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posted an update May 28
cooking up something....anyone interested in a daily activity tracker for HF?

@lunarflu don't forget HF unwrapped too, similar to what GitHub, Reddit and other websites do, would be fun to have


could do that!


it's not a bad idea, would be nice to have a bridge with git based on verified email, but i guess you know that already.

would be nice to track datasets and models more than demos . something like a design that's not an exact copy of micro$$oftgithub would be nice... but i dont have a solution for you...

my main ask about the hub is better control over notifications , that would be tremendously useful...


true, I'm thinking we can something simpleTM to the levelbot space, see if it's popular, then experiment with other types of contributions

omg would be sick!

It would be fun to have a prediction of my future daily activities πŸͺ„

What if we had different colors for different types of contributions, and merge colors via gradients when they happen on the same day? Something like how Apple Card does. Might be a moonshot idea but it could be kind of cool to see spaces vs datasets vs models all in the same chart



OMG finally i will have some green squares πŸ₯Ή