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import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import torch
from torchvision import transforms
import open_clip
import pymap3d as pm
import reverse_geocode
import json
def bounding_box_from_circle(lat_center, lon_center, radius = 1000,
radius is in meters determined at the equator
warning: doesn't handle the poles or the 180th meridian very well, it might loop give a bad bounding box
should probably define a check to make sure the radius isn't too big
thetas = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi, 5)
x, y = radius*np.cos(thetas), radius*np.sin(thetas)
if not disable_latitude_compensation:
# use tangent plane boxes, defined in meters at location
lat, lon, alt = pm.enu2geodetic(x, y, 0, lat_center, lon_center, 0)
# use lat-lon boxes, defined in meters at equator
lat, lon, alt = pm.enu2geodetic(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0)
lat = lat + lat_center
lon = lon + lon_center
b,t = lat[3], lat[1]
l,r = lon[2], lon[0]
return l,b,r,t
#imgs = np.load("imgs.npy")
sat_embeds = np.load("sat_embeds_new.npy")
coordinates = np.load("coordinates_new.npy")
loc_embeds = np.load("loc_embeds_new.npy")
txt_emb = torch.from_numpy(np.load("txt_emb_species.npy", mmap_mode="r"))
txt_names_json = "txt_emb_species.json"
with open(txt_names_json) as f:
txt_names = json.load(f)
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.CenterCrop((224, 224)),
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
model, *_ = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms('hf-hub:MVRL/taxabind-vit-b-16')
def format_name(taxon, common):
taxon = " ".join(taxon)
if not common:
return taxon
return f"{taxon} ({common})"
def process(input_image):
img_tensor = transform(input_image).unsqueeze(0)
with torch.no_grad():
img_embed = model(img_tensor)[0].detach().cpu()
sims = torch.matmul(torch.tensor(sat_embeds), img_embed.t())
sims_locs = torch.matmul(torch.nn.functional.normalize(torch.tensor(loc_embeds), dim=-1), img_embed.t())
sims_txt = torch.matmul(torch.tensor(txt_emb).t(), img_embed.t())
topk = torch.topk(sims, 5, dim=0)
topk_locs = torch.topk(sims_locs, 5, dim=0)
topk_txt = torch.topk(sims_txt, 5, dim=0)
images = []
d = {}
d_species = {}
for i in range(5):
lat, lon = coordinates[topk.indices[i]]
l,b,r,t = bounding_box_from_circle(float(lat),float(lon),1280,
image_url = f"{l},{b},{r},{t}&format=image/png"
code = reverse_geocode.get([lat, lon])
d.update({f"{code['city']}, {code['country']} ({lat:.4f}, {lon:.4f})": topk.values[i].item()})
d_species.update({f"{format_name(*txt_names[topk_txt.indices[i]])}": topk_txt.values[i].item()})
return d_species, d, [(np.array(input_image), "Query Image")] + [(images[i], f"Result {i+1}") for i in range(5)]
block = gr.Blocks().queue()
with block:
with gr.Row():
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-align: center;">
<span>A Unified Embedding Space for Ecological Applications</span>
<h2 style='font-weight: 450; font-size: 1rem; margin: 0rem'>\
<a href="">Srikumar Sastry</a>,
<a href="">Subash Khanal</a>,
<a href="">Aayush Dhakal</a>,
<a href="">Adeel Ahmad</a>,
<a href="">Nathan Jacobs</a>
<h2 style='font-weight: 450; font-size: 1rem; margin: 0rem'>WACV 2025</h2>
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_image = gr.Image(sources='upload', type="pil", height=400)
run_button = gr.Button(value="Run")
with gr.Column():
species = gr.Label(label="Species Classification", num_top_classes=5, show_label=True)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
coords = gr.Label(label="Image -> Location Retrieval (Top 5)", num_top_classes=5, show_label=True)
with gr.Column():
result_gallery = gr.Gallery(label='Image -> Satellite Image Retrieval (Top 5)', elem_id="gallery", object_fit="contain", height="auto", columns=[2], rows=[3])
ips = [input_image], inputs=ips, outputs=[species, coords, result_gallery])