOW add special tokens defined in __init__()
# NOTE encode special tokens using .encode with UTF-8 encoding
for tok, idx in self.special_tokens.items():
self.vocab[idx] = tok.encode("utf-8")
print("\n=================\nVocab initialisation done...")
# verified the resumed letter from .model file b'\xe0\xa4\x85'.decode("utf-8") is indeed character 'अ' ;
# One index extra is skipped (number idx 357 so had to add +1 where needed when re-building vocab 😅)
# not needed here though.
return self.vocab
# @utilities.log_to_file("HindiTokenizer-train.log")
def train(self, text, vocab_size, verbose=False,
default_initial_vocab_size=256 + 101,
save_tokenizer_at_train_end: bool = False,
prefix_for_save: str = "Hindi_Tokenizer",
text: the incoming text sata in str
vocab_size: int: the new target vocab size to build, used to determine how many merges to run
verbose: bool: to print when a new token is generated and used to merge pairs in the data' ids
encoding: str="utf-8" : the encoding to use
save_tokenizer_at_train_end: bool: a flag to save incrementing vocab and merges dictionaries so later can be resumed and re-used
prefix_for_save: str: the prefix for saving tokenizer files
just_replacing_already_seen_tokens_counter_threshold: int = 50: a threshold int value to check if number of replacements in current batch is for existing pairs created previously
the idea is if a new data batch has no or very few pairs that can be generated as new entries then quickly stop and move to new data batch
minting_new_token_for_merge_threshold: int=10: another threshold for checking if new minted tokens are below or above this, used in conjunction with previous threshold value
current_batch_num: int or None, to indicate what batch number is currently running, for print logs and save files options
if self.vocab is None:
print("\n`Training`...for HindiTokenizer")
assert vocab_size >= default_initial_vocab_size
num_merges = vocab_size - default_initial_vocab_size
stop_this_batch = False
if current_batch_num is not None and isinstance(current_batch_num, int):
current_batch_num = "batch_" + str(current_batch_num) + "_"
prefix_for_save = current_batch_num + prefix_for_save
# split the text up into text chunks
text_chunks = re.findall(self.compiled_pattern, text)
# input text preprocessing
ids = [list(ch.encode("utf-8")) for ch in text_chunks if len(ch) > 1]
# iteratively merge the MOST COMMON pair from the text
# use same merge dict if exists
self.merges = {} if self.merges is None else self.merges # to hold all merges (int, int) -> int
'''Some counters for helping to check running batch's work if all is into replacing already
created tokens/existing ones OR actually finding something new to mint new token & add to merge and vocab'''
minting_new_token_for_merge_counter = 0
just_replacing_already_seen_tokens_counter = 0
# run merging iteratively
for i in range(num_merges):
if i + 1 % save_at_every_nth_iteration == 0: + f"_at_{i}_iteration_",
merge_start_time = time.perf_counter()
# count the number of times every consecutive pair appears
stats = {}
for chunk_ids in ids:
# passing in stats will update it in place, adding up counts
get_stats(chunk_ids, stats)
# find the pair with the highest count
pair = max(stats, key=stats.get)
while pair in self.merges:
replacing_time_start = time.perf_counter()
just_replacing_already_seen_tokens_counter += 1
'''A simple check that says: If pairs are already seen in this batch
and what happens more is just replacement of already existing pairs,
way more than generating new tokens, best is to skip this batch...
[use those thresholds to experiment further]'''
if just_replacing_already_seen_tokens_counter > just_replacing_already_seen_tokens_counter_threshold \
and minting_new_token_for_merge_counter < minting_new_token_for_merge_threshold:
print("\n\n===========\nStopping current batch as replacing previously learned merges is way"
f" higher than creating new merges\njust_replacing_already_seen_tokens_counter:"
f" {just_replacing_already_seen_tokens_counter}"
f" and minting_new_token_for_merge_counter: {minting_new_token_for_merge_counter}")
stop_this_batch = True
# pair was previously merged ... use this first to update IDS
# No need to add to merges and vocab, use previously seen and stored token
already_merged_idx = self.merges[pair]
print(f"\nPair: {pair} already in merged tokens... replacing in IDS...")
