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from transformers import BertPreTrainedModel
from typing import List
import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
from transformers import AutoTokenizer,BertModel
class ClassifierNER(BertPreTrainedModel):
def __init__(self,config):
self.bert = BertModel(config, add_pooling_layer=True)
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(config.tokenizer)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob)
self.loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# set classifier layer
self.clf_labels= config.clf_labels
self.clf_classes = len(self.clf_labels)
self.clf_linear = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size,self.clf_classes)
#set ner layer
self.ner_labels = config.ner_labels
self.ner_classes = len(self.ner_labels)
self.ner_linear = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size,self.ner_classes)
self.ner_lstm = nn.LSTM(config.hidden_size,config.hidden_size//2,dropout=config.hidden_dropout_prob,batch_first=True,bidirectional=True)
def forward(self,input_ids,token_type_ids,attention_mask,clf_labels=None,ner_labels=None,**kwargs):
outputs = self.bert(input_ids=input_ids,attention_mask=attention_mask,token_type_ids=token_type_ids,**kwargs)
clf_output = outputs[1]
clf_output = self.dropout(clf_output)
clf_logits = self.clf_linear(clf_output)
clf_loss = 0
if clf_labels is not None:
clf_labels_tensor = torch.tensor(clf_labels, dtype=torch.long)
clf_loss = self.loss_fct(clf_logits.view(-1, self.clf_classes), clf_labels_tensor.view(-1))
ner_output = outputs[0]
ner_output = self.dropout(ner_output)
lstm_output,hc = self.ner_lstm(ner_output)
ner_logits = self.ner_linear(lstm_output)
ner_loss = 0
if ner_labels is not None:
ner_loss = self.loss_fct(ner_logits.view(-1,self.ner_classes),ner_labels.view(-1))
if clf_labels is not None or ner_labels is not None:
loss = clf_loss + ner_loss
return loss, clf_logits, ner_logits
return clf_logits,ner_logits
def predict(self,text):
with torch.no_grad():
tokenized = self.tokenizer.encode_plus(text,truncation=True,max_length=512,return_tensors="pt",return_offsets_mapping=True)
clf_prediction,ner_prediction = self(tokenized['input_ids'],tokenized['token_type_ids'],tokenized['attention_mask'])
clf_prediction = self.clf_labels[str(torch.argmax(clf_prediction,dim=-1).item())]
ner_prediction = self.align_predictions(text,ner_prediction,tokenized['offset_mapping'])
return {"classification":clf_prediction,"entities":ner_prediction}
def align_predictions(self,text,predictions,offsets):
results = []
predictions = torch.argmax(predictions,dim=-1)[0].tolist()
offsets = offsets[0].tolist()
idx = 0
while idx < len(predictions):
pred = predictions[idx]
label = self.ner_labels[str(pred)]
if label != "O":
# Remove the B- or I-
label = label[2:]
start, end = offsets[idx]
# Grab all the tokens labeled with I-label
idx += 1
while (
idx < len(predictions)
and self.ner_labels[str(predictions[idx])] == f"I-{label}"
_, end = offsets[idx]
idx += 1
# The score is the mean of all the scores of the tokens in that grouped entity
word = text[start:end]
"label": label,
"entity": word,
"start": start,
"end": end,
idx += 1
return results |