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from functools import partial
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
import gdown
from load import load_model, load_json
from load import load_unit_motion_embs_splits, load_keyids_splits
<div class="embed_hidden">
<h1 style='text-align: center'>TMR: Text-to-Motion Retrieval Using Contrastive 3D Human Motion Synthesis </h1>
<h2 style='text-align: center'>
<a href="" target="_blank"><nobr>Mathis Petrovich</nobr></a>  
<a href="" target="_blank"><nobr>Michael J. Black</nobr></a>  
<a href="" target="_blank"><nobr>Gül Varol</nobr></a>
<h2 style='text-align: center'>
<nobr>arXiv 2023</nobr>
<h3 style="text-align:center;">
<a target="_blank" href=""> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> Paper </button></a>
<a target="_blank" href=""> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> Code </button></a>
<a target="_blank" href=""> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> Webpage </button></a>
<a target="_blank" href=""> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> BibTex </button></a>
<h3> Description </h3>
This space illustrates <a href='' target='_blank'><b>TMR</b></a>, a method for text-to-motion retrieval. Given a gallery of 3D human motions (which can be unseen during training) and a text query, the goal is to search for motions which are close to the text query.
"A person is walking slowly",
"A person is walking in a circle",
"A person is jumping rope",
"Someone is doing a backflip",
"A person is doing a moonwalk",
"A person walks forward and then turns back",
"Picking up an object",
"A person is swimming in the sea",
"A human is squatting",
"Someone is jumping with one foot",
"A person is chopping vegetables",
"Someone walks backward",
"Somebody is ascending a staircase",
"A person is sitting down",
"A person is taking the stairs",
"Someone is doing jumping jacks",
"The person walked forward and is picking up his toolbox",
"The person angrily punching the air"
# Show closest text in the training
# css to make videos look nice
# var(--block-border-color);
CSS = """
.retrieved_video {
position: relative;
margin: 0;
box-shadow: var(--block-shadow);
border-width: var(--block-border-width);
border-color: #000000;
border-radius: var(--block-radius);
background: var(--block-background-fill);
width: 100%;
line-height: var(--line-sm);
.contour_video {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
z-index: var(--layer-5);
border-radius: var(--block-radius);
background: var(--background-fill-primary);
padding: 0 var(--size-6);
max-height: var(--size-screen-h);
overflow: hidden;
DEFAULT_TEXT = "A person is "
def humanml3d_keyid_to_babel_rendered_url(h3d_index, amass_to_babel, keyid):
# Don't show the mirrored version of HumanMl3D
if "M" in keyid:
return None
dico = h3d_index[keyid]
path = dico["path"]
# HumanAct12 motions are not rendered online
# so we skip them for now
if "humanact12" in path:
return None
# This motion is not rendered in BABEL
# so we skip them for now
if path not in amass_to_babel:
return None
babel_id = amass_to_babel[path].zfill(6)
url = f"{babel_id}.mp4"
# For the demo, we retrieve from the first annotation only
ann = dico["annotations"][0]
start = ann["start"]
end = ann["end"]
text = ann["text"]
data = {
"url": url,
"start": start,
"end": end,
"text": text,
"keyid": keyid,
"babel_id": babel_id,
"path": path
return data
def retrieve(model, keyid_to_url, all_unit_motion_embs, all_keyids, text, splits=["test"], nmax=8):
unit_motion_embs =[all_unit_motion_embs[s] for s in splits])
keyids = np.concatenate([all_keyids[s] for s in splits])
scores = model.compute_scores(text, unit_embs=unit_motion_embs)
sorted_idxs = np.argsort(-scores)
best_keyids = keyids[sorted_idxs]
best_scores = scores[sorted_idxs]
datas = []
for keyid, score in zip(best_keyids, best_scores):
if len(datas) == nmax:
data = keyid_to_url(keyid)
if data is None:
data["score"] = round(float(score), 2)
return datas
# HTML component
def get_video_html(data, video_id, width=700, height=700):
url = data["url"]
start = data["start"]
end = data["end"]