print(f"with.. id.. {already_merged_idx}")
# just replace already merged pairs in ids and get new ids and no need to again add to merges and vocab
ids = [merge(chunk_ids, pair, already_merged_idx) for chunk_ids in ids]
f"\nReplacing existing pair:{pair} in IDs took :{time.perf_counter() - replacing_time_start} seconds")
# get updated stats now, here ids are list of lists, so use above way of updating stats
stats = {}
for chunk_ids in ids:
# passing in stats will update it in place
get_stats(chunk_ids, stats)
# just avoiding merging when ids become less than 2
if stats and len(ids) >= 2:
pair = max(stats, key=stats.get)
# no new merges found in this incoming data batch
print(f"\n\nstopping merges as no new byte pair found in the current batch")
stop_this_batch = True
if stop_this_batch is True:
# mint a new token as the pair was already not in merges: assign it the next available id
idx = len(self.vocab) + 1
minting_new_token_for_merge_counter += 1
# replace all occurrences of pair in ids with idx
ids = [merge(chunk_ids, pair, idx) for chunk_ids in ids]
# save the merge
self.merges[pair] = idx
self.vocab[idx] = self.vocab[pair[0]] + self.vocab[pair[1]]
if verbose:
f"\n\nmerge {i + 1}/{num_merges}: {pair} -> {idx} ({self.vocab[idx]}) had"
f" {stats[pair]:_} occurrences."
f"\ntime taken: {time.perf_counter() - merge_start_time} seconds")
if save_tokenizer_at_train_end:, save_to_folder=pathlib.Path("saved_vocabs"))
def register_special_tokens(self, special_tokens):
# special_tokens is a dictionary of str -> int
# example: {"<|endoftext|>": 100257}
self.special_tokens = special_tokens
self.inverse_special_tokens = {v: k for k, v in special_tokens.items()}
def decode(self, ids):
print("\nDecoding...for HindiTokenizer")
# given ids (list of integers), return Python string
part_bytes = []
for idx in ids:
if idx in self.vocab:
elif idx in self.inverse_special_tokens:
raise ValueError(f"invalid token id: {idx}")
text_bytes = b"".join(part_bytes)
text = text_bytes.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
return text
def _encode_chunk(self, text_bytes):
# return the token ids
# let's begin. first, convert all bytes to integers in range 0..255
ids = list(text_bytes)
while len(ids) >= 2:
# find the pair with the lowest merge index
stats = get_stats(ids)
pair = min(stats, key=lambda p: self.merges.get(p, float("inf")))
# subtle: if there are no more merges available, the key will
# result in an inf for every single pair, and the min will be
# just the first pair in the list, arbitrarily
# we can detect this terminating case by a membership check
if pair not in self.merges:
break # nothing else can be merged anymore
# otherwise let's merge the best pair (lowest merge index)
idx = self.merges[pair]
ids = merge(ids, pair, idx)
return ids
def encode_ordinary(self, text):
"""Encoding that ignores any special tokens."""
# split text into chunks of text by categories defined in regex pattern
text_chunks = re.findall(self.compiled_pattern, text)
# all chunks of text are encoded separately, then results are joined
ids = []
for chunk in text_chunks:
chunk_bytes = chunk.encode("utf-8") # raw bytes
chunk_ids = self._encode_chunk(chunk_bytes)
return ids
def encode(self, text, allowed_special="none_raise"):
Unlike encode_ordinary, this function handles special tokens.
allowed_special: can be "all"|"none"|"none_raise" or a custom set of special tokens
if none_raise, then an error is raised if any special token is encountered in text
this is the default tiktoken behavior right now as well
any other behavior is either annoying, or a major footgun
# decode the user desire w.r.t. handling of special tokens
special = None
if allowed_special == "all":
special = self.special_tokens
elif allowed_special == "none":
special = {}
elif allowed_special == "none_raise":
special = {}
assert all(token not in text for token in self.special_tokens)
elif isinstance(allowed_special, set):
special = {k: v for k, v in self.special_tokens.items() if k in allowed_special}
raise ValueError(f"allowed_special={allowed_special} not understood")
if not special:
# shortcut: if no special tokens, just use the ordinary encoding
return self.encode_ordinary(text)
# otherwise, we have to be careful with potential special tokens in text
# we handle special tokens by splitting the text
# based on the occurrence of any exact match with any of the special tokens
# we can use re.split for this. note that surrounding the pattern with ()
# makes it into a capturing group, so the special tokens will be included
special_pattern = "(" + "|".join(re.escape(k) for k in special) + ")"
special_chunks = re.split(special_pattern, text)
# now all the special characters are separated from the rest of the text
# all chunks of text are encoded separately, then results are joined
ids = []
for part in special_chunks:
if part in special:
# this is a special token, encode it separately as a special case
# this is an ordinary sequence, encode it normally
return ids
# directly from BPE repo
def save(self, file_prefix, save_to_folder: pathlib.Path, version=1):
Saves two files: file_prefix.vocab and file_prefix.model
This is inspired (but not equivalent to!) sentencepiece's model saving:
- model file is the critical one, intended for load()
- vocab file is just a pretty printed version for human inspection only
print("Saving tokenizer...")
