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# Copyright 2024 Big Vision Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
"""MLP-Mixer model."""
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from absl import logging
from big_vision import utils
from big_vision.models import common
import einops
import flax.linen as nn
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
class MlpBlock(nn.Module):
mlp_dim: int
def __call__(self, x):
y = nn.Dense(self.mlp_dim)(x)
y = nn.gelu(y)
return nn.Dense(x.shape[-1])(y)
class MixerBlock(nn.Module):
"""Mixer block layer."""
tokens_mlp_dim: int
channels_mlp_dim: int
drop_p: float
def __call__(self, x, *, train=False):
y = nn.LayerNorm()(x)
y = jnp.swapaxes(y, 1, 2)
y = MlpBlock(self.tokens_mlp_dim, name="token_mixing")(y)
y = jnp.swapaxes(y, 1, 2)
x = x + y * _stoch_depth_mask(x, self.drop_p, not train, self.make_rng)
y = nn.LayerNorm()(x)
y = MlpBlock(self.channels_mlp_dim, name="channel_mixing")(y)
return x + y * _stoch_depth_mask(x, self.drop_p, not train, self.make_rng)
class MlpMixer(nn.Module):
"""Mixer architecture."""
patch_size: Tuple[int, int]
num_classes: Optional[int]
num_blocks: int
hidden_dim: int
tokens_mlp_dim: int
channels_mlp_dim: int
model_name: Optional[str] = None
stoch_depth: float = 0.0
def __call__(self, image, *, train=False):
out = {}
x = out["stem"] = nn.Conv(self.hidden_dim, self.patch_size,
strides=self.patch_size, name="stem")(image)
x = out["input_tokens"] = einops.rearrange(x, "n h w c -> n (h w) c")
for i in range(self.num_blocks):
drop_p = (i / max(self.num_blocks - 1, 1)) * self.stoch_depth
x = out[f"block_{i}"] = MixerBlock(
self.tokens_mlp_dim, self.channels_mlp_dim, drop_p)(x, train=train)
x = nn.LayerNorm(name="pre_head_layer_norm")(x)
x = out["pre_logits"] = jnp.mean(x, axis=1)
if self.num_classes:
x = out["logits"] = nn.Dense(
self.num_classes, kernel_init=nn.initializers.zeros, name="head")(x)
return x, out
def Model(num_classes=None, *, variant=None, **kw): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Factory function to easily create a Model variant like "L/16"."""
if variant is not None:
model_size, patch = variant.split("/")
kw.setdefault("patch_size", (int(patch), int(patch)))
config = {
"S": {
"hidden_dim": 512,
"num_blocks": 8,
"channels_mlp_dim": 2048,
"tokens_mlp_dim": 256
"B": {
"hidden_dim": 768,
"num_blocks": 12,
"channels_mlp_dim": 3072,
"tokens_mlp_dim": 384
"L": {
"hidden_dim": 1024,
"num_blocks": 24,
"channels_mlp_dim": 4096,
"tokens_mlp_dim": 512
"H": {
"hidden_dim": 1280,
"num_blocks": 32,
"channels_mlp_dim": 5120,
"tokens_mlp_dim": 640
for k, v in config.items():
kw.setdefault(k, v)"Mixer config: %s", kw)
return MlpMixer(num_classes=num_classes, **kw)
def load(init_params, init_file, model_cfg, dont_load=()):
"""Load checkpoint."""
del model_cfg
# Shortcut names for some canonical paper checkpoints:
init_file = {
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# Pretrained models from the MLP-Mixer paper:
"B-i1k/16": "gs://mixer_models/imagenet1k/Mixer-B_16.npz",
"L-i1k/16": "gs://mixer_models/imagenet1k/Mixer-L_16.npz",
"B-i21k/16": "gs://mixer_models/imagenet21k/Mixer-B_16.npz",
"L-i21k/16": "gs://mixer_models/imagenet21k/Mixer-L_16.npz",
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
}.get(init_file, init_file)
restored_params = utils.load_params(init_file)
restored_params =
if "Mixer" in restored_params:
restored_params["pre_head_layer_norm"] = restored_params["Mixer"].pop(
restored_params["stem"] = restored_params.pop("embedding")
def unflatten_dense(d):
return {
"Dense_0": {
"bias": d["bias1"].squeeze(),
"kernel": d["kernel1"].squeeze(),
"Dense_1": {
"bias": d["bias2"].squeeze(),
"kernel": d["kernel2"].squeeze(),
for k, v in restored_params["Mixer"].items():
assert k.startswith("encoderblock_"), k
v["token_mixing"] = unflatten_dense(v.pop("token_mixing_phase_0"))
v["channel_mixing"] = unflatten_dense(v.pop("channel_mixing_phase_0"))
restored_params["MixerBlock_" + k[len("encoderblock_"):]] = v
del restored_params["Mixer"]
# possibly use the random init for some of the params (such as, the head).
restored_params = common.merge_params(restored_params, init_params, dont_load)
return restored_params
def _stoch_depth_mask(x, drop_p, deterministic, make_rng):
if not deterministic and drop_p:
shape = (x.shape[0],) + (1,) * (x.ndim - 1)
return 1.0 - jax.random.bernoulli(make_rng("dropout"), drop_p, shape)
return 1.0