import os.path as osp |
import warnings |
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Union |
import mmcv |
import mmengine |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from mmcv.transforms import Compose |
from mmengine.infer.infer import BaseInferencer, ModelType |
from mmengine.model import revert_sync_batchnorm |
from mmengine.registry import init_default_scope |
from mmengine.runner.checkpoint import _load_checkpoint_to_model |
from PIL import Image |
from mmseg.structures import SegDataSample |
from mmseg.utils import ConfigType, SampleList, get_classes, get_palette |
from mmseg.visualization import SegLocalVisualizer |
InputType = Union[str, np.ndarray] |
InputsType = Union[InputType, Sequence[InputType]] |
PredType = Union[SegDataSample, SampleList] |
class MMSegInferencer(BaseInferencer): |
"""Semantic segmentation inferencer, provides inference and visualization |
interfaces. Note: MMEngine >= 0.5.0 is required. |
Args: |
model (str, optional): Path to the config file or the model name |
defined in metafile. Take the `mmseg metafile <https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation/blob/main/configs/fcn/metafile.yaml>`_ |
as an example the `model` could be |
"fcn_r50-d8_4xb2-40k_cityscapes-512x1024", and the weights of model |
will be download automatically. If use config file, like |
"configs/fcn/fcn_r50-d8_4xb2-40k_cityscapes-512x1024.py", the |
`weights` should be defined. |
weights (str, optional): Path to the checkpoint. If it is not specified |
and model is a model name of metafile, the weights will be loaded |
from metafile. Defaults to None. |
classes (list, optional): Input classes for result rendering, as the |
prediction of segmentation model is a segment map with label |
indices, `classes` is a list which includes items responding to the |
label indices. If classes is not defined, visualizer will take |
`cityscapes` classes by default. Defaults to None. |
palette (list, optional): Input palette for result rendering, which is |
a list of color palette responding to the classes. If palette is |
not defined, visualizer will take `cityscapes` palette by default. |
Defaults to None. |
dataset_name (str, optional): `Dataset name or alias <https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation/blob/main/mmseg/utils/class_names.py#L302-L317>`_ |
visulizer will use the meta information of the dataset i.e. classes |
and palette, but the `classes` and `palette` have higher priority. |
Defaults to None. |
device (str, optional): Device to run inference. If None, the available |
device will be automatically used. Defaults to None. |
scope (str, optional): The scope of the model. Defaults to 'mmseg'. |
""" |
preprocess_kwargs: set = set() |
forward_kwargs: set = {'mode', 'out_dir'} |
visualize_kwargs: set = { |
'show', 'wait_time', 'img_out_dir', 'opacity', 'return_vis', |
'with_labels' |
} |
postprocess_kwargs: set = {'pred_out_dir', 'return_datasample'} |
def __init__(self, |
model: Union[ModelType, str], |
weights: Optional[str] = None, |
classes: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None, |
palette: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None, |
dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, |
device: Optional[str] = None, |
scope: Optional[str] = 'mmseg') -> None: |
self.num_visualized_imgs = 0 |
self.num_pred_imgs = 0 |
init_default_scope(scope if scope else 'mmseg') |
super().__init__( |
model=model, weights=weights, device=device, scope=scope) |
if device == 'cpu' or not torch.cuda.is_available(): |
self.model = revert_sync_batchnorm(self.model) |
assert isinstance(self.visualizer, SegLocalVisualizer) |
self.visualizer.set_dataset_meta(classes, palette, dataset_name) |
def _load_weights_to_model(self, model: nn.Module, |
checkpoint: Optional[dict], |
cfg: Optional[ConfigType]) -> None: |
"""Loading model weights and meta information from cfg and checkpoint. |
Subclasses could override this method to load extra meta information |
from ``checkpoint`` and ``cfg`` to model. |
Args: |
model (nn.Module): Model to load weights and meta information. |
checkpoint (dict, optional): The loaded checkpoint. |
cfg (Config or ConfigDict, optional): The loaded config. |
""" |
if checkpoint is not None: |
_load_checkpoint_to_model(model, checkpoint) |