# write the model: to be used in load() later
assert save_to_folder is not None and isinstance(save_to_folder,
pathlib.Path), \
"the Path passed to store vocab and models seems to be wrong"
model_file = file_prefix + ".model"
model_file = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(save_to_folder), model_file)
with open(model_file, 'w') as f:
# write the special tokens, first the number of them, then each one
for special, idx in self.special_tokens.items():
f.write(f"{special} {idx}\n")
# the merges dict
for idx1, idx2 in self.merges:
f.write(f"{idx1} {idx2}\n")
# write the vocab
vocab_file = file_prefix + ".vocab"
vocab_file = os.path.join(save_to_folder, vocab_file)
inverted_merges = {idx: pair for pair, idx in self.merges.items()}
with open(vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for idx, token in self.vocab.items():
# note: many tokens may be partial utf-8 sequences
# and cannot be decoded into valid strings. Here we're using
# errors='replace' to replace them with the replacement char �.
# this also means that we couldn't possibly use .vocab in load()
# because decoding in this way is a lossy operation!
s = render_token(token)
# find the children of this token, if any
if idx in inverted_merges:
# if this token has children, render it nicely as a merge
idx0, idx1 = inverted_merges[idx]
s0 = render_token(self.vocab[idx0])
s1 = render_token(self.vocab[idx1])
f.write(f"[{s0}][{s1}] -> [{s}] {idx}\n")
# otherwise this is leaf token, just print it
# (this should just be the first 256 tokens, the bytes)
f.write(f"[{s}] {idx}\n")
def load(self, model_file_path):
"""Inverse of save() but only for the model file"""
if isinstance(model_file_path, pathlib.Path):
model_file_path = str(model_file_path.absolute())
assert model_file_path.endswith(".model")
# read the model file
merges = {}
special_tokens = {}
# 256 for default first 256 chars and their bytes next 101 for Hindi
idx = 256 + 101 + 1 # One index extra is skipped initially when creating merges (number idx 357 so had to add +1 where needed when re-building vocab 😅)
with open(model_file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
# read the version
version = f.readline().strip()
# read the pattern
self.pattern = f.readline().strip()
# read the special tokens
num_special = int(f.readline().strip())
for _ in range(num_special):
special, special_idx = f.readline().strip().split()
special_tokens[special] = int(special_idx)
# read the merges
for line in f:
idx1, idx2 = map(int, line.split())
merges[(idx1, idx2)] = idx
idx += 1
self.merges = merges
self.special_tokens = special_tokens
self.vocab = self._build_vocab()
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# custom_text = """
# <|endoftext|>ूज रहा है जहाँ चकित हो जन-जन देख अकाज
# सात वर्ष हो गये राह में, अटका कहाँ स्वराज?
# अटका कहाँ स्वराज? बोल दिल्ली! तू क्या कहती है?
# तू रानी बन गयी वेदना जनता क्यों सहती है?
# सबके भाग्य दबा रखे हैं किसने अपने कर में?
# उतरी थी जो विभा, हुई बंदिनी बता किस घर में
# समर शेष है, यह प्रकाश बंदीगृह से छूटेगा
# और नहीं तो तुझ पर पापिनी! महावज्र टूटेगा
# समर शेष है, उस स्वराज को सत्य बनाना होगा
# जिसका है ये न्यास उसे सत्वर पहुँचाना होगा
# धारा के मग में अनेक जो पर्वत खडे हुए हैं
# गंगा का पथ रोक इन्द्र के गज जो अडे हुए हैं
# कह दो उनसे झुके अगर तो जग मे यश पाएंगे
# अड़े रहे अगर तो ऐरावत पत्तों से बह जाऐंगे<|fim_prefix|><|endofprompt|>
# """.strip()
# special_tokens = {
# '<|endoftext|>': 100257,
# '<|fim_prefix|>': 100258,
# '<|fim_middle|>': 100259,
# '<|fim_suffix|>': 100260,
# '<|endofprompt|>': 100276
# }
# text = custom_text
# # create a Tokenizer and do 64 merges
# tokenizer = HindiTokenizer()
# tokenizer.train(text, 256 + 2, verbose=True)
# tokenizer.register_special_tokens(special_tokens)
# # verify that decode(encode(x)) == x
# assert tokenizer.decode(tokenizer.encode(text, "all")) == text