File size: 5,107 Bytes
1db460d e773696 a636bcb e773696 a636bcb e773696 a636bcb e773696 a636bcb e773696 a636bcb 3dda344 e773696 a636bcb e773696 a636bcb e773696 a636bcb e773696 af2c647 cff1afc e773696 a636bcb e773696 1db460d e773696 1db460d e773696 1db460d |
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import concurrent.futures
import re
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tiktoken import get_encoding as tiktoken_get_encoding
from utils.logger import logger
from markdownify import markdownify
from networks.network_configs import IGNORE_TAGS, IGNORE_CLASSES
from termcolor import colored
class WebpageContentExtractor:
def __init__(self):
self.tokenizer = tiktoken_get_encoding("cl100k_base")
def count_tokens(self, text):
tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(text)
token_count = len(tokens)
return token_count
def html_to_markdown(self, html_str, ignore_links=True):
if ignore_links:
markdown_str = markdownify(html_str, strip="a")
markdown_str = markdownify(html_str)
markdown_str = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n\n", markdown_str)
self.markdown_token_count = self.count_tokens(markdown_str)
logger.mesg(f'- Tokens: {colored(self.markdown_token_count,"light_green")}')
self.markdown_str = markdown_str
return self.markdown_str
def remove_elements_from_html(self, html_str):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_str, "html.parser")
ignore_classes_with_parentheses = [f"({word})" for word in IGNORE_CLASSES]
ignore_classes_pattern = f'{"|".join(ignore_classes_with_parentheses)}'
removed_element_counts = 0
for element in soup.find_all():
class_str = ""
id_str = ""
class_attr = element.get("class", [])
if class_attr:
class_str = " ".join(list(class_attr))
if id_str:
class_str = f"{class_str} {id_str}"
id_str = element.get("id", "")
if (
(not element.text.strip())
or ( in IGNORE_TAGS)
or (, class_str, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
or (, id_str, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
removed_element_counts += 1
f"- Elements: "
f'{colored(len(soup.find_all()),"light_green")} / {colored(removed_element_counts,"light_red")}'
html_str = str(soup)
self.html_str = html_str
return self.html_str
def extract(self, html_path):
logger.note(f"Extracting content from: {html_path}")
if not Path(html_path).exists():
logger.warn(f"File not found: {html_path}")
return ""
encodings = ["utf-8", "latin-1"]
for encoding in encodings:
with open(html_path, "r", encoding=encoding, errors="ignore") as rf:
html_str =
except UnicodeDecodeError:
logger.warn(f"No matching encodings: {html_path}")
return ""
html_str = self.remove_elements_from_html(html_str)
markdown_str = self.html_to_markdown(html_str)
return markdown_str
class BatchWebpageContentExtractor:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.html_path_and_extracted_content_list = []
self.done_count = 0
def extract_single_html(self, html_path):
webpage_content_extractor = WebpageContentExtractor()
extracted_content = webpage_content_extractor.extract(html_path)
{"html_path": html_path, "extracted_content": extracted_content}
self.done_count += 1
f"> [{self.done_count}/{self.total_count}] Extracted: {html_path}"
def extract(self, html_paths):
self.html_path = html_paths
self.total_count = len(self.html_path)
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
futures = [
executor.submit(self.extract_single_html, html_path)
for html_path in self.html_path
for idx, future in enumerate(concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures)):
result = future.result()
return self.html_path_and_extracted_content_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
html_root = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "files" / "urls" / "python tutorials"
html_paths = [
html_root / html_filename
for html_filename in [
batch_webpage_content_extractor = BatchWebpageContentExtractor()
html_path_and_extracted_content_list = batch_webpage_content_extractor.extract(
# pprint(html_path_and_extracted_content_list)