File size: 7,843 Bytes
4529978 707d248 d7a157d 7a1892c d7a157d 7a1892c 4529978 abf5145 4529978 37ccb21 d12540a abf5145 d631e11 603074c d631e11 4522da4 abf5145 4529978 f70fecd 5d07cf3 b22223b f70fecd 6a4b31a 3bf3b1e f7f3d55 5d07cf3 3bf3b1e 4529978 b14a168 093db42 9236d36 f71ba4a 9236d36 603074c 6da80fe 4529978 4dd48d8 454ee33 aa649e8 60250ba 115e24e 779d92d 3c44956 4529978 7a1892c 952d497 d6a899e 7a1892c 35a6b1a 6a4b31a e25c598 35a6b1a |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 |
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import streamlit as st
import time
# For outputting the final type but in color
type_to_color = {
'GRASS': "#33FF3F",
'FIRE': "#FF4533",
'BUG': "#AFFF33",
'NORMAL': "#000000",
'DARK': "#10081A",
'POISON': "#E36DED",
'GROUND': "#7F5131",
'ICE': "#B3FEFF",
'STEEL': "#6E6E6E",
'FIGHTING': "#AB7148",
'ROCK': "#4A3727",
'GHOST': "#DDD2F4",
'DRAGON': "#DB8645",
'FLYING': "#98E6FF"
# Input your X values for prediction (a NumPy array)--------------------
options = ['Type', 'BST', 'HP', 'Attack', 'Defense', 'Sp. Attack', 'Sp. Defense', 'Speed']
# Create the multiselect
selected_options = st.multiselect('Select which stats you already have (Pick 2-7):', options)
input_feature_length = len(selected_options)
while input_feature_length not in range(2,8):
loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(f'Pokemon_Trained_Models/{input_feature_length}feature_model.HDF5')
# Initializing a numpy array to house input values
X_values = np.zeros((1,int(input_feature_length)+8))
options_to_positions = {
'Type': 0,
'BST': 1,
'HP': 2,
'Attack': 3,
'Defense': 4,
'Sp. Attack': 5,
'Sp. Defense': 6,
'Speed': 7,
# Reversing the options_to_positions dictionary so I can use it to label output stats
reversed_options_to_positions = {v: k for k, v in options_to_positions.items()}
# Ordering selected_options numerically based on options_to_positions dictionary
selected_options = sorted(selected_options, key=lambda x: options_to_positions[x])
# Adding the indicator vector based on selected stats
indicator_positions = [options_to_positions[i] for i in selected_options]
for i in indicator_positions:
X_values[0, i+input_feature_length] = 1
types_to_numbers = {
'GRASS': 0.056,
'FIRE': 0.112,
'BUG': 0.224,
'NORMAL': 0.28,
'DARK': 0.336,
'POISON': 0.392,
'ELECTRIC': 0.448,
'GROUND': 0.504,
'ICE': 0.56,
'FAIRY': 0.616,
'STEEL': 0.672,
'FIGHTING': 0.728,
'PSYCHIC': 0.784,
'ROCK': 0.84,
'GHOST': 0.896,
'DRAGON': 0.952,
'FLYING': 1.008
option_stat_ranges = {'BST': 'BST (175-1125)', 'HP': 'HP (1-255)', 'Attack': 'Attack (5-190)', 'Defense': 'Defense (5-250)', 'Sp. Attack': 'Sp. Attack (10-194)', 'Sp. Defense': 'Sp. Defense (20-250)', 'Speed': 'Speed (5-200)'}
counter = 0
for i in selected_options:
counter += 1
if 'Type' == i:
selected_type = st.selectbox('What type is the Pokemon:', pokemon_types)
X_values[0, counter-1] = types_to_numbers[selected_type]
while True:
X_values[0, counter-1] = st.text_input(f'What is the value for {option_stat_ranges[i]}?')
