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#external files
from openai_interface import GPT_Turbo
from weaviate_interface import WeaviateClient
from llama_index.finetuning import EmbeddingQAFinetuneDataset
from prompt_templates import qa_generation_prompt
from reranker import ReRanker
#standard library imports
import json
import time
import uuid
import os
import re
import random
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Literal
from tqdm import tqdm
class QueryContextGenerator:
Class designed for the generation of query/context pairs using a
Generative LLM. The LLM is used to generate questions from a given
corpus of text. The query/context pairs can be used to fine-tune
an embedding model using a MultipleNegativesRankingLoss loss function
or can be used to create evaluation datasets for retrieval models.
def __init__(self, openai_key: str, model_id: str='gpt-3.5-turbo-0613'):
self.llm = GPT_Turbo(model=model_id, api_key=openai_key)
def clean_validate_data(self,
data: List[dict],
valid_fields: List[str]=['content', 'summary', 'guest', 'doc_id'],
total_chars: int=950
) -> List[dict]:
Strip original data chunks so they only contain valid_fields.
Remove any chunks less than total_chars in size. Prevents LLM
from asking questions from sparse content.
clean_docs = [{k:v for k,v in d.items() if k in valid_fields} for d in data]
valid_docs = [d for d in clean_docs if len(d['content']) > total_chars]
return valid_docs
def train_val_split(self,
data: List[dict],
n_train_questions: int,
n_val_questions: int,
n_questions_per_chunk: int=2,
total_chars: int=950):
Splits corpus into training and validation sets. Training and
validation samples are randomly selected from the corpus. total_chars
parameter is set based on pre-analysis of average doc length in the
training corpus.
clean_data = self.clean_validate_data(data, total_chars=total_chars)
train_index = n_train_questions//n_questions_per_chunk
valid_index = n_val_questions//n_questions_per_chunk
end_index = valid_index + train_index
if end_index > len(clean_data):
raise ValueError('Cannot create dataset with desired number of questions, try using a larger dataset')
train_data = clean_data[:train_index]
valid_data = clean_data[train_index:end_index]
print(f'Length Training Data: {len(train_data)}')
print(f'Length Validation Data: {len(valid_data)}')
return train_data, valid_data
def generate_qa_embedding_pairs(
data: List[dict],
generate_prompt_tmpl: str=None,
num_questions_per_chunk: int = 2,
) -> EmbeddingQAFinetuneDataset:
Generate query/context pairs from a list of documents. The query/context pairs
can be used for fine-tuning an embedding model using a MultipleNegativesRankingLoss
or can be used to create an evaluation dataset for retrieval models.
This function was adapted for this course from the llama_index.finetuning.common module:
generate_prompt_tmpl = qa_generation_prompt if not generate_prompt_tmpl else generate_prompt_tmpl
queries = {}
relevant_docs = {}
corpus = {chunk['doc_id'] : chunk['content'] for chunk in data}
for chunk in tqdm(data):
summary = chunk['summary']
guest = chunk['guest']
transcript = chunk['content']
node_id = chunk['doc_id']
query = generate_prompt_tmpl.format(summary=summary,
response = self.llm.get_chat_completion(prompt=query, temperature=0.1, max_tokens=100)
except Exception as e:
result = str(response).strip().split("\n")
questions = [
re.sub(r"^\d+[\).\s]", "", question).strip() for question in result
questions = [question for question in questions if len(question) > 0]
for question in questions:
question_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
queries[question_id] = question
relevant_docs[question_id] = [node_id]
# construct dataset
return EmbeddingQAFinetuneDataset(
queries=queries, corpus=corpus, relevant_docs=relevant_docs
def execute_evaluation(dataset: EmbeddingQAFinetuneDataset,
class_name: str,
retriever: WeaviateClient,
reranker: ReRanker=None,
alpha: float=0.5,
retrieve_limit: int=100,
top_k: int=5,
chunk_size: int=256,
hnsw_config_keys: List[str]=['maxConnections', 'efConstruction', 'ef'],
search_type: Literal['kw', 'vector', 'hybrid', 'all']='all',
display_properties: List[str]=['doc_id', 'content'],
dir_outpath: str='./eval_results',
include_miss_info: bool=False,
user_def_params: dict=None
) -> Union[dict, Tuple[dict, List[dict]]]:
Given a dataset, a retriever, and a reranker, evaluate the performance of the retriever and reranker.
Returns a dict of kw, vector, and hybrid hit rates and mrr scores. If inlude_miss_info is True, will
also return a list of kw and vector responses and their associated queries that did not return a hit.
dataset: EmbeddingQAFinetuneDataset
Dataset to be used for evaluation
class_name: str
Name of Class on Weaviate host to be used for retrieval
retriever: WeaviateClient
WeaviateClient object to be used for retrieval
reranker: ReRanker
ReRanker model to be used for results reranking
alpha: float=0.5
Weighting factor for BM25 and Vector search.
alpha can be any number from 0 to 1, defaulting to 0.5:
alpha = 0 executes a pure keyword search method (BM25)
alpha = 0.5 weighs the BM25 and vector methods evenly
alpha = 1 executes a pure vector search method
retrieve_limit: int=5
Number of documents to retrieve from Weaviate host
top_k: int=5
Number of top results to evaluate
chunk_size: int=256
Number of tokens used to chunk text
hnsw_config_keys: List[str]=['maxConnections', 'efConstruction', 'ef']
List of keys to be used for retrieving HNSW Index parameters from Weaviate host
search_type: Literal['kw', 'vector', 'hybrid', 'all']='all'
Type of search to be evaluated. Options are 'kw', 'vector', 'hybrid', or 'all'
display_properties: List[str]=['doc_id', 'content']
List of properties to be returned from Weaviate host for display in response
dir_outpath: str='./eval_results'
Directory path for saving results. Directory will be created if it does not
already exist.
include_miss_info: bool=False
Option to include queries and their associated search response values
for queries that are "total misses"
user_def_params : dict=None
Option for user to pass in a dictionary of user-defined parameters and their values.