checkpoint_meta = checkpoint.get('meta', {}) |
if 'dataset_meta' in checkpoint_meta: |
model.dataset_meta = { |
'classes': checkpoint_meta['dataset_meta'].get('classes'), |
'palette': checkpoint_meta['dataset_meta'].get('palette') |
} |
elif 'CLASSES' in checkpoint_meta: |
classes = checkpoint_meta['CLASSES'] |
palette = checkpoint_meta.get('PALETTE', None) |
model.dataset_meta = {'classes': classes, 'palette': palette} |
else: |
warnings.warn( |
'dataset_meta or class names are not saved in the ' |
'checkpoint\'s meta data, use classes of Cityscapes by ' |
'default.') |
model.dataset_meta = { |
'classes': get_classes('cityscapes'), |
'palette': get_palette('cityscapes') |
} |
else: |
warnings.warn('Checkpoint is not loaded, and the inference ' |
'result is calculated by the randomly initialized ' |
'model!') |
warnings.warn( |
'weights is None, use cityscapes classes by default.') |
model.dataset_meta = { |
'classes': get_classes('cityscapes'), |
'palette': get_palette('cityscapes') |
} |
def __call__(self, |
inputs: InputsType, |
return_datasamples: bool = False, |
batch_size: int = 1, |
return_vis: bool = False, |
show: bool = False, |
wait_time: int = 0, |
out_dir: str = '', |
img_out_dir: str = 'vis', |
pred_out_dir: str = 'pred', |
**kwargs) -> dict: |
"""Call the inferencer. |
Args: |
inputs (Union[list, str, np.ndarray]): Inputs for the inferencer. |
return_datasamples (bool): Whether to return results as |
:obj:`SegDataSample`. Defaults to False. |
batch_size (int): Batch size. Defaults to 1. |
show (bool): Whether to display the rendering color segmentation |
mask in a popup window. Defaults to False. |
wait_time (float): The interval of show (s). Defaults to 0. |
out_dir (str): Output directory of inference results. Defaults |
to ''. |
img_out_dir (str): Subdirectory of `out_dir`, used to save |
rendering color segmentation mask, so `out_dir` must be defined |
if you would like to save predicted mask. Defaults to 'vis'. |
pred_out_dir (str): Subdirectory of `out_dir`, used to save |
predicted mask file, so `out_dir` must be defined if you would |
like to save predicted mask. Defaults to 'pred'. |
**kwargs: Other keyword arguments passed to :meth:`preprocess`, |
:meth:`forward`, :meth:`visualize` and :meth:`postprocess`. |
Each key in kwargs should be in the corresponding set of |
``preprocess_kwargs``, ``forward_kwargs``, ``visualize_kwargs`` |
and ``postprocess_kwargs``. |
Returns: |
dict: Inference and visualization results. |
""" |
if out_dir != '': |
pred_out_dir = osp.join(out_dir, pred_out_dir) |
img_out_dir = osp.join(out_dir, img_out_dir) |
else: |
pred_out_dir = '' |
img_out_dir = '' |
return super().__call__( |
inputs=inputs, |
return_datasamples=return_datasamples, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
show=show, |
wait_time=wait_time, |
img_out_dir=img_out_dir, |
pred_out_dir=pred_out_dir, |
return_vis=return_vis, |
**kwargs) |
def visualize(self, |
inputs: list, |
preds: List[dict], |
return_vis: bool = False, |
show: bool = False, |
wait_time: int = 0, |
img_out_dir: str = '', |
opacity: float = 0.8, |
with_labels: Optional[bool] = True) -> List[np.ndarray]: |
"""Visualize predictions. |
Args: |
inputs (list): Inputs preprocessed by :meth:`_inputs_to_list`. |
preds (Any): Predictions of the model. |
show (bool): Whether to display the image in a popup window. |
Defaults to False. |
wait_time (float): The interval of show (s). Defaults to 0. |
img_out_dir (str): Output directory of rendering prediction i.e. |
color segmentation mask. Defaults: '' |
opacity (int, float): The transparency of segmentation mask. |
Defaults to 0.8. |
Returns: |
List[np.ndarray]: Visualization results. |
""" |
if not show and img_out_dir == '' and not return_vis: |
return None |
if self.visualizer is None: |
raise ValueError('Visualization needs the "visualizer" term' |
'defined in the config, but got None.') |
self.visualizer.set_dataset_meta(**self.model.dataset_meta) |
self.visualizer.alpha = opacity |
results = [] |
for single_input, pred in zip(inputs, preds): |
if isinstance(single_input, str): |
img_bytes = mmengine.fileio.get(single_input) |
img = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes) |
img = img[:, :, ::-1] |
img_name = osp.basename(single_input) |
elif isinstance(single_input, np.ndarray): |
img = single_input.copy() |