except Exception:
# Changing 'Type' to 'Type 1' so it fits the name in the .csv file
selected_options = ['Type 1' if item == 'Type' else item for item in selected_options]
# Define the file path
file_path = "pokemon.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
columns_to_delete = ['Dex No', 'Name', 'Base Name', 'Type 2']
df = df.drop(columns=columns_to_delete)
#Copy dataframe for future refernce:
old_df = df.copy()
#Selecting columns that will be scaled
values_to_scale = X_values[0, 0:input_feature_length]
#Scaling the columns with Min-Max Scaling
counter_2 = 0
for stat in selected_options:
counter_2 +=1
if stat != 'Type 1':
min_value = df[stat].min()
max_value = df[stat].max()
X_values[0, counter_2-1] = (X_values[0, counter_2-1] - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)
# Extract indices of '1' values-----------------------------------------
indices_of_ones = [index for index, value in enumerate(X_values[0]) if value == 1]
# Changing values so they fit their appropriate column
for i in range(len(indices_of_ones)):
indices_of_ones[i] -= input_feature_length-1
print("Indices of '1' values:", indices_of_ones)
# Use the '1' values to find what the export columns will be---
full_range = list(range(1, 9))
# Find the missing indices by taking the set difference
missing_indices = list(set(full_range) - set(indices_of_ones))
# Use the model to make predictions-------------------------------------
Y_values = loaded_model.predict(X_values)
List_Y_values = Y_values[0].tolist()
print(f"Raw Output Values: {List_Y_values}")
# Initializing 'converted_Y_values' to be same length as 'Y_values'
converted_Y_values = [None] * (len(missing_indices))
#_------------ Making values readable (undoing min-max and other scaling)
if 1 in indices_of_ones:
converted_Y_values = [None] * (len(missing_indices))
#'len(missing_indices)' is the length of the 'missing_indices'
for i in range(len(missing_indices)):
# Defining Min-Max Values, using the indicies value to match elements
min_max_values = {
2: [old_df['BST'].min(), old_df['BST'].max()],
3: [old_df['HP'].min(), old_df['HP'].max()],
4: [old_df['Attack'].min(), old_df['Attack'].max()],
5: [old_df['Defense'].min(), old_df['Defense'].max()],
6: [old_df['Sp. Attack'].min(), old_df['Sp. Attack'].max()],
7: [old_df['Sp. Defense'].min(), old_df['Sp. Defense'].max()],
8: [old_df['Speed'].min(), old_df['Speed'].max()]
temp_min_max = min_max_values[missing_indices[i]]
# Undo the min-max scaling
converted_Y_values[i] = List_Y_values[i] * (temp_min_max[1] - temp_min_max[0]) + temp_min_max[0]
converted_Y_values = [None] * (len(missing_indices) - 1)
# Converting 'Type 1' back to readable type
type_output_indicator = True
closest_type = None
min_difference = float('inf')
# Finding closest type for the value
for pokemon_type, value in types_to_numbers.items():
difference = abs(Y_values[0,0] - value)
if difference < min_difference:
min_difference = difference
closest_type = pokemon_type
# Delete the '1' from missing indices because it's dealt with above
del missing_indices[0]
del List_Y_values[0]
for i in range(len(missing_indices)):
# Defining Min-Max Values, using the indicies value to match elements
min_max_values = {
2: [old_df['BST'].min(), old_df['BST'].max()],
3: [old_df['HP'].min(), old_df['HP'].max()],
4: [old_df['Attack'].min(), old_df['Attack'].max()],
5: [old_df['Defense'].min(), old_df['Defense'].max()],
6: [old_df['Sp. Attack'].min(), old_df['Sp. Attack'].max()],
7: [old_df['Sp. Defense'].min(), old_df['Sp. Defense'].max()],
8: [old_df['Speed'].min(), old_df['Speed'].max()]
temp_min_max = min_max_values[missing_indices[i]]
# Undo the min-max scaling
converted_Y_values[i] = List_Y_values[i] * (temp_min_max[1] - temp_min_max[0]) + temp_min_max[0]
# For making the 'closest_type' text the color of the type
color = type_to_color[closest_type]
st.write("Output Stats:")
if 'closest_type' in vars():
st.write(f"<p style='color: {color};'>Type - {closest_type}</p>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
counter_3 = 0
for i in missing_indices:
st.write(f"{reversed_options_to_positions[i-1]} - {round(converted_Y_values[counter_3])}")
counter_3 +=1 |