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import numpy as np
from gym import utils
from gym.envs.mujoco import MujocoEnv
from gym.spaces import Box
class PusherEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
### Description
"Pusher" is a multi-jointed robot arm which is very similar to that of a human.
The goal is to move a target cylinder (called *object*) to a goal position using the robot's end effector (called *fingertip*).
The robot consists of shoulder, elbow, forearm, and wrist joints.
### Action Space
The action space is a `Box(-2, 2, (7,), float32)`. An action `(a, b)` represents the torques applied at the hinge joints.
| Num | Action | Control Min | Control Max | Name (in corresponding XML file) | Joint | Unit |
| 0 | Rotation of the panning the shoulder | -2 | 2 | r_shoulder_pan_joint | hinge | torque (N m) |
| 1 | Rotation of the shoulder lifting joint | -2 | 2 | r_shoulder_lift_joint | hinge | torque (N m) |
| 2 | Rotation of the shoulder rolling joint | -2 | 2 | r_upper_arm_roll_joint | hinge | torque (N m) |
| 3 | Rotation of hinge joint that flexed the elbow | -2 | 2 | r_elbow_flex_joint | hinge | torque (N m) |
| 4 | Rotation of hinge that rolls the forearm | -2 | 2 | r_forearm_roll_joint | hinge | torque (N m) |
| 5 | Rotation of flexing the wrist | -2 | 2 | r_wrist_flex_joint | hinge | torque (N m) |
| 6 | Rotation of rolling the wrist | -2 | 2 | r_wrist_roll_joint | hinge | torque (N m) |
### Observation Space
Observations consist of
- Angle of rotational joints on the pusher
- Angular velocities of rotational joints on the pusher
- The coordinates of the fingertip of the pusher
- The coordinates of the object to be moved
- The coordinates of the goal position
The observation is a `ndarray` with shape `(23,)` where the elements correspond to the table below.
An analogy can be drawn to a human arm in order to help understand the state space, with the words flex and roll meaning the
same as human joints.
| Num | Observation | Min | Max | Name (in corresponding XML file) | Joint | Unit |
| --- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | --- | -------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------ |
| 0 | Rotation of the panning the shoulder | -Inf | Inf | r_shoulder_pan_joint | hinge | angle (rad) |
| 1 | Rotation of the shoulder lifting joint | -Inf | Inf | r_shoulder_lift_joint | hinge | angle (rad) |
| 2 | Rotation of the shoulder rolling joint | -Inf | Inf | r_upper_arm_roll_joint | hinge | angle (rad) |
| 3 | Rotation of hinge joint that flexed the elbow | -Inf | Inf | r_elbow_flex_joint | hinge | angle (rad) |
| 4 | Rotation of hinge that rolls the forearm | -Inf | Inf | r_forearm_roll_joint | hinge | angle (rad) |
| 5 | Rotation of flexing the wrist | -Inf | Inf | r_wrist_flex_joint | hinge | angle (rad) |
| 6 | Rotation of rolling the wrist | -Inf | Inf | r_wrist_roll_joint | hinge | angle (rad) |
| 7 | Rotational velocity of the panning the shoulder | -Inf | Inf | r_shoulder_pan_joint | hinge | angular velocity (rad/s) |
| 8 | Rotational velocity of the shoulder lifting joint | -Inf | Inf | r_shoulder_lift_joint | hinge | angular velocity (rad/s) |
| 9 | Rotational velocity of the shoulder rolling joint | -Inf | Inf | r_upper_arm_roll_joint | hinge | angular velocity (rad/s) |
| 10 | Rotational velocity of hinge joint that flexed the elbow | -Inf | Inf | r_elbow_flex_joint | hinge | angular velocity (rad/s) |
| 11 | Rotational velocity of hinge that rolls the forearm | -Inf | Inf | r_forearm_roll_joint | hinge | angular velocity (rad/s) |
| 12 | Rotational velocity of flexing the wrist | -Inf | Inf | r_wrist_flex_joint | hinge | angular velocity (rad/s) |
| 13 | Rotational velocity of rolling the wrist | -Inf | Inf | r_wrist_roll_joint | hinge | angular velocity (rad/s) |
| 14 | x-coordinate of the fingertip of the pusher | -Inf | Inf | tips_arm | slide | position (m) |
| 15 | y-coordinate of the fingertip of the pusher | -Inf | Inf | tips_arm | slide | position (m) |
| 16 | z-coordinate of the fingertip of the pusher | -Inf | Inf | tips_arm | slide | position (m) |
| 17 | x-coordinate of the object to be moved | -Inf | Inf | object (obj_slidex) | slide | position (m) |
| 18 | y-coordinate of the object to be moved | -Inf | Inf | object (obj_slidey) | slide | position (m) |
| 19 | z-coordinate of the object to be moved | -Inf | Inf | object | cylinder | position (m) |
| 20 | x-coordinate of the goal position of the object | -Inf | Inf | goal (goal_slidex) | slide | position (m) |
| 21 | y-coordinate of the goal position of the object | -Inf | Inf | goal (goal_slidey) | slide | position (m) |
| 22 | z-coordinate of the goal position of the object | -Inf | Inf | goal | sphere | position (m) |
### Rewards
The reward consists of two parts:
- *reward_near *: This reward is a measure of how far the *fingertip*
of the pusher (the unattached end) is from the object, with a more negative
value assigned for when the pusher's *fingertip* is further away from the
target. It is calculated as the negative vector norm of (position of
the fingertip - position of target), or *-norm("fingertip" - "target")*.