img_num = str(self.num_visualized_imgs).zfill(8) + '_vis' |
img_name = f'{img_num}.jpg' |
else: |
raise ValueError('Unsupported input type:' |
f'{type(single_input)}') |
out_file = osp.join(img_out_dir, img_name) if img_out_dir != ''\ |
else None |
self.visualizer.add_datasample( |
img_name, |
img, |
pred, |
show=show, |
wait_time=wait_time, |
draw_gt=False, |
draw_pred=True, |
out_file=out_file, |
with_labels=with_labels) |
if return_vis: |
results.append(self.visualizer.get_image()) |
self.num_visualized_imgs += 1 |
return results if return_vis else None |
def postprocess(self, |
preds: PredType, |
visualization: List[np.ndarray], |
return_datasample: bool = False, |
pred_out_dir: str = '') -> dict: |
"""Process the predictions and visualization results from ``forward`` |
and ``visualize``. |
This method should be responsible for the following tasks: |
1. Pack the predictions and visualization results and return them. |
2. Save the predictions, if it needed. |
Args: |
preds (List[Dict]): Predictions of the model. |
visualization (List[np.ndarray]): The list of rendering color |
segmentation mask. |
return_datasample (bool): Whether to return results as datasamples. |
Defaults to False. |
pred_out_dir: File to save the inference results w/o |
visualization. If left as empty, no file will be saved. |
Defaults to ''. |
Returns: |
dict: Inference and visualization results with key ``predictions`` |
and ``visualization`` |
- ``visualization (Any)``: Returned by :meth:`visualize` |
- ``predictions`` (List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray): Returned by |
:meth:`forward` and processed in :meth:`postprocess`. |
If ``return_datasample=False``, it will be the segmentation mask |
with label indice. |
""" |
if return_datasample: |
if len(preds) == 1: |
return preds[0] |
else: |
return preds |
results_dict = {} |
results_dict['predictions'] = [] |
results_dict['visualization'] = [] |
for i, pred in enumerate(preds): |
pred_data = dict() |
if 'pred_sem_seg' in pred.keys(): |
pred_data['sem_seg'] = pred.pred_sem_seg.numpy().data[0] |
elif 'pred_depth_map' in pred.keys(): |
pred_data['depth_map'] = pred.pred_depth_map.numpy().data[0] |
if visualization is not None: |
vis = visualization[i] |
results_dict['visualization'].append(vis) |
if pred_out_dir != '': |
mmengine.mkdir_or_exist(pred_out_dir) |
for key, data in pred_data.items(): |
post_fix = '_pred.png' if key == 'sem_seg' else '_pred.npy' |
img_name = str(self.num_pred_imgs).zfill(8) + post_fix |
img_path = osp.join(pred_out_dir, img_name) |
if key == 'sem_seg': |
output = Image.fromarray(data.astype(np.uint8)) |
output.save(img_path) |
else: |
np.save(img_path, data) |
pred_data = next(iter(pred_data.values())) |
results_dict['predictions'].append(pred_data) |
self.num_pred_imgs += 1 |
if len(results_dict['predictions']) == 1: |
results_dict['predictions'] = results_dict['predictions'][0] |
if visualization is not None: |
results_dict['visualization'] = \ |
results_dict['visualization'][0] |
return results_dict |
def _init_pipeline(self, cfg: ConfigType) -> Compose: |
"""Initialize the test pipeline. |
Return a pipeline to handle various input data, such as ``str``, |
``np.ndarray``. It is an abstract method in BaseInferencer, and should |
be implemented in subclasses. |
The returned pipeline will be used to process a single data. |
It will be used in :meth:`preprocess` like this: |
.. code-block:: python |
def preprocess(self, inputs, batch_size, **kwargs): |
... |
dataset = map(self.pipeline, dataset) |
... |
""" |
pipeline_cfg = cfg.test_dataloader.dataset.pipeline |
for transform in ('LoadAnnotations', 'LoadDepthAnnotation'): |
idx = self._get_transform_idx(pipeline_cfg, transform) |
if idx != -1: |
del pipeline_cfg[idx] |
load_img_idx = self._get_transform_idx(pipeline_cfg, |
'LoadImageFromFile') |
if load_img_idx == -1: |
raise ValueError( |
'LoadImageFromFile is not found in the test pipeline') |
pipeline_cfg[load_img_idx]['type'] = 'InferencerLoader' |
return Compose(pipeline_cfg) |
def _get_transform_idx(self, pipeline_cfg: ConfigType, name: str) -> int: |
"""Returns the index of the transform in a pipeline. |
If the transform is not found, returns -1. |
""" |
for i, transform in enumerate(pipeline_cfg): |
if transform['type'] == name: |
return i |
return -1 |