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# This file code from T2M(, licensed under the
# Copyright (c) 2022 Chuan Guo
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import torch
from utils.metrics import *
from collections import OrderedDict
def evaluate_matching_score(eval_wrapper,motion_loaders, file):
match_score_dict = OrderedDict({})
R_precision_dict = OrderedDict({})
activation_dict = OrderedDict({})
# print(motion_loaders.keys())
print('========== Evaluating Matching Score ==========')
for motion_loader_name, motion_loader in motion_loaders.items():
all_motion_embeddings = []
score_list = []
all_size = 0
matching_score_sum = 0
top_k_count = 0
# print(motion_loader_name)
with torch.no_grad():
for idx, batch in enumerate(motion_loader):
word_embeddings, pos_one_hots, _, sent_lens, motions, m_lens, _ = batch
text_embeddings, motion_embeddings = eval_wrapper.get_co_embeddings(
dist_mat = euclidean_distance_matrix(text_embeddings.cpu().numpy(),
matching_score_sum += dist_mat.trace()
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
argsmax = np.argsort(dist_mat, axis=1)
top_k_mat = calculate_top_k(argsmax, top_k=3)
top_k_count += top_k_mat.sum(axis=0)
all_size += text_embeddings.shape[0]
all_motion_embeddings = np.concatenate(all_motion_embeddings, axis=0)
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
matching_score = matching_score_sum / all_size
R_precision = top_k_count / all_size
match_score_dict[motion_loader_name] = matching_score
R_precision_dict[motion_loader_name] = R_precision
activation_dict[motion_loader_name] = all_motion_embeddings
print(f'---> [{motion_loader_name}] Matching Score: {matching_score:.4f}')
print(f'---> [{motion_loader_name}] Matching Score: {matching_score:.4f}', file=file, flush=True)
line = f'---> [{motion_loader_name}] R_precision: '
for i in range(len(R_precision)):
line += '(top %d): %.4f ' % (i+1, R_precision[i])
print(line, file=file, flush=True)
return match_score_dict, R_precision_dict, activation_dict
def evaluate_fid(eval_wrapper,groundtruth_loader, activation_dict, file):
eval_dict = OrderedDict({})
gt_motion_embeddings = []
print('========== Evaluating FID ==========')
with torch.no_grad():
for idx, batch in enumerate(groundtruth_loader):
_, _, _, sent_lens, motions, m_lens, _ = batch
motion_embeddings = eval_wrapper.get_motion_embeddings(
gt_motion_embeddings = np.concatenate(gt_motion_embeddings, axis=0)
gt_mu, gt_cov = calculate_activation_statistics(gt_motion_embeddings)
for model_name, motion_embeddings in activation_dict.items():
mu, cov = calculate_activation_statistics(motion_embeddings)
# print(mu)
fid = calculate_frechet_distance(gt_mu, gt_cov, mu, cov)
print(f'---> [{model_name}] FID: {fid:.4f}')
print(f'---> [{model_name}] FID: {fid:.4f}', file=file, flush=True)
eval_dict[model_name] = fid
return eval_dict
def evaluate_diversity(activation_dict, file, diversity_times):
eval_dict = OrderedDict({})
print('========== Evaluating Diversity ==========')
for model_name, motion_embeddings in activation_dict.items():
diversity = calculate_diversity(motion_embeddings, diversity_times)
eval_dict[model_name] = diversity
print(f'---> [{model_name}] Diversity: {diversity:.4f}')
print(f'---> [{model_name}] Diversity: {diversity:.4f}', file=file, flush=True)
return eval_dict
def evaluate_multimodality(eval_wrapper, mm_motion_loaders, file, mm_num_times):
eval_dict = OrderedDict({})
print('========== Evaluating MultiModality ==========')
for model_name, mm_motion_loader in mm_motion_loaders.items():
mm_motion_embeddings = []
with torch.no_grad():
for idx, batch in enumerate(mm_motion_loader):
# (1, mm_replications, dim_pos)
motions, m_lens = batch
motion_embedings = eval_wrapper.get_motion_embeddings(motions[0], m_lens[0])
if len(mm_motion_embeddings) == 0:
multimodality = 0
