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import re
from datasets import load_dataset
from deepmultilingualpunctuation import PunctuationModel
from multiprocess import set_start_method
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
import nltk
import spacy
# from rpunct import RestorePuncts
# rpunct = RestorePuncts()
model = PunctuationModel()
ds = load_dataset("ylacombe/mls-eng-tags", split = "train", num_proc=16)
def truecasing_by_pos(input_text):
# break input text to sentences
sent_texts = sent_tokenize(input_text)
full_text = ""
for sent_text in sent_texts:
# tokenize the text into words
words = word_tokenize(sent_text)
# apply POS-tagging on words
tagged_words = pos_tag([word.lower() for word in words])
# apply capitalization based on POS tags
capitalized_words = [w.capitalize() if t in ["NNP","NNPS"] else w for (w,t) in tagged_words]
# capitalize first word in sentence
capitalized_words[0] = capitalized_words[0].capitalize()
# join capitalized words
text_truecase = " ".join(capitalized_words)
full_text += text_truecase.strip()
return full_text.strip()
def true_case(text):
# Split the text into sentences
sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(text)
# Process each sentence
true_cased_sentences = []
for sentence in sentences:
# Tokenize the sentence
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
# Perform POS tagging
tagged = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
# Capitalize the first word of the sentence and NNP and NNPS tags
for i, (word, tag) in enumerate(tagged):
if i == 0 or tag in ('NNP', 'NNPS'):
tagged[i] = (word.capitalize(), tag)
# Join tokens back into a string, preserving punctuation
true_cased_sentence = ' '.join(word for word, tag in tagged)
# Remove spaces between punctuations and the preceding word
true_cased_sentence = re.sub(r'(\w) (\W)', r'\1\2', true_cased_sentence)
# Join the processed sentences back into a single string
true_cased_text = ' '.join(true_cased_sentences)
return true_cased_text
# Load the spaCy model
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_trf')
from spacy.util import compile_infix_regex
def custom_tokenizer(nlp):
infixes = nlp.Defaults.infixes + ['\w+(?:-\w+)+']
infix_regex = compile_infix_regex(infixes)
return spacy.tokenizer.Tokenizer(nlp.vocab, infix_finditer=infix_regex.finditer)
# Use the custom tokenizer
nlp.tokenizer = custom_tokenizer(nlp)
def true_case_spacy(text):
# Process the text with the spaCy model
doc = nlp(text)
# Initialize an empty list to hold the processed sentences
true_cased_sentences = []
# Iterate through the sentences in the Doc object
for sent in doc.sents:
# Initialize an empty list to hold the processed tokens of the current sentence
processed_tokens = []
# Iterate through the tokens in the current sentence
for i, token in enumerate(sent):
# Capitalize the first word of the sentence and proper nouns
if i == 0 or token.pos_ == 'PROPN':
# Join the processed tokens back into a string
processed_sentence = ' '.join(processed_tokens)
# Remove spaces between punctuations and the preceding word
processed_sentence = re.sub(r'(\w) (\W)', r'\1\2', processed_sentence)
# Add the processed sentence to the list of processed sentences
# Join the processed sentences back into a single string
true_cased_text = ' '.join(true_cased_sentences)
return true_cased_text
def repunctuation_apply_simple(batch):
repunct_sample = model.restore_punctuation(batch["text"])
batch["repunct_text"] = true_case_spacy(repunct_sample)
return batch
if __name__ == "__main__":
repunct_ds =, batch_size=1, num_proc=14)
repunct_ds.push_to_hub("reach-vb/mls-eng-tags-spacy-v2", split = "train")