File size: 8,905 Bytes
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import contextlib
import io
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
from fvcore.common.timer import Timer
from detectron2.structures import Boxes, BoxMode, PolygonMasks
from import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
from .avis_api.avos import AVOS
This file contains functions to parse AVIS dataset of
COCO-format annotations into dicts in "Detectron2 format".
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ["load_avis_json", "register_avis_instances"]
{"color": [220, 20, 60], "isthing": 1, "id": 1, "name": "person"},
{"color": [0, 82, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 2, "name": "violin"},
{"color": [119, 11, 32], "isthing": 1, "id": 3, "name": "guitar"},
{"color": [165, 42, 42], "isthing": 1, "id": 4, "name": "cello"},
{"color": [134, 134, 103], "isthing": 1, "id": 5, "name": "flute"},
{"color": [0, 0, 142], "isthing": 1, "id": 6, "name": "piano"},
{"color": [255, 109, 65], "isthing": 1, "id": 7, "name": "ukulele"},
{"color": [0, 226, 252], "isthing": 1, "id": 8, "name": "accordion"},
{"color": [5, 121, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 9, "name": "guzheng"},
{"color": [0, 60, 100], "isthing": 1, "id": 10, "name": "clarinet"},
{"color": [250, 170, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 11, "name": "cat"},
{"color": [100, 170, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 12, "name": "car"},
{"color": [179, 0, 194], "isthing": 1, "id": 13, "name": "saxophone"},
{"color": [255, 77, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 14, "name": "dog"},
{"color": [120, 166, 157], "isthing": 1, "id": 15, "name": "lawn_mover"},
{"color": [73, 77, 174], "isthing": 1, "id": 16, "name": "tuba"},
{"color": [0, 80, 100], "isthing": 1, "id": 17, "name": "banjo"},
{"color": [182, 182, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 18, "name": "pipa"},
{"color": [0, 143, 149], "isthing": 1, "id": 19, "name": "bassoon"},
{"color": [174, 57, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 20, "name": "airplane"},
{"color": [0, 0, 230], "isthing": 1, "id": 21, "name": "tree_harvester"},
{"color": [72, 0, 118], "isthing": 1, "id": 22, "name": "trumpet"},
{"color": [255, 179, 240], "isthing": 1, "id": 23, "name": "lion"},
{"color": [0, 125, 92], "isthing": 1, "id": 24, "name": "bass"},
{"color": [209, 0, 151], "isthing": 1, "id": 25, "name": "erhu"},
{"color": [188, 208, 182], "isthing": 1, "id": 26, "name": "horse"}]
def _get_avis_instances_meta():
thing_ids = [k["id"] for k in AVIS_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
thing_colors = [k["color"] for k in AVIS_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
assert len(thing_ids) == 26, len(thing_ids)
# Mapping from the incontiguous AVIS category id to an id in [0, 25]
thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(thing_ids)}
thing_classes = [k["name"] for k in AVIS_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
ret = {
"thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id": thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id,
"thing_classes": thing_classes,
"thing_colors": thing_colors,
return ret
def load_avis_json(json_file, image_root, dataset_name=None, extra_annotation_keys=None):
timer = Timer()
json_file = PathManager.get_local_path(json_file)
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()):
avis_api = AVOS(json_file)
if timer.seconds() > 1:"Loading {} takes {:.2f} seconds.".format(json_file, timer.seconds()))
id_map = None
if dataset_name is not None:
meta = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
cat_ids = sorted(avis_api.getCatIds())
cats = avis_api.loadCats(cat_ids)
# The categories in a custom json file may not be sorted.
thing_classes = [c["name"] for c in sorted(cats, key=lambda x: x["id"])]
meta.thing_classes = thing_classes
# It works by looking at the "categories" field in the json, therefore
# if users' own json also have incontiguous ids, we'll
# apply this mapping as well but print a warning.
if not (min(cat_ids) == 1 and max(cat_ids) == len(cat_ids)):
if "coco" not in dataset_name:
Category ids in annotations are not in [1, #categories]! We'll apply a mapping for you.
id_map = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(cat_ids)}
meta.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = id_map
# sort indices for reproducible results
vid_ids = sorted(avis_api.vids.keys())
vids = avis_api.loadVids(vid_ids)
anns = [avis_api.vidToAnns[vid_id] for vid_id in vid_ids]
total_num_valid_anns = sum([len(x) for x in anns])
total_num_anns = len(avis_api.anns)
if total_num_valid_anns < total_num_anns:
f"{json_file} contains {total_num_anns} annotations, but only "
f"{total_num_valid_anns} of them match to images in the file."
vids_anns = list(zip(vids, anns))"Loaded {} videos in AVIS format from {}".format(len(vids_anns), json_file))
dataset_dicts = []
ann_keys = ["iscrowd", "category_id", "id"] + (extra_annotation_keys or [])
num_instances_without_valid_segmentation = 0
for (vid_dict, anno_dict_list) in vids_anns:
record = {}
record["file_names"] = [os.path.join(image_root, vid_dict["file_names"][i]) for i in range(vid_dict["length"])]
record["height"] = vid_dict["height"]
record["width"] = vid_dict["width"]
record["length"] = vid_dict["length"]
video_id = record["video_id"] = vid_dict["id"]
video_objs = []
for frame_idx in range(record["length"]):
frame_objs = []
for anno in anno_dict_list:
assert anno["video_id"] == video_id
obj = {key: anno[key] for key in ann_keys if key in anno}
_bboxes = anno.get("bboxes", None)
_segm = anno.get("segmentations", None)
if not (_bboxes and _segm and _bboxes[frame_idx] and _segm[frame_idx]):
bbox = _bboxes[frame_idx]
segm = _segm[frame_idx]
obj["bbox"] = bbox
obj["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYWH_ABS
if isinstance(segm, dict):
if isinstance(segm["counts"], list):
# convert to compressed RLE
segm = mask_util.frPyObjects(segm, *segm["size"])
elif segm:
# filter out invalid polygons (< 3 points)
segm = [poly for poly in segm if len(poly) % 2 == 0 and len(poly) >= 6]
if len(segm) == 0:
num_instances_without_valid_segmentation += 1
continue # ignore this instance
obj["segmentation"] = segm
if id_map:
obj["category_id"] = id_map[obj["category_id"]]
record["annotations"] = video_objs
# audio:
audio_feats_pth = os.path.join(image_root[:-10], "FEATAudios", vid_dict['file_names'][0].split("/")[0] + '.npy')
record["audio"] = np.load(audio_feats_pth)
if num_instances_without_valid_segmentation > 0:
"Filtered out {} instances without valid segmentation. ".format(
+ "There might be issues in your dataset generation process. "
"A valid polygon should be a list[float] with even length >= 6."
return dataset_dicts
def register_avis_instances(name, metadata, json_file, image_root):
Register a dataset in AVIS's json annotation format for
instance tracking.
name (str): the name that identifies a dataset, e.g. "avis_train".
metadata (dict): extra metadata associated with this dataset. You can
leave it as an empty dict.
json_file (str): path to the json instance annotation file.
image_root (str or path-like): directory which contains all the images.
assert isinstance(name, str), name
assert isinstance(json_file, (str, os.PathLike)), json_file
assert isinstance(image_root, (str, os.PathLike)), image_root
# 1. register a function which returns dicts
DatasetCatalog.register(name, lambda: load_avis_json(json_file, image_root, name))
# 2. Optionally, add metadata about this dataset,
# since they might be useful in evaluation, visualization or logging
json_file=json_file, image_root=image_root, evaluator_type="avis", **metadata