mm_motion_embeddings =, dim=0).cpu().numpy()
multimodality = calculate_multimodality(mm_motion_embeddings, mm_num_times)
print(f'---> [{model_name}] Multimodality: {multimodality:.4f}')
print(f'---> [{model_name}] Multimodality: {multimodality:.4f}', file=file, flush=True)
eval_dict[model_name] = multimodality
return eval_dict
def get_metric_statistics(values, replication_times):
mean = np.mean(values, axis=0)
std = np.std(values, axis=0)
conf_interval = 1.96 * std / np.sqrt(replication_times)
return mean, conf_interval
def evaluation(eval_wrapper, gt_loader, eval_motion_loaders, log_file, replication_times, diversity_times, mm_num_times, run_mm=False):
with open(log_file, 'a') as f:
all_metrics = OrderedDict({'Matching Score': OrderedDict({}),
'R_precision': OrderedDict({}),
'FID': OrderedDict({}),
'Diversity': OrderedDict({}),
'MultiModality': OrderedDict({})})
for replication in range(replication_times):
print(f'Time: {}')
print(f'Time: {}', file=f, flush=True)
motion_loaders = {}
motion_loaders['ground truth'] = gt_loader
mm_motion_loaders = {}
# motion_loaders['ground truth'] = gt_loader
for motion_loader_name, motion_loader_getter in eval_motion_loaders.items():
motion_loader, mm_motion_loader,eval_generate_time = motion_loader_getter()
print(f'---> [{motion_loader_name}] batch_generate_time: {eval_generate_time}s', file=f, flush=True)
motion_loaders[motion_loader_name] = motion_loader
mm_motion_loaders[motion_loader_name] = mm_motion_loader
if replication_times>1:
print(f'==================== Replication {replication} ====================')
print(f'==================== Replication {replication} ====================', file=f, flush=True)
mat_score_dict, R_precision_dict, acti_dict = evaluate_matching_score(eval_wrapper, motion_loaders, f)
fid_score_dict = evaluate_fid(eval_wrapper, gt_loader, acti_dict, f)
div_score_dict = evaluate_diversity(acti_dict, f, diversity_times)
if run_mm:
mm_score_dict = evaluate_multimodality(eval_wrapper, mm_motion_loaders, f, mm_num_times)
print(f'!!! DONE !!!')
print(f'!!! DONE !!!', file=f, flush=True)
for key, item in mat_score_dict.items():
if key not in all_metrics['Matching Score']:
all_metrics['Matching Score'][key] = [item]
all_metrics['Matching Score'][key] += [item]
for key, item in R_precision_dict.items():
if key not in all_metrics['R_precision']:
all_metrics['R_precision'][key] = [item]
all_metrics['R_precision'][key] += [item]
for key, item in fid_score_dict.items():
if key not in all_metrics['FID']:
all_metrics['FID'][key] = [item]
all_metrics['FID'][key] += [item]
for key, item in div_score_dict.items():
if key not in all_metrics['Diversity']:
all_metrics['Diversity'][key] = [item]
all_metrics['Diversity'][key] += [item]
for key, item in mm_score_dict.items():
if key not in all_metrics['MultiModality']:
all_metrics['MultiModality'][key] = [item]
all_metrics['MultiModality'][key] += [item]
mean_dict = {}
if replication_times>1:
for metric_name, metric_dict in all_metrics.items():
print('========== %s Summary ==========' % metric_name)
print('========== %s Summary ==========' % metric_name, file=f, flush=True)
for model_name, values in metric_dict.items():
# print(metric_name, model_name)
mean, conf_interval = get_metric_statistics(np.array(values),replication_times)
mean_dict[metric_name + '_' + model_name] = mean
# print(mean, mean.dtype)
if isinstance(mean, np.float64) or isinstance(mean, np.float32):
print(f'---> [{model_name}] Mean: {mean:.4f} CInterval: {conf_interval:.4f}')
print(f'---> [{model_name}] Mean: {mean:.4f} CInterval: {conf_interval:.4f}', file=f, flush=True)
elif isinstance(mean, np.ndarray):
line = f'---> [{model_name}]'
for i in range(len(mean)):
line += '(top %d) Mean: %.4f CInt: %.4f;' % (i+1, mean[i], conf_interval[i])
print(line, file=f, flush=True)
return mean_dict
return all_metrics