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import joblib
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
import tensorflow
from keras.losses import binary_crossentropy
from keras.optimizers import Adam
import audio_splitting
# Local Imports
import feature_extraction
def display(model_name,col2):
xgb_multi_class_names = ["Rock", "Rap & Hip-Hop", "Soul", "Classical", "Dance & Electronic", "Blues", "Jazz",
"Country", "Bebop", "Folk", "Reggae", "R&B", "Punk", "Metal", "Pop"]
# if you are interested to know why there are two different lists at the same time, the order of genres in which
# xgb was trained and others were trained are different
xmulti_class_names = ["Metal", "Blues", "Reggae", "Jazz", "Rock", "Folk", "Classical", "Dance & Electronic",
"Punk", "Bebop", "Pop", "R&B", "Country", "Rap & Hip-Hop", "Soul"]
if model_name == "XGB - (Multi Label)":
predicted_indices = model.predict(reshaped_features)
predicted_labels = []
for i in range(0, len(predicted_indices[0])):
if predicted_indices[0][i] == 1.0:
if predicted_labels:
labels = ', '.join(predicted_labels)
with col2:
st.metric(f"Predicted Genres: ",labels,label_visibility='collapsed')
with col2:
st.caption("No genres predicted for this input.")
elif model_name == "XGB Classifier - (Single Label)":
predicted_indices = model.predict(reshaped_features)
predicted_labels = [class_indices[i] for i in predicted_indices]
with col2:
st.metric("Predicted Genre:", str(predicted_labels[0]), label_visibility="collapsed")
elif model_name == "Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network - (Multi Label)" \
or model_name == "Neural Network - (Multi Label)" \
or model_name == "Convolutional Neural Network - (Multi Label)" \
or model_name == "Batch Normalization - (Multi Label)":
predicted_probabilities = model.predict(reshaped_features)
threshold = 0.3
probabilities = []
if model_name == "Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network - (Multi Label)":
predicted_labels = [class_name for i, class_name in enumerate(multi_class_names) if
predicted_probabilities[0][i] >= threshold]
probabilities = [(class_name, predicted_probabilities[0][i] * 100) for i, class_name in
predicted_labels = [class_name for i, class_name in enumerate(xmulti_class_names) if
predicted_probabilities[0][i] >= threshold]
probabilities = [(class_name, predicted_probabilities[0][i] * 100) for i, class_name in
if predicted_labels:
with col2:
st.metric(f"Predicted Genres:",str(', '.join(predicted_labels)))
st.caption("Below is a list of the probability of the sample being classified into each genre. Any "
"probability value below the threshold value (=0.35) is interpreted as the sample not being of "
"that genre ")
df = pd.DataFrame(probabilities,columns=["Genre","Probabilities"])
st.write("No genre predicted above the threshold.")
predicted_label = model.predict(reshaped_features)[0]
with col2:
st.metric("Predicted Genres:", str(predicted_label).capitalize(), label_visibility="collapsed")
# Vars
fields_df = ['Chromagram Short-Time Fourier Transform (Chroma-STFT)',
'Root Mean Square Energy (RMS)',
'Spectral Centroid',
'Spectral Bandwidth',
'Spectral Rolloff',
'Zero Crossing Rate',
'Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC-1)',
'MFCC-20', ]
url_single_label = ""
url_github = ""
url_docs = ""
st.title("Multi-Label Music Genre Classifier")
st.write("A multi-label music genre classifier based on the extension of my previous [project](%s). "
"The source files have been provided both on HuggingFace and on [Github](%s). "
"Dataset had to be created specifically, as none was available with the features and multi-labels tags for "
"each audio."
