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# Load key libraries and modules
import streamlit as st
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
# Set the page configurations
st.set_page_config(page_title = "Insurance Prediction App", initial_sidebar_state = "auto")
# Set the page title
st.title("Insurance Claim Prediction with Machine Learning")
# ---- Importing and creating other key elements items
# Function to import the Machine Learning toolkit
def load_ml_toolkit(relative_path):
This function loads the src/toolkit into this file by taking the relative path to the src/toolkit.
relative_path (string, optional): It receives the file path to the ML toolkit for loading.
file: It returns the pickle file (which contains the Machine Learning items in this case).
with open(relative_path, "rb") as file:
loaded_object = pickle.load(file)
return loaded_object
# Function to load the dataset
def load_data(relative_path):
This function is used to load the DataFrame into the current file.
relative_path (string): The relative path to the DataFrame to be loaded.
DataFrame: Returns the DataFrame at the path provided.
dataset = pd.read_csv(relative_path)
return dataset
# ----- Loading the key components
# Loading the base dataframe
rpath = r"data/train_data.csv"
df_loaded = load_data(rpath)
# Loading the toolkit
loaded_toolkit = load_ml_toolkit(r"src/Streamlit_toolkit")
if "results" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["results"] = []
# Instantiating the elements of the Machine Learning Toolkit
scaler = loaded_toolkit["scaler"]
model = loaded_toolkit["model"]
encoder = loaded_toolkit["encoder"]
# Import the model
model = XGBClassifier()
# Define app sections
header = st.container()
dataset = st.container()
features_and_output = st.container()
# Instantiate a from to receive inputs
form = st.form(key="Information", clear_on_submit = True)
# Structure the header section
with header:
header.write("This app is built of a machine learning model to predict the whether or not a building will have an insurance claim over a period based on given variables for which you will make inputs (see the input section below). The model was trained based on the DSN Insurance Prediction dataset.")
# Structure the sidebar
st.sidebar.header("Information on Columns")
- *Customer Id*: Identification number for the Policy holder
- *YearOfObservation*: year of observation for the insured policy
- *Insured_Period*: duration of insurance policy in Olusola Insurance. (Ex: Full year insurance, Policy Duration = 1; 6 months = 0.5
- *Residential*: is the building a residential building or not
- *Building_Painted*: is the building painted or not (N-Painted, V-Not Painted)
- *Building_Fenced*: is the building fence or not (N-Fenced, V-Not Fenced)
- *Garden*: building has garden or not (V-has garden; O-no garden)
- *Settlement*: Area where the building is located. (R- rural area; U- urban area)
- *Building Dimension*: Size of the insured building in m2
- *Building_Type*: The type of building (Type 1, 2, 3, 4)
- *Date_of_Occupancy*: date building was first occupied
- *NumberOfWindows*: number of windows in the building
- *Geo Code*: Geographical Code of the Insured building
- *Claim*: target variable. (0: no claim, 1: at least one claim over insured period).
# Structure the dataset section
with dataset:
if dataset.checkbox("Preview the dataset"):
dataset.write("Take a look at the sidebar for more information on the columns")
# Define a list of expected variables
expected_inputs = ["YearOfObservation", "Insured_Period", "Residential", "Building_Painted", "Building_Fenced", "Garden", "Settlement", "Building Dimension", "Building_Type", "Date_of_Occupancy", "NumberOfWindows"]
# List of features to encode
categoricals = ["Building_Painted", "Building_Fenced", "Garden", "Settlement"]
# List of features to scale
cols_to_scale = ["YearOfObservation", "Insured_Period", "Residential", "Building Dimension", "Building_Type", "Date_of_Occupancy", "NumberOfWindows"]
# Structure the features and output section
with features_and_output:
features_and_output.write("This section captures the inputs to be used in predictions...")
left_col, right_col = features_and_output.columns(2)
# Design the input section
with form:
left_col.markdown("**Inputs Set 1:")
YearOfObservation = left_col.number_input("Select a year:", min_value = 2012, step = 1)
Insured_Period = left_col.selectbox("Insured Period (Full year or half-year):", options = [0.5,1])
Residential ="Is the building residential (1) or not (0):", options= [0, 1], horizontal = True)
Building_Painted = left_col.selectbox("Is the building painted (N) or not(V):", options = ["N", "V"])
Building_Fenced = left_col.selectbox("Is the building fenced (N) or not(V):", options = ["N", "V"])
right_col.markdown("**Inputs Set 2**")
Garden ="Does the building have a garden (V) or not (O):", options = ["V", "O"], horizontal = True)
Settlement ="Is the building situated in a rural (R) or urban (U) area?:", options = ["R", "U"], horizontal = True)
Building_Dimension = right_col.number_input("What is the size of the insured building (m2)?", min_value= 1, value= 1)
Building_Type = right_col.selectbox("What type of building is it?", options = [1,2,3,4])
Date_of_Occupancy = right_col.number_input("On what date was the building first occupied?", min_value= 1545, value= 1970)
NumberOfWindows = right_col.select_slider("How many windows does the building have?", options= range(1,11))
# Submit button
submitted = form.form_submit_button(label= "Submit")
# Process inputs from user
if submitted:
with features_and_output:
# Inputs formatting
input_dict = {
"YearOfObservation": [YearOfObservation],
"Insured_Period": [Insured_Period],
"Residential": [Residential],
"Building_Painted": [Building_Painted],
"Building_Fenced": [Building_Fenced],
"Garden": [Garden],
"Settlement": [Settlement],
"Building Dimension": [Building_Dimension],
"Building_Type": [Building_Type],
"Date_of_Occupancy": [Date_of_Occupancy],
"NumberOfWindows": [NumberOfWindows]
# Converting the input into a dataframe
input_data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(input_dict)
# Encode the categorical columns
encoded_test_categoricals = encoder.transform(input_data[categoricals])
encoded_test_categoricals = pd.DataFrame(encoded_test_categoricals, columns = encoder.get_feature_names_out().tolist())
# Add the encoded categoricals to the DataFrame and dropping the original columns
input_data = input_data.join(encoded_test_categoricals)
input_data.drop(columns= categoricals, inplace= True)
# Scale the numeric columns
input_data[cols_to_scale] = scaler.transform(input_data[cols_to_scale])
# Make the prediction
model_output = model.predict(input_data)
input_data["Prediction"] = model_output
if model_output[0] == 0:
display = "The building does not have a claim over the insured period."
display = "The building has a claim over the insured period."
# Adding the predictions to previous predictions
result = pd.concat(st.session_state["results"])
# Displaying prediction results
st.success(f"**Prediction**: {display}")
# Expander to display previous predictions
previous_output = st.expander("**Review previous predictions**")
previous_output.dataframe(result, use_container_width= True)