pszemraj's picture
Librarian Bot: Add base_model information to model (#2)
license: other
- generated_from_trainer
- opt
- custom-license
- non-commercial
- email
- auto-complete
- 125m
- aeslc
- text: 'Hey <NAME>,
Thank you for signing up for my weekly newsletter. Before we get started, you''ll
have to confirm your email address.'
example_title: newsletter
- text: 'Hi <NAME>,
I hope this email finds you well. Let me start by saying that I am a big fan of
your work.'
example_title: fan
- text: 'Greetings <NAME>,
I hope you had a splendid evening at the Company sausage eating festival. I am
reaching out because'
example_title: festival
- text: 'Good Morning <NAME>,
I was just thinking to myself about how much I love creating value'
example_title: value
- text: URGENT - I need
example_title: URGENT
min_length: 4
max_length: 64
length_penalty: 0.7
no_repeat_ngram_size: 3
do_sample: false
num_beams: 4
early_stopping: true
repetition_penalty: 3.5
use_fast: false
base_model: facebook/opt-125m
> NOTE: there is currently a bug with huggingface API for OPT models. Please use the [colab notebook]( to test :)
# opt for email generation - 125m
Why write the rest of your email when you can generate it?
from transformers import pipeline
model_tag = "pszemraj/opt-125m-email-generation"
generator = pipeline(
prompt = """
Following up on the bubblegum shipment."""
) # generate
- [colab notebook]( for testing/use
## About
This model is a fine-tuned version of [facebook/opt-125m]( on an `aeslc` dataset.
- Emails, phone numbers, etc., were attempted to be excluded in a dataset preparation step using [clean-text]( in Python.
- Note that API is restricted to generating 64 tokens - you can generate longer emails by using this in a text-generation `pipeline` object
It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:
- Loss: 2.5552
## Intended uses & limitations
- OPT models cannot be used commercially
- [here is a GitHub gist]( for a script to generate emails in the console or to a text file.
## Training and evaluation data
- the `email_body` field of train + validation (get more data) from the [aeslc]( dataset.
### Training results
| Training Loss | Epoch | Step | Validation Loss |
| 2.8245 | 1.0 | 129 | 2.8030 |
| 2.521 | 2.0 | 258 | 2.6343 |
| 2.2074 | 3.0 | 387 | 2.5595 |
| 2.0145 | 4.0 | 516 | 2.5552 |
### Framework versions
- Transformers 4.20.1
- Pytorch 1.11.0+cu113
- Tokenizers 0.12.1