"All the models have been trained on the created dataset." % (url_single_label, url_github))
st.subheader('On Dataset Creation')
with st.expander("See explanation"):
s = 'The work done for creating the dataset were\n' \
'- Downloading the appropriate songs taken randomly from the MuMu dataset in sampled manner from ~80 genres (' \
'tags)\n' \
'- Data Cleaning which included to clean and replace the download songs as many of them were things such as album ' \
'intros, interludes or skits\n' \
'- There were also issues where the song required was not available on any platform and so had to appropriately ' \
'replaced for another proper track or I had to manually search and download\n' \
'- Each file had to properly checked to prevent any distortion or disturbances\n' \
'- Applying feature extraction on each downloaded song using the librosa library\n' \
'- Reducing the labels from ~80 to around ~15\n' \
'\nIn the end I decided to have feature extraction work on 3 second samples and thus have around ~24000 samples. ' \
'I have linked the actual dataset created from all the steps if anyone wishes to work upon it further\n'
st.subheader("Prediction of following genres")
multi_class_names = ["Bebop", "Blues", "Classical", "Country", "Dance & Electronic", "Folk", "Jazz", "Metal",
"Pop", "Punk", "R&B", "Rap & Hip-Hop", "Reggae", "Rock", "Soul"]
class_names = ["Blues", "Classical", "Country", "Disco", "HipHop",
"Jazz", "Metal", "Pop", "Reggae", "Rock"]
class_indices = {i: class_name for i, class_name in enumerate(class_names)}
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
s = ''
with col1:
for i in multi_class_names[:7]:
s += "- " + i + "\n"
s = ''
with col2:
for i in multi_class_names[8:]:
s += "- " + i + "\n"
# Upload music file
st.subheader("Upload a music file")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a music file", type=["mp3", "wav", "ogg"], label_visibility="collapsed")
if uploaded_file is not None:
# User selects a model
all_models = ["K-Nearest Neighbors - (Single Label)",
"Logistic Regression - (Single Label)",
"Support Vector Machines - (Single Label)",
"Neural Network - (Single Label)",
"XGB Classifier - (Single Label)",
"Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network - (Multi Label)",
"Convolutional Neural Network - (Multi Label)",
"XGB - (Multi Label)",
"Neural Network - (Multi Label)",
"Neural Network with Batch Normalization - (Multi Label)"]
features_list, val_list = audio_splitting.split_audio(uploaded_file)
features = feature_extraction.scale(features_list)
feature_copy = features_list
feature_copy.insert(19, "-")
st.header("Feature Extraction")
st.write("The given audio sample is processed using the librosa library to get the features extracted used by the "
"models for genre prediction. Following is the dataframe with each of the feature extracted and "
"corresponding mean and variance of the feature. The docs of [*librosa*](%s) library can be referred for a more "
"indepth explanation and implementation specifics." % url_docs)
col3, col4 = st.columns([0.55, 0.45])
# Features Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
"name": fields_df,
"Mean": feature_copy[2::2],
"Variance": feature_copy[3::2]
"name": "Features",
"Mean": "Mean of Feature",
"Variance": "Variance of Feature"
st.caption("Note: Harmonic and Percussion values generally have mean in the power of -1e5 or -1e6 and thus "
"are represented as 0.\nAlso, for the feature 'tempo' variance has not been added to keep up with the "
"consistency as presented in the original GTZAN dataset")
col1, col2 = st.columns([0.45, 0.55])
col1.subheader("Select a model")
with col1:
model_name = st.selectbox("Select a model", all_models, label_visibility="collapsed")
if model_name == "K-Nearest Neighbors - (Single Label)":
model = joblib.load("./models/knn.pkl")
elif model_name == "Logistic Regression - (Single Label)":
model = joblib.load("./models/logistic.pkl")
elif model_name == "Support Vector Machines - (Single Label)":
model = joblib.load("./models/svm.pkl")
elif model_name == "Neural Network - (Single Label)":
model = joblib.load("./models/nn.pkl")
elif model_name == "XGB Classifier - (Single Label)":
model = joblib.load("./models/xgb.pkl")
elif model_name == "XGB - (Multi Label)":
model = joblib.load("./models/xgb_mlb.pkl")
elif model_name == "Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network - (Multi Label)":
model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model("./models/model_crnn1.h5", compile=False)
elif model_name == "Neural Network - (Multi Label)":
model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model("./models/model_nn.h5", compile=False)
elif model_name == "Neural Network with Batch Normalization - (Multi Label)":
model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model("./models/model_bn.h5", compile=False)
elif model_name == "Convolutional Neural Network - (Multi Label)":
model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model("./models/model_cnn.h5",compile=False)
col2.subheader("Predicted genre")
# Reshape the features to match the expected shape for prediction
reshaped_features = features.reshape(1, -1)