File size: 4,841 Bytes
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import streamlit as st
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import umap
import pandas as pd
from word2vec import *
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import as px
# def make_3d_plot(new_3d_vectors):
# """
# Turn DataFrame of 3D vectors into a 3D plot
# DataFrame structure: ['word', 'cosine_sim', '3d_vector']
# """
# fig = plt.figure()
# ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
# plt.ion()
# # Unpack vectors and labels from DataFrame
# labels = new_3d_vectors['word']
# x = new_3d_vectors['3d_vector'].apply(lambda v: v[0])
# y = new_3d_vectors['3d_vector'].apply(lambda v: v[1])
# z = new_3d_vectors['3d_vector'].apply(lambda v: v[2])
# # Plot points
# ax.scatter(x, y, z)
# # Add labels
# for i, label in enumerate(labels):
# ax.text(x[i], y[i], z[i], label)
# # Set labels and title
# ax.set_xlabel('X')
# ax.set_ylabel('Y')
# ax.set_zlabel('Z')
# ax.set_title('3D plot of word vectors')
# return fig
# def make_3d_plot2(df):
# """
# Turn DataFrame of 3D vectors into a 3D plot using plotly
# DataFrame structure: ['word', 'cosine_sim', '3d_vector']
# """
# vectors = df['3d_vector'].tolist()
# fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x=[v[0] for v in vectors], y=[v[1] for v in vectors], z=[v[2] for v in vectors], text=df['word'])
# return fig
# def make_3d_plot3(vectors_list, word, time_slice_model):
# """
# Turn list of 100D vectors into a 3D plot using UMAP and Plotly.
# List structure: [(word, model_name, vector, cosine_sim)]
# """
# # Load model
# model = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice_model}.model')
# # Make UMAP model and fit it to the vectors
# umap_model = umap.UMAP(n_components=3)
# # Transform the vectors to 3D
# transformed_vectors = umap_model.transform(model.wv.vectors)
# # Create DataFrame from the transformed vectors
# df = pd.DataFrame(transformed_vectors, columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])
# # Add word and cosine similarity to DataFrame
# df['word'] = model.wv.index_to_key
# # Filter the DataFrame for words in vectors_list and add cosine similarity
# word_list = [v[0] for v in vectors_list]
# cosine_sim_list = [v[3] for v in vectors_list]
# # Ensure that the word list and cosine similarity list are aligned properly
# df = df[df['word'].isin(word_list)]
# df['cosine_sim'] = cosine_sim_list
# # Create plot
# fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x='x', y='y', z='z', text='word', color='cosine_sim', color_continuous_scale='Reds')
# fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=5))
# fig.update_layout(title=f'3D plot of nearest neighbours to {word}')
# return fig, df
def make_3d_plot4(vectors_list, word, time_slice_model):
Turn list of 100D vectors into a 3D plot using UMAP and Plotly.
List structure: [(word, model_name, vector, cosine_sim)]
# Load model
model = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice_model}.model')
model_dict = model_dictionary(model)
# Extract vectors and names from model_dict
all_vector_names = list(model_dict.keys())
all_vectors = list(model_dict.values())
# Scale the vectors
scaler = StandardScaler()
vectors_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(all_vectors)
# Make UMAP model and fit it to the scaled vectors
umap_model = umap.UMAP(n_components=3)
umap_result = umap_model.fit_transform(vectors_scaled)
# Now umap_result contains the 3D representations of the vectors
# Associate the names with the 3D representations
result_with_names = [(all_vector_names[i], umap_result[i]) for i in range(len(all_vector_names))]
# Only keep the vectors that are in vectors_list and their cosine similarities
result_with_names = [r for r in result_with_names if r[0] in [v[0] for v in vectors_list]]
result_with_names = [(r[0], r[1], [v[3] for v in vectors_list if v[0] == r[0]][0]) for r in result_with_names]
# Create DataFrame from the transformed vectors
df = pd.DataFrame(result_with_names, columns=['word', '3d_vector', 'cosine_sim'])
# Sort dataframe by cosine_sim
df = df.sort_values(by='cosine_sim', ascending=False)
x = df['3d_vector'].apply(lambda v: v[0])
y = df['3d_vector'].apply(lambda v: v[1])
z = df['3d_vector'].apply(lambda v: v[2])
# Create plot
fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x=x, y=y, z=z, text='word', color='cosine_sim', color_continuous_scale='Reds')
fig.update_layout(title=f'3D plot of nearest neighbours to {word}')
return fig, df