File size: 5,969 Bytes
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long "GetOptions";
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
die("ERROR: syntax is: parse-en-egret.perl [-forest] [-split-hyphen] [-split-slash] [-mark-split] [-binarize] [-unparseable] [-raw-in PATH] [-raw-out PATH] [-egret-options OPTIONS] [-tree-converter-options OPTIONS] -egret-dir DIR -moses-dir DIR -tree-converter PATH < in > out\n")
unless &GetOptions
('egret-dir=s' => \$EGRET_DIR,
'moses-dir=s' => \$MOSES_DIR,
'tree-converter=s' => \$TREE_CONVERTER,
'forest' => \$FOREST,
'split-hyphen' => \$SPLIT_HYPHEN,
'split-slash' => \$SPLIT_SLASH,
'mark-split' => \$MARK_SPLIT,
'binarize' => \$BINARIZE,
'unparseable' => \$UNPARSEABLE,
'raw-in=s' => \$RAW_IN,
'raw-out=s' => \$RAW_OUT,
'egret-options=s' => \$EGRET_OPTIONS,
'tree-converter-options=s' => \$TREE_CONVERTER_OPTIONS
&& defined($EGRET_DIR) && defined($MOSES_DIR) && defined($TREE_CONVERTER);
die("ERROR: could not find egret directory: '$EGRET_DIR'\n") unless -d $EGRET_DIR;
die("ERROR: could not find moses directory: '$MOSES_DIR'\n") unless -d $MOSES_DIR;
die("ERROR: file not found or not executable: '$TREE_CONVERTER'\n") unless -x $TREE_CONVERTER;
# Pre-processing.
my $tmpEscaped = "/tmp/parse-en-egret.1.$$";
my $tmpDeescaped = "/tmp/parse-en-egret.2.$$";
my $tmpSplitPoints = "/tmp/parse-en-egret.3.$$";
open(ESCAPED, ">>$tmpEscaped");
open(DEESCAPED, "| $RealBin/../../tokenizer/deescape-special-chars.perl > $tmpDeescaped");
open(SPLIT_POINTS, ">>$tmpSplitPoints");
# Unsplit hyphen and slashes and write a file indicating where split points
# are required in later post-processing.
while(<STDIN>) {
print ESCAPED $_;
my @tokens = split;
my $new_token = "";
my $i = 0; # current token index in input sentence
my $j = -1; # current token index in output sentence
my $s = ""; # output sentence
my $t = ""; # split point line
while ($i <= $#tokens) {
if (defined($SPLIT_HYPHEN) && $i <= $#tokens-1 &&
$tokens[$i] eq "\@\-\@") {
my $pos = length $new_token;
$new_token .= "-$tokens[$i+1]";
$t .= "$j,$pos,- ";
$i += 2;
} elsif (defined($SPLIT_SLASH) && $i <= $#tokens-1 &&
$tokens[$i] eq "\@\/\@") {
my $pos = length $new_token;
$new_token .= "/$tokens[$i+1]";
$t .= "$j,$pos,/ ";
$i += 2;
} else {
$s .= "$new_token ";
$new_token = $tokens[$i];
$s .= "$new_token";
$s =~ s/^\s+//;
$t =~ s/^\s+//;
print DEESCAPED "$s\n";
print SPLIT_POINTS "$t\n";
# Construct the parsing / post-processing pipeline:
# Stage 1: Parse (unless the user has provided Egret input via -raw-in option).
my $pipeline = "";
if (defined($RAW_IN)) {
$pipeline .= "cat \"$RAW_IN\" |";
} else {
$pipeline .= "$EGRET_DIR/egret";
$pipeline .= " -lapcfg";
$pipeline .= " -data=$EGRET_DIR/eng_grammar";
$pipeline .= " -printForest" if $FOREST;
$pipeline .= " -i=$tmpDeescaped";
$pipeline .= " $EGRET_OPTIONS" if defined($EGRET_OPTIONS);
$pipeline .= " |";
if (defined($RAW_OUT)) {
$pipeline .= "tee \"$RAW_OUT\" |";
# Stage 2: Convert trees to forests (unless we already have forests)
unless ($FOREST) {
$pipeline .= 'sed \'s/^(//\' |'; # Remove opening (
$pipeline .= 'sed \'s/)$//\' |'; # Remove closing )
$pipeline .= "$TREE_CONVERTER";
$pipeline .= " -input_format penn";
$pipeline .= " -output_format egret";
$pipeline .= " |";
# Stage 3: Postprocess using Moses' postprocess-egret-forests
# This performs some minor transformations to the forest: Moses-style escaping
# of special characters; removal of Egret's "^g" suffixes from constituent
# labels; and marking of slash/hyphen split points (using @ characters).
$pipeline .= "$MOSES_DIR/bin/postprocess-egret-forests";
$pipeline .= " --Escape" if $FOREST;
$pipeline .= " --MarkSplitPoints $tmpSplitPoints";
$pipeline .= " |";
# Stage 4: Postprocess using Travatar's tree-converter.
# This normalizes the forest weights and performs hyphen / slash splitting (if
# requested). The option -tree-converter-options can be used to enable
# additional tree-converter transformations (such as binarization).
#my $output_format = $FOREST ? "egret" : "mosesxml";
my $output_format = $FOREST ? "egret" : "penn";
$pipeline .= "$TREE_CONVERTER";
$pipeline .= " -input_format egret";
$pipeline .= " -output_format $output_format";
# FIXME Single split option
$pipeline .= " -split \@\-\@" if defined($SPLIT_HYPHEN);
$pipeline .= " -split \@\/\@" if defined($SPLIT_SLASH);
$pipeline .= " |";
unless ($FOREST) {
$pipeline .= 'sed \'s/^()$//\' |'; # Remove empty trees (failed parses)
$pipeline .= 'sed \'s/^(/( (/\' |'; # Add Berkeley-style opening ( + blank
$pipeline .= 'sed \'s/)$/))/\' |'; # Add Berkeley-style closing )
$pipeline .= 'sed \'s/^$/(())/\' |'; # Restore empty trees (Berkeley-style)
$pipeline .= "$RealBin/berkeleyparsed2mosesxml.perl |";
$pipeline .= 'sed \'s/^<tree label="TOP"/<tree label="ROOT"/\' |';
# Run the parsing / post-processing pipeline.
open(PARSE, $pipeline);
if ($FOREST) {
while (<PARSE>) {
print $_;
} else {
open(TMPESCAPED, $tmpEscaped);
while (<PARSE>) {
my $outLine = $_;
my $unparsedLine = <TMPESCAPED>;
if ($UNPARSEABLE == 1 && length($outLine) == 1) {
print $unparsedLine;
} else {
print $outLine;
`rm $tmpSplitPoints`;
`rm $tmpDeescaped`;
`rm $tmpEscaped`;