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# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
import contextlib
import glob
import os
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
class WorkingDirectory(contextlib.ContextDecorator):
"""Usage: @WorkingDirectory(dir) decorator or 'with WorkingDirectory(dir):' context manager."""
def __init__(self, new_dir):
"""Sets the working directory to 'new_dir' upon instantiation."""
self.dir = new_dir # new dir
self.cwd = Path.cwd().resolve() # current dir
def __enter__(self):
"""Changes the current directory to the specified directory."""
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Restore the current working directory on context exit."""
def increment_path(path, exist_ok=False, sep='', mkdir=False):
Increments a file or directory path, i.e. runs/exp --> runs/exp{sep}2, runs/exp{sep}3, ... etc.
If the path exists and exist_ok is not set to True, the path will be incremented by appending a number and sep to
the end of the path. If the path is a file, the file extension will be preserved. If the path is a directory, the
number will be appended directly to the end of the path. If mkdir is set to True, the path will be created as a
directory if it does not already exist.
path (str, pathlib.Path): Path to increment.
exist_ok (bool, optional): If True, the path will not be incremented and returned as-is. Defaults to False.
sep (str, optional): Separator to use between the path and the incrementation number. Defaults to ''.
mkdir (bool, optional): Create a directory if it does not exist. Defaults to False.
(pathlib.Path): Incremented path.
path = Path(path) # os-agnostic
if path.exists() and not exist_ok:
path, suffix = (path.with_suffix(''), path.suffix) if path.is_file() else (path, '')
# Method 1
for n in range(2, 9999):
p = f'{path}{sep}{n}{suffix}' # increment path
if not os.path.exists(p): #
path = Path(p)
if mkdir:
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make directory
return path
def file_age(path=__file__):
"""Return days since last file update."""
dt = ( - datetime.fromtimestamp(Path(path).stat().st_mtime)) # delta
return dt.days # + dt.seconds / 86400 # fractional days
def file_date(path=__file__):
"""Return human-readable file modification date, i.e. '2021-3-26'."""
t = datetime.fromtimestamp(Path(path).stat().st_mtime)
return f'{t.year}-{t.month}-{}'
def file_size(path):
"""Return file/dir size (MB)."""
if isinstance(path, (str, Path)):
mb = 1 << 20 # bytes to MiB (1024 ** 2)
path = Path(path)
if path.is_file():
return path.stat().st_size / mb
elif path.is_dir():
return sum(f.stat().st_size for f in path.glob('**/*') if f.is_file()) / mb
return 0.0
def get_latest_run(search_dir='.'):
"""Return path to most recent '' in /runs (i.e. to --resume from)."""
last_list = glob.glob(f'{search_dir}/**/last*.pt', recursive=True)
return max(last_list, key=os.path.getctime) if last_list else ''
def make_dirs(dir='new_dir/'):
# Create folders
dir = Path(dir)
if dir.exists():
shutil.rmtree(dir) # delete dir
for p in dir, dir / 'labels', dir / 'images':
p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make dir
return dir