score = data["score"]
text = data["text"]
keyid = data["keyid"]
babel_id = data["babel_id"]
path = data["path"]
trim = f"#t={start},{end}"
title = f'''Score = {score}
Corresponding text: {text}
HumanML3D keyid: {keyid}
BABEL keyid: {babel_id}
AMASS path: {path}'''
# class="wrap default svelte-gjihhp hide"
# <div class="contour_video" style="position: absolute; padding: 10px;">
# width="{width}" height="{height}"
video_html = f'''
<video class="retrieved_video" width="{width}" height="{height}" preload="auto" muted playsinline onpause="this.load()"
autoplay loop disablepictureinpicture id="{video_id}" title="{title}">
<source src="{url}{trim}" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
return video_html
def retrieve_component(retrieve_function, text, splits_choice, nvids, n_component=24):
if text == DEFAULT_TEXT or text == "" or text is None:
return [None for _ in range(n_component)]
# cannot produce more than n_compoenent
nvids = min(nvids, n_component)
if "Unseen" in splits_choice:
splits = ["test"]
splits = ["train", "val", "test"]
datas = retrieve_function(text, splits=splits, nmax=nvids)
htmls = [get_video_html(data, idx) for idx, data in enumerate(datas)]
# get n_component exactly if asked less
# pad with dummy blocks
htmls = htmls + [None for _ in range(max(0, n_component-nvids))]
return htmls
if not os.path.exists("data"):
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
model = load_model(device)
splits = ["train", "val", "test"]
all_unit_motion_embs = load_unit_motion_embs_splits(splits, device)
all_keyids = load_keyids_splits(splits)
h3d_index = load_json("amass-annotations/humanml3d.json")
amass_to_babel = load_json("amass-annotations/amass_to_babel.json")
keyid_to_url = partial(humanml3d_keyid_to_babel_rendered_url, h3d_index, amass_to_babel)
retrieve_function = partial(retrieve, model, keyid_to_url, all_unit_motion_embs, all_keyids)
theme = gr.themes.Default(primary_hue="blue", secondary_hue="gray")
retrieve_and_show = partial(retrieve_component, retrieve_function)
with gr.Blocks(css=CSS, theme=theme) as demo:
videos = []
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=3):
with gr.Column(scale=2):
text = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Type the motion you want to search with a sentence",
show_label=True, label="Text prompt", value=DEFAULT_TEXT)
with gr.Column(scale=1):
btn = gr.Button("Retrieve", variant='primary')
clear = gr.Button("Clear", variant='secondary')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
splits_choice = gr.Radio(["All motions", "Unseen motions"], label="Gallery of motion",
value="All motions",
info="The motion gallery is coming from HumanML3D")
with gr.Column(scale=1):
# nvideo_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=4, maximum=24, step=4, value=8, label="Number of videos")
nvideo_slider = gr.Radio([4, 8, 12, 16, 24], label="Videos",
info="Number of videos to display")
with gr.Column(scale=2):
def retrieve_example(text, splits_choice, nvideo_slider):
return retrieve_and_show(text, splits_choice, nvideo_slider)
examples = gr.Examples(examples=[[x, None, None] for x in EXAMPLES],
inputs=[text, splits_choice, nvideo_slider],
run_on_click=False, cache_examples=False,
fn=retrieve_example, outputs=[])
i = -1
# should indent
for _ in range(6):
with gr.Row():
for _ in range(4):
i += 1
video = gr.HTML()
# connect the examples to the output
# a bit hacky
examples.outputs = videos
def load_example(example_id):
processed_example = examples.non_none_processed_examples[example_id]
return gr.utils.resolve_singleton(processed_example)
outputs=examples.inputs_with_examples, # type: ignore
), inputs=[text, splits_choice, nvideo_slider], outputs=videos)
text.submit(fn=retrieve_and_show, inputs=[text, splits_choice, nvideo_slider], outputs=videos)
splits_choice.change(fn=retrieve_and_show, inputs=[text, splits_choice, nvideo_slider], outputs=videos)
nvideo_slider.change(fn=retrieve_and_show, inputs=[text, splits_choice, nvideo_slider], outputs=videos)
def clear_videos():
return [None for x in range(24)] + [DEFAULT_TEXT], outputs=videos + [text])