Will be automatically added to the results_dict if correct type is passed.
reranker_name = reranker.model_name if reranker else "None"
results_dict = {'n':retrieve_limit,
'top_k': top_k,
'alpha': alpha,
'Retriever': retriever.model_name_or_path,
'Ranker': reranker_name,
'chunk_size': chunk_size,
'kw_hit_rate': 0,
'kw_mrr': 0,
'vector_hit_rate': 0,
'vector_mrr': 0,
'hybrid_mrr': 0,
'total_misses': 0,
#add extra params to results_dict
results_dict = add_params(retriever, class_name, results_dict, user_def_params, hnsw_config_keys)
start = time.perf_counter()
miss_info = []
for query_id, q in tqdm(dataset.queries.items(), 'Queries'):
results_dict['total_questions'] += 1
hit = False
#make Keyword, Vector, and Hybrid calls to Weaviate host
kw_response = retriever.keyword_search(request=q, class_name=class_name, limit=retrieve_limit, display_properties=display_properties)
vector_response = retriever.vector_search(request=q, class_name=class_name, limit=retrieve_limit, display_properties=display_properties)
hybrid_response = retriever.hybrid_search(request=q, class_name=class_name, alpha=alpha, limit=retrieve_limit, display_properties=display_properties)
#rerank returned responses if reranker is provided
if reranker:
kw_response = reranker.rerank(kw_response, q, top_k=top_k)
vector_response = reranker.rerank(vector_response, q, top_k=top_k)
hybrid_response = reranker.rerank(hybrid_response, q, top_k=top_k)
#collect doc_ids to check for document matches (include only results_top_k)
kw_doc_ids = {result['doc_id']:i for i, result in enumerate(kw_response[:top_k], 1)}
vector_doc_ids = {result['doc_id']:i for i, result in enumerate(vector_response[:top_k], 1)}
hybrid_doc_ids = {result['doc_id']:i for i, result in enumerate(hybrid_response[:top_k], 1)}
#extract doc_id for scoring purposes
doc_id = dataset.relevant_docs[query_id][0]
#increment hit_rate counters and mrr scores
if doc_id in kw_doc_ids:
results_dict['kw_hit_rate'] += 1
results_dict['kw_mrr'] += 1/kw_doc_ids[doc_id]
hit = True
if doc_id in vector_doc_ids:
results_dict['vector_hit_rate'] += 1
results_dict['vector_mrr'] += 1/vector_doc_ids[doc_id]
hit = True
if doc_id in hybrid_doc_ids:
results_dict['hybrid_hit_rate'] += 1
results_dict['hybrid_mrr'] += 1/hybrid_doc_ids[doc_id]
hit = True
# if no hits, let's capture that
if not hit:
results_dict['total_misses'] += 1
miss_info.append({'query': q,
'answer': dataset.corpus[doc_id],
'doc_id': doc_id,
'kw_response': kw_response,
'vector_response': vector_response,
'hybrid_response': hybrid_response})
except Exception as e:
#use raw counts to calculate final scores
calc_hit_rate_scores(results_dict, search_type=search_type)
calc_mrr_scores(results_dict, search_type=search_type)
end = time.perf_counter() - start
print(f'Total Processing Time: {round(end/60, 2)} minutes')
record_results(results_dict, chunk_size, dir_outpath=dir_outpath, as_text=True)
if include_miss_info:
return results_dict, miss_info
return results_dict
def calc_hit_rate_scores(results_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, int]],
search_type: Literal['kw', 'vector', 'hybrid', 'all']=['kw', 'vector']
) -> None:
if search_type == 'all':
search_type = ['kw', 'vector', 'hybrid']
for prefix in search_type:
results_dict[f'{prefix}_hit_rate'] = round(results_dict[f'{prefix}_hit_rate']/results_dict['total_questions'],2)
def calc_mrr_scores(results_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, int]],
search_type: Literal['kw', 'vector', 'hybrid', 'all']=['kw', 'vector']
) -> None:
if search_type == 'all':
search_type = ['kw', 'vector', 'hybrid']
for prefix in search_type:
results_dict[f'{prefix}_mrr'] = round(results_dict[f'{prefix}_mrr']/results_dict['total_questions'],2)
def create_dir(dir_path: str) -> None:
Checks if directory exists, and creates new directory
if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
def record_results(results_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, int]],
chunk_size: int,
dir_outpath: str='./eval_results',
as_text: bool=False
) -> None:
Write results to output file in either txt or json format
results_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]
Dictionary containing results of evaluation
chunk_size: int
Size of text chunks in tokens
dir_outpath: str
Path to output directory. Directory only, filename is hardcoded
as part of this function.
as_text: bool
If True, write results as text file. If False, write as json file.
time_marker ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
ext = 'txt' if as_text else 'json'
path = os.path.join(dir_outpath, f'retrieval_eval_{chunk_size}_{time_marker}.{ext}')
if as_text:
with open(path, 'a') as f:
with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(results_dict, f, indent=4)
def add_params(client: WeaviateClient,
class_name: str,
results_dict: dict,
param_options: dict,
hnsw_config_keys: List[str]
) -> dict:
hnsw_params = {k:v for k,v in client.show_class_config(class_name)['vectorIndexConfig'].items() if k in hnsw_config_keys}
if hnsw_params:
results_dict = {**results_dict, **hnsw_params}
if param_options and isinstance(param_options, dict):
results_dict = {**results_dict, **param_options}
return results_dict