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{"question_id": "audio_7", "prediction": "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plane.", "prediction_units": "202 393 946 734 156 824 822 89 194 620 112 428 46 812 222 912 519 589 126 323 576 822 89 194 620 143 390 479 330 435 592 103 521 711 510 243 889 172 871 877 822 89 194 664 518 321 406 46 812 222 393 946 734 870 676 0 260 712 593 822 89 194 53 385 584 902 193 415 772 497", "answer": null}
{"question_id": "input_audio_3", "prediction": "My speed is first, then artificial intelligence is changing the world in many ways.", "prediction_units": "498 324 338 359 655 837 733 664 742 98 519 589 126 323 534 485 321 948 86 555 865 641 124 337 243 850 479 330 776 576 803 969 835 67 940 118 613 417 755 237 665 991 881 331 384 55 488 620 112 931 659 878 27 764 969 185 794 680 59 998 958 390 66 776 333 32 431 531 716 205 521 267 538 25 771 328 143 38 992 583 576 384 104 259 303 366 523 705 11 377 832 758 545 85 510 700 955 865 641 683 337 884 326 531 576 822 89 834 705 398 212 455 202 393 946 734 787 935 101 741 969 466 693 205 521 555 208 944 46 812 222 915 889 172 871 877 384 879 179 207 950 948 86 787 935 101 741 822 89 194 53 198 711 510 297 265 675 237 415 772 497", "answer": null}
{"question_id": "audio_0", "prediction": "The sentence is already concise, but if you'd like to make it even slower, you could say 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' with a longer pause between each word.", "prediction_units": "202 393 946 734 742 519 26 204 280 576 384 879 443 274 794 75 15 488 832 758 545 85 510 297 169 865 641 124 878 594 310 382 156 824 384 879 166 56 321 319 45 914 445 469 832 912 98 519 589 26 204 668 462 837 81 664 835 67 297 265 675 237 307 111 666 621 128 665 547 833 368 173 945 944 333 958 66 258 436 139 340 555 233 781 645 655 837 81 664 219 990 107 417 79 868 220 498 172 871 822 89 664 990 501 107 137 333 437 25 771 485 948 86 885 692 559 488 352 915 912 519 589 126 645 908 791 894 483 663 969 524 726 44 605 63 665 991 258 436 139 340 319 263 914 445 469 220 523 555 85 519 589 26 204 280 668 576 822 89 194 664 202 393 946 734 263 45 914 119 797 333 487 219 107 29 213 978 426 647 761 907 597 816 915 143 390 479 330 776 167 655 764 70 219 107 85 297 337 884 705 11 576 167 104 764 650 816 409 876 545 85 297 362 614 594 908 380 382 692 154 663 523 202 393 946 734 781 645 822 89 194 664 347 376 975 955 534 321 948 86 537 721 549 238 655 764 611 350 107 417 787 935 271 523 196 393 734 259 781 645 246 816 325 350 968 663 870 251 0 260 41 740 246 764 198 711 510 243 850 260 978 161 523 793 403 477 751 852 56 485 948 620 112 915 428 25 771 181 485 948 86 539 552 326 243 935 101 741 803 791 969 377 506 584 736 341 661 497", "answer": null}
{"question_id": "audio_23", "prediction": "As I'm trying to get your attention, watch out, there's something coming your way!", "prediction_units": "362 530 733 627 105 777 227 655 837 81 398 212 455 143 38 79 868 220 319 350 836 384 879 945 29 85 258 436 635 663 969 466 523 793 403 557 244 583 874 576 384 879 443 93 912 817 146 283 377 385 343 942 44 115 63 665 991 535 935 101 741 655 104 70 185 552 326 531 668 238 761 907 597 506 686 613 417 755 237 63 665 991 881 331 394 284 249 969 198 32 683 780 519 26 204 280 668 167 104 650 816 409 743 15 212 455 143 38 914 445 469 167 104 108 748 12 398 212 455 258 436 635 663 969 382 787 935 101 741 822 89 194 458 44 902 819 661 497", "answer": null}
{"question_id": "audio_22", "prediction": "Yes, the sentence 'This is a secret, you can't tell anyone' is an example of whispering.", "prediction_units": "258 920 384 629 835 67 905 384 70 835 67 265 675 202 393 946 734 742 519 26 204 280 576 384 879 443 93 274 794 75 788 15 333 832 758 545 85 510 337 884 202 881 331 333 873 32 683 866 700 955 865 641 124 362 734 742 98 519 26 204 280 534 485 86 990 501 712 426 647 663 377 506 686 208 613 417 755 258 436 139 340 319 263 914 445 137 576 384 907 430 795 506 29 244 583 576 384 693 521 659 878 25 423 384 879 179 207 428 950 56 82 165 787 935 101 741 455 865 641 124 362 173 179 931 428 487 319 219 522 975 576 384 907 430 816 409 757 716 205 521 932 148 787 935 101 741 333 432 32 683 589 850 126 260 323 663 466 398 377 53 455 385 584 902 415 497", "answer": null}
{"question_id": "audio_3", "prediction": "Yes, that's correct. The sentence has a quick first half and a slow second half.", "prediction_units": "258 920 384 879 70 835 67 206 265 675 237 991 881 331 907 430 945 85 337 850 914 119 607 663 466 405 556 384 879 377 219 952 686 613 417 755 193 415 772 497 63 665 991 202 393 946 734 432 742 98 519 26 204 280 576 384 879 443 274 794 75 15 488 832 758 545 85 510 470 152 784 173 641 124 362 734 263 45 272 119 387 797 333 219 107 417 479 330 776 663 969 828 835 67 940 118 233 470 821 784 761 907 430 70 66 417 878 823 175 684 136 944 565 734 742 98 519 589 126 593 645 803 791 380 828 98 519 26 204 280 576 879 219 501 137 488 352 470 821 384 907 87 164 70 390 66 417 755 415 341 497", "answer": null}
{"question_id": "audio_18", "prediction": "Here is the repeated phrase at different speeds: Practice makes perfect three times, first very slowly, then moderately, and finally very fast.", "prediction_units": "821 485 284 635 663 466 503 865 641 124 202 393 946 734 156 824 442 998 870 251 676 260 323 534 485 974 86 539 599 333 523 555 233 479 330 647 822 89 194 664 198 711 376 510 362 173 945 29 721 250 333 958 66 663 488 443 506 85 519 589 126 323 534 485 321 948 86 555 545 85 297 265 675 237 665 662 213 973 288 796 167 761 430 70 219 952 315 852 680 910 333 32 683 67 589 337 243 889 172 871 877 822 89 664 219 107 85 589 337 243 850 213 260 973 288 796 750 663 969 70 958 390 66 776 377 219 952 686 233 256 808 485 948 86 539 105 244 583 874 167 655 764 837 81 896 627 758 545 711 510 297 675 237 63 665 662 780 479 330 776 663 969 828 835 67 940 118 233 537 859 384 690 321 707 32 742 519 589 126 645 908 380 518 53 321 633 44 991 202 881 331 384 488 620 112 915 324 338 789 359 246 921 663 466 377 259 518 53 321 458 524 855 44 254 823 175 684 136 233 390 479 330 776 655 837 81 179 961 62 716 205 521 692 859 384 690 56 321 948 86 390 479 330 776 576 384 761 907 430 70 835 67 940 118 613 417 755 193 415 772 497", "answer": null}