- *reward_dist *: This reward is a measure of how far the object is from
the target goal position, with a more negative value assigned for object is
further away from the target. It is calculated as the negative vector norm of
(position of the object - position of goal), or *-norm("object" - "target")*.
- *reward_control*: A negative reward for penalising the pusher if
it takes actions that are too large. It is measured as the negative squared
Euclidean norm of the action, i.e. as *- sum(action<sup>2</sup>)*.
The total reward returned is ***reward*** *=* *reward_dist + 0.1 * reward_ctrl + 0.5 * reward_near*
Unlike other environments, Pusher does not allow you to specify weights for the individual reward terms.
However, `info` does contain the keys *reward_dist* and *reward_ctrl*. Thus, if you'd like to weight the terms,
you should create a wrapper that computes the weighted reward from `info`.
### Starting State
All pusher (not including object and goal) states start in
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0). A uniform noise in the range
[-0.005, 0.005] is added to the velocity attributes only. The velocities of
the object and goal are permanently set to 0. The object's x-position is selected uniformly
between [-0.3, 0] while the y-position is selected uniformly between [-0.2, 0.2], and this
process is repeated until the vector norm between the object's (x,y) position and origin is not greater
than 0.17. The goal always have the same position of (0.45, -0.05, -0.323).
The default framerate is 5 with each frame lasting for 0.01, giving rise to a *dt = 5 * 0.01 = 0.05*
### Episode End
The episode ends when any of the following happens:
1. Truncation: The episode duration reaches a 100 timesteps.
2. Termination: Any of the state space values is no longer finite.
### Arguments
No additional arguments are currently supported (in v2 and lower),
but modifications can be made to the XML file in the assets folder
(or by changing the path to a modified XML file in another folder)..
env = gym.make('Pusher-v4')
There is no v3 for Pusher, unlike the robot environments where a v3 and
beyond take gym.make kwargs such as xml_file, ctrl_cost_weight, reset_noise_scale etc.
### Version History
* v4: all mujoco environments now use the mujoco bindings in mujoco>=2.1.3
* v2: All continuous control environments now use mujoco_py >= 1.50
* v1: max_time_steps raised to 1000 for robot based tasks (not including reacher, which has a max_time_steps of 50). Added reward_threshold to environments.
* v0: Initial versions release (1.0.0)
metadata = {
"render_modes": [
"render_fps": 20,
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
utils.EzPickle.__init__(self, **kwargs)
observation_space = Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(23,), dtype=np.float64)
self, "pusher.xml", 5, observation_space=observation_space, **kwargs
def step(self, a):
vec_1 = self.get_body_com("object") - self.get_body_com("tips_arm")
vec_2 = self.get_body_com("object") - self.get_body_com("goal")
reward_near = -np.linalg.norm(vec_1)
reward_dist = -np.linalg.norm(vec_2)
reward_ctrl = -np.square(a).sum()
reward = reward_dist + 0.1 * reward_ctrl + 0.5 * reward_near
self.do_simulation(a, self.frame_skip)
if self.render_mode == "human":
ob = self._get_obs()
return (
dict(reward_dist=reward_dist, reward_ctrl=reward_ctrl),
def viewer_setup(self):
assert self.viewer is not None = -1 = 4.0
def reset_model(self):
qpos = self.init_qpos
self.goal_pos = np.asarray([0, 0])
while True:
self.cylinder_pos = np.concatenate(
self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.3, high=0, size=1),
self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.2, high=0.2, size=1),
if np.linalg.norm(self.cylinder_pos - self.goal_pos) > 0.17:
qpos[-4:-2] = self.cylinder_pos
qpos[-2:] = self.goal_pos
qvel = self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(
low=-0.005, high=0.005, size=self.model.nv
qvel[-4:] = 0
self.set_state(qpos, qvel)
return self._get_obs()
def _get_obs(self):
return np.concatenate(