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import gradio as gr
import uuid
# Sample data for menu items (You can replace these with your actual menu items)
menu_items = [
{"id": 1, "name": "Burger", "price": 5.99},
{"id": 2, "name": "Pizza", "price": 8.99},
{"id": 3, "name": "Pasta", "price": 7.99},
{"id": 4, "name": "Salad", "price": 4.99},
{"id": 5, "name": "Soda", "price": 1.99}
# Simulated database (In real applications, use a real database)
customers = {} # Stores customers by phone number
session_data = {}
# Function for user registration (signup)
def signup(name, phone):
if phone in customers:
return f"Phone number {phone} is already registered. Please log in."
# Create a unique customer ID
customer_id = f"CUST{str(uuid.uuid4().int)[:6]}" # Shortened unique customer ID
customers[phone] = {"name": name, "phone": phone, "customer_id": customer_id}
return f"Signup successful! Welcome {name}. Your customer ID is {customer_id}."
# Function for user login
def login(phone):
if phone in customers:
customer = customers[phone]
session_data['customer_id'] = customer['customer_id']
session_data['customer_name'] = customer['name']
return f"Welcome {customer['name']}! You are now logged in."
return "Phone number not found. Please register first."
# Display menu after login
def display_menu():
if 'customer_id' not in session_data:
return "Please log in first to view the menu."
menu = "\n".join([f"{item['id']}. {item['name']} - ${item['price']}" for item in menu_items])
return f"Welcome, {session_data['customer_name']}! Here is the menu:\n\n{menu}"
# Add item to cart
def add_to_cart(item_id, quantity):
if 'customer_id' not in session_data:
return "Please log in first to add items to your cart."
cart = session_data.get('cart', [])
cart.append({"item_id": item_id, "quantity": quantity})
session_data['cart'] = cart
return f"Item added to cart. Cart has {len(cart)} item(s)."
# View cart contents
def view_cart():
if 'customer_id' not in session_data:
return "Please log in first to view your cart."
cart = session_data.get('cart', [])
cart_items = []
total_price = 0
for item in cart:
item_details = next((menu_item for menu_item in menu_items if menu_item['id'] == item['item_id']), None)
if item_details:
cart_items.append(f"{item_details['name']} x {item['quantity']} - ${item_details['price'] * item['quantity']}")
total_price += item_details['price'] * item['quantity']
return "\n".join(cart_items) + f"\nTotal Price: ${total_price}"
# Proceed to order function
def proceed_to_order(table_number):
if 'customer_id' not in session_data:
return "Please log in first to proceed with your order."
order_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Generate unique order ID
cart = session_data.get('cart', [])
order_details = {
"order_id": order_id,
"customer_id": session_data['customer_id'],
"customer_name": session_data['customer_name'],
"table_number": table_number,
"items": cart
session_data['cart'] = [] # Clear cart after order
return f"Order ID: {order_id}\nTable Number: {table_number}\nOrder Details: {order_details}"
# Gradio Interface for Signup (Registration)
signup_interface = gr.Interface(fn=signup, inputs=["text", "text"], outputs="text", title="Signup")
# Gradio Interface for Login
login_interface = gr.Interface(fn=login, inputs="text", outputs="text", title="Login")
# Gradio Interface for Menu
menu_interface = gr.Interface(fn=display_menu, inputs=None, outputs="text", title="Menu")
# Gradio Interface for Cart
cart_interface = gr.Interface(fn=view_cart, inputs=None, outputs="text", title="Cart")
# Gradio Interface for Proceed to Order
order_interface = gr.Interface(fn=proceed_to_order, inputs="text", outputs="text", title="Proceed to Order")
# Launch Gradio app with multiple tabs
demo = gr.TabbedInterface([signup_interface, login_interface, menu_interface, cart_interface, order_interface], ["Signup", "Login", "Menu", "Cart", "Order"])