TTP / opencd /visualization /
KyanChen's picture
Upload 1861 files
from typing import Optional, Sequence
import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmengine.dist import master_only
from mmseg.structures import SegDataSample
from mmseg.visualization import SegLocalVisualizer
from opencd.registry import VISUALIZERS
class CDLocalVisualizer(SegLocalVisualizer):
"""Change Detection Local Visualizer. """
def add_datasample(
name: str,
image: np.ndarray,
image_from_to: Sequence[np.array],
data_sample: Optional[SegDataSample] = None,
draw_gt: bool = True,
draw_pred: bool = True,
show: bool = False,
wait_time: float = 0,
# TODO: Supported in mmengine's Viusalizer.
out_file: Optional[str] = None,
step: int = 0,
with_labels: Optional[bool] = False) -> None:
"""Draw datasample and save to all backends.
- If GT and prediction are plotted at the same time, they are
displayed in a stitched image where the left image is the
ground truth and the right image is the prediction.
- If ``show`` is True, all storage backends are ignored, and
the images will be displayed in a local window.
- If ``out_file`` is specified, the drawn image will be
saved to ``out_file``. it is usually used when the display
is not available.
name (str): The image identifier.
image (np.ndarray): The image to draw.
image_from_to (Sequence[np.array]): The image pairs to draw.
gt_sample (:obj:`SegDataSample`, optional): GT SegDataSample.
Defaults to None.
pred_sample (:obj:`SegDataSample`, optional): Prediction
SegDataSample. Defaults to None.
draw_gt (bool): Whether to draw GT SegDataSample. Default to True.
draw_pred (bool): Whether to draw Prediction SegDataSample.
Defaults to True.
show (bool): Whether to display the drawn image. Default to False.
wait_time (float): The interval of show (s). Defaults to 0.
out_file (str): Path to output file. Defaults to None.
step (int): Global step value to record. Defaults to 0.
with_labels(bool, optional): Add semantic labels in visualization
result, Defaults to True.
exist_img_from_to = True if len(image_from_to) > 0 else False
if exist_img_from_to:
assert len(image_from_to) == 2, '`image_from_to` contains `from` ' \
'and `to` images'
classes = self.dataset_meta.get('classes', None)
palette = self.dataset_meta.get('palette', None)
semantic_classes = self.dataset_meta.get('semantic_classes', None)
semantic_palette = self.dataset_meta.get('semantic_palette', None)
gt_img_data = None
gt_img_data_from = None
gt_img_data_to = None
pred_img_data = None
pred_img_data_from = None
pred_img_data_to = None
drawn_img_from = None
drawn_img_to = None
if draw_gt and data_sample is not None and 'gt_sem_seg' in data_sample:
gt_img_data = image
assert classes is not None, 'class information is ' \
'not provided when ' \
'visualizing change ' \
'deteaction results.'
gt_img_data = self._draw_sem_seg(gt_img_data, data_sample.gt_sem_seg,
classes, palette, with_labels)
if draw_gt and data_sample is not None and 'gt_sem_seg_from' in data_sample \
and 'gt_sem_seg_to' in data_sample:
if exist_img_from_to:
gt_img_data_from = image_from_to[0]
gt_img_data_to = image_from_to[1]
gt_img_data_from = np.zeros_like(image)
gt_img_data_to = np.zeros_like(image)
assert semantic_classes is not None, 'class information is ' \
'not provided when ' \
'visualizing change ' \
'deteaction results.'
gt_img_data_from = self._draw_sem_seg(gt_img_data_from,
data_sample.gt_sem_seg_from, semantic_classes,
semantic_palette, with_labels)
gt_img_data_to = self._draw_sem_seg(gt_img_data_to,
data_sample.gt_sem_seg_to, semantic_classes,
semantic_palette, with_labels)
if (draw_pred and data_sample is not None
and 'pred_sem_seg' in data_sample):
pred_img_data = image
assert classes is not None, 'class information is ' \
'not provided when ' \
'visualizing semantic ' \
'segmentation results.'
pred_img_data = self._draw_sem_seg(pred_img_data,
classes, palette,
if (draw_pred and data_sample is not None and 'pred_sem_seg_from' in data_sample \
and 'pred_sem_seg_to' in data_sample):
if exist_img_from_to:
pred_img_data_from = image_from_to[0]
pred_img_data_to = image_from_to[1]
pred_img_data_from = np.zeros_like(image)
pred_img_data_to = np.zeros_like(image)
assert semantic_classes is not None, 'class information is ' \
'not provided when ' \
'visualizing change ' \
'deteaction results.'
pred_img_data_from = self._draw_sem_seg(pred_img_data_from,
data_sample.pred_sem_seg_from, semantic_classes,
semantic_palette, with_labels)
pred_img_data_to = self._draw_sem_seg(pred_img_data_to,
data_sample.pred_sem_seg_to, semantic_classes,
semantic_palette, with_labels)
if gt_img_data is not None and pred_img_data is not None:
drawn_img = np.concatenate((gt_img_data, pred_img_data), axis=1)
elif gt_img_data is not None:
drawn_img = gt_img_data
drawn_img = pred_img_data
if gt_img_data_from is not None and pred_img_data_from is not None:
drawn_img_from = np.concatenate((gt_img_data_from, pred_img_data_from), axis=1)
elif gt_img_data_from is not None:
drawn_img_from = gt_img_data_from
drawn_img_from = pred_img_data_from
if gt_img_data_to is not None and pred_img_data_to is not None:
drawn_img_to = np.concatenate((gt_img_data_to, pred_img_data_to), axis=1)
elif gt_img_data_to is not None:
drawn_img_to = gt_img_data_to
drawn_img_to = pred_img_data_to
if show:
if drawn_img_from is not None and drawn_img_to is not None:
drawn_img_cat = np.concatenate((drawn_img, drawn_img_from, drawn_img_to), axis=0), win_name=name, wait_time=wait_time)
else:, win_name=name, wait_time=wait_time)
if out_file is not None:
if drawn_img_from is not None and drawn_img_to is not None:
drawn_img_cat = np.concatenate((drawn_img, drawn_img_from, drawn_img_to), axis=0)
mmcv.imwrite(mmcv.bgr2rgb(drawn_img_cat), out_file)
mmcv.imwrite(mmcv.bgr2rgb(drawn_img), out_file)
self.add_image(name, drawn_img, drawn_img_from, drawn_img_to, step)
def add_image(self, name: str,
image: np.ndarray,
image_from: np.ndarray = None,
image_to: np.ndarray = None,
step: int = 0) -> None:
"""Record the image.
name (str): The image identifier.
image (np.ndarray, optional): The image to be saved. The format
should be RGB. Defaults to None.
step (int): Global step value to record. Defaults to 0.
for vis_backend in self._vis_backends.values():
vis_backend.add_image(name, image, image_from, image_to, step) # type: ignore
def set_image(self, image: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Set the image to draw.
image (np.ndarray): The image to draw.
assert image is not None
image = image.astype('uint8')
self._image = image
self.width, self.height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
# print(image.shape)
self._default_font_size = max(
np.sqrt(self.height * self.width) // 90, 10)
self.fig_save.set_size_inches( # type: ignore
self.width / self.dpi, self.height / self.dpi)
# self.canvas = mpl.backends.backend_cairo.FigureCanvasCairo(fig)
extent=(0, self.width, self.